Hi there!
This week's Less Is More challenge is to make a one-layer card with a focus on snow. Well, hey, hey, hey, how's this for a focus on snow??
This week's Less Is More challenge is to make a one-layer card with a focus on snow. Well, hey, hey, hey, how's this for a focus on snow??
This card is no masterpiece, but it's fun. It's the result of a doodle, or rather, a tracing. I was on the phone and doodling, as one does. I was also tracing around a pretty snowflake ornament that came as part of a package last year. After I hung up, I tossed the pieces of scratch paper in the recycle basket, not seeing that Hammy had gotten in there to lick traces of chocolate off everything I touched.
"Hey, lady!" he squeaked, doing his Jerry Lewis impression. "Watch it!"
He scrambled out from under, knocking one of the sheets to the floor in the process. He teetered on the rim of the basket, staring down at the discarded doodle. I looked to see what enwraptured him and a lightbulb moment flickered between us.
I traced the snowflake onto a card base and then watercolored it using a red SU watercolor pencil and water brush. The red color is on the pink side of red, as far as reds go, but, honestly, it is not a bright fuchsia color IRL.
I made the snowflake an ornament hanger, using Brilliance gold ink and one of those little "extra" stamps you get with a clear set. I'd tell you the name of the stamp I used, but I can't find it at the mo in this mess. The surrounding snowflakes are Stamps by Judith and the sediment is from SU.
To give my snowflake more oomph, coz the mere size of it wasn't oomphy enough (cough), I covered it in Dimensional Magic:
Speaking of running out of cards, Monday I thought I was all finished so I started cleaning up my desk disaster. I didn't get very far when I uncovered an entire sheet of 30 address labels with no cards to go with them. Panic? Nah, I just sat on my settee and set to setting up a production line.
The irony? They were one-layer cards using the Tim Holtz snowman embossing folder and a simple sediment. That's right, a design that was perfect for this challenge, but did I remember this challenge during the manufacturing process? No, I did not. Did I take any pictures? No, I did not. What can I say, sometimes the hamster is fast asleep when I need him!
The irony? They were one-layer cards using the Tim Holtz snowman embossing folder and a simple sediment. That's right, a design that was perfect for this challenge, but did I remember this challenge during the manufacturing process? No, I did not. Did I take any pictures? No, I did not. What can I say, sometimes the hamster is fast asleep when I need him!
There is still time for you to join in the Less Is More challenge with your pretty one-layer snow/snowflake/snowman/snowcake/snowshoe/snowball card! You can always just doodle snowthing!
And when you do, you can also play in these challenges, which I'm joining:

And when you do, you can also play in these challenges, which I'm joining:
- CASology. where the cue card is "Snow." This is my second entry.
- Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, where there is a lovely moodboard (snowflakes) for the "Winter Inspiration" brief.

Be sure to click on the links for information about rules, sponsors, and prizes!
Offense Alert (avert your eyes):
I have had the immense pleasure of receiving many beautiful Christmas cards from a lot of you and I thank you very much! In due time, they will all be posted under my Happy Mail tab above. In the meantime, I wanted to show you a sparkly and lovely card that I received from my friend Brenda B., she of Butlers Abroad:
Offense Alert (avert your eyes):
I have had the immense pleasure of receiving many beautiful Christmas cards from a lot of you and I thank you very much! In due time, they will all be posted under my Happy Mail tab above. In the meantime, I wanted to show you a sparkly and lovely card that I received from my friend Brenda B., she of Butlers Abroad:
I'm sure you agree that it's a lovely CAS design. Let's look a little closer, shall we?
I've been called a lot of things in my day, but I've never been called a warm, wis(e), and merry HO before and it's about darn time I was, doncha think?! Thank you for the snortle, Brenda, and thank you for making this card especially for me!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
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Fabbylicious doodle born card and ... a Merry HO? If you have to be a HO you might as well be a merry one!!!
Beautiful card Darnell and a Merry Ho! How charming :). Thank you so much for joining us this week at CASology
What a fun card and the pink snowflake is one to remember! If I found 30 cards unsent at this stage you would find me under the table crying!!!
Carol x
Loving the card and the snowflake hanging ornament.
Hope you have a good day. Sue
Great to see another colour for a snowflake and so much fun reading your post again! Hugs, Gerrina
It's (gah) PINK, but it's lovely!
Great in your face snowflake card! And I snortled as well at the card with the implication smacking me between the eyeballs. Regarding your moment about the challenge and not making that extra card...I guess the phrase my daughter and friends say to thing like that is "facepalm." Middleschoolers. 'Nuff said. Merry Christmas, Darnell! Thanks for the fun, giggles and joy you bring to blogland!
How pretty is that giant pink snowflake?! I love how you glossed it for shine too you wise and very merry "ho!" ROFLMAO!
Love your gigantic pink snowflake. Your HO comments totally cracks me up :)
Great big fat snowflake with lots of dimension on your OLC! It's funny how cards sometimes come about! Love how you always make a fun story of it!
Love your big pink snowflake card!!! Awesome! :)
Maybe big pink snowflakes are just what we need! Thanks for the laugh today!
OMG! Darnell!.......a Merry HO?? ROTFLOL!
Cute snowflake.......here in CA, so near Hollywood (not) we can make 'em any color we want....
Got your gorgeous card, will post it later.
Tee, hee! You completely missed out the bit where I said I picked that card our especially for you!!!! Love the pinkness too!
Fabulous card! And a smile generating post, as always!
Fabulous fun card Darnell. I don't know what you'd do without Hammy there to help xx
Such a fabulous card Darnell. I love your snowflake and wonderful colours. I wish your Hammy could come and help me with my cards!
hugs Sue.
