A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

August 8, 2014

Whoosh! It's Fliday

Hello There!

I think we should start a campaign to change the name Friday to Fliday because of the way it flies through the week and shows up every five minutes.

I am bringing you a card today that, well, I think maybe I was unclear on the concept behind it. So what happened was, I was really intrigued by Monday's Make It Monday hosted by Nichole Heady over at her {capture the moment} site. The theme is "creative card borders using nonborder dies." Doesn't that sound ultratriguing?! I watched the brilliant video by the equally brilliant Danielle and then I went through my PTI dies and did some heavy thinking.

Finally, since I like to break down the box on occasion, I chose "Harvest Berries" and made this:
which was really hard to photograph outside in the sun, and not that easy inside either, for that matter.
I really like how it turned out but I had to pull a lot of teeth to get there, unnecessary teeth, I think. I started by running my die through a scrap and laying it out to see if it would work. Good.
But once I went to lay the die on my card to do a partial die cut off the edge of the paper, per the video, I went into a tizzy. I spent several minutes in a paragram universe trying to find that top part of the vine. You see those three leaves at the top above? Well the dies in the package look like this:
But neither of those pieces was that top piece and I couldn't find where it slithered off to (where it off to slithered). I woke the hamster, even though he's a total grump when I do that. We bobbed up and down and around and under the desk to the point where I got a migraine, which didn't help the sittiation, which word might or might not be missing an h.

Well, Dawn dawned, as she does and Hammy noticed that actually the die on the right is not laid out end to end, but in two pieces widthwise on the same die, you nitwit. Wait. What?

Well, slap my noodle, what was I going to do now?! Thankfully, the Mister happened to be home so naturally I asked him to separate the die. He and his girlfriend Dremel handled it very nicely for me.
Now I could lay them lengthwise with the help of a bit of Washi tape and run it halfway through the BS. That's either design dedication or just plain silly! 

While I like how my card turned out, in this case it would have been a lot quicker if I had just stamped the image and then cut around the leaves! But I do love the idea of this technique, however, and I will definitely be trying it again with some of my other dies. If the process is confusing as I've tried to explain it, please do pop over and see Danielle's video via the link above; it isn't in the least bit confusing!

Besides the Make It Monday challenge,
I chose my colors from the current challenge at the always-fun ColourQ. Here is the fabulous inspiration photo:
I'm also joining in the fun at Pixie's Snippets Playground, where the brief is simply to use up those scraps!
Pixies Crafty Workshop
The challenge links will take you to the details regarding rules, sponsors, and prizes.


New Friends Corner

I'm as happy as lark on a lark to introduce you to five more new friends today! Please meet:

Beverley Daw. As near as I can tell, Bev, you haven't an active blog. If that's not right, please let me know so I can share the information here.

Wendy Nicola Jackson of Crafty Kiwi Mama. Wends lives in New Zealand and she has been blogging since 2009. She is a designer who loves entering her sensational card art in challenges and she has tons of awards as a result. Each card, or bag, or treat box is a gift unto itself. You'll be raring to go after a visit to Wends!

Cara Malmrose of My Creative Chaos. Cara's enthusiasm just leaps off the pages of her blog. She has been blogging since 2013. Although sight-impaired, Cara loves crocheting, reading, hiking, and shooting, in addition to making her fantastic cards. She is a designer, challenge participant, and award-winner!

Vicki Robertson of He'art'ful Validation of Vicki. Vicki has been a designer since 2005! She is a well-published, award-winning card artist whose works of art range from scrapbooking to altered art. I met Vicki through The Creative Blog Hop and this post will give you a terrific bio of Vicki and her art!

Annie C. of Arty Farty Annie. Annie has been blogging since 2012 and her blog is chock full of everything from home and garden to family life and from altered art to zentangle! She is a truly well-rounded artist who is happy to share with you through her posts and her tabs on ideas, challenges, tips, techniques, and tutorials!

Thank you for joining, ladies, and welcome to the Playhouse!


I'm sending out extra prayers for the people of Hawaii during this unprecedented hurricane/ tropical storm landfall. As it happens Dan and Rachel and the twins are there on vacation so, of course, it's a bit of a personal worry for us.


Here's a little funny for you which sooner or later, isn't so funny any more. Ask me how I know!
Thanks, Mary!

Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperPTI white; SU island indigo, tempting turquoise, and summer starfruit
Stamps    PTI "Harvest Berries"; Technique Tuesday sediment
 InkSU tempting turquoise, summer starfruit
AccessoriesMy Mind's Eye enamel dots

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Click CTL + Home. 
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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!


