Hello and Happy Sunday to all of you, wherever you may be!
I don't usually talk about health schtuff, but since this is rather more amusing than not, I wanted to share.
I've had an on-again/off-again relationship with my right knee for a couple of years. Sometimes (like my back) it up and goes out on me without so much as an argument first. I've seen a specialist and when it happens I wear a brace, and go to physical therapy.
So a few days ago my knee went out again. On Friday I had the brace on (not too tight) and spent a quiet day catching up with visits and comments and as I sat at the computer I noticed my right foot was suddenly freezing cold and it hurt like several bones in the foot and ankle had spontaneously broken. I could hardly put any of my considerable weight on it without excruciating pain.
There was swelling, but not a lot. I applied the heating pad (to no avail) and took to my fainting couch whereupon the Mister took advantage of me. By that I mean he snuck off to the kitchen and ate a bunch of junk.
By the time I went to bed a few hours later the pain had started to subside and I could slightly rotate my ankle. We're thinking maybe it was some kind of a bug bite? I mean, I don't live in the Amazonian jungle, but what else? Medic?
And now for the part that gets so absurd it's funny. At 5 o'clock Saturday morning I shot straight out of bed with a severe leg cramp! Guess where? In my right calf! Yes, that's right. Picture me trying to hop off a leg cramp with a bum knee and a bad foot, nightie in a twist, and my hair standing on end as I careened into furniture because I didn't have my glasses on! Oy!
I was reminded of my sister Diana who just last week had a wasp fly into her blouse and sting the geewillikers out of her as she hopped and swatted and knocked the window blinds clean off her window!
But that's not why you called. In between practicing pratfalls, I saw the current sketch at the CAS(E) this Sketch challenge, charmingly designed by my very talented friend Michelle Williams:
I don't usually talk about health schtuff, but since this is rather more amusing than not, I wanted to share.
I've had an on-again/off-again relationship with my right knee for a couple of years. Sometimes (like my back) it up and goes out on me without so much as an argument first. I've seen a specialist and when it happens I wear a brace, and go to physical therapy.

There was swelling, but not a lot. I applied the heating pad (to no avail) and took to my fainting couch whereupon the Mister took advantage of me. By that I mean he snuck off to the kitchen and ate a bunch of junk.
By the time I went to bed a few hours later the pain had started to subside and I could slightly rotate my ankle. We're thinking maybe it was some kind of a bug bite? I mean, I don't live in the Amazonian jungle, but what else? Medic?
And now for the part that gets so absurd it's funny. At 5 o'clock Saturday morning I shot straight out of bed with a severe leg cramp! Guess where? In my right calf! Yes, that's right. Picture me trying to hop off a leg cramp with a bum knee and a bad foot, nightie in a twist, and my hair standing on end as I careened into furniture because I didn't have my glasses on! Oy!
I was reminded of my sister Diana who just last week had a wasp fly into her blouse and sting the geewillikers out of her as she hopped and swatted and knocked the window blinds clean off her window!
But that's not why you called. In between practicing pratfalls, I saw the current sketch at the CAS(E) this Sketch challenge, charmingly designed by my very talented friend Michelle Williams:

Oh, as they say, imagine the possibilities! Hammy and I found at least two:
For this card, I used my super cute NBUS chickie stamp from Great Impressions, which I purchased from a small stamp shop in Minnesota last year while on the BABES adventure. The sediment is from Diamonds. And that's it. QACAS at its best and all heat-embossed for a little added uumph and innerest.
Chickie Boom-Boom felt a little robbed having only part of her boom-boom self stamped in the corner, so here she is on the inside in all her glory. The beautiful NBUS sediment is from PTI's "Hello Sunshine."
For this QACAS embossed card, I used a very old (v.o.) stamp from the Hero Arts set, "Needles and Cones." The vertical sediment is from Paper Inspirations, also heat embossed. A few teeny baubles and one more for the stash, in a dash.
