A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 23, 2015

The Fox and the Butterfly

Hello, my Lovelies!

I hope this finds you well and enjoying this brand new week!

As I am wont to do, I saw a couple three challenges that interested me, so I tucked in, whistled for the hamster and away we went, forthwith:
This little fox is from PTI and he came to live with us some time ago and nestled comfortably into NBUS Mountain. When I told Hammy that I wanted to play in a tag challenge and I needed some ideas, he very scientifically threw a piece of his carrot at the mountain and down tumbled Mr. Fox. Perfect. Mr. Fox is a die with a matching stamp.

I used a tiny cotton swab and painted and boinked Brilliance cosmic copper ink all over Mr. Fox, except his eyes, of course. After wards, he was liberally winked all over and he was given beautiful black eyeballs.

Setting him aside to dry, I created a page of delushious aqua watercolors and sprays / mists. (When is it a spray and when is it a mist? I mean, because I find them both in the same bottle given that if I spray close-up, it's a spray, and if I spray from far back, it's a mist. No?) I cut my tag from my paper using a PTI die, "Tag Sale #3." The "hi" die is from GKW. I cut it from a v.o. piece of metallic copper snippet. 

I had a different e/f in mind for the background, but this one caught my eye as I was flipping through. I thought it was just crying out to be used because the little triangles match Mr. Fox's ears. And then, I looked to see if I had any wood veneer stars and I don't, but who know I had wood veneer triangles? Well, not me, so they just fell into place after I dabbed some of the shiny copper ink on them.

I love when Serena Dipity comes to play with us and everything goes together like I knew what I was doing!
Grab button for Uniko Studio Challenge


The twofer:
Butterflies were called for because I recently saw on my friend Greta's blog that Memory Box has started a challenge and if there's one thing I have it's Memory Box dies. Cough. This first challenge wants butterflies.

Using another area of my watercolor sheet, this time I cut a tag using MFT Die-namics die, "Tag You're It." The butterfly is made from two Memory Box coordinating dies: "Vivienne" and "Darla," liberally winked. The hello die is from Stamps of Life, liberally winked. (Yes, I know, addicted.) The tag is popped on a snippet of old patterned paper, which is attached to a lime green card, embossed with an e/f from Craft Concepts.

(A lot of you may remember Vivienne and Darla from the movie of the same name about these two dames who decided they wanted to open their own hair salon, but just as the business was about to open, the 1906 earthquake struck San Francisco and that was the end of that. But the movie ended happily for them, as all movies did in those days. They ended up marrying the two firemen who found them buried, but alive, under the brand new pink wash basins. I'll tell you about the sequel and the mysterious letter another time.)

A close-up of the sheeny shine:
And just for laughs, an idea of what surprises I sometimes find when I download photos taken in the Great Out of Doors!
Grab My Button.
The challenge links will provide you with all the information you need to join in!


Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!*

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!
*Life is too short!

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Loll said...

Two fabulous cards Dolly! Love your sprayed (or misted) card cut into the tags. So pretty. I'm really not sure about the difference ... I always things of sprays as coloured inks and mists as clear water. But that's just me and I'm probably wrong. :)

LOVE the card you made for HLS ... the fox is so adorable and I love how all the elements fit perfectly together. And your butterfly card is such pretty colours.

Thanks for playing along with Happy Little Stampers, my friend!! :) Lolly xx

Bonnie said...

Your fox is adorable as well as the sprayed tag! Serena Dipity is alive and well! Love the butterfly and that frame (without the bug, thank you)! All that winking must have your eyes pretty tired. Go take a rest now....

Lisa said...

Your posts are so entertaining, Darnell!! I just love reading them!! What gorgeous cards!! I love the sweet fox!! How clever to use the wood triangles to match the ears!! And your butterfly card is beautiful!! I love the colors and of course, the amazing sparkle!! Have a great evening :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Leslee said...

Darnell, you've been a busy bee out in your playroom! I adore your foxy card. The butterfly is pretty, too. I have a number of those Memory Box dies and I try to give them a good work out!

Mrs A. said...