Veerle said...

Hi Darnell,
Thank you for becomming my latest follower, I returned the favor.
Hope we can inspire each other.
Very beautiful card I see here.
Hugs Veerle x

Lisa Elton said...

Well THAT sounds like an ordeal, so happy Mister came to your rescue!! It was all worth it thought Darnel, your card is beautiful!!

Benzi said...

Fliday is right.....one day it is Monday and the next thing you know it is Friday.

Wow! Your card is just stunning and such beautiful colors.

Oh, I hope everyone in Hawaii is going to be just fine. I can imagine your anxiety but I know they will take care of themselves. Prayers being said.

Diana K said...

So I've just spent the last five minutes laughing my head off at your cardmaking antics. Personally I think it was all worth it because the card is gorgeous and so creative and unique (well, who else would go to all that trouble?)!! And then you had to show the remote controls. I'm dying here!

Graciellie Design said...

Very, very elegant card. Is this technique basically the same as partial die cutting? I may have gotten lost along the way of your adventurous crafty story. But I can assure you it was worth it! Love your design!


Sandy said...

Your card looks fantastic and totally worth all the fuss, but I don't think I am personally ready for Advanced Die-Cutting Techniques. Scissors sounds good to me in this situation.

Alanna said...

This is so beautiful Darnell and you picked the perfect stamps and dies for this technique.

I'm glad you got it all straightened out and were able to cut your dies apart to make this work.

And thanks for the remote photo. I think that's what I need for my remote as well. :)

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
my word this is a lovely card.
I love that fab die and your super creation you have made with it.
I love the idea of using a die for other things than what you usually use them for.
I quite often do this, so I get a lot more from my dies, and if I am choosing a new one I always take that into account now.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Amanda said...

Beautiful card Darnell, definitely not for the dosing hearted by the doubts of it. Thoughts are with your family,fingers crossed they are ok. Hugs, Amanda x

Sarah said...

An amazing card Darnell, and well worth the journey to create it I shouldn't wonder!! xx

Sammy said...

Oh what a fantastic card Darnell! Even if it was a lot of kerfuffle, it certainly looks amazing! x

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

It might have taken forever to get to the point of creation, but you surely did a gorgeous job, on this card. Best of luck on the challenges.

conil said...

Have to say, by the time I finished the first part of your post, Iwas on the floor rolling in laughter. I've actually tried this with the same die. HUGE mistake. I, however, did not a dremel-wielding spouse to assist me. Besides, had I asked, I didn't want to put up with a accompanying eye-rolling. I simply stamped and cut. Yes, I know it was the easy way out...just call me lazy. Anyhoo...loved the way your card turned out. Totally worth the effort. Hope your family is safe in Hawaii.

Rita said...

Fabulous card Darnell. Had a giggle at your story. Hope the folks in Hawaii stay safe. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxxxx.

cotnob said...

This is a gorgeous card Darnell, I always have a good giggle when I visit your blog.
I love the controller photo.

Pat said...

I got my LOLs for today, thanks again! That's a beautiful card despite the process of making it. It certainly stayed within the parameters of the challenge and personified what a challenge implies. Win, win situation! I enjoy your introductions to other blogs. I bloghop so much I don't have time for a blog of my own (& I wouldn't want it any other way).

Sue said...

LOL!! Darnell I have chuckled all the way through your blog..gorgeous card its really lovely. Have a great weekend huggles Sue xx

Chriss Blagrave said...

Oh my Darnell! I think of you now as the crafting engineer! How clever and your perseverance truly paid off. A gorgeous card. Love it!

Redanne said...

Those leaves look so much like gingko leaves so I love them and your card is just fabulous. I loved the story of how it all came about too!

I truly hope the family will stay safe in Hawaii. Take care my friend. Hugs, Annie xx

Unknown said...

Now I've stopped laughing Dippy, I can say what a gloriously gorgeous card this is........definitely worth all the anxt with the dies!


Karendipity xxx

Kathleen said...

Stunning card, love the layout and the colours, beautiful.

Kath x

Cat Craig said...

Wonderful story, perfect for Friday. Your card is so lovely and to my eyes so totally worth the drama...besides it made for another lively post!

Anita in France said...

What a stunning card, Darnell ... and such a herculean effort from Team DJ ... you, Grumpy Hammy, Mister and of course sweet little Miss Dremel! Sending prayers of ease to you and Mister, and of safety to yours in Hawaii. Hugs, Anita :)

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Darnell
I like flooshing through to Fliday as I don't work on a Fliday, yay!
Gorgeous card. It may have been tricksy but worth it.
Hope the family are safe and sound.
Have a great weekend, it'll be Fliday again before you know it!
Ang x

Helen F. said...