I'm editing my post to enter this card in the One-Layer Christmas Card Challenge with an optional twist of green.
Chickie Boom-Boom felt a little robbed having only part of her boom-boom self stamped in the corner, so here she is on the inside in all her glory. The beautiful NBUS sediment is from PTI's "Hello Sunshine."

I'm editing my post to enter this card in the One-Layer Christmas Card Challenge with an optional twist of green.
New Friends Corner
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I want to borrow a bit more of your time while I introduce some new friends who have come to join us in the Playhouse recently. Thank you for meeting them and visiting them, if you can!

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Oh Darnell, I can just picture that!
Your cards today are just so pretty, and the first one so clever too!
Love it that you were inspired by CASe this sketch!
Fabulous Darnell
blessed Sunday
I just love both your cards ..They are fabulous ..And the first one with that chick is so darn clever ...Totally a winner in my book :)
Hope you have a great weekend :)
You are a hoot!! it was the "taking advantage" that made me chuckle!! Fab cards as always and I hope the knee is behaving itself xx
Fab cards Darnell and I can totally relate to the hopping around with'cramp'.
Only now I know it isn't cramp at all but my tendons going into spasm according to the podiatrist.
I thought I had broken a bone in my big toe, it hurt so much and I couldn't put any weight on my foot 'cos of the pain in my calf. So I dutifully hobbled to the docs who gave me gel for the pain!!! No breakage.
Anyway, I went to see the podiatrist who said my tendons were all knotted up like old rubberbands and were causing me the pain. Apparently having really flexible tendons is good when you're young and drunk as they allow you to fall and not break legs but are a bitch when you get older!!!!!
Hope you sort yours out soon. :) x
Ah yes, the DH heading to the kitchen when we can't supervise... know that feeling! Thankfully my knees and back still behave, but my wrist - now that is another story :-(... due to be attacked by the surgeon soon.
Love your cards - particularly the chickie one :-)
Oh I do hope you get the knee 'situation' resolved - sadly, even my replaced knee behaves like yours...people think I have been drinking! I wish - lol.
The chickie is so, so cute, he would cheer up anyone's day and that is such a great idea for a CAS Christmas card, I may just try that idea! Have a great Sunday! Hugs, Annie xx
Wonderful cards! The chick one is priceless - as is your story!
Oh Darnell, I hope your knee pain eases soon and that the cramp keeps away too!
Your cards are fabulous, I love the cute chickie peeping over the edge of your first card and such a brilliant sentiment.
hugs Sue xx
OOOPS! Big oops. Hope those pins are behaving themselves again now! As for your chickies absolute LOVE from here. I sooo need that 'hang in there stamp'.... it's one of those phrases I use all the time!!! And I ADORE the chick doing the hanging, too:):)
Ooh OUCH! I feel for you!
LOVING all three of the card . . .but the chicken hanging down from the corner is soooo sweet I think it's my fave. Hard to decide though, as they are all wonderful. LOVE the PTI sentiment.
Hope you feel better soon.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Hi Darnell,
fab creations, and wonderfully designed as always.
So sorry to hear about your knee problems.
I do hope you are feeling better soon.
lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Oh dear Darnell, you are going through the wars by the sounds of things! Hope everything starts to behave again soon so hubby doesn't put on too much weight lol. I have bounced out of my bed on many an occasion with CRAMP!! Not a nice experience but funny with a weird sense of humour lol. Loving your cards, what a great take on that sketch and the wording is perfect.
Oh this did make me laugh ... not that I'm laughing at your misfortune you understand ... It's just that your write so well I can picture everything ... And your poor sister!! Yikes!!
I hope you are both recovered and have a peaceful sunday ... 2 amazing cards I just love that chick ... that would certainly cheer me up!
Hi Darnell,your cards are great !
Love the bird ! Funny !
Finally the wether is becoming better here !
They call it summer.......
