I have a few thoughts to rap up my first NBUS Challenge, but already your eyeballs have drifted down the screen and your finger is twitching on the mouse, so I'll save them for after!
Applause, applause, applesauce, applause, applause!! Congratulations to all the winners! Some of you may not even be aware that I added five more $25 gift certificates after the entries reached 100. So here are the TEN winners chosen by Mr. Random and Mrs. Dot Org! If the Orgs weren't in charge, I'd have prizes for all of you who entered!!
- In addition, I am adding two surprise $25 gift certificates:
First, to 11-year-old Alli who was the youngest participant using her loving Aunt Carole's blog, This Small Corner of Texas! It's wonderful to see a young person engaging in the ancient art of card making!
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#197 |
Second, to Mamie Reese as a representative of my "behind-the-scenes" readers who don't have blogs. Mamie has been a long-time supporter of my blog and we have become card pen pals. Here is the pretty NBUS card which she mailed to me:
Thank you so very much to everyone who participated with your beautiful works of art!! I've made a Pinterest Board for NBUS #1 so it's easy for all of us to refer back to the gallery for inspiration. It goes without saying that the response was overwhelming and heartwarming and heartfilling! Mwah, mwah, mwah all over your smiling cute little faces!!
Winners, enjoy!! Please email me at darnell dot knauss at gmail dot com, to let me know your choice of the company where you would like to shop your $25 gift certificate! Yippie!!
NBUS begets NBUS
So. Okay. I got about a third of the way through the entries and visiting your blogs to thank you for kindly joining in and it hit me that this challenge might be one of the stoopidest things I've ever done.
Gasp!! WHAT? What do you mean?
Well, I mean, think about it.
Why did I coin NBUS and start purposely numbering and using the acronym when blogging my cards?
Answer: Because I realized that I was buying lots of new schtuff after seeing other blogger's cards and then I was putting it away (too much to leave on the desk, oink!) and then forgetting about it. By challenging myself publicly, I started looking at and using my NBUS.
So, that's all good, I was making progress, but what's happened since I commented on 281 challenge entries and focused on the wonderful NBUS products you were using?
It turns out that now I've bought loads more NBUS, thanks to you guys! Mt. NBUS is so high that the newest NBUS is covered in SNOW (not an acronym) and I've had to hire a miniature sherpa to help Hammy help me!
Not to worry, you've all convinced me that you love the idea of this challenge, so I will do another one when I reach 600 followers, if not before.
I think I will need to take a few days off from blogging pretty soon, however, so I can make mole hills out of that mountain and keep the NBUS from overtaking the BUS!
Not to worry, you've all convinced me that you love the idea of this challenge, so I will do another one when I reach 600 followers, if not before.
I think I will need to take a few days off from blogging pretty soon, however, so I can make mole hills out of that mountain and keep the NBUS from overtaking the BUS!
I also think it's time for a new acronym, one shared with me by my friend Redanne, who heard it used on TV:
Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy
Yup. At my age I now have a SABLE of NBUS! But I love it, so what can I do? And I love finding out that I'm not alone with this tissue. Thank you for making me feel "normal!"
Okay, settle down. Nobody is buying that I am normal in any way! (Hammy, stop it, you'll choke.)
Kindness Begets Kindness
I would also like to thank you for following my lead and taking an extra minute or two when you are surfing the waters of card blogs to leave the artist a meaningful comment. I see a lot more of that happening and it makes me very happy!
There are many serious or super busy bloggers who just want to post their work or who just want to make cards to inspire us to buy product and for them it's not about visiting and commenting. And that's fine. We don't judge. But there are even more bloggers who want to post their project and maybe market a product AND have you follow them and make friends. It's wonderful to see you taking that first step and then watch as it is resiprocated around the globule!
I also see some of you are duplicating my "New Friends Corner" or similarly taking the time to introduce your new followers to your readers so that they might make new friends, too. It's like a handshake across the intertubes ... ice being broken ... conversations starting ...
Finally, I also want to pacifically thank my many new followers who have recently joined! I will continue with my New Friends Corner introductions, five at a time, when I resume normal posting. I haven't forgotten you!
Enjoy your day, everybody! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
Congratulations to all the lucky winners and on your successful first challenge, Darnell! Lots of hugs to you friend!