You are a one Darnell. I suppose as there are flowers on your card your must heckpeck there to be bugs crawling about too. Hope Hammy has gotten over his brush with the sequins. I saw the new challenge and checked to see if I had any dies which I do indeey do. Internet fell over Sunday evening but it picked itself up and has been ok since but we are going to have to upgrade to a newer system. Just sorting out the macannics of it all. Thankyou for fluttering by #33.
Hugs Mrs A.

Unknown said...

Clearly Mr. Bumble has good taste since he chose your card over the flowers in the garden.

Hammy should get an extra carrot for "picking" Mr. Fox. He is too cute. And Serena Dipity was spot on with the e/f and veneer triangles.

I think your wink addiction is a healthy addiction since it results in such fabulous sparkle on your cards. I say embrace the sparkle.

I thought the green paper on the butterfly card was a store bought glitter paper it was so sparkly.

Fantabulous pair of cards.

Lisa Elton said...

Another pair of cuteness Darnell! Your winked up little fox is darling. My DIL just bought Penelope PJ's with little pink fox feet ~ GAH too cute!! Your second card is as cute as can be with the sweet sparkly butterfly. Thanks for the inspiration ;)

Aileen said...

Darnell you are sure a busy little bee. I see another mention on your beautiful cards, this time at CAS the butterfly card. Congratulations.
Love these two cards and those triangles so work with your fox. So tell me when you finish does mister get blinded by all the sparkle and shine from all your glittering???

Birgit said...

Um..I had to giggle as a bad school girl when I read the word "boinked". I know, I am bad. I am slapping my fingers. Now I love Mr. Fox-So cute and love the layout. I also love that butterfly card with the misty colours. I have to get some wink of stella for sure!

Becca Cruger said...

Foxes are my jam, as the kids would say. I love them... and I think I *need* to own this one. I maaaaaay have memorized all the dance steps to "What Does the Fox Say?" I love the glamor you gave him - who says sparkliness is just for girls?!

And your second card - that frame is so cool! It looks like an actual picture! No wonder why that ant wanted to crawl up in there. He thought he would be famous. Little did he know that he was right, because he made your blog!

Sarah said...

I do so love reading your posts and this was no exception, particularly having just read your comment on my creepy no mouthed stamp and her cuppa...that tiny detail had passed me by!! Love the fox which, by coincidence, has sent a member of it's family to sit on my lawn over the weekend. The embossing folder was indeed perfect. Love the gorgeous butterfly tag with those gorgeous colours and perfect splash of red too xx

Greta said...

Darling fox card, Darnell--love the Brilliance ink & super neat embossing folder! Glad I led you to the MB challenge--clearly you were inspired! Beautiful butterfly--love the winking!

Karen said...

Darnell, your cards are wonderful! They bring joy to my heart. The fox is a whimsical delight and the butterfly is sheer beauty! Both designs are lovely, as is always the case with your sweet creations. Thank you for inspiring us so consistently.. you are a gem. :o) Have a blessed and sparkly night!

Hugs and blessings,

Sue said...

Thank you for cheering me up Darnell!
Your cards are gorgeous. I love the fox with the added sparkle, the embossing and details are perfect. The butterfly card is equally gorgeous, a fabulous design and beautiful colours.
hugs Sue xx

shirley-bee said...

Two gorgeous tag cards, Darnell! I love Mr Fox, he's so cute :). Well done Hammy on his scientific selection. I might try that method :)

Stamps and Paper said...

Love your cute fox tag card Darnell and love the girgeous colours on your butterfly card


Liz said...

Your posts are so entertaining Darnell! I had a good chuckle reading today's post this morning (8.30am here), a great way to start off the day! Two fabulous cards again. Love that little fox and the embossing folder is just perfect. xx

Jane Willis said...

Such gorgeous cards, especially the fox one. He is so adorable and that embossed background is perfect for him. I really ought to have learned by now not to read your posts while I eat my breakfast. Now I have to wipe cornflakes off the screen.....