Darnell, I think your card deserves the "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!" award.
I don't seem to have the patience level I used to have in a younger day ;-)
Your tenacity certainly paid off~this is gorgeous!!

Casandra Bennett said...

I'm a bit speechless at the amount of work you put into that die just so you could get this beautiful card...yes, total dedication. I would've opted for the scissors.

Anyways, your little remote control picture had me laughing. I think we should do this for the kids in our house so they aren't always trying to re-program the technology. I grew up in the 80's so I still remember tinfoil rabbit ears, and *gasp*, having to go change the channel by hand. In that same time period, we finally got a remote control to the cable box that came into possession in the late 80's. That was a miraculous thing, but apparently, I'm the only one in this house who isn't afraid to go shut the tv off right at the screen (can't say box anymore). Whoops. Got off topic from your card which was the original thing that brought me to you. Hope I've at least entertained you with my little soap opera of the day. ;)

Suze Bain said...

Ha, ha, I had to read this twice Darnell, cause I couldn't figure out what you were talking about but now I've got it! Lol! I absolutely love that stamp you've used, a beautiful card. Xx

Tracey McNeely said...

Beautiful Darnell, your card turned out so fabulous!! I love that set and I keep saying I am going to buy it and then I don't! Such a wonderful die to use for this MIM! Now seriously I would have been in the exact same tizzy and even once separated you must be brilliant because that would have thrown me under the bus too! Rock star my friend! Hope you have a great weekend!

Sue said...

Your card is stunning Darnell. The design looks so effective, definitely worth all your efforts. I love the colours too.
Such a worry for you, I hope Dan, Rachel and the twins are okay. I bet you will be giving them an extra big hug when they return.
Hope you have a good weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Donna Nuce said...

Beautiful card Darnell! I love this stamp and die set. Your Granny's clicker was a hoot! Have a great day!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Gorgeous card
happy Saturday
hugs Tamara

Unknown said...

Your card is beautiful and the colour combination works brilliantly.

Hope your family are keeping safe and well.

Aileen said...

Ohhh goodness Darnell sometimes you crack me up so much. You do things so like me, I can just see me looking looking for that darn piece to then have the light bulb moment. I love this card, using that die that way looks brilliant and after all that hard work I think you need to make a set of gift cards with that die used that way. Actually that die and stamp are a pair that I have admired for some time but resisted asI need to use up the pile, mountain of NBUS that smiles at me when I enter my craft room.
You have inspired me to relook into the remote control for my mum and dad as I am trying to get past 'this is the on button'. Its hard when memory starts to stuggle with the head being so full of knowledge.

Pat said...

This is so pretty Darnell, and the technique is certainly one to try. I love the colours you have used. I wasa bit bemused by the title of the die and stamps until I took a look on the site and I now understand that they are Gingko Bilopa leaves, as I thought, with a twist, the twist being some berries on the stamp. Anyway, I deviate, this is gorgeous and a lot of work but worth it. I hope all is well with the family in Hawaii. x

Carol L said...

What a beauty!!! I love the colors, borders, and beautiful design! Well done!!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Swoon - so gorgeous!

Jen Mitchell said...

Who would have thunk that the dies did not come already separated! Good thing Hammy had his thinking cap on! I'm a big fan of ginkgo leaves and I love them in these colors!

Sheila H said...

Your card is beautiful. But I'm afraid I got totally mixed up by your story. However, I don't need to totally understand it since I don't own the die or one like it - LOL! Sometimes I'm content not to know...

Bonnie said...

Ooh, this is GORGEOUS! I vote for Fliday! They do come around fast!

Karen P said...

That is a really beautiful card Darnell! Love the teal and it works beautifully with the gold/olive colour. These newer thinner littler dies are confusing at times lol! Now I'm no grandma but our remote boxes are just like that - taped up with masking tape on the reverse because the lid doesn't lay flat anymore 'cos of how often I've dropped them lol! Have a lovely weekend Karen x

Jacquie Southas said...

A card well worth the effort - just beautiful, Darnell! Hoping the family in Hawaii is safe and dry! Did you feel the air move as I waved "hi" zooming down the 5 on Wednesday morning?

Joyce said...

Seriously gorgeous, Darnell. I adore that stamp set, and love to see it used in different ways. I really want to CASE you, but I guess I need to get a new husband with a girlfriend who cuts dies apart, as that will never fly in my current situation. Well, it's pinned for now, and I will have to see what the future brings.