Congrats Darnell on the success of your 1st huge challenge and can't wait to see your new mountains of stash it's so hard to not get the few bits and bobbles that catch our eyes congrats to all your winners hugs Nikki
Mother always said that to make friends, you have to be one first. That's what you are, Darnell, A REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GOOD FRIEND!! I know MY mother would be proud of you. Then she'd tell me I need to follow your example! You are loved by so many of us. And I totally get why. Bev
Congratulations to the Winners. Great Challenge Darnell. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxxxx
Ahh - what a fun post and so great to see all the NBUS winners! I think it's phenomenal the number of entries you had for this challenge! Can't wait for the next one because I too, have a lot of NBUS but no where near a mountain! ;-)
Many congratulations to the winners! What a brilliant challenge Darnell, clever girl :D You have united the blogging world with your lovely personality, it bubbles over, I always find myself smiling when I visit :D Thank you so much Hugs Gay x
Well done to all the very worthy winners!! Rummaging through my mountain already in preparation for the next time!! xx
Hi, Darnell! I was unable to participate this go round due to extra special family stuff going on. But, I want to say congrats to the winners and I will be watching for the next NBUS challenge. I don't have a mountain, but I do have quite a few unloved (so far) items that I should start using NOW!!
Your blog is so much fun to visit and I am going to try to follow your lead in respect to comments and the acknowledgment of new followers. I have made some wonderful friends in blogland!!
Have a great day!
Congrats to all the NBUS winners! This is a great blog with a good old sense of humor, and I just love that. As soon as I get my typing hand back to working, I do hope to visit may more of you. Thanks for the great inspiration!
Congrats to all of the winners!! Darnell, thank you for taking the time and making the pintrest board (which I've already followed) so I can go back later and review everyone's entries as more inspiration for me. Also, thanks for the encouraging emails you've sent me the last few days as well. Can't wait for the next challenge.
Huge congratulations to all the winners of your fabulous challenge.
Sorry you have gathered a mountain of new stuff but I am sure that you will manage to get round to using it as remember (forgot who says it but)
Life is too short!
Kath x
Hi Darnell,
Congratulations to all the lucky winners! I am quite impressed with ALL the cards, but have to say that Alli, at 11, is a very creative young girl!
I have really enjoyed reading a bit of detail about your new followers. What better way for us to connect with new like-minded people.
Oh, love the new acronym (SABLE)!
Congrats to all the winners but more specifically congrats to the masses who played with their NBUS's! Way to go and Darnell you are such am amazing person to inspire blogland to open those hoarded packages! xoxo
Congratulations to everyone, and I'm beyond thrilled to see my name among the winner's list too! WTG on having such a phenomenal first challenge Darnell! I hope to be able to join the next SABLE challenge whenever it's posted, and can't wait to hear the acronym for each one following the next!
You deserve a rest my friend! I'm sure your commenting has worn your widdle finners to the bone, so kick back, relax and enjoy some serious R&R!! You deserve it :)
Congrats to winners
blessings to you
hugs Tamara
Yes, Congratulations to the winners! And to you Darnell, for your first very successful challenge. It was so much fun to see everyone's entries, and I had fun visiting the other bloggers who entered the challenge. Made some new blogging friends because of you Darnell. You touch so many people!
Carol L. (who led me to your blog) said in her comment that you need a well deserved rest after this. I'm sure it was a lot of work for you.
I am also excited to be a winner!!!!! I could hardly believe that I won. I never win anything! Thank you so much Darnell!
Congratulations to all the lucky winners of your very generous and kind hearted challenge. I hope it's not long before you get to 600 followers so we can have another one - it's so much fun coming to visit your blog and having the chance to meet new blogging friends.
Wow!! What a fabulous challenge ..... Congratulations hun! and congratulations to all the winners too.
It's been so much fun seeing everyone's entries, you've done a grand job!!
I also mentioned to hubby that you were only 9 hours from Vegas ... if only we had time to make the trip. Maybe next time.
Well done again on the success of your challenge ..... you deserve some time off after all that work! Take care .... hugs Linda xx
Thank YOU Darnell! What a wonderful way to bring crafters together. You are a joy to follow dear lady.
Huge congratulations to Colleen, Petra, Jull, Alanna, Di, Susan B, Hettiecraft, Marybeth, KandA, CarolL, and especially to Ali and Mamie Reese - hope you all enjoy your winnings.
I love the combination of Sable and NBUS! Thanks for the shout-out too. Big Hugs, Annie xx
Congrats to all the winners! And a big thank you Darnell for running the challenge. Already looking forward to the next one!
Big congrats to all the winners!