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Darnell, between Hammy and the wild life from the great outdoors we never know quite what we will see - love it!
Your cards are fabulous - as ever - and I just wish Serena Dippity would come and play at my place a bit more :-)

Carole Z said...

Fab cards Darnell, love the little fox...sorry I haven't visited for a week or so, been on holiday! Hugs Carole Z X

Sue said...

That Fox is so cute. I love both cards.

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

Ros Crawford said...

Your cards are fabulous!!I'm so glad you could join us this week at CCCB!!

Pat said...

Love those prettily sprayed tags and the glittery fox is a cutie and who doesn't love butterflies. Two gorgeous makes Darnell. x

Gerrina said...

Both beautiful cards! I really like how you play with glimmer and glitter; never to much! Again on these cards it really adds interest! Enjoy the week! Hugs, Gerrina

mandysea said...

What a tiny little critter! Thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World (and love your fox card too!)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are gorgeous! LOVING the fox and the butterfly! And LOL to the ant!! That has happened to me before too! LOL!!!!!!

Julia Aston said...

Two lovelies today Darnell - wonderful triangles and shimmer all over mr fox card and your butterfly is ready to take flight off your bright and beautiful second card - the ant probably spooked her!! Julia xx

Jeanne said...

Such delightful cards, Darnell. Thanks so much for sharing them! Adore your coppery and glittery fox! Way to work with what you have with those triangles. So fun. Adore the butterfly. I'm a sucker for butterflies of any flavor. Guess you have a little friend who is as well. I always enjoy your blog, thanks for the smiles!

~amy~ said...

BOTH cards are wonderful...that fox is just too cute and I love that the butterfly has a friend.

Migdalia said...

The fox card is just way too cute. As for the butterfly card ..BEAUTIFUL!!
Awesome cards.
Have a wonderful day,
Crafting With Creative M

Happy Dance said...

Thank heavens for Hammie's carrot! That fox card is just about the cutest card ever. Love every single thing about it! And WoS addiction? No way! It's often the perfect addition to any card. So you just keep right on winking! LOVE this sweet little fox, and the buttery-fly card too. Especially the colors. Especially the design. Especially the ultra cool ef. Especially the dp. Ok, ok, I just love the whole card especially. Can't wait to hear more about Vivienne and Darla! Have a wonderful Wednesday my sweet friend. Miss you!!! Bev

Nessa's Crafty Place said...

Gorgeous cards today Darnell-Mr Fox is just too cute!
What a sneaky little Anty thing muscling in on your piccy there!
Thank you for letting me know about my Top 3 win today-and Congrats to you roo with your gorgeous creation :)
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Hugs,Nessa xxxx

Laura Norris said...

Mr. Fox is just the cutest! So glad he tumbled right off that NBUS mountain! The wood triangles are the perfect accent, better than stars, so good thing you didn't have those!! Enjoy your day Darnell.

sandie said...

I immediately focused on the texture of your first card, love the embossing folder and Mr Fox is so cute. Adore all the sparkle on the second card and thanks for joining Uniko x

Shoshi said...

Great projects, Darnell, and you managed to capture the glitteriness too, which is always hard to photograph. Thank you for your visit, and your very kind words about my post - I am so glad you enjoyed reading it.


505whimsygirl said...

hi Darnellt. Thank you for the birthday card; you are so sweet. Unfortunately I did have to put retirement on hold. I kept looking at the numbers and they never changed for my benefit.
I had my left knee replaced on June 8. the first two weeks are the hardest so glad to be over that. I'm looking forward to having two good knees and being able to walk without any pain.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

Verna Angerhofer said...

Super wonderful cards. I love that little fox one and all the extras you added to make it special.

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

I have gone back to my last visit, and I am exhausted from talking to myself and gasping at all the fun and beauty! (hanging my head now for being so behind, sorry). So many cute critters, vibrant flowers, and adorable live littles! This foxy is a sweetie, and I love that embossed background! The heat has not made for much energy. yuck!

conil said...

Well Darnell, haven't you been clever with your critters. That fox looks perfect on your tag, as does the lovely butterfly. Let's just say I am happily addicted, as well. Vivienne & Darla's twins live at my house. Both "tagged" cards look like winners to me. (Funny, missed that movie, though.)

