It's a cloudy day here which has us all becited for the possibility of rain. We've just about worn out our rain-dancing shoes, so I hope it works this time.
I wasn't planning to make more Thanksgiving cards, but when I was putting some NBUS stamps away where they belong, I came across this set . . .
![]() |
"My Peeps" |
and I saw a naked bird . . . and a feather . . . and a Pilgrim hat . . . and a sediment . . . and so I made a turkey . . .
I stamped this one on glossy paper so you can see the cloudy sky reflected. That's not to say I stamped it on glossy paper in order for you to be able to see the cloudy sky reflected, rather that is the reason why you can see the cloudy sky reflected.
I liked it so much, I made two more!
I used red, turquoise, and gold for the feathers. Then I overstamped them again with the gold (Brilliance) for a wonderful sheen which only shows up in the close-up.
I used those colors because they are the colors of the current Just Us Girls (JUGS) challenge.

And, of course, I'm playing along with the "Anything Goes" challenge at Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge.
And since my post appeared on the same day so it's not backlinked, I am editing this to add the fun new challenge over at Shopping Our Stash where the theme is "Thankful." They'd love to see a thank you card or grateful project, or a card based on the Thanksgiving theme. (I'm tickled to see that Leslie and I were on the same wave length with our gobblers!!)

The links will give you the fine print regarding rules, sponsors, and prizes! Join in!
Gosh that was fun!! It was like paper dolls only with stamps and turkey parts!
I didn't actually think I would ever enjoy handling turkey parts again after the experience I had with them on my very first job. I may have told this story before. I grew up in a small town in central Iowa and the town's main employer was the turkey plant. I lived in town, but turkey farming was big business. I'll bet the majority of the town worked at the turkey plant.
When I got a summer job there it was washing turkey gizzards. (I'm not making this one up.) I had to put on a white lab coat like a scientist, a hard hat like a construction worker, rubber gloves like a bull inspector, huge black rubber wading boots like an allegator farmer, and goggles which made my glasses steam over. Who knew turkey gizzards were that hazardous?
I proceeded out to the assembly line where I was placed at a station and given an enormous and powerful nozzle from which water shot out at what seemed like 500 miles an hour. Was I washing turkey gizzards or elephant ears? That were still attached to elephants.
The water was ice cold. Not icey cold. ICE cold. A loud buzzer sounded that nearly took my head off. The conveyor belt shuddered to life and began rumbling. Everyone around me looked to their left. I looked to my right. I'm just kidding to see if you were paying attention. From the left came the sight of hundreds of turkey gizzards having a gay old time bouncing and skipping down the line. As gizzards zoomed past, I was to grab them off the line with my left hand and shoot ice water at them with my right hand.
Well, first of all, it's awfully hard to grab leaping gizzards when your little tiny hand is inside a huge industrial rubber glove. Second of all, when I did manage to grab a pair and shoot them with a burst of water, the water shot them right out of my hand, across the room, and onto the floor.
That happened a few times until I got the hang of it. By then the lady across from me had taken two of my gizzard shots down the front of her lab coat. And if looks could kill, I wouldn't be writing this.
And can we just for a second talk about poultry parts and what happens when the waxy fatty consistency of poultry parts mixes with ice cold water? It congeals, people. It congeals.
The morning ticked on. I got a few gizzards down the front of my own coat. Followed by huge amounts of ice water. It went everywhere. Inside my rubber gloves. Down into my boots. Up the left sleeve of my coat, caroming off my underarm, down my side, and into my underpants.
Four hours later, the ear-splitting horn sounded for lunch, the water turned off, and the conveyer belt skidded to a halt. Gizzards flew backwards and dropped out of the air with a thud and a shudder.
I peeled out of my gear and walked the one block home, water spurting out of my shoes with each step.
I was proud of myself for enduring four hours, but I refused to go back. I was fortunate that I didn't have to go back.
God bless the people who wash our turkey parts for us. It's a HARD job!!
New Friends Corner

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*

*Life Is Too Short!
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I adore this turkey. I might even OWN this set. Must. investigate.
I made several cards that will post on my blog Thursday, and they are similar in color to these. Great minds think alike! #fistbump :D
Love these cute cards Darnell, The colourful oval frames are perfect for the little turkey.My mum and sister worked in a chicken hatchery years ago. Definitely hard work, Cathy x
Darnell, your turkey story is hilarious!