P.S. Thank you for the stunning card I received from you today! xx
Ho! Ho! Ho! I love your pink snowflake Darnell ..... and what a clever idea!
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Health New Year. Love n Hugs Linda xxx
PS Thank you so much my friend, for the fab Christmas card I received this morning ...... mwah!
OMGoodness, 30 cards! Thank goodness for Tim Holtz then! Loving the pink snowflake, it is so cheery and fun, I love it. Merry HO from me too. The gorgeous Me Penguin arrived safely today.... thank you!! Hugs, Annie xx
Well aren't you and Hammy just as clever as can be?!! I love how you traced your snowflake and then colored it in with your watercolors. The dimensional gloss looks great too! Now I need to head off and make some of those mass produced cards myself! lol Hugs, Brenda
Good thing Hammy was on his toes (inside the recycle bin) and knew NOT to toss a doodle! The water colored effect is gorgeous, 'specially with a bit of shine!
Jerry Lewis = Hammy! Now we know what the voice in your head sounds like!
You are just too hilarious...Merry HO, indeed. Really like big pink snowflakes myselg
Ooh, I love this in-yer-face pink snowflake!
What a wonderful snowflake, dear Darnell. And a wonderful story. :-)
Have a nice day, Sonja
This is a great snowflake Darnell and the cute little snowflakes stamped in the background look so pretty too. x
I have got to get me a hamster. :) He sure makes some genius design decisions. This card is FAB with that big burst of pink. I love that you used a very textured cardstock, too, because it gives your one layer such a dimensional effect.
Fantastic and striking card Darnell
That's definitely snowy!
Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
Sarah xx
Less is More
You are too funny! Beautiful CAS card, too. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.
You and Hammy are quite a pair! I'm glad he made you aware of the beauty of your doodling! It made a pretty card! Thanks for the pretty card you sent. We are enjoying it!
You do that doodling thing very well!! This is wonderful, thank goodness that Hammy was on his chocolatey little toes! Thanks for the sweet Christmas card ;)
Well, at least you is a merry ho!!!
Love your snowflake card! I am glad Hammie helped you out!!
So creative! What a fun card, Darnell!
Love pink for XMas cards this year and thank you for your email xx
Gorgeous giant pink snowflake which has lots of wonderful textures. Great idea to trace it. Enjoy the festive season! Shirleyxx
love the snowflake and im sure you are very warm and wise ... and hoho ho
This is a great doodle Darnell, three cheers for phone calls that allow you a little doodling time!
Love this bold snowflake!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"
Hey Darnell
You're in good company as Santa has 3 Ho s!
Super snowflake. Right on Hammy!
Shame about not photographing the others but Hammy needed the rest.
Have a great weekend.
Ang x
I like the pink snowflake :) blue and white is what we always see, a change is always good
Oh my gosh, Brenda's card was hysterical! So funny with no malice intent I'm sure. Hammy was right on it this time. A fun snowflake and oh, so shiny. I uncovered a stack of Christmas cards I had not sent yet under some wrapping paper so I know how you felt when you found those labels!
Super funky, fun snowflake! Live it! Hugs Carole Z xx
I think this is a really fun technique - the scale of the snowflake on the card is perfect! I bet you'll see people casing this technique. Thanks for joining us at CASology this week!
Merry Ho, indeed! Oh to receive such an honor!
Now I have Jerry Lewis in my head. Isn't it funny where inspiration comes from? A chocolate eating, wastebasket hiding hamster. He did you good by saving the doodle. It made a terrific card.
OMG I cannot stop laughing you WWMH and new acronym! Love both of your cards as I do your sense of humour! ;)
Super snowflake card Darnell, you'll have to have words with hammy about not reminding you to photograph ALL your creations though
Thank you so much for joining us this week at LIM
Less is More
If I had to choose what type of 'Ho' you were I think Merry would be the perfect fit!! How hilarious, did she realise what she had done?? I'm loving the big, pink snowflake and love the idea behind it. And well done making up 30 new cards, I'm very impressed. Take's me days just to think up a design for one card!!
Now that's what you call a snowflake! Terrific card and what a clever idea!
Beautiful card! Love that big pink snowflake!! Very creative!
Happy Holidays!
Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!
Now that's what I call a snowflake. Pink too. This must be my lucky day. About to start on next years card quota cos whats not done now won't get done. Just the vegies to go and push/shove/ trample/ kill for at the super market. hugs mrs A.
Visiting after you stopped by my blog & commented on my Tim Holtz Deer tag. Thank you for your comments & becoming a follower. I'm now a new follower of your blog. Like the snowflake. Creativity happens at times we do not expect.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"
Very creative snowflake card...(done in my favorite color! My cards are not done yet either...but like other years...I'm not going to panic. I have a good excuse this year...I couldn't see to make the cards and write them out!!!That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!! smile.
popping by to say hi...great different color for that snowflake :)
Gorgeous one layer card Darnell and I really love the pink! Wishing you and your family a very merry christmas - hugs xx
Fun card and great story behind it! xxx
So it is you, hammy and chocolate that hang out in your little playhouse these days? And look what you created in there with your two favorite things...Fabulous card.
An until now undiscovered use for chocolate, Darnell ... bet you never thought lickings of the stuff would inspire a card! Good for Hammy ... and good for you creating this fun, shiny and festive confection! Hugs, Anita :)
Beautiful bright pink snowflake. Love the card Darnell! Merry Christmas to you! Enjoy your holidays.
Pink Snowflake how coooollll I love your idea and your card Darnell...even I am not fan of pink but your card is fabulous...and thanks for so lovely congratulate me for the winning at CASology..I was so busy and just today have a bit time to blogging again..hope you have a great holiday.the card from you not yet come if its come I will tell you sweety..hugs, Monika
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