Sue said...

These two cards are beautiful Darnell. I love Mr Fox, and using brilliance ink and a q tip is sheer 'brilliance' in itself. The effect is stunning and the card just perfect.

Nelleke said...

Wat een leuke kaarten! Groetjes. Nelleke

Kim Heggins said...

Two fabulous card Miss Darnell...I really love the bug and the butterfly, so fun. And your sweet fox card is as fabulous as they come. Love that amazing background!

Em Louise Fairley said...

These are both gorgeous, Darnell. Love them!

Redanne said...

A real feast for the eyes, these two! I just love the gorgeous sparkly little fox, you have coloured him so beautifully, he has some lovely looking texture! The butterfly is just stunning and the background is beautiful. The little ant....not so sure about him but he stands out beautifully against the green! Hugs, Annie xxx

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

That is pretty, thanks for sharing with us at CCCB!

oldpunca said...

Dear Darnell, your hamster has great ideas and you two are a superb team! :-)) To say "hi" with a fox is really sweet. Also the colour combination is great. The second card with a green butterfly on a blue background is nice and fresh. Just love your cards. :-))
Hugs, Sonja

Krisha said...

Oh Darnell, your post always brings a smile to my face.....unless it's bad news.

Cute little fox and the butterfly card is very pretty

Have a great...rest...of...the...week

Katherine said...

Love the "wildlife" photo on your Hello card!!! :)

Sharon Underwood said...

You put a lot into those two cards, and it shows! Way to go!

Shelly said...

Two super sweet cards!

Tenia Nelson said...

Wonderful cards!

nwilliams6 said...

Very cool bgs on both cards! Love the shimmer and tags. The little fox is darling and the 'fly is super pretty. Your creative descriptions are always so entertaining. I need to get that movie - it sounds fun. Hugz

Karen P said...

These beautiful wee beasties just popped up in my email account and told me off! So very very sorry it's been so long since I visited. I duff my tit for that to Missy D and Master Hammy and humbly apologise.

I do love foxes, as well as owls, hummers, and butterflies and I just had to come on over and check this Mr Fox out. That stamp is to go to the top of my wish list Missy D - he's wonderful and you've captured the colour of his fur beautifully. We used to be visited many times by a Mr Fox but once more houses were built around us - well we've not seen him for many years, sadly.

I'm hoping to get a couple more cards made this week so that I can enter them into that new challenge as Missy Pixie let us know that there was a new challenge blog and I actually do have a MB butterfly die, love their dies but have limited choice, lol, it's always been the stamps that I have to have and I'm still like that twenty years later lol. Have a good week and weekend - I'm off out to play - will tell more next week, wheee, wheee, wheee! Karen xx

Rubeena I. said...

Oh Darnell, your posts always make me laugh!! That fox is awesome and so are your cards!!!! :) And you! :D

Rubeena I. said...

Also, I don't know if it's mist or spray either ;-)

Cheryl W. said...

Looks like you were in great crafting form when you made these two cards, Darnell. I especially love that sparkly fox! I think all foxes should have glittery fur, don't you?

Tracey McNeely said...

Love these cards Darnell! The fox and the butterfly and super cute! Fabulous designs. Gotta see that movie, I love old movies! Thank you for sharing at Tag You're It!

Cat Craig said...

Two loveable cards Darnell, that fox is so sweet and the butterfly so delicate.

Anonymous said...

Two wonderful cards. The fox is very cute and I simply can't resist a lacy butterfly :)

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Fantastic cards Darnell
have a great day
hugs Tamara

Scrapmate said...

2 great cards. I love your narrative of how these came about.

Manuela said...

Hi Darnell, pretty cards, (the fox card it super cute)and what a fun shot with the little ant on it, great captured! Have a great day Manuela

Anita in France said...