Thank you Darnell for such a fabulous challenge, for all your inspiration, for giving friendship to so many and for being you!
hugs Sue xx
Hi Darnell, congrats on such a hugely successful challenge and to the winners. It was a lot of fun, so thankyou for the inspiration, Cathy x
Great post today so entertaining I really enjoyed reading it. Well done to all your winners some amazing projects and very talented young people. Personally I think you will always have your mountain of stash me thinks its part of the pleasure of crafting especially if you find something you bought three years ago and it turns out to be just what you are hunting for !! Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x
Congrats to all the winners Darnell and thank YOU for such a wonderful and friendly blog it cheers me up everytime I read it..huggles Sue xxxxxxxxx
Huge congratulations to the lucky winners and how much fun to look through that huge amount of cards and real beauties each and every one. x
Congratulations, Darnell, on the success of your first NBUS challenge! I love that you now have a SABLE of NBUS, lol! I look forward to the day that I do, too. :-)
Congratulations to the winners! You lucky ducks. ;-)
congrats to all the lucky winner ...All have great cards..and Darnell I was really worry two days no new post from you...I guess you are busy to make the winner post...yeah...I hope you still have time to creating card as I have today and I hope you like to see it on my blog...Love always to visiting your CARD HOME...hugs, Monika
Oh Darnell you are such a gem!! I enjoy reading your blog so much. First off it makes me laugh ( and that's really enough reason) but secondly, I see such a big heart behind that humor, and that makes me smile inside. And when you smile inside, you feel good. I think you make a lot of people smile inside. You're spreading joy!! Yay!! Oh and SABLE... HAHA!! Oh Lordy!! You take some time off and whittle down Mt NBUS a bit! Can't wait to see what you come up with!! ((Hugs))
Thanks for running the challenge, Darnell, it was fun. I knew I wouldn't win, my card was not my best work, but with my schedule lately I was glad just to be able to submit an entry at all.
Special congratulations to Alli, and a very lovely card it is too, for anyone, especially a crafter so young.
Gosh, I hope my stash is not SABLE. What a waste that would be. Well, I guess in my will I will leave it to the children's hospital or some other charity, if it comes to it.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners and to you Darnell on the acquisition of more sable. Perhaps we should arrange to swap some stuff once we've used it but on second thoughts that would not help with our mountains!
Carol x
Congratulations to the winners! And congratulations to everyone who participated and actually got to crack open some NBUS and finally use it! I will admit though, that scrolling through the gallery has turned me on to all sorts of new things that I want to buy - so you're not alone atop your snow capped NBUS mountain!
Congratulations to all the winners! Everyone did such a great job and I loved looking at the cards. It's nice that we can see them on Pinterest. A big thank you to Darnell for hosting this fun challenge. She spreads so much fun and joy every time she posts. A huge hug for you!!
I'm so happy your challenge was such a HUGE success, but then again I knew it would be!! I thought NBUS was genius but SABLE....I think it strikes a cord with ALL of us!!!!!
Great first NBUS challenge Darnell! Congrats to all the winners! It is nice to know that we are not the only ones who buy buy buy and then don't use use use!!
Congratulations on the great idea and success of NBUS Challenge Darnell ...
... a fab lot of work and chuckled so much at your Mt NBUS sherpa an all..
.... love how folks visited and three new folk joined my blog too and don't get many ... don't publish enough. Every blessing dear friend. Shaz in Oz x
Darnell this has been such a fun challenge. I've made some new bloggy friends because of it. I'm thrilled that I was selected as one of the winners. You are too generous. And I love the picture of your new Mt. NBUS. Thanks for always putting a smile on my face after I come to visit you.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners on the First NBUS challenge!
And a huge congrats to you, Darnell for such a wonderful and inspiring idea of not only this challenge but visiting/commenting/following someone new to each of our Blogland hemispheres! {{{HUGS & MWAH}}}
Hi Darn Nell! Cherokee does not understand why people say Darn Nell. Maybe you tell me later. Cherokee likes Darn Nell place on Computer. Thank Darn Nell for JD/Jill getting to go shopping. JD/Jill funny name too. She just look at me funny when I ask her about name. Irish just shake head. Not ask again. Cherokee not loco weed eater. May great Spirit watch over Darn Nell.
Congrats to all the winners and you are such a sweetie to be providing extra prizes! I have a ton of NBUS....I must play along!!!!
So many wonderful entries! Great way to use up your stash! I feel I also have Sable, but it makes me so happy! Carri~Abusybee
DoubleClick Skittles Design Team Call!
your posts are always fun to read. yes, i don't always get to come here and read but i do love you, you know.
so sorry i forgot to play in your NBUS challenge. summers find me outside a LOT..we get so little of it. ~I am playing use up my stash of stamps and use every single one, kind of like Susan R suggested. oh goodness, do i really own so many...I have a long way to go and am on stamp #261 now. Thank you for all you do for us stampin' peeps!!
There's a whole whack of us out here in blog land that love you to pieces because you are THE most amazing, kindest, funniest, cleverest, generous, sweetest person ever! And also really cool cuz you have a rodent living in your head!
Huge congrats on the success of this awesome challenge idea!
HUGS, cheers to your success!!!
Love this post! I LOVE commenting and finding friends and making lifelong crafting buddies!! SO thanks for cheering this on! It is great!!!
