Here we are, whooshed around to another Friday, the first Friday in another new month!
And here I am, pickled tink to note that I have reached 500 followers, which just astounds and even confounds me! But whoopie!! I am so grateful for your encouragement, support, and friendship. I think this milestone event gives me the perfect opportunity to show you just how grateful I am!
And here I am, pickled tink to note that I have reached 500 followers, which just astounds and even confounds me! But whoopie!! I am so grateful for your encouragement, support, and friendship. I think this milestone event gives me the perfect opportunity to show you just how grateful I am!
I have never offered blog candy in the traditional sense, preferring to do so behind the scenes on an individual random basis with you. I wanted to do something different, so I put on my thinking cap, noting that it hardly fits now that my head is swollen from all the love you give me in your comments! I decided it would be fun to host a first-ever NBUS challenge and award prizes!
What the heck is NBUS? Most of you know coz you're followers, but it's an aaackronym I coined about a year ago that stands for "never-before-used schtuff." That means virginal. I wanted something that would motivate me to use product that I buy (or win or receive as a gift), put away, and forget about. The idea behind it is not new. Susan Raihala of Simplicity created a "Use Your Stamps" challenge, specifically for stamps. There is also Kirsten of Crash Your Stash, Traci of Depleting My Stash - My Journey, and there's Shopping Our Stash. I'm sure there are others, as well.
Counting and posting when I use NBUS on a card has worked for me as I have used NBUS 134 times since last June and I don't even count paper or small items. And even if I use three NBUS on a card, I only count it once for that post. Of course, the whole time I'm using NBUS, I'm buying more NBUS! Hey, what can I say? I'm a product pig and you guys are all enablers with your fantastic creations!
I've been delighted to see a lot of you picking up the NBUS moniker and playing along on your blogs. Now you can do it and win a prize! I even had my new friend and follower Nikki of Graphix and Designs design a challenge button for me!
What the heck is NBUS? Most of you know coz you're followers, but it's an aaackronym I coined about a year ago that stands for "never-before-used schtuff." That means virginal. I wanted something that would motivate me to use product that I buy (or win or receive as a gift), put away, and forget about. The idea behind it is not new. Susan Raihala of Simplicity created a "Use Your Stamps" challenge, specifically for stamps. There is also Kirsten of Crash Your Stash, Traci of Depleting My Stash - My Journey, and there's Shopping Our Stash. I'm sure there are others, as well.
Counting and posting when I use NBUS on a card has worked for me as I have used NBUS 134 times since last June and I don't even count paper or small items. And even if I use three NBUS on a card, I only count it once for that post. Of course, the whole time I'm using NBUS, I'm buying more NBUS! Hey, what can I say? I'm a product pig and you guys are all enablers with your fantastic creations!
I've been delighted to see a lot of you picking up the NBUS moniker and playing along on your blogs. Now you can do it and win a prize! I even had my new friend and follower Nikki of Graphix and Designs design a challenge button for me!
NBUS Challenge #1
"Anything Goes"
(Friendship Theme)
- You MUST use a NBUS item on your creation and tell us what it is. It doesn't matter if it's old or new (although that old virginal schtuff would really like some attention!).
- The theme is "anything goes" with an emphasis on "friendship." You are an eclectic group of followers with a wide range of styles. I want you to be cozy and inside your comfort zone. Show me what crafty project or style of card art brings you the most creative joy and makes you think of friendship.
- Cut and paste the NBUS button above into your post and include a link back to here.
- Please enter only four other challenges, in addition to this one, for a total of five.
- You may enter up to three times. New work only, please.
- Link up your creation using the InLinkz button below in the usual way.
- This challenge will close on Friday, June 27, 2014 at noon PDT.
FIVE TEN $25 gift certificates will be
awarded from the following (your choice):
June 13, 2014 Edited to add:
After just one week, the entries are over 100! I am overwhelmed by your support and enthusiasm for my NBUS Challenge. In appreciation, I am adding these prizes!