Love the way you've framed Mr. Tom, and his feathers were quite brilliant on my monitor. Thought perhaps you had w/colored them with some sparkly stuff. He's a cutie and does he ever have Personality. Don't think I'd want him on the table though! Your story made me laugh. Now I know why you chose another profession. Don't blame you one bit. Admire you for not going back after lunch too. You are a strong, brave lady, who was wasted washing turkey gizzards!!! Wonder what your coworkers thought when you didn't show back up???! TFS a cute card (giving me a great framing idea) and making me laff too! Big hugs, hope you get your rain. TFS
Love the turkeys! The feathers are darling.
First of all, I love your naked turkeys!!! TOO cute and very creative......
Now, on to the story! YIKES!!!! I'm proud that you lasted for as long as you did at that job - and no, I'd probably never want to see a turkey or chicken or any other fowl ever again!!! Sure makes you not want to eat one of the either.
Ohhh my goodness I love this story. We dont celebrate thanksgiving here and very few people have turkey so tell me 'why of why would you wash turkey gizzards?' Sorry cant remember how you spelt that. You Aileen so good at telling a story I can fully visualise.
Love your cas too, so cute and yescan see those clouds.
Another hilarious story from the life of Darnell! I am very glad that you didn't have to go back!
Your trio of turkey cards is fabulous - love those fun oval frames around!
These are so PRETTY!!
This little guy is even more special after listening to your story. I have tears running down my face from laughter. I enjoy your blog so much! All three of your cards are adorable! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Just Us Girls!
Okay I was giggling over the naked turkey comment and then the story of your job!!! I had to tell hubby and even he had a good laugh!! CUTE CUTE CUTE turkey cards and what a FUN story. I just love coming to visit you!
Your cards are so cute!
Loved your story...I have worked at 13 or so different temp jobs...some were really the pits! But I must say your job had my bad jobs beat!!! Yikes...
On one job I had to wear a hard hat and safety glasses just to do filing. I'm sending your an email...
Very cute cards.
Hi Darnell! Your turkey is adorable. Interesting to hear what goes on in a turkey processing plant. Jobs like that are why my mother made me take typing and shorthand!
OH DEAR DARNELL. .Thank you so much for the good belly laugh .
Love the oval frames for that beautiful Turkey
hugs Shirley-Anne
Ok, now that I have picked myself up off the floor from laughing I can leave you a comment...just too darn funny and yes you are quite the trooper for washing turkey parts and what a story you have to tell to anyone how will listen, so so funny. And your cards are so so fun, turkey parts and all.
Oh how fabulous!! I just LOVE how you dressed up your naked turkey, Darnell! How creative and clever of you. Totally looks like it was meant to be. We had a horse meat processing plant in our town and thankfully I got a job working in the corn fields instead!
OMG!! I'm laughing so hard!! You poor girl and those poor people who are still washing gizzards! Your cards are lovely too. I love how you overstamped them to get some shimmer :)
You are one creative Lady Darnell and I love how you dressed the naked turkeys! I'm not sure what a turkey gizzard is but I laughed so hard reading about how you tried to wash them!!!
Carol x
Ps Thanks for the info about the stamp - it was kind of you to root it out for me.
Thank you Darnell for a fabulous way to cheer me up on a cold and wet Wednesday morning with a good laugh!
Your cards are fabulous, I love your fabulous designs and beautifully coloured feather.
I hope you are having a good week.
hugs Sue xx
These cute turkey cards are a lot of fun Darnell. So nice. Hugs from Veerle xxx
Love your special turkeys cards
hugs Tamara
I shall never see turkeys in the same way having read your hilarious tale!! Gorgeous cards DArnell and I love the "Gobble Gobble" tags!! xx
That has got to be the cutest little turkey I have ever seen! I love the expression on his face and his stylish plumage. Love the layered stitched ovals. I love reading your posts, they always leave me with a smile on my face. Way to rock these colors! Thanks for playing with us at JUGS!
A fun turkey, but most of all: What did you make great designs with it! It was a joy to stop by here as ever...
Oh Darnell what a story I'll think of that story now every time I see turkey !! can see why you left after 4 hours I think I'd have been gone long before. Your cards are gorgeous such cute designs love and hugs Carole x
I've never actually eaten Turkey and probably won't now (especially the gizzard bits....). What a horrendous job!! I wouldn't have lasted 4 minutes let alone 4 hours, your a champion. I never knew there were people in the world who did this type of work, yay for them as someone has to do it...and I wonder if they are vegetarian or not????