Congratulations to all the winners!, and Darnell, you are an amazing writer, I always have a chuckle or two right at the jump-start of the post and it continues...you make reading so much fun!
You certainly need a few days off after the huge success of your challenge. It was a lot of fun and I loved wandering around all the different blogs being overcome with such amazing designs. So take some time, enjoy some of your new NBUS and I look forward to your next beautiful project.
That is amazing Darnell over 100 entries!but that doesnt surprise me justs shows how many people who love you andyour cards and blog....keep it up you are an inspiration to us all!!! and yeah I am guilty of
Buying and then forgetting about new stuff too....love the rush when I find it again though !!x
What a fantastic response to your first challenge ~ Congrats! Love the new "sable."
Marvelous - CONGRATS to the lucky winners :-D I really enjoyed this Challenge and I was so pleased to see how many entries you had :-) Very nearly at 600 anyways so it won't be long for Challenge #2 hahahahaha !!! Very best wishes and I hope you have a good day and get a bit of a relax now !! :-D
IKE in Greece xoxoxoxoxox
Lovely cards. All deserving of a prize.
Hope you have a good week ahead.
Darnell, what a fantastic response, not only the competition but responses after the competition. You are very luved and its easy to see why. Your a woman I would love to meet, I think we would enjoy a real laugh. Who knows maybe one day I'll visit you from down under. Dont work too hard on the SABLE.
First; So super to read your post again! Second: Congrats to all winners! Third; What a great joy to see so many different styles and so many posts with the NBUS going through blogland! Got totally inspired to use my stash (and buy more, but that's NOT the topic :) ) Thanks Darnell and hugs!
WOO HOO - a FABULOUS gallery & CONGRATS to all the participants & winners :)
I've officially decided I have a STABLE of NBUS =
Stash Totally Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy
...and I'm now looking for a stable to house it all in LOL!
Huge Congratulations to all the winners and to you Darnell for hosting such a fun and fab challenge that was so successful! Take care xxx
Woot woot! Well done on such a successful and friendly challenge Darnell.
MANY CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Darnell, you are a gem! Your NBUS challenge is awesome and I love the new acronym...SABLE is hilarious! A big huge congrats to all of the winners!
I cannot believe my name is up there with the winners - thank you so very much and ccongrats to the other lucky winners too.
At the beginning of the year my resolution was to use schtuff at least once before putting it in the cupboard, but after a couple of months all my good intentions disappeared under the mountain of NBUS. Your challenge made me feel guilty and got me motivated to dig some out and join in.
You also got us visiting new blogs and meeting new and talented people - and also making our wish lists grow longer!!
Thank you for everything Darnell xx
Hi Darnell, I so enjoyed reading your post and want to congratulate all the winners. Have a wonderful week.
SABLE. Yep, that describes my craft stuff, too!
I've been browsing the NBUS #1 Pinterest board - what amazing creations!
Have a successful and productive time turning your mountain into molehills!
love Mags B x
Congrats to all the winners on the first NBUS challenge. Congrats to you Darnell on such a successful challenge! Thanks to you for all the fun and entertainment that you bring to your blog! Love to visit.
Congrats to the winners & to You Darnell! Love this post! You are an inspiration!
Congrats, to all!!! And Congrats, Darnell on an successful first challenge! :)
Well done to you Darnell for all these lovely peeps who have played along in your new and exciting challenge. Having a month to play is great as it takes the pressure off those of us who are still in the rat race. I have also enjoyed meeting extra peeps as a result so thanks.
Also THANK YOU for picking me out for a prize. So wonderful to find out on a Monday morning.
Congratulations to the winners and to you for helping us use our stuff (no matter how you spell it)!
Well, I guess I missed this challenge while I was away from my blog for a few weeks. It really sounds as if everyone had fun. Congrats to the winners and your successful challenge.
Hi Darnell! Had some IT issues here - like my laptop keeled over from an overload of images, downloads and goodness knows what else - and I really should know better! Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa!! :(
But we're all fixed now and I just had to say how totally delighted I am that your NBUS challenge went so, so well. Everyone had lots of fun and golly gosh how fabulous to be chosen by Mr and Mrs Random as a winner :) Did you hear the squeals of delight!?
Thank you so so much Darnell - but mostly thank you for your wonderful blog - always a joy to visit you.
Love and hugs, Di xx
I can't believe you went out and bought more NBUS! Well, yes I can! I'd do the same thing...and I do! Thank you for inspiring us in so many ways. You are wonderful!
Hi Darnell,
congratulations to all of the winners and thank you for such a brilliant challenge.
Roll on 600 followers!