- FIVE Winner's Choice Gift Certificates! $25 each, to the company of your choice!
If you would like to play just for fun, please say "playing for fun" in your comment after you link.
Miss Elaine E. Uss
I'm not going to police you, so this isn't a "rule," but I would appreciate it if you would comment on at least three other entries, preferably names that you don't recognize. When you go to their blog to comment, click to follow them while you're at it. It's a free random act of kindness that will make someone's day! And if someone follows you, follow them back, like your mama taught you.
Who Can Play?
I know a lot of you follow me through reader subscriptions and may not have clicked to follow where I can see you on the thumbnails on the side bar, so my actual followers number more than 500. I would like my subscribers to participate in the challenge, too.
(The advantage of also clicking the blue "Join This Site" button is that once I see you there, I introduce you and your blog to my other readers. It is okay to both follow and subscribe to a blog.)
(The advantage of also clicking the blue "Join This Site" button is that once I see you there, I introduce you and your blog to my other readers. It is okay to both follow and subscribe to a blog.)
There are also a lot of you who don't have blogs, but you are faithful readers and some of you leave comments or email me. I would like you to participate in the challenge, too, if you like. If you don't have a blog, you can create a free Flickr account and upload your photo there, or through Splitcoaststampers. Once you follow their easy directions to upload your card, you copy the URL and then enter it through the InLinkz button below. I understand that it will not be possible for participants who use Flickr or SCS to post my button.
If you don't want to do either of those things and you just want to email me a picture of your card, that works, too! I want to include everyone! If you feel left out, or have alternative suggestions, or questions, please email me and let me know. (darnell dot knauss at gmail dot com.)
I'm grateful to you for being there, no matter how you access my blog!
Prize Selection
Prize Selection
Because you are all my friends, I could never select one of you over another, so I will use Dr. Random and Mrs. Dot Org, Mr. Hammy Hamster, Mr. Mister, or Mr. Random Stranger off the street to pick the winners. I will announce the winners on Sunday, June 29, 2014.
If this is successful, I will hold another challenge when I reach 600 followers and so on! Sorry this first one is so wordy. If this catches on, I'll do a tab at the top of my blog that contains all the small printcrap information to shorten future challenge posts so they don't blah blah bore you to death.
If this is successful, I will hold another challenge when I reach 600 followers and so on! Sorry this first one is so wordy. If this catches on, I'll do a tab at the top of my blog that contains all the small print
Here is the card I made for you! I hope you'll join in and link up. I can't wait to see what you make!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
Thank you, again! Mwah!!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
Thank you, again! Mwah!!

*Life Is Too Short!
What a fantastic idea Darnell!! Will defo join in but it might have to be later in the month. Son arriving for a short visit tonight so he gets my attention for next few days!
So much fun!
and a big congrats on the BIG 5!
Count me in, the only downside being how much NBUS stuff I'll have to admit to owning! Xx
Fabulous idea, Darnell! I've got loads of abandoned bits and bobs wanting some love. Massive congrats on reaching 500, that's amazing but not surprising at all! Will hopefully find some time to play soon. Hugs xx
Woo Hoo - I can comment on your blog but only if I use Google Chrome ... I.E. just lies there waiting .. and waiting .... and then waiting some more!!
Happy 500th! Darnell and great idea to use a NBUS challenge - I'm IN! Just need to see what I have that qualifies!
Happy Friday matey
It doesn't surprise me at the least that you've hit the big 5-0-0 - you are FUN and FUNNY and just such a lovey :) Checking out your creations is just icing on the yummy cake that is your voice - every post of yours makes me giggle (Hammy!) or smile wistfully and thoughtfully. Your inner beauty shines so much through your writing & sharing with us, Darnell, and I count myself pretty dang lucky to get to visit with you through the interwebs!! Here's to 500 more and then some! (and as an extra plug, yours is the only blog I consistently read bits out loud to my husband - you've even made him laugh!)