How you feel good soon !
Have a great Sunday !
greetings from the Netherlands ,
Good morning Darnell - well you just gave me a laugh with your leg antics.. sorry I shouldn't laugh at someone in a pickle!! Thanks for that!! LOL!!
I love your cute chicken and your Christmas card is super.
Hope that your leg/s get better soon.
I'm sorry to laugh at your pain - but it sounds so funny, and the thought of the Mister sneaking off to eat while writhe in agony is hilarious! Hope normal service returns quickly my friend!
Love the chicken card Darnell and you are so clever to have him peeping in the corner like that.
Carol x
Okay...the visuals are priceless Darnell! I hope you are back to feeling 100% very, very soon! Thinking of you! And your two cards are fabulous...love the adorable first one and the elegant Christmas card!
oooh, how cute is your chickie boom boom upside down!! Made me smile! Adore your pine branch too...stunning. Hope you feel better soon too!
Darnell, I was jolted awake one night with severe cramp (or something) in my thigh...OMG it was painful and we were in a hotel room... I finally managed to get up thinking that would help, it didn't, woke up DH to hold me up while I tried to walk... I feel your pain, friend! Now about those two fabulous cards...AWESOME as always! Your chickie one is too cute!
I love your upside down chicken Darnell and a great idea to put him back on his feet on the inside. The pine needles and cones highlight the corner of the second card so prettily too and the vertical sentiment works beautifully. So sorry you have been suffering lately and night cramps are the worst. When my DH gets it our shout at him to bring his toes up which if you do it quick enough stretches the muscle back out and eases it before it really bunches, but with a bad knee that would have been difficult. Also your poor sister with a wasp down her front stinging away doesn't bear thinking about! x
Ooh Darnell - I shouldn't be laughing so much at you and your friends misfortunes but your writing is hilarious! I am hooting with laughter! Thank you! Your cards are all fabulous too. Sorry I haven't been around for so long xxx
I forgot to say, I really hope your knee gets better soon! Take care of yourself! xxx
These are gorgeous! LOVING the chick!! Hope your knee and leg feel better soon!!!!
Oh goodness, Darnell! What a fright and what a sight that must have been. I sure do hope that your knee, ankle and calf settle on down so you can create in peace! Your cards are fabulous. I really admire how you can and do use older stamps with the newbies. It's nice to see everyone playing well together in the sandbox! :)
Ouch, Darnell ... that all sounds horrid and painful ... even though your description had me in tucks! Hope you'll be well on the mend soon, my friend, and hopping about as normally as ever! Terrific cards ... lovely baubled pine branch ... and I recognise that little chickie ... how lovely to see her popping in here and keeping company with Hammy. Bet they get on like a house on fire! Bon dimanche, mon amie! Hugs & bisous, Anita :)
It's really bad when you makes us laugh at your pain! LOL -- Never having met you [such a shame]I can so see you jumping all over with the leg cramp - ouch! Love that adorable chicken - great use of the sketch.. twice~
So are you ok now! You paint a funny picture but it also sound a bit scary!
Love the fun cards and the beautifully gold dipped pine needles! That chicken is having way to much fun!
LOVE that chickie one Darnell . . . I've missed being able to visit, you always make me giggle! Hope your knee is OK now. Have a great weekend (or what's left of it) Hazel xx
It's too bad that your Mister didn't grab a video camera and record your cramp dance...I would have paid money to see it but I'll bet he slept through the event (mine would). That first card of yours made me giggle (a lot), in fact I'm still doing it. Very clever take on the sketch. Then you throw the Christmas card in the mix. Truly is lovely and that's another one made for the holiday, woot!
Fab cards.
I did laugh at the image of your hopping about with cramp. Mind you I get nerve spasms in my left lower leg and foot, so totally sympathise with the pain.
You take it easy. Sue
Lovely cards, great take on the sketch! I'm sure you were quite a sight hopping around! Hope your feeling better now.