Hope you have a fab week. xx
Hey there, Darnell!! This was awesome!! I did not participate in this challenge since I was having back problems and I was also a little late to play!! I love everything about you and your blog - you simply amaze me!! Your goodness reaches farther than you can know or comprehend!! I will definitely be participating in the next challenge!! I noticed your birthday is in 2 days - I would like to wish you a happy birthday but what would even tickle me pink would be able to send you a handmade birthday card - Dare I ask for you to let me know your snail mail address!! If you do my email is daisiesgirl AT gmail DOT com. Thanks for all you do and on your birthday CELEBRATE the wonderful, giving soul that you are!!! Hugs - Taunya
Awww Dee I always love my little visitations here ! you make my day a little more special :) many congrats to all the lucky winners too. Hmmm I think I may have a SABLE of NBUS too now. I know what you mean about seeing other things you WANT and NEED when visiting other bloggers. If only I could get over my WANing ( Want and need...ing)....oooh I found another acronym now...but it's only a dream of course !!! :) hugs Viv xx
You're an absolute STAR, Darnell, for hosting your own challenge - and look how popular it was. And look how popular you (and Hammy) are! It's always a pleasure to visit you. Mwah!
And congrats to all the lovely winners :)
CONGRATULATIONS!! to all the winners! and congratulations for the best prize of all.. YOU Darnell! We all appreciate you and look forward to your beautiful work and word smithing : )
BIG (((Hugs)))
From Inkyfingers1: Congrats to all the winners! I will look forward to seeing the next challenge. Looks like there is another Theresa AND another Inkyfingers that follows so know my blog has the number 1 after the inkyfingers,(inkyfingers1) just incase you wanted to know:) It has been a pleasure seeing all the entries and visiting this blog. Will be back to peek in more later.
Congratulations to YOU and all the winners, what a fun and successful challenge, I can't wait for the next one, thanks for doing this Darnell!
What a successful challenge Darnell, I saw NBUS all over the place. I am so sorry I am so behind in my comments. DH is now back to work and I should better. I love the way you introduce your new followers and wish I would have done it long ago. I hang my head in shame for not doing it on my own.
I am almost embarrassed to win. Thank you. You were so kind to keep adding. Congratulations! Hugs.
Congratulations to all the winners ... and to you, Darnell, for such a fantastic and succesful challenge! What an incredible soul you are, and what a spectacularly splendid influence you have in our corner of the blogosphere ... thanks for being you ... mwah! Hugs, Anita :)
Congrats to all of the winners!!
Congratulations Darnell on the successful completion on this very first challenge of urs :) I now look forward to the next one, which doesn't seem to be far fetched :)
Also thank you for creating a pinterest gallery!
Congratulations to all of the winners!
Darnell, Thank You so much for caring and creating this new challenge for all of us. You are a cherished gal for sure. Love your posts and appreciate all that you do! Looking forward to another NBUS challenge in the future :) Take care.
Wonderful post and wonderful challenge, Darnell! Congrats to all of the winners and thanks again for bringing us all together - your generosity and kindness are infectious :)
So I say we all will our SABLE to Alli!! She will outlive us all and already shows signs of being a worthy recipient. :)
Thanks for a super-fun challenge and for the chance to meet and make new bloggy friends!!!
<3 J
jwoolbright at gmail dot com
Wow! Congratulations to all who were winners and my goodness, you were so very generous too! And, I had to laugh about your mountain as I am staring at my mountain too. It just seems I keep piling more and more on and can't seem to quit. I have good intentions but that is about as far as it goes. Just purchased a bunch more things and I just know it will be a long, long time before I get to play with them. You have a great week and take care. And, thanks so much for all the fun!
Congrats to all the winners and I enjoyed looking at all the cards that were submitted. I missed the deadline...next time.
What a great challenge! I have so much NEBUS around here I can't find the old stuff! I was out of town but believe me when you do it again, I am going to join in. Congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to all the lucky 12 ladies. I'm happy for all of them and you Darnell for successfully wrapping up your first NBUS cahllenge. Thanks to your challenge, I managed to make a few talented friends. Now, whenever I buy a new craft product, I'll make sure I do not use all of it until you come up with NBUS#2 :)
What a wonderful success Darnell, I was only sad that I didn't have a chance to join in (maybe next time) I'm sure I can find a stamp around here somewhere that's never seen ink before lol. Well done, you are one amazing lady and well done to the lucky winners too!
This is FABULOUS! Congrats to all of those who played along, as well as to the winners. And hugs to you, Darnell, for all you do to build such a wonderful community of crafters. :)
I just came back from holiday, and i was so busy preparing for time off work, packing and all that comes with a holiday I didn't find time to enter. Still, I wanted to say I think what you did was great, and from the amount of entries and comments it seems many others feel the same way too. Keep up the good work:)
Hi, Darnell. I'm really happy for you and for the success you had with your really fun and creative new challenge. Make a second and a third NBUS, SABLE or whatever name you might give it, even without any prizes, and I'll join in every single one :). Love to read your thoughts and great sense of humor. You LIFT (Laugh In Full Time) my days. Thank you!