Congratulations on 500 followers, it's not surprising though, you and your blog are fabulous! I will be joining in the fun sometime before the close date! Definitely! Love the idea! Your card is cool too! Take care and will email you with an update when I have a sec. xxx
Congrats on reaching 500 followers the idea of the challenge and your card is great...
Congrats on the 500 followers, Darnell! I don't know of another person who deserves it more! You entertain us, make us laugh, give us a glimpse into you life and share you fabulous cards with us! I hope someday I will be able to celebrate such a fantastic milestone too. :-) I love your idea to celebrate this milestone. I've told you before you should have a NBUS challenge. :-). I've got tons of NBUS that I can use to join in the fun too! Congrats again and big hugs!!
No surprise that you have at least 500 friends all thumbnailed, PLUS all your other friends...must be at least 5 bazillion of us. You're about the sweetest, nicest, kindest, most wonderfullest blogger out there. I'm glad we're friends. Count me in for the NBUS challenge, too. Wouldn't miss it for the world. How's that raccoon, btw...? Hope he's been thoroughly discouraged! Pretty card too. Love the inlay and those red hearts on the minty green. Perfect example for us all! You so rock!!xoxo Bev
Congratulations, Darnell! It does not surprise me that you've reached 500 followers. You are so much fun, and so lovely! Not to mention your card-making prowess!
How lovely of you to set up a challenge and with a lovely prize too! I will get my thinking cap on. I love your fresh minty green card and the white letters which stand out beautifully, and then the sweet little hearts and star. How great to reach 500 followers. I did have twenty but I seem to have lost one along the way, don't know what I am doing wrong. I have to be honest and say I don't become a follower of too many because I want to be able to look at and remark on all the ones I follow, and I know I would not be able to do that if I had too many. I do on the other hand look at and comment on a lot more too but not so regularly. Anyway thank you for this lovely challenge. x
500 followers (plus a gabillion more who subscribe in other ways, like I do) is a significant milestone – and truly, not surprising. You bring joy, hilarity (like yesterday’s post…ab muscles experienced quite the work-out with laughing), thoughtfulness and all-around entertainment to us, through the snapshots of your life you bring to ours. Your willingness to share the gift of “you” is such a blessing! Visiting your blog is a ray of sunshine and sparkle! As for your NBUS challenge…*fist pump* YES!! I have oodles of NBUS waiting attention…count me in! And by the way: being one of your many friends is such an honour! Big hugs and MWAH!! ~c
Congratulations on 500 followers, Darnell!! I love the idea of a NBUS challenge, lord knows I have plenty of items I can use to participate ;)
Oh well done on reaching 500 followers Darnell - richly deserved!
And what a fun idea to have a NBUS challenge to celebrate the milestone. Count me in - I love a party! Ha, my problem will be choosing which NSUSes to use, but I feel a little plan formulating :)
Hugs, Di xx
Fantastic idea I'll have to get my thinking cap on Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x
Hey, hey, hey and CONGRATULATIONS Darnell. Quite a feet, or is that feat. Any who nice going.
Oh, look at you, girl! 500 followers and your own little linky party! What fun! I will be sure to play along. Congratulations and hugs to you, Darnell!
BTW am I a follower or a subscriber? It's been so long I can't remember!
What a great idea!! I am digging through my sad neglected stamps right now to see who I should make happy to be visiting your blog. I'm thrilled for you to be at 500. You do so much for us with laughter, tips and introductions to each other that I'm happy to be included as a friend.
Hi Darnell . . . many congrats on reaching the 500 followers mark.
I'd like to join the party, so I'll be back with an appropriate NBUS challenge card as soon as humanly possible.
Your Friends card is really cute!
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Whoo Whoo whata fun challenge!!! I love the concept os this! I have soooo many stamps that I never use and need too! I love how you used the sideway "s" on your card!!Have a great weekend!