Kay Miller said...

Well for all of that effort, your card turned out fantastic!!! It's gorgeous! I love the colors too! I've been intrigued with this technique and may have to give it a try too! The picture of the remotes is hilarious!! Have a wonderful weekend my friend! :)

Bobby said...

I have always loved that die and stamp set (I need to get it) and it looks great on the edge like that, even though it took you, Hammy and Mister all working together to make it happen. That's crafting togetherness.

OH Babs said...

Wow I think you out did yourself and Hammy was working overtime. This card is beautiful.
Thinking good thoughts for the kids safety.

Flower Shoppe Cards said...

This card is definitely worth your time and hassle! It is beautiful! I bet you kept Hammy entertained!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

JD/ Jill said...

Beautiful card! I actually have a dremel...but only used it once! I had the idea I would be able to find all kinds of neat crafty things to do with it. Only used it to do some sanding on my window panes before painting.

Marisa said...

Love that ginko leaf! Fabulous use of the technique too. Oh how I LOL at the "helping Grandma" photo - we could definitely do that for my mom when she house sits our cat ;) Have a great weekend.

sandie said...

I am with you on Fliday!! So what will Saturday be?? I think this is a wow card, super stunning and oh so clever Darnell! Have a fun weekend x

Sue said...

I am loving the card, it's design and colours are fab. I'd never think of having an embellishment going over the edge. Will have to try that.

Hope you have a fab weekend.

Debs Willis said...

Lovely card, even if it gave you and hammy a migraine! Great colours and laughed at the girlfriends name. My hubby's girlfriend is. T-bird, sadly in pieces right now following a nasty accident last week. Still, even more excuse for him to spend time with her!
Debs x

Carole Z said...

HI Darnell, this is a beautiful card and definitely worth all the effort methinks! You have also explained it very well, will have to try this = have a fab weekend, hugs Carole Z X

Carole Pollard said...

Fabulous card just love the colours its amazing. I love the Helping Grandma my husband and I have just had a good laugh and said why did we not think of that for my mum when she was alive !! Brilliant post love and hugs Carole x

Ros Crawford said...

Oh I adore your gorgeous card ... Not sure I understood a word about the die but I'm glad you sorted it and I do wish I had a hamster to help me in those situations ... I hope your family are safe ... thinking of you ...

Di said...

Wow Darnell - top marks for patience and what a fabulous result! I went and looked at the video tutorial and had to lie down for a rest afterward.

Hope Hammy has recovered!

Hugs, Di xx

~amy~ said...

Turned out wonderful...love that look!

I Card Everyone said...

Hi Darnell... love the card! I think I have that Gingko die somewhere, but I forget where I put it =/

Sarn said...

FANTASTIC card . . . worth the HEAVY thinking!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Jeanne said...

Well goodness! What an ordeal you went through to get that lovely card! I think it might have been slightly worth it as the card looks great. I give you the award for perseverance and your hubby the helping hand award as well! I like your idea for renaming Friday as well. ;)

Nan G said...

Hey there long time so see! Oh wait you have a difficult time with that don't you?! :) :) Very cheeky of PTI to attach all the pieces that way. The resulting card is pretty cool looking tho! Now Darnell, seriously, is hammy no help with controllers you resort to masking tape! LOL make that ROFLOL! Hugs

Danielle Flanders said...

Gorgeous card, Darnell! Sorry you had so much trouble with the dies! Your post made me giggle, just a bit. :) Thank you also for the nice comment on my card and video! Have a good day!

Sharon Underwood said...

You sure went through a lot to create this beautiful card! Thank goodness for Hammy! I love the remote controls for Grandma! That's about right, btw!

Stamping With Bibiana said...

love this card, I am guessing the die is from PTI? and the control remote photo is hilarious
bye bibiana

Deepti said...

Wow mind blowing !! Love it I see a winner :)

Greta said...

Aren't you lucky to have hubby to separate the die like that! Not sure why some of them come all together like that & I'm now considering that before I buy a die. Harvest Berries is one of my favorite sets & I do really like how your card turned out, Darnell!

Cathy said...

Very clever card Darnell, looks fabulous. I love the remote too I need some help and I'm not a grandma yet LOL, Cathy x

Susanne Vargas said...

What an adventure you had making this card! It is stunning with the two toned Gingko leaves and the turquoise strip on the left! I will have to give this technique a try!

Colleen said...