Fab cards Darnell and wishes for a speedy recovery.
Oh Darnell thank you for the laugh at your expense! No all kidding aside I hope that your knee doesn't give you more trouble :(. Your post title instantly made we thing of the movie Dirty Dancing where I wanted to say " nobody puts Darnell in the corner!" Ha ha. Cute and clucky!!
Darnell, hope your pains have subsided and that you are feeling much better. Your cards are inspiring, I especially love chickie.
Poor you-cramp is horrid-especially in the dead of night(sorry,I did have a teeny,tiny titter though at your unfortunate predicament!!)
Fabulously fun cards-and what great takes on the sketch!
Have a good week Darnell :)
Nessa xxxxx
Oh my gosh, Darnell, I hope your knee/foot/calf are all better. Ugh. I had to laugh at your description (with you, not at you)!! LOL - your hubby taking advantage ;)
Your cards are so beautiful!! I love the adorable chicken!! So fun!! Perfect take on the sketch with both of them!! Feel better soon and have a great day :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Oh Darnell, sorry to hear you are having knee, calf, foot issues! Your adorable Chickie card says it all really..I often think "if it's not one thing going wrong, it's three others"! I did have to chuckle at the thought of you hopping around in the dark :-)
But, seriously, haven't we all been there?
Feel betterer soon, girlfriend!
Two wonderful cards, Darnell! I love them both. That chicken is wonderful!
Oh Irma, dear sweet lady, even in pain you bring smiles and chuckles to your many friends. I know the pain Colleen wrote about it wakes you in the middle of the night and you moan and groan, magnesium at night helps. Your knee pain I know oh so well, many $$$$ to the acupuncturist - and right now it is okay. I hate to say this Irma Iowa but getting old is a pain in the booty. Oh yes you do have a birthday coming soon, real soon.
Your cards are delightful even though you are hurting. Heal quickly. Barbara/Barb/Babs
All that white space scares me, but you definitely made it work for you, not once but twice! Hope your knee is better today. Hugs, Dora
Darnell, I hope you can get all your bits back under control soon! Love today's twofer the first is so cute. Carol x
All your cards are so wonderful and beautiful! I love the CAS style of them. And I can relate to the knee issues too. Got one that acts up on me now and then and it seems more lately. I think too much humidity is making it be a nuisance these days. I hope you are doing better now.
I had to LOL at your story about the foot and the knee and the cramp, Darnell!!! ...and hubby eating a bunch of junk!!! ...and your sister knocking off the blinds!!!! Such a treat to read all your stories!!!!
Both your CTS cards are lovely!!! Love the clever stamping of the chicky on the first and the second is a lovely CAS X-mas card!!!!
Have a super week, Darnell!!!
I was trying so hard not to laugh at your misfortune but I failed. I'm so sorry. It wasn't so much your knee going out as it was your hubby taking advantage of you by eating junk food. I can picture him thinking "finally she's down and can't catch me so I'll hurry in here and sneak some forbidden food". Aha. I hope it was a simple one day and done thing and is getting to be okay. I can so relate to jumping out of bed with a leg cramp. That is miserable. I love the chicken hanging in there. Such a cute use of the verse.
Two cute cards and one pretty one! Love the little chick cards Darnell! PRECIOUS!
Take care of that knee - and leg cramps - and all the rest of it too!
Wonderful cards!!
Oh dea, sounds like you had an eventful night LOL! Fab cards, I'm lovin your fun chicken!
Three clever creations...love the peeping chicken....he makes me smile....and the Christmas one on a more serious note. Hope the knee is playing fair again now...........it's no fun being 21 is it?
Gosh, what fabulous CAS cards, you are so clever.
Kath x
Darnell, are you OK??? I love your description of your right knee/calf/foot but I was wondering if it ever got better, and if it did, how? It must have since you were able to create those cute cards. I love the chickie!