Congrats on hitting the milestone 500 followers Dolly!! :) I know that you have lots of subscribers too. So happy for you!
I'm so excited about your NBUS challenge and hope to join in soon! Lolly xx
Congratulations! I can only dream of having so many followers but you truly deserve them all. You blog is fun and inspiring - I love to read your posts and feel that I can hear you speaking! You are generous of thought and spirit. This challenge you've set us all is just another example of your kind thoughtfulness. Here's to the next 500!!
Off to find my NBUS to play along!
Hi again Darnell - I forgot to say how much I love your Friends card, very clever too. I'll be back with mine for sure.
PLUS, we do have CCTV movies of Spike, and some stills as well. The thing is, most burglars don't roll round at ground level so the camera focus and lighting is at 'human' head height :(
He's very cute, gets frustrated and a bit angry when his dish has been emptied - by himself - (throws it around in a temper so we have to peek out of our bedroom window to see what he's up to, but he also should be eating slugs and snails, little free-loader!) - but he WILL NOT pose nicely for photos. The only way I've gotten a good piccie of a hedgie is when they're really too ill to roll into a ball. And to be honest, I'd rather have the rockin' and rollin' round the garden noise than umpteen photos. Even at 2am when all decent critters are asleep!! :)) SIGH :(
Di xx
I forgot to say - a bit like 'house holiday swops' what say I send you Spike and you send me Rocky the Racoon just for a couple of weeks?
Snort, sorry, getting silly now :)
Di xx
Congrats Darnell on the 500+ followers! Love your card and I will make one for this challenge as well.
Happy 500! And super challenge-idea! (have to say I was on the road today and went in to a stamping and a scrapping-shop, so my NBUS-stuff has been growing today...)
Wish you a fun weekend, hugs, Gerrina
I forgot to say that I like your frends card!
Not at all surprised you reached the big 500 Darnell. Your posts are fabulous and such fun to read and it is always a pleasure to visit. Your friends card is beautiful, I love your idea of a challenge too. Will do my very best to join in! Big hugs, Annie xx
Congrats Darnell! Cool, three weeks to come up with a card, been awhile. "I'll be back!" :D
What a fun challenge, Darnell! You are the best of friend to so many! I'll be back with the NBUS I just used. Have a great weekend!
Congratulations, Darnell!! On all counts -- the 500 and the challenge. School (my job) will be over on June 26 -- I hope to get create soon, and get something entered into your challenge. If I don't, you can still be sure that I'll be following along. Good luck!
My head is whooshing like crazy, but I'm definitely going to try to play along. I have a lot of NBUS that needs to become U.
Darnell, congrats on 500 followers...but that's not a surprise at all....soon you'll be celebrating 1,000 :) You always entertain me with your wit and fabulous designs!
Hey, hey, hey. Lookee you. Me and my schtuff will be over tomorrow ;)
I'm waiting for you to get up to 500 comments per post...
Congratulations Darnell on 500 followers - So happy for you:) I also LOVE your new challenge and can't wait to join in the fun - super hugs xx
Woohoo! Congrats on reaching such a great milestone Darnell. Fabulous challenge idea too. Your card is gorgeous, Cathy x
500 - that is one big amount Missy D! I will play along - anything that gets me using that hoarded paper stash I own and used to hoard and am now trying very hard to use!! Words too long and me brain not working too well lol! Karen xx
Congratulations on the big 500! What a wonderful idea to celebrate with a NBUS challenge! My Mt. NBUS is growing and I should really work on it but I am in the midst of packing for our vacation and don't know if I will have time to create something before I leave... Although I do need some thank you cards... We'll see... I am sure you will have tons of entries!
Fabulous card, by the way!
500?! That is truly stunning, Darnell! Huge congrats are in order here, but it's really not a surprise since you are so faithful in leaving everyone in blogland sweet comments--truly amazing & so appreciated by all of us! Not to mention your cards are constant inspiration, so thank you, my friend & here's to the next 100!