Whoopsie, forgot to say how much I loved your cards.....your dressed your naked turkey with style!!!!
Fab card Darnell. And that job sounds horrendous. No wonder you didn't go back
Hi Darnell,
my you do have a way with words that is so entertaining.
That job sounds awful, no wonder you didn't go back.
Great turkey card, and such beautiful feathers, worthy of a peacock.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
I love these scrawny turkeys with plumes of gorgeous feathers! I love those ovals too and love the way you layered them. After your experience with gizzards, I might be inclined to assume you don't eat turkey? LOL That might be one of the worst jobs in America, eh?
You are so good at cas designs Darnell and your turkeys looks great with the colourful tail feathers and the overlapping frames are a wonderful idea. What a job to have to do, washing out turkey gizzards, what for I wonder? I dread to think, and you did well to last four hours at it, but the picture you painted was extremely funny, and I too will never look at a turkey again in quite the same way. x
Cute turkey!! love reading your stories
Fabulous cards, clever use of the stamps. A great tale too,what a horrible job, I'm glad you didn't have to go back.
Jean x
Your Turkey story cracked me up but also made me feel a bit sick haha!! I love your turkey card though, his hat looks so happy :-)
What an awesome way to start my day. Thank you for the laugh. I'm sorry you had to endure that job for any length of time, but man, if you aren't one of THE best story tellers! Thank you so much for being you! I think your cards are pretty terrific, too. :) I'll cross everything I can in the hopes of helping your area get some rain! Hugs!
Cute, cute card, that triple oval and feather tail were great ideas, and your story was a hoot, I was laughing out loud. Have a great day. Donna
Genius on so many levels 1- that you actually saw a bird that needed a tail (I always wondered what he was doing there!) 2) That you added the tail 3) the shimmer on top! Love this!
I almost peed my pants reading this!! I laughed so much I had tears running down my face ... in fact I read it to DH and even he was laughing like an idiot ... I was smiling just looking at those terrific cards ... what a brilliant post ... Thanks so much you made my day!
Oh, these are soooo cute!!! Love the little tail feathers! And your turkey story...too funny! ;)
What adorable cards. The colors you used are so pretty!! Your turkey story is hilarious. I don't think I would have lasted four hours!! You were brave!!
Oh my gosh, where to start. The naked bird is a hoot and I love his tail feathers. That hat perched on his head made me laugh out loud. Until I got to the turkey gizzard story. What a way to start your working career! I can't believe you lasted all morning. I hate to take them out of the turkey now! Also wanted to say I love the way you offset the ovals. Very nice.
LOVE these turkey cards, Darnell! Stamping over the colorful feathers with the gold is just brilliant! Your story had me giggling out loud, and I'm thankful I finished drinking my tea before reading it!
Still giggling here! I also meant to say thanks for joining us this week at Just Us Girls! :D
Oh these are so cute Darnell :) great post sorry I haven't been around much
Vic xx
Your naked turkey cards are adorable :)
Oh did I chuckle while reading today's story. You're a trooper...that's for sure!
My first job was selling flowers on the street corner..what was I thinking? I was maybe 14 and my Momma was worried about me so she 'helped'. Needless to say I hardly sold any bouquets and I managed to forget my momma's umbrella there so she made me pay her back so I was actually negative fund from the day...sigh.
What a hoot you are! Love your story about washing turkey gizzards. I can just imagine...anyway, I love your card. Very creative with the hat, colored feathers, and variety of cards.
First, your turkey cards are just awesome! Love those funky feathers! Your story: oh my! You have such a flair for writing that I can picture every detail, even feeling the 'ICE' cold water carooming everywhere, and the 'anxiety' of wondering where the gizzards would land next! I admire your tenacity to hang in for four hours! I wouldn't have made it past the 'donning the apparel' stage. Something about white coats and rubber gloves...eek! Another delightful post and yes, the next time I see turkey gizzards, I'll whisper a thanks for those that 'make' them (poor turkeys) and those who clean them...
Dear Darnell I enjoy reading your stories. :-)) Your turkey cards are sweet and I can imagine your revenge for all bad feelings on the farm by making this cards.:-)) I admire a wonderful work of you.
Hugs, Sonja
Oh that is a funny true story about enduring your 4 hr. job! I am still laughing because you give such a great visual.
Love the turkey cards and the beautiful golden shinny feathers.... Love it!