Well...after the vision of you (and your sister) hopping around in your compromised situations, I had trouble focusing on your cards, fabulous though they may be! In fact, I had to read part of your blog post to the hubs to give him a good laugh, too. He thinks all of us crafters are a bit bonkers to begin with!!
Dear Darnell I wish you and your knee all the best! I hope that pain is going away.
I like all tree of your cards. The chicken is amazing. :-))
Get well soon! Hugs, Sonja
Oh Darnell I did chuckle when you said 'taking advantage' LOL hope your feeling a lot better..fabulous cards! lots of huggles Sue xx
At least if all those things happen at the same time, you get the pain and agony over with in one swell foop? In the meantime, these cards are great! First one funny, second one classy. And I really hope you're right that someday there will be sun again...
Darnell, I am not sure I can explain how to do this clearly, but the next time you get a charlie horse, try this. I learned it years ago while taking a Jazzersize class. Take your forefinger and your thumb and press your lip in the area where the little thing comes down (feel upwards with your tongue between teeth and lip, in the middle))on your upper lip underneath. Have your forefinger on the outside and the thumb as close to that area as you can and press hard. It is an acupressure point. It stops mine EVERY TIME! I did get quite the visual as you described your activity with your charlie horse, and it gave me a good laugh. If you have any questions write me at dollar0831@verizon.net NOT the gmail address below.
Hello there lovely lady, Fabulous cards again today:D Sorry to hear about your painful knee, ouch!!!!I do hope you see a quick improvement, feel better soon, Hugs Gay xx
I wish Hammy had taken a video of your shenanigans so that we could all enjoy, I mean commiserate with you. Anyhow, your cards are delightful. I'm glad the upper parts of your body weren't effected or we wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting Chickie Boom Boom. Stay safe.
I wish Hammy had taken a video of your shenanigans so that we could all enjoy, I mean commiserate with you. Anyhow, your cards are delightful. I'm glad the upper parts of your body weren't effected or we wouldn't have had the pleasure of meeting Chickie Boom Boom. Stay safe.
You poor thing. Hope you knee, foot, calf, etc. are better. You can apply that very adorable 1st card to yourself. Congrats for getting another Christmas card done.
OMG, Dolly ... you are always so funny and you've made what was probably a very painful time, into entertainment for us. :) Sorry to hear about your knee woes ... I can relate! :) Take care, put your feet up and have the Mister look after you!
Fabulous sets of cards. So fun and great CAS style, Dolly! Love them all. Lolly xx
I'm hoping that by now your foot, calf and knee are all behaving themselves. Too bad the Mister didn't get a video of the dance! Love the chick with the hang in there! What could be better to cheer someone up! And the pine branches are so elegant with the embossed edges! Take care and heal up!
Such cute cards!! Hope you are feeling better!
Shame on Mister, taking advantage of you like that. I hope you are feeling better. But your tale of leg woe was very amusing. Thanks for sharing.
The chick in the corner is too funny. And the pine branch is gorgeous. What a great pair of cards from a fab sketch. I may have to give it a try if I can find some time this week, or I'll tuck it away in my idea drawer for later use.
OH MY GOODNESS....I hope and pray that you are alright, what a way to spend any part of the day and your poor sister, can't even imagine! You always know I am just a phone call away and always willing to lend a hand.
Your cards are just so adorable...but I do love your sweet chickie the most, so sweet and love that smile!
Darnell you always paint such a wonderful picture with your words. I felt it, visualised it and laughed. In between I looked at your fantastic cards, especially that first one. The bird peeking then on the inside, way cool. Went and visited all your new friends now off to make a card or two.
I feel guilty giggling at your story, but the mental pictures, what a hoot!! I sure hope you are back to 100% soon my friend. Take care of yourself. Terrific cards as always!!