Congrats to you..sounds like a fun challenge!
Yay!! On reaching 500, wow remarkable, u charm is magnetizing :) we get attracted :) I loved ur idea of NBUS, even though I don't have a huge craft collection but still initially I bought I few stamps just not knowing how will it work, I guess this will giver an opportunity to use them. Hope to link up soon :)
Eeeeeeeek!!! 500 (+) followers!!! Congrats!!! What a milestone...and funnest way evah to celebrate (not to mention kind, thoughtful and generous!!!). I will be playing along for sure!! Love your sweet friend card!! Congrats again!!! Chuchee!!!
Great idea. I too have been using my NBUS and my VOS when ever I can...but...I have forgotten to mark it down in my labels...
Must go back and update that info when I am home again!
We are away for most of June, but will try to enter a couple of times. I so support this goal of using these know that I currently have my own personal use my stash challenge, so think I can work out some cards that will fit into your theme@!
Flabby idea, Darnell! I've got enough NBUS to enter several times a day, every day (of the year!). I'll be playing along. Huge congrats on 500 followers :)))
HUGE CONGRATS on 500 Darnell!!!!
Just wondering, is it ok to use Italian ships or Spanish ships, or is it only for French ships?
Many congratulations, Darnell ... 500 faithful followers and friends ... a wonderful reflection of what a special soul you are ... wow ... or rather WOW! What a fabulous challenge idea ... looking forward to joining in the fun! Your card's brilliant ... the white against the mint is so deliciously crisp and fresh! Hugs, Anita :)
what a fab idea and congrats on 500!! I am going on hols soon but I am hoping to give it a go before I leave xx
How fun! Congrats for a milestone 500 followers. I hope to enter the challenge as I have tons of NBUS :)
Very fun, Darnell! Congratulations on 500 followers! That is awesome. I hope to enter your challenge. LOVE your card! xo
Hi Darnell, just popped over from Sarn's blog to say congrats on your 500 followers and realised you had disappeared from my following list (not sure how) so added my name again. Good luck with the challenge and I shall have to dig out some of my NBUS to join in xx
What a great idea! I'm so glad to have you as a friend!
Congrats to you!! Sounds like a great challenge ... i'm sure I've lots of NBUS around ... loving your card BTW
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. That is fantastic. I'm sure that the number is actually much greater, since I have been a faithful reader (groupie) for quite some time, and only just today realized that I am not an actual 'follower'. Fixed that, now you are 501!! Anyway, fabulous idea for a challenge, and I am going to play along to the maximum number this month--heaven knows I have enough NBUS to play with.
Congrats Darnell
I wish you all the best
hugs Tamara
Way to go Darnell!!!! 500 followers - what a milestone! BIG congrats!!!! What FUN -your new challenge - count me in!
Congrats Darnell on your milestone of followers and how exciting to have a Mr Linky as well:) Will definitely be joining in especially as there's no rush! Lovely card btw
Val x
CONGRATS! It's not at all surprising that you've reached this milestone - you might get to 600 before the challenge finishes! ha ha! Your blog is a cheerful, uplifting place to visit - guaranteed laughs and your cards are always fabulous! I will have to ink up some NBUS in honour of your celebration!
Wow, already 15 or so cards linked up. As you know I follow you thru Feedly so usually I would be here looking before anything has happened. Must be slacking off a bit. Cant wait to see all the creations. Congrats on your 500 +, not surpirsed mind you, as your humor lifts the spirits of many. The temptation mmmmmm......
Congratulations on your milestone. Hope that you reach 600 very soon. Oh, and I love the NBUS idea :).
Good Morning Darnell . . . here I am . . . back again with a second entry!
Hugs, Sarn xxx
Whoop Whoop! How super-duper exciting!!