Congratulations to all the winners!
I missed your NBUS challenge, but I wanted to congratulate you on 500 followers. How can we help but follow you when you're so entertaining? And more importantly - crafty. :-) April
Thank YOU for doing this! Good luck on conquering Mt. NBUS!
What a fun challenge you held and wow what a response but your so encouraging and I can easily see how this response came to be :)
Oh BIG Congratulations to all your super talented winners! I saw some familiar names too, which made me happy and was a pleasant way to end my evening. I thank you for having this challenge, and gosh, it was a lotta work! I'll be looking forward to the next one - which I doubt will be far in the future! You've provided so much inspiration to all of blogland, technical help & friendship too. So no wonder you have so many followers. See, you're famous! I will also add SABLE into my Bloginition page too! Great term. What fun ....Miss Anne is another Lovely too! Enjoy your time off, and don't fall into any crevices while you & Hammy are up on Mt. NBUS. TFS & Hugs
hi Darnell, Congrats on your challenge -- All those entries just speak to the amazing you work you do -- both in cards and in words! I love your how your nubs begets nubs -- I am glad that I am not alone -- it was my intention (thanks to you and Susan R) not to buy "more" until I used my new stuff -- but the pile of new stuff is growing out of control! I need to put a lock on my wallet!!!
Keep up the good work -- as long as it is FUN!
If you spread Mt. Nubus into various rooms, it's not as noticeable. My DH did that with all his baseball cards and I've found it works well with my stuff too.
Funny how we create our own monsters! You did have a wonderful response.
Love your new acronym.
Congratulations to all the winners!! I can't wait for the next NBUS challenge Darnell. Although I am a member of the SABLE of NBUS club too, that won't stop me from adding to the collection :)
Congratulations to all the winners. Great challenge Darnell and one that serves a purpose. I wasn't able to finish my card so I might just set it aside and do so with the next challenge. Challenges are a lot of work, and you really rocked it with almost 300 entries on your first time out. Well done.
Thank you too for the Special mention for Alli's card. She was so excited when I called her last night.
Now, I'm off to see if I can reduce the amount of NBUS in my craft room to make room for more SABLE. LOL
Darnell...congrats to all the winners! This was so much fun to be part of so thank you so much for taking the time. Made me pull out my NBUS too, so much fun and made my stamps happy to be inked too. Congrats to you again for so many fabulous followers, I am so blessed to count you as one of my friends.
Congratulations Darnell....I think you're the winner, you created NBUS and we all understood and for me it's not the prizes but the sharing AND using my SABLE...I love the acronyms you've had me in fits of laughter, I love your Mt NBUS, I want to stop buying tooooo, please could I go one month!! Congrats to the prize winners hope we all won a few more followers and keep on NBUSing...hugs Robyn
Congrats to you on the success of your first challenge...and to all those lucky winners!
I had so much fun playing along, using my stash that might have otherwise gotten dusty, and visiting as many card makers as possible! I'm also very grateful for your generosity, Darnell! How sweet you are to offer all those prizes, and to visit ALL of your participants...Bless you, my friend...you are the BEST!!! Enjoy your break (if you ever really take one), and I look forward to seeing your newest creations...Hugs!
Congratulations to all of the winners; but esp. congrat, Darnell, on your first successful challenge. I bet I could beat you in a race to the top of the SABLE pile! I wanted to enter this challenge but couldn't climb off it (my SLASH pile) fast enough. I love your sense of humour and you never let me down. Luv, Janelle
Congrats to all the winners and how very very kind of you to do this ...
Congratulations to all the winners, and to you, Darnell, for inspiring, entertaining and befriending us all. We are so much richer for knowing you. The challenge was so much fun and a big undertaking for you. We can't thank you enough. Hugs, Bobby
Hi Darnell!! What a sweetheart you are! Congrats to all the winners of your NBUS challenge. I failed to get my ducks in a row to enter, but sure have had a good time watching. Love, and agree with, your blogging philosophy... I'm so new to it, you are a good example of what I want to be =] Michele
Hi Darnell a big congratulations to you on a fabulous first challenge.. wow there where so many entries ..and what an amazing range of styles and designs,quite awesomereally well done too to the very lucky winners ...I hope you enjoy some time having =fun working through some of that mountain. Loving the new acronym ....we can all relate to that !...and I'm sure we will get to see the fruits of your labour... hugs Andrea x
Thanks for your laugh-out-loud comments. I must confess I have at least two SABLEs (love that acronym) but your promotions keep me plugging away in using some of this stuff - when I'm not moving everything around trying to find room for the new, that is.