Fabulous cards Darnell, I love your turkey and bright colours.
I'm always guaranteed a good giggle when I visit your bog and today is no exception!
Now you've done it! My stomach hurts from peals of laughter and I'm freezing just thinking about icy cold water in my underwear. Brrrr. Your cards are funny and adorable, all at once. Think the gold ink was a stroke of genius. Nice to get rain, huh?
What a FUN set! Makes my chuckle! Love the cards!! Its raining up here today!
LOVE how you dressed up this poor naked bird! I also love your idea of using several ovals to make up a colorful frame! Cool!
OMGosh your cards are too cute Auntie! I love that you got to dress this little turkey, it's awful cold to be going around naked. At least around here it is. It was 7 degrees this morning not including the wind chill. Brrrrr, kinda like your ice water and turkey gizzard story! Which I have to say had me chuckling pretty good. I have a son who is teaching in Iowa and we took a trip out. He lived in a small town too and in the middle of his town was a grainery. He has since moved to a larger town. We have a turkey plant in my neck of the woods, and let me tell you there is no way I would ever be able to work there. I wouldn't even have the courage to even try like you did. lol Just the smells of the turkey farms is enough to turn you off to turkey! Then drive by the turkey plant in the summer time. Oh yes, hold your breath or take another route. I take another route!!! Thanks for the beautiful card to look at today and the chuckle for today! Hugs, Brenda
I am a follower and a subscriber and often chuckle at your stories and love your cards. I had to comment today because I was born and raised in the Turkey Capital of Wisconsin (Barron) and the only job for me in the summers was to work at the turkey factory. All summer long I handled turkey parts. One summer I got lucky and worked with boxes not turkey parts and knives. But it was really good incentive to go back to college in the fall and work my but off so as to not to work there the rest of my life like the others on the line. I like to eat turkey but sure wouldn't want a job there forever!
Love your turkey and his colourful tail. What a great little stamp set that allowed you to 'build' your image. Your cards are fantastic!!!! I hope you are doing well. Hugs, Shirleyxx
I love your cute turkey card you created. Great design and awesome colors on those feathers. And, what a hoot! Your story about your job at the turkey plant reminds me of the days when I was a teenager and worked at the canning factory in a neighboring town. That was hard work too and I worked on the corn run. I even ended up getting corn poisoning from it and until that experience had never heard of it before. It was similar to poison ivy and I was miserable but I stuck it out for the whole canning run. And, I was proud of that too, as it might have been so easy to quit. After each day's work I was exhausted and at age 16 that was almost of unheard of. My friends wanted to go out for the evening, but all I wanted was to just rest.
Love love love your funny turkey cards...especially the way the tail feathers look! I would have missed seeing that teeny tiny pilgrim hat among all those accessories! And as for your turkey gizzard story, I'm STILL laughing!
Those are some pretty cute turkey cards! Isn't it funny how one card can lead to another and another...I love this hobby! My brother used to work at a turkey plant, he said it was the hardest work he ever did. He's a teacher..did it for a few summers. I'm not sure which job he did there, though, but I assume it wasn't pleasant!
I'm still chuckling from that story Darlene . . . I'll never be able to look a turkey in the gizzard . . I mean, eye, again! What a great idea, overlaying with Delicata, such a lovely sheen! I toyed with the idea of getting that stamp set . . . maybe I did, and it's probably still lurking somewhere amongst all my other NBUS, that's why I have so much, I forget what, I've already bought and buy it again!!
I will pop over to Lol's and say hi. Hazel xx
These cards are just fabulous, comic with a touch of class.
Not heard your story before but my imagination ran riot and with lots of giggles.
Great post.
Kath x
LOL, no FOTFLOL, You've made my day! And I love how you dressed up these turkeys. They're fantabulous!
Well, I can honestly say that the best thing I've seen today is a top-hat wearing turkey. And I may never look at a turkey gizzard the same way ever again!
Love your turkeys - and the turkey tale! Thought my experience working in the Pond's factory at the tender age of 16 where they made face creams was dreadful but yours sounded worse! I stuck it for 3 months till I got my "proper" job!
Hi, Darnell.
What cute cobbler cards -- just adorable!
And, thanks for sharing your gizzard-cleaning story. Who knew? At least Lucy and Ethel wrestled chocolates during their assembly-line experience. :)
Your cards are adorable! Love how you used the colors on his little tail feathers!