I'm so pleased for you - 500 followers, plus those 'invisible' email followers - what an achievement! I think that's just testament to how fabulous you and your blog are :)
I'm also loving this idea of combining your NBUS mission with a challenge that everyone can get involved in - I'll certainly be joining in, just as soon as I can! You're a genius, girl! :)
I'm looking forward to you reaching 600 now, just to see what other great ideas you and Mr Hamster are harbouring :)
Congrats on reaching such a milestone of followers! Woot woot! I love the new badge and fun challenge, and couldn't wait to play along! I love your friendship card in those pretty colors, and just love the "S" on it's side!! Thanks for all you do to keep us amused and creating from day to day! You rock!!
You always have my dear friend Carol L. giggling, so I figured it was time to join as one of your followers. The challenge is a brilliant idea, and I want to give you a big "High5" for getting to 500 followers.
OH EM GEE! I love your friends card, perfect for wacky friends, which of course we all are.
I just made a huge mess in my craftroom.... which means I've unearthed way too much NBUS to count so why am I not joining in right now??? Because I have no desk. I'll work on rectifying that.
Hi Darnell, Congrats on the 500 Followers - and such an original way to celebrate!
I know I'm not the best at visiting, but it is always a pleasure when I do.
Hopefully I will get to play along
Avril xx
Many congratulations Dippy - wouldn't be surprised if it tops 5,000 soon!!! lol I'm busy making samples for our club on Wednesday but once that is out of the way I'm going to get my thinking cap on.......trouble is I've got so much NBUS, it's going to be a problem what to decide to use!
Karendipity xxx
WOOOO!! Congratulations on 500 followers! Only now it's 509!! haha! And I'm one of them :) I just added my card to the link! I think this is such a great idea and a fun challenge! I haven't participated in a challenge in so long, but when I saw yours I HAD to! I think you should make this a regular challenge. Everyone has so much NBUS to use! Anyway, I love your card! Such a pretty color! Congratulations again and thanks for sharing your warm and funny personality with us all :)
Congratulations Darnell! I linked up my project and only then noticed the "friendship theme" under the Anything Goes... This is what you get when you don't read carefully! Anyways, I'll come back with a new project later and sorry for being a rule breaker! :) Thanks for the fun challenge!
Wowee!!! well who's a loved girl then :o)) its because you always make us laugh xxxxxxx
Will try and play along asap.
I certainly have some
Why do we do it???????
I think I need to go into Rehab!
Hugs Mau xx
I found you through Mary Anne's post. What a fun challenge! Hope to return with an entry. I have become a follower. Congrats on the big 500!!!
Congratulations, Darnell. I wouldn't be surprised if your warmth and amazing talents attract another 500 in the coming months. Wish you all the best for the future. You have come up with such an interesting challenge, now I need to dig out some NBUS and give it a new lease of life soon. Hoping to play along soon.
My oh my, Darnell, I have a ton of NBUS! (Love the acronym, BTW!) What I don't have is a blog. May I still play? Renee Drew:
Hi Darnell, I am new to your blog, Kay at My Joyful Moments suggested I check your blog out, she was right, what a fun writer you are! Glad I just made something eligible for your NBUS challenge, although I have so much NBUS, it should not surprise me, lol. Thanks for a fun challenge, I do like your friends card and look forward to following you. ~Diane
Congrats on your milestone 500 followers! And, you can COUNT ME IN, my friend!!! By the way, I follow you on Bloglovin', so I just added you to reader today...hope it helps.
Love, love your card, Darnell! How perfect to start this fun challenge, and to acknowledge all the fab crafters who follow you! I love visiting your blog, and I'm very happy that you've started such a fun challenge...and in the spirit of friendship ~ You ROCK!!! Love the badge, too...can't wait to get started on my card...Thanks!
Congrats on reaching the big 500! So well deserved - your blog is a happy place and always a joy to visit :) Love the challenge idea...I certainly have plenty of unused stash so will play along!