Darnell rules! Nuff said.
Oops, nope. Love the SABLE of NBUS. Sounds like something right out of The DaVinci Code!
Congrats to a sucessful 1st NBUS challenge!! I LOVE this brainchild of you because agter 6 years of scrappin and buying new stuff all the time I NEED this challenge lol! And thanks for all your sweet comments about new grandbaby! I'm home now and even though Destiny (DD) only lived on hour on a half away I criend all the way home lol! Iys all good I will see Kinley on Friday if I don't melt 1st...110 here yesterday! Yikes!
Darnell, if you are not normal then I'm not either! I have SABLE NBUS too!
Cazzy x
Oh, Darnell, I've just seen that I am one of the lucky winners!!!!!! Oh WOW, that's wonderful!!! Thank you, thank you and thank you again for running this challenge - it was such great fun to take part!!! I'll email you shortly.
Have a lovely day!!
Dah-link! So long for me to visit! Love the post. There were so many great cards posted to your challenge. It is a good thing you left the orgs in charge. I know I would hate to be faced with a decision like picking winners! And yes, blog hopping is horrible if one if trying to not acquire more but wonderful if you are looking to be inspired. It's a love-hate thing. Embrace it!
Darnell your posts always warm my heart! And your witty prose makes me giggle or LOL! Congratulations to all the winners! And SABLE NBUS - I think many of us can totally identify!! :)
Congrats to all those lucky winners and congrats to you Darnell for having such a smashing success with your first challenge! I am very much looking forward for you to reach 600 - it won't be long! I too have mountains of NBUS schtuff and I want to put it to good use.... ;) As usual I enjoyed reading your blog post!
Congrats everyone and also to you Darnell for the organisation.
SABLE lol I love it!
Linby x
In this way to you:
Hope that today is the start of a super new year of your live with much happy and creative moments!
Thanks for all the lovely comments but most of all your super blogpost that make me LOL!
Hugs, Gerrina
Congrats to the winners. Thanks for a wonderful challenge. I can see through your posts that you are a person full of happiness and friendship.
Happy Birthday, Darnell! Have a blast!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Darnell!
Happy Birthday to you!
Have a super duper terrific day!
Hi Darnell
Congratulations on the success of your challenge. I didn't have time to enter this time but will make time for your next one.
Hear its your birthday too so many happy returns and enjoy your day.
I am definitely in a SABLE situation. I thought it was obligatory for crafters lol!
Best wishes.
Ang x. . . . . . .SABLE and proud!
Just popping by to wish you a very Happy Birthday Dee!I made a card for you too if you pop over to my blog you will see it :)I even found an ickle birdie to sing you Happy Birthday too :) hugs...mwah :) Vee xx
First off, Happy Birthday Darnell! Secondly, congratulations to all the winners. I think we all came away winners by participating here too, I know I did, just by meeting so many wonderful new bloggers and visiting their blogs. Thanks for getting the ball rolling Darnell, enjoy your day. Big hugs, ~Diane
Happy Birthday to you, Darnell!
Hope you have a WONDERfilled day!
Congrats to all the winners, who had fabulous cards by the way!! I also want to thank you Darnell for having this challenge. It was lots of fun!! I know how easy it is to be enabled, trust me I know!! And have a pile of NBUS myself and just got more in as well. lol I think thought I am going to try very hard to start using my stuff. It might not happen until winter, but I'm going to try before that. I am also behind on my own commenting. Summer is just my time to be outside after being shut up all winter chin deep in snow. I barely go out for groceries in the winter and DH is dragging me out to get some. lol But I will get back on track one day. I look forward to the next NBUS Darnell but glad that you are waiting cause I don't want to be enable for a while!! My poor purse, or should I say my DH's wallet is feeling the hit! lol Also wanted to tell you to have a special, and very Happy Birthday Darnell! I am late, but your card is in the mail!!! Big hugs, Brenda
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Darnell,
Happy birthday to you!!!
My apologies that I didn't know about your blog land b-day party, or I would have posted it for you today! Your card is 'in the mail', so I sure hope you get it on time! Also, I hope you have a really, really FUN day with the Mister, and your beautiful family...you deserve everything to be perfect on your special day! Sending lots and lots of (((HUGS))) to you!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday, Darnell! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I just had mine, and I spent a lovely day at the palaces and fortress of Alhambra, in Granada, Spain. I'm always away on holiday on my birthdays, usually being on an excursion with hubby to see places I've always wanted to visit. I'm a lucky girl:)
And a huge BIG Happy birthday to you today, Miz Darnell. I finally saw the little spot on your sidebar (DUH! I'm slow). I am hoping to get back here and congratulate some more of your winners that I 'know'. In the meantime, chill & enjoy your day. Hugs & Love.