HI Darnell, your posts never fail to make me smile - the imagery you create, but hope you are all well again now! I love love love these cards, especially the chicken...fabulous! Hugs Carole Z X
Oh you gave me such a good laugh, Darnell, but I know it wasn't funny at the time! And oh your poor sister--that might have sent me to ED--I don't do bees! Love that sketch & both versions! Great design for flat Christmas cards, so I may CASE you!
I hope you have recovered. The sight of you hoping around was rather funny - sorry to find that a little humorus. And the mister how supportive! I hope he did share with you.
And such wonderful cards too :)
Two fab cards Darnell ..... I love the chicken!
Hope the knee gets better soon hun ...... big hugs .....Linda xx
Fun post..as usual always a chuckle! Hope you are feeling better by now.
You sure hit the mark for the challenge..great cards! Have a great day!
Just darling, and so cute in the CTS gallery this week, D... thanks - feel better - Cranberry juice, call me in the morning...
=] M
Darnell-first, you gave me a chuckle at your description but then I was thinking that I hope you are following up with an MD. Swelling spontaneously and not being able to walk is not a good thing!! The leg cramp thing-I get those too sometimes at night. Usually it is when I have not been drinking enough water. I hope you are feeling better.
Now-I LOVE your cards. The first two with that fabulous Clucker are adorable!! I did not do that sketch challenge this week because it scared me being so simple. Your two cards make me want to go back and tackle it. They are adorable!!!
LOVE your cards, the chick hanging from the corner is my fav.
My bum knee is the right one, and yes I get cramps in the left one and have done the same dance as you have described......LOL
Getting older is not for sissies.
I do hope you will go to Dr. and get that swelling, ice cold thingie checked out. Not good signs.........as the pot calls the kettle black.......*grin*
Have a great week.
I'm so sorry your knee and ankle are not behaving properly. Maybe they should go stand in a corner, but then again, just where would that leave you?? Love that little chickie, and every time one of us mentions the BABES or Lake House, I get a rush of good memories! Sweet little thing peeking out of the corner, then in full chicken reveal inside. And a beautiful Christmas card too. You've shown those boo-boos who's the darn boss for sure!! Even pain doesn't stop the Master Crafter!! I hope to call you in a bit, if that's okay. And right now, I've got to run and switch laundry....Missing you every day. Bev
I SO HOPE that you are feeling better by now, that the pain and swelling have all subsided! That aside, your cards are wonderful, I just adore the chickie! He's just too sweet...
Sorry to be late in commenting Dippy.........I've only just recovered from laughing out loud; boy did Tony wonder what had happened!!! lol You haven't said whether you've now recovered or if it was something more serious......worried of Somerset! Just love your two cards but the chickadee has my heart - fabulous.
Karendipity xxx
You had me crying & smiling at the same time, reading this. First, I can sympathesize with the cramp...Secondly, I can picture you in all your disarray, hopping around with that cramp (not funny, but yeah, the mental picture was!!!) And tell Mr... no fair on not staying put to administer TLC when you took to the couch. Hope D. did not have any ill after effects with the sting either. How clever to use a partial chickie in the corner. Such a cute & CAS design...made me grin too. Loved the other 2 - so pretty. and what a stash you are building up. We are still laughing at Sherlock. He's on the mantle and will be shared next time I post. Thanks for that smile and for thinking of me. Mid July is coming up soon now. Bet you can't wait. Hope you got some mail from me...mailed it early last week. Must be sending via Pony Express...post office told me 3 days - TOPS. Big hugs, TFS & MWAH. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
You made it happen again....snorted coffee out my nose and all over my keypad (at work!!!). I image that your words conjured up could not possibly have been any more vivid! Hope the leg is better! If not, you best get in to have it checked out!
Chicken Boom-Boom rocks! Seriously, she is a rock star now after this spectacular debut! Posing her peeking (or should I say peeping) from the top corner is beyond cute!
Her 'attitude' shines in the second card...hands on her chicken hips and a look that says yes, things will get better.