WOW clever lady and what a great idea!! I love your card, simple and pretty colours!! I hope to be able to make a card and join in ;D That would be loads of fun, Thank you for making the effort, hugs :D Gay x
You are too cute Darnell. I LOVE the button that your friend made for you. Super cute!! I am going to "try" to play but I am SO BAD at getting the challenge entries onto my blog. It takes me forever!!
Congrats on 500 followers, that is great. Thanks for the shout-out, Darnell. I'll get right onthat challenge card!
Crash Your Stash
Terrific idea, Darnell. What a great challenge and thanks so much for the opportunity to play along. Congratulations on your followers. It says a lot about you xx
Oh you are just too sweet! Of course I have to join in the fun...because I do indeed own one or two (ahem ***WINK WINK) NBUS!!
You are a little magnet, friend, we just can't not stop and see what is happening at the Playhouse! You have way too much fun there! Congratulations on your 500 mark!
Ahh Miss DJ, what a wonderful person you are and what an amazing amount of fun it has been getting to know you. That goes for me and your other 5 million readers! I'm an email subscriber so I won't show up on your followers list, with a wordpress blog I find that works the best for me. Naturally I had to search high and low in my meager stash to find something that would qualify for NBUS (cough, cough)! But here I am! Off to find some new peeps to visit.
Wow Darnell! this is huge! Congrats on 500 followers and this crazy/cool challenge to use that stuff I buy constantly but haven't yet used! Be back with a card soon! cheers, Victoria Lavender
Congrats to your milestone, and what a great card you made. I knew I had to make a card or two for this one. It's too big a moment to miss. Your button is really cute and this a wonderful idea you had to celebration this great blog event!
Congratulations Missey Moo! Of course I will be joining in with your newbie challunge!
I'll be back as Arnold would say!
Such a great idea as I am repeatedly saying "Ooh I'd forgotten about that!". I'm off to see what I can find!!
I have more coming up - this is just up my alley - thanks, Darnell!
Hello Darnell, Congrats on over 500 follower, i think you will get the 600 very soon :-)
Your NBUS Challenge is fantastic. I try to enter also a card :-)
Thank you and have a great day :-)
What an awesome idea ... I have a room filled to the ceiling with unused stuff, stamps, ink, bling,glitter, you name it I have it. I'm off on Friday and I'm going to spend the next few evening going through my oldest items and see about getting them "used".
Well, you "talked" me into it...I added to my neglected blog just for your challenge. :-) I hope the link worked!
Few comments here Darnell!!!
:D it shows how popular you are fancy 500!!
A big congrats deserved there.. you are one kind lady..
... and have joined over with a card and promoted it on on my WOYWW post today... and popped over to more than three folk too so sharing the joy of crafting huh??
Thanks for this great inspiration to use up our "Schtuff",
Shaz in Oz.x
PS love Nikki's button and it is on my sidebar now too :D
CONGRATS To you Darnell! I've read about your challenge and good news on several cards and just had :) to stop by to celebrate with you!
Whoo Hoo!!! Congratulations hun ..... on the BIG 500!! and what a great way to celebrate. I'm not surprised you've reached this landmark your blog is fab, full of inspiration and such a great read. Here's to the next 500!
I do love a good old challenge so I'm going to squeeze in some time before we go away on holiday to join in ..... the decision will be which NBUS to use, there's so much to choose from.
Thank you so much for bringing a smile everyday .... and if you and the Mister ever venture to my little island in the Irish Sea you know where I am.
Enjoy your day lovely lady ... BIG hugs Linda xx
HUGE CONGRATS to you Darnell, I might need your autograph you're getting so darn famous and all!! Trying to get ready for a vacay, don't know if I'll get to play along...but I KNOW it will be a big success!!
Big time super huge congrats, Darnell, on topping out 500 followers! You go girl!!! I will definitely make up a card in honor of this major accomplishment, using of course, NBUS!! Hugs!