SABLE? Hilarious! I should post that over my scrap closet door! Laura Bassen said on her blog today that she liked your sense of humor, and since I love hers, I thought I'd pop by and say hello. Just added your blog to my reader.
Happy Birthday Darnell! I found your blog via a mention on Laura Bassen's blog. Thank you for the smiles today! I too have SABLE so I really had to chuckle - and laugh along with you on your Mt. NBUS as that happens to me frequently. Now I've added following you via email, so I'll probably need more sherpa! HA! Keep smiling and have a fantastic birthday! Cheryl SD
A huge happy birthday Darnell I see you are a fellow Cancerian. Wishing you a wonderful day with family and friends . Sorry I have missed so much of your wonderful works of art and congratulations on the success of NBUS. You are are a breath of fresh air to us all just wish I had the time and mojo to join in. Hopefully soon I will be back on track as I truly have missed your fabulous posts and gorgeous art.
Love, love your blog and wry sense of humor , makes me smile every time! So happy to be one of your followers!
I'm positive you've heard this before, but here goes. You're an absolute HOOT! I've rarely been this entertained reading a blog. Despite laughing out loud so hard that tears rolled down my face, I followed your post all the way to the end. Honestly, I am not known for that. But I now know that I'll need time and a beverage to thoroughly absorb all your wonderful bloginess. Thanks so very much for making my day.
Oh my goodness Darnell. You've created a full time job but hats off to you for running an obviously successful challenge. I may be getting into SABLE territory myself! x
Happy Birthday, Darnell!!! :)
Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Darnell! I hope your day has been fabulous. :)
Had to come by and say Happy Birthday Darnell! I hope you are having a lovely day!!! And may your year be full of blessings!
Hope you're having a wonderful birthday Darnell, hugs, Cathy x
Happy Birthday to a great lady! Hope its the best one ever!
What a great challenge you created. I see my BFF won a gift Card. Lucky Colleen.
Anyway, I am here to wish you Happy Birthday dear blog friend. I'm sorry I just found out this morning that it was your birthday and was not able to make you a card. I have my 4 grandchildren on Wednesdays in the summer and we were headed to the lake. Hope you had an extra special day.
Congratulations to all the winners!!! And congratulations to you sweet Darnell, for a VERY successful challenge!!
Happy Birthday, Darnell. I didn't get a card made but sending good wishes your way.
Happy Birthday Have a fantastic day hugs Nikki
Just under the wire but wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!
Hope you have the best day after...ever! (I know you are reading this the day after your BD)
Hugs my friend,
Just popping in to wish you a very happy belated birthday! Sorry I missed it but I hope you had a wonderful day :)
Happy belated Birthday Darnell...hope you had a fabulous day! Hugs Carole Z X
Congrats on such a wonderful successful run on challenge 1! Great idea and thanks for sharing your spirit with us all! :-)
Dolly. Congrats on your very successful first NBUS Challenge. As you can see, you are loved by many. Your sense of humor and beautiful cards bring new people to visit your blog ... and your warm friendship keeps them coming back. Lolly xx
Hi Darnell. Just catching up as usual. Congratulations on such a fabulous challenge and Congratulations to your winners. Hope you've managed to make some mole hills into the mountains of NBUS and SABLE!
Avril xx
Congrats to all winners and thank you for the fun challenge! I so wanted to make a second entry (I had chosen the stamps for it already!) but non-card making life came on the way (including a puppy!!). I look forward to the second challenge. Have a wonderful weekend!
Whew gasp pant wheeze let me sit moment.....okay ..now that I'm at the end of the long line of complimentors...wow! what a turn out for your first NBUS challenge! Huge congrats to all the winners! Mwah to you, Darnell!
Gahhh...I'm 3 weeks - THREE - behind in commenting, my friend! Hectic-ness is all to blame, from family visits, to bike races at home, to traveling to Bend where my husband just finished racing yesterday, to DT duties (hokey smokes, I didn't realize how involved they are...fun to the max, but 'responsibility' required too *grin*). Anyway, your NBUS challenge was stellar! I'll just echo what the others have said: you are awesome in every way, and we LOVE x LOVE you!
Những điều cần biết khi chăm sóc trẻ dưới 1 tuổi http://treduoi1tuoiconen.blogspot.com/
Công dụng của các loại lá nhà vườn http://congdungcuala.blogspot.com/
Đau đầu nên làm gì? http://daudauconen.blogspot.com/
Trẻ 6 tháng tuổi có nên http://tre6thangtuoiconen.blogspot.com/
Chuyển như thế nào http://chuyenthenao.blogspot.com/
Các tác dụng của trái http://tacdungcuatrai.blogspot.com/
Một số công dụng của quả http://congdungcuaqua.blogspot.com/
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