GORGEOUS, clean & simple Christmas card! The embossed images are beyond scrumptious paired with the linen paper! Love the vertical sentiment!!!
Fabulous cards Darnell, I love the sentiment of the Chicken one :D
love those stamping in a corner cards you created! the chicken one is soooo funny and cute!! the christmas card is gorgeous, esp. with the embossing :)
First off let me say that I hope your doing better with your leg, knee, and foot. I'm sure it's not a way to spend your day hopping around and in pain so wishing you better days and hope you get better and take care. This is such an adorable card and love how you used the sketch with using the corner and little guy upside down...fabulous as always! Most important is your health and pray all gets better.
goodness what a leg of a story!
love this hanging chick and wow to the Xmas card x
Darnell, your cards are always make me smile! Two ones with chicken made my day)
I hope you get better soon and your leg doesn't hirt you too much!
Fab cards Darnell, loving the hang in there one! That's a great chicken stamp.
Val x
Ooh, love the chikie. How cute. Hugz
Now if only Art Impressions would make a stamp of you hopping around like that, we would all buy one and you could make a fortune, Darnell. Love that little chickie and the lovely pine branch.
great cards - funny story!! But truly I hope you are doing well and that everything is better!!
Love Love Love that chookie hanging down card. It is sooo cute. NEED that stamp now you stamp enabler!
I do hope your knee gets sorted. Having had a bardie knee myself I feel a little of your pain.
Well at least you have your arms and can still stamp! Haha sounds like you've had quite the adventure. I hope things get put back in place soon! You sure know how to work a sketch! I would have stared at that one in consternation forever, but your designs seem like they were made for that!!
Oh, Darnell--I sure hope you are feeling better now. Your cards are wonderful interpretations of the sketch, and I am most tickled by your chicken peeking over the top of your first card.
Not so good that you have such pain... Hope that you saw the doctor and/or went to the fysio...wish you well!
The cards look good, the first one is my favo; funny and beautiful at the same time!! Hugs and sending some positive energy to you!
I can't multitask when I'm reading your posts, Darnell - nearly splattered the screen with tea! Fabulous chickie card - such a fun image, and I love how you've placed her. Hope the bum/knee/foot improves soon :)
Hey Darnell...wish you a very happy birthday!! May you reach great heights! :) Also, both of the cards are soo adorable! :)
Suchi xx
I hope your leg feels better soon! The story of your sister and the wasp reminded me of when, a few summers ago, I was riding my bike and a wasp flew right into my top and stung me on my boob! Ouch!!
Your cards are wonderful! Great takes on the sketch! I especially love that adorable chicken!
There isn't anyone that can tell a story like you do Auntie! You had me chuckling for sure. And your poor sister!! Does luck run in the family?! lol But now that the chuckle is over, I sure hope your legs/knees are ok! It's not fun when the knees go out, I know from experience or the back, another experience I'd rather not experience. lol And I hope your sister is doing well about her experience. Your cute chicken card just cracked me up too, it is a great moral booster for anyone who is going through a tough time. I love it! Your Christmas card is so pretty, love how CAS it is but yet so elegant and classy-Just like you! Hugs, Brenda
Fantastic cards, Darnell! Love your pine bough card. So glad to see you playing along over at OLCCC! Also, I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday! Hope it was the best! Big hugs! :-)
Hello -- I love the chicly hanging from the corner -- i never would have thought of that. I see you had a birthday -- Happy Birthday too!
This makes your 100th comment on these adorable cards Darnell - how fun is that. The bird cards are so fun. The first is soooo cute - I love it!!! The other two cards are great too. You are so creative. Hope your knee is getting better. Hugz
Hope your knee is acting better now!
Your one layer Christmas card is beautiful; love the embossing. Thank you for sharing with us at OLCCC.
Your chicken 'hang in there' card is so funny!! I must wipe a tear away because I have been laughing so hard! How creatively funny and I would imagine the recipient of this gem will have a better day!!
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