Harvest Berries was a great choice for the border!! Way to reinvent the wheel!

Gerrina said...

I think the die works so much better the way you made it! Stunning card! Those colours and the design are so super appealling to me... Enjoy your sunday, Gerrina

shirley-bee said...

Wow, this is fabulous, Darnell! I love the colour scheme and the overlap.

laurie said...

Gorgeous card...well worth all you went through! I vote for renaming Friday!!!!

Vicki said...

Darnell, first, this card is amazing! I love how you used the die-cut and the colors are wonderful together. Secondly, thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. And third, thanks so much for the "shout out"! That was so kind of you!!

Sue said...

I love the colors you chose for this card! Your leaves turned out beautifully. I struggled with this a bit, too, but did get it to work, finally!

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Darnell, that is so sweet of you hunny to do a little introduction to my blog in your post today! I was popping over to catch up on your latest adventures and let you know that I've done my Creative Bloggers post today, so my 'new button' courtesy of your crafty skills is on the blog. Thank you lovely lady. Big hugs, Wends x

Greta said...

Hip, Hip, Hurrah! You won the PTI gift certificate! Do you have to give hubby $12.50 for his help?!

Patti said...

OMGosh!! Congrats Darnell on your PTI win!! woo hoo : )

It could NOT have happened to sweeter person : )


Amanda said...

I knew as soon as I saw thus card it was a winner and I was right, congratulations on the pti prize it is well deserved. Hugs, Amanda x

LauraJane:) said...

Oh I have wondered if that die cold be cut apart! BRAVE you and The Mister!
Your card turned out to be worth the effort.
Congrats on the PTI certificate...what you gonna buy?!!
Something for him I bet:)

Taunya Butler said...

You are such a barrel of fun!! Love your effervescent personality!! One can not leave your blog unhappy since you always make people laugh and smile!! Your card, quite frankly, is one of the cleverest, most beautifulest cards I have had the chance to see, I am simply amazed at the beauty of it and your style!! Have an amazing day!!

Lindsey said...

Stunning card! I've been a little nervous, but have been really wanted to cut some of my dies. What tool did the Mister use? And hey, congrats on winning the gift certificate. Perfect timing, too, as this release is already looking fun. :)

Shelly said...

Yes! Time just keeps flying on by! And I continue to ask, 'where does it go?' ;) Your card is beautiful! Love! And that little fun photo...ha! ;)

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Darnell long time no see :O). Fliday it is... Well you have my head spinning, although I FREEKING love that card, ginkgo leaves are magical.. I didn't even know they had a stamp to go with those die cuts, show how much I know about machines LOL.. Once again you had me laughing and chocking, snorting, I love your world. I will watch that video so how those fangled things work, I think your card turned out BRILLIANTLY. Your Grandma's control is HILARIOUSSSSS...Thanks for all the sharing...

Claire said...

Well you have way more patience than me Darnell - I'd have screwed everything up in a hissy fit probably...never mind waking the hamster. It was all worth it though - beautiful card and a fabulous use of this week's colours! Thanks for playing along at Colour Q!

Brenda said...

Well you and Hammy did a wonderful job at pulling off this card! I would have had a hot mess, hubby would have looked at me like I was nuts if I had asked for help. But you stuck with it and I love how it turned out! That was an unusual die to use but oh so pretty Darnell! I love, love it but hope then next one isn't so much work!!! I do love this idea and did watch the video. Dare I give it a try?!! lol Hugs, Brenda

Kim Heggins said...

Fabulous card my sweet friend Darnell. I love those gorgeous flowers you made and it makes me realize I need those dies. Thanks a lot! Now for the fun part...thank you so much for playing along with us at ColourQ this week.

Sylvia said...

Beautiful card, Darnell, love your fancy dies! So happy to see you at the colourQ this week.

cm said...

AWESOME card, Darnell, even though your mister had to bring in his girlfriend to help out (hope she's gone back to Drawer, where she belongs!). Everyone else has taken all the 'good' comments, leaving me repeat-itive, so I'll just go with "echoing the others". By the way, super congrats on winning over at PTI!! Yayyyyyy!!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Your card is gorgeous! I love the leaves and the colors. That die however, is a whole 'nuther story. That's just crazy talk trying to get it all laid out right. You have more patience than I!

Rachel Palmieri said...

Wow Darnell, that was an amazing tale of how your creation came to be! Well worth the pain I'd say, as those leaves as a border are exquisite, and somehow always look neater with a die cut. Thanks for leaving a comment for me, I didn't know I'd been picked at Colour Q.