Thanks for joining us this week at Just Us Girls!
cute, funky and fun card. Perfect for SOS challenge.
I laughed with your gizzard story...oh my gosh it sounds hideous!
Your cute little turkey sure looks like he could shake a tail feather. I Like how you have used the co ordinating coloured ovals to frame him and his pork pie hat as we would call it. I am amazed you want anything more to do with Turkey's after reading your harrowing tale. I am sure I would have had to turn around and walk straight back out. So well done you lasting the whole morning.
Hugs Lottie x
Thanks for the cute cards (the last is my favorite) and the great story! The image of those gizzards shooting across the room will be floating around in my head for a while (which will explain the smile on my face!)
Love your story!!!! Love these colors! Love the cards! My only Iowa farm story has to do with walking beans, detassling...and soda-pop-barrel racing. Again, love your story!! We Iowa gals need to stick together!
Very cute card!!!
Oh my!! I was going to comment on the darling cards, but by the time I finished laughing about the turkey parts, I totally forgot about the cards! haha! Seriously, I laughed right out loud! What a story! I do love the cards. I actually have this set in my NBUS box and I didn't even realize it had a turkey in it! I need to get it out and making a card real quick before Thanksgiving! ((Hugs my friend!))
My goodness, Darnell, that sounds like a job for Mike Rowe (the Dirty Jobs guy). I love gizzards, though, so I'm glad someone cleans them.
Love your turkeys shaking their tail feathers. You must have put them on a conveyor belt, too.
I wonder if the rain came?
Love your story. We don't do thanksgiving here in Aus but your story is hilarious. I suppose it is to you now but most certainly wasn't at the time. Thanks for sharing.
Your cards are great. :)
Off to visit a new friend :)
Just too cute, Darnell--love your cards!
Everything about this post makes me happy. I may have just woken my household up with laughter (thanks a lot!) I guess that's what I get for reading your blogs at midnight when I'm already half-delirious with sleep deprivation.
And those turkeys? If your humor could be manifested on a card, I think you've done the job. They just make me giggle - especially when I think about "naked" turkeys.
fabulous cards and I love the story behind them ,, lol ,,, very descriptive, I felt as thought I was right there beside you and imagining everything haha ,, don't blame you for going home ,, what an awful job ,,, but someone has to do it :-)
Thanks for the shout too :-) I have already had someone popping by and becoming a new follower, THANK YOU :-)
Lols x x x
really fun cards, love the last one-crisp and clean-haven't read your story yet need to get a coffee first-have a fun day x
Hi Darnell, thank you for visiting my blog and becoming my newest follower, thanks too for the kind comment you left. I've been 'walking' through some of your recent posts, wow! You are one very talented lady, love the Thanksgiving cards, shame we don't have that celebration over here, it's always good to give thanks for things in our lives. Your turkey factory tale had me laughing. My first job as a teenager was in a jam factory, thousands of small pots of boiling hot jam with a mind of their own needing packaging! I was useless, but did stick it out for the summer as I wanted money to go travelling.
Looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous cards
Louise xx
Fabulous CAS designs! The turkey image is adorable and your presentation is spot on. Thanks for accepting the challenge this week at Shopping Our Stash!
Chana, DT
He's a pretty wacky turkey if. I say so. But it works! I love the colours you chose and the sheen!
He's a pretty wacky turkey if. I say so. But it works! I love the colours you chose and the sheen!
All three turkeys look fabulous - such a fun look with the great tail feathers! I am sitting here laughing at your turkey gizzard story, I am not surprised you did not go back, I don't think I would have either!! Hugs, Annie xx
Man, I wish I had thought of this idea for a turkey image (and yes, I do own these stamps and these particular images are in my NBUS pile). I think turkey giblet cleaners might wear the same thing as the fish processing plant workers except I'm pretty sure they also got big rubber aprons. It was one of my first job options, but I went for chambermaid instead, even though I loath housekeeping (do we still use the word chambermaid? did I just date myself?).
Hey Miss. Darnell, I sure hope you get that much needed rain out there... One day I hope to make it back to California (Southern California - the beach), and I would hate for it to have dried up and blown away. lol
Such a sweet turkey. Love the colors and triple frame!
You are a hoot, girl!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the Mister.
This little guys is just too cute. Great mix of cards using him and love his "high fashion, sparkly" tail feathers. Think the last one is my fave.