Your sprayed and misted, shimmery, shiny eyed fox is a real cutie, Darnell ... what a handy soul that Hammy is ... on hand with his carrot whenever you need inspiration!! Beautiful, beautiful butterfly ... delicate and filigree and so wonderfully glittery! Delighted to have you playing along with Uniko this month! Hugs & Bisous, Anita :)

Brenda said...

Well now, I have a mountain of NBUS as well, I need for Hammy to send me my own Hammy to help me reduce the size of my NBUS mountain! lol You and Hammy work well together Auntie, I am just adoring Mr. Fox, I adored him when he came out, but refrain from adding to my NBUS mountain. Your embossing folder is perfect and a perfect match to Mr. Fox's ears as is are the wood veneer triangles! I love his sparkle and shine, he was one Foxy Fox! Yea, spray? mist? Both? I say both! lol Love your second card, that butterfly is just beautiful, the color combo is one of my favorite and I just adore those little flowers. Hey, I thought that was a 3D ant you glued on your card!!! lol Your cards are both fabulous Auntie! Hugs, Brenda

Barb Ghig said...

Serena Dipity? You're a riot, Darnell! I am crazy about this fox, with all that amazing shimmer and shine...WOW! Love your embossed background, too...it really adds so much to your design! And, your butterfly is just beautiful! I never think to rotate them, and it looks so realistic when you do it...Thanks ;)

It's always so much fun to visit your blog...you know how to inspire me and you make me smile every time! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

Jacee said...

Ah, so cute Darnell, a lovely design
hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

AppleApricot Wen said...

Lol, the surprises of the outdoors :) Beautiful cards Darnell!

My Paper Cat said...

There is not much that I can say that the 67 comments prior haven't already said, so I'll just say great cad and thanks for playing along at Butterfly Challenge #33. Glenda

Deepti said...

Adorable creations! love the sparkle :)

Pawsitively Creative said...

You had me at Fox! These are awesome sauce and so fun! That fox is my favorite, although it was a hard choice. Hehe! I do enjoy the ant as well! Hugz! ~Niki

Petra Swart said...

Love that ant taking a very close look at your beautiful butterfly card, Darnell!!!! And Mr Fox is so adorable and looks great with his shimmery coat!!!

Cathy said...

Gorgeous cards Darnell, the frame embossing looks wonderful on your butterfly card, Cathy x

anja curvers said...

Two awesome cards Darnell love your take on the tag you're it challenge. Thanks for joining us. And had to laugh over your second card with that cute ant.

Taunya Butler said...

Love these cards and you are really good at adding a sweet layer of shimmer to your cards!! Love it and you are awesome!!

Beverley said...

Loving the added sparkle to Mr Fox :) Thanks so much for joining in on the Uniko Challenge. Hugs Bev x

Donna Nuce said...

It is amazing what we can find in our stash! Love those wood triangles on the fox card, in fact, I totally love the fox card! Beautiful butterfly card too. Have a great day Darnell!

Jeanne J. said...

Awww! Sweet little fox Darnell! And can you blame that little fly for wanting to land on your beautiful card? Its bright and pretty just like a flower!

Nancy Penir said...

I'm lovin' that twinkling foxy, and sweet butterfly, and even the critter that made it's way into the photo shoot! Darling couple of cards, Darnell. Love when you play along at TYI! Your posts are a hoot!!!

Nessa's Crafty Place said...

Congratulations Darnell!Gorgeous Mr Fox is a winner(we all knew he was a winner though lol!)beautiful work :)
Have a lovely weekend,
Hugs,Nessa xxx

Jane Willis said...

well done on your win, so very well deserved

Cat Craig said...

Congrats on the win! Well earned.

conil said...

Well, look at you a birthday & challenge winner, all in one week. Congratulations, girl.

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Congratulations Darnell ! Not surprised! That little fox is darling ! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Nancy Penir said...

Just had to pop by and add my congrats for your much deserved win! Loved your tag/card with sweet foxy, all sparkly and sweet. Yeah!

Marybeth said...

Your tag cards are darling Darnell! So happy to see that you won!Congratulations to you. I am not even going to try and play catch up with past post, hope you don’t mind. Love the shimmer on this sweet fox!