You had me LOL with your turkey factory story - oh my. I have THE best visual of the poor soul that was working across from you ROFL. Way to stick out the four hours and I am now wiser regarding the work behind the gizzards we get in our turkey. TFS :)
Darnell these cards are so fun :-D I like how you pieced and stamped turkey on every card. :-D Enjoy :-D
Oh so funny Irma Iowa. I was hoping you did not stick around for more. Did you get paid? Not only are you one funny chick from Iowa but you are dang creative. I had to click on the stamp package and then realized there was no turkey - clever.
First of all I love your turkey cards! That turkey is so cute and I love how you used the feather. I love the cards with the oval framing too. :-). Second of all, I'm amazed you lasted four hours washing the turkey gizzards! I wouldn't have. Too funny! My first job was pretty easy. Worked in a smaller craft/tole painting store. :-). I did unfortunately get let go due to an issue with my mother. She taught there and after several mistakes with supplies etc (on the owners side) they had a bit of an argument and she stopped teaching. So, I still worked there for a while and then they hired one of the other teachers daughter and let me go with two days notice. And get this, they told me in a NOTE. And not a private one either! Nit was in a public communications book we used to leave notes for everyone. I was pretty upset. Oh well. It was a long time ago. :-). Hugs!
Great Cards Darnell and thanks for sharing that story with us!
Oh boy, Darnell, no one else can tell a story like you do!!!! You had me LOL!! Loved your turkey gizzard story!!! ...and your cards are so cute and creative and I love the colours!!!!
Have a fantastic Friday!!!
Barbdorable??? You are too funny, Darnell! And, a genius for all the possibilities you saw in this stamp set! I love how you added shimmer to the feathers and your oval frames are perfect!
Thank you so much for making me smile with your turkey gizzards story...LOL! Of course, now that's all I'll be thinking about when I'm preparing my bird next week :) I also want to thank you for all the sweet comments and love you leave for me when visiting my blog...You're the BEST! Hugs, Barb
Ooh Darnell! I am crying and howling with laughter! I haven't laughed so much for ages! I have such visions in my head of your gizzard washing experience- you did amazingly well to last four hours! Your cards are so cool too! I am still laughing - I can't stop! Thank you for making my day! xxxxx
These are so cute Darnell! I love those offset ovals and that turkey is adorable! Thanks for playing with Just Us Girls!
Love these cute cards Darnell and of course your funny stories.
Hugs Diane
Darnell, you do make me smile, loved your gizzard story! Love your cards too, especially how you offset the ovals, hugs Carole Z X
Hee Hee not sure what I love more, your cards or your blog post!! Both are fab! Love that you turned a naked bird, a feather and a pilgrim hat into a fantastic turkey! Thanks for joining the Shopping Our Stash crew this week for our "Thankful" challenge!
Love the turkey.
Dedication, that's what it was, Darnell ... to last four hours in a gizzard filled world ... you're a trooper! Think your delicious (!) turkey must have some tropical birds in his ancestry ... his feathers are so shimmery and exotic! Bisous, Bisous, Anita :)
This card totally rocks :) love the design colors and cute turkey !
Your Turkey looks great with all his sparkly tail feathers and I love the ovals on your card too! Your story made me giggle....I never knew that was a real job either.....I will never complain about my job LOL! Hugs xx
I totally understand the trees under your nose. They look really slick. However, I am not sure if I like the turkey parts that made the card, or the story about the turkey parts better. The little trotter you created on the cards is enough to give me the giggles. So darn cute! I know it is only Saturday, but my turkey dinner is today, and family will be arriving very soon. Gobble, gobble!
I will never under appreciate a gizzard EVER AGAIN! Believe it or not, our family fights over the gizzard! One gizzard divided between a kazillion people = one wee schmick of a taste per person!
Awesome cards! I love how you turned the bird into a turkey! He sure looks proud of his handsome tail feathers!
After that long four hours, I can't believe you have ever even looked at a turkey part again - let alone handled, cooked and eaten a turkey!! But you certainly still stamp a cute turkey. He is absolutely charming in his various arrays of colored feathers!
Thank you for making me LOL today, my dear! I have never in my life thought once about elephant ear, no I mean gizzard washers. Thanks for enlightening me. Your eloquence today was beyond measure! And totally grossed me out. FYI, DH does our bird. I do all the rest. Good deal, eh?
And was there a card, oh yeah, I wanted to tell you how much I loved the first one. Those oval frames are wunnerful. Hope you got some rain.
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