I have been such a bad, BAD friend! The last two weeks have been filled with company, co-hosting a surprise 30th wedding anniversary and now preparing for a 60th anniversary this weekend!
Big Congrats! 500 followers is HUGE (I would type it bigger if I knew how)! You are a true gem pal and obviously loved by a whole whack of us crafters!
Awesome party you have planned. I should be 'in the clear' after this weekend so will definitely be joining in on the fun!
I MADE it Darnell!! And it almost killed me - no wonder it was NBUS :)
Hugs, Di xx
I finally made it here lol! Will try to pop back tomorrow (later today) to check out everyone's creations and will comment a bit! A fantastic idea Missy D - you have got me getting out those never before used or only used once stamps and am happily playing with them! Karen xx
Hi Darnell I'm a newbie follower :-) *waves*
Love the NUBS idea!! I always buy new stash and hate breaking into it when it's so pretty I've been trying to break that habit so loving your blog! I'll definetely be digging all my unused goodies out :-)
Lucy x
How fun is this? Congrats on reaching 500 followers! I'm hoping I can join this challenge and be part of the celebration! Woot woot!
I wanna say CONGRATS dear Darnell to have more than 500 Follower...but do you know how to see if I follow you, from where I can see that you posting a new POST?? my Simply methode is I put your name and your Link on my sidebar also I will always inform if Darnell has a new post...easy right :) I am not so expert at Blogger..but I love to know and getting much friend in this lovely Blogland...and cool challenge I will join too...hope I am not late :) biig hugs, Monika
Darnell, amazing idea and up take. I will be joining later on in the month. And in response to your comment on Oh are a celebrity my darling. Cx
well done Darnell,I knew it would be a huge success; hopefully I will get to play soon if not there is always next time. lots of hugs and best wishes Andrea x
I'm number 110 and there are still 15 days to go. And I plan to enter again, but since I've already been the recipient of your kindness and generosity, I'm playing just for fun. Congratulations on your success as a challenge administrator. I hope the next 100 followers come quickly.
Congrats on 500!!!!
What a fun challenge, I can't wait for the next one, tons of NBUS waiting for me to break into! : )
Hi Dee, many congrats on having 500 followers you must be deelighted :)bet you will soon reach 600 too! I managed to add my card at last, so many lovely ones added already. I love your fabulous creation too of course it's just deeliscious :) hugs Vee xx
Hi Darnell, what a great challenge - and all the encouragement I need to get out my NBUS and get creating. Hope you reach 600 followers pretty soon - think of the many more NBUS that will be released from captivity when you do :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx
WowZa Darnell, huge congrats to you on your 500(+now) followers! Can't say it's a surprise, though. YOU are such a great support and inspiration to many of us, always commenting and encouraging our crafty endeavors.
What a generous AND fun challenge you are starting here ~ I have so much NBUS, I could enter at least 100 times...but, I will abide by the rules ;-) {{HUGS}}
Congratz on 500+ followers (and hopefully many more).
Will most certainly participate in your challenge as I am another Stamp-mummy with far to many neglected babies (been feeling guilty a long time now).
Loving your blog and wonderful personality.
Hugs, Mette
Hello there! I brought me friend so I hope that counts?
Haa Haa!
Gosh, Golly. I finally got a card with some NBUS on it, posted it, and then re-read and saw it was a theme of Friendship. Heck I did Father's Day (well, he's my friend too! So I hope that counts!). Many very large congratulations on your 500th follower (no surprise to me atall). Your posts are always such a joy to read, as I always leave with a smile & good heart. Plus the cards are kinda nice too (smile, smile!). But seriously...your style is always so inspirational (I know that Hammy helps a lot, but you do the hard stuff of course!). You're a celebrity in Blogland, and I'm proud to call you friend. After returning from the Dad's dinner, I scrambled around, and got your button added. Maybe if I get reeellly industrious, I might get back with another card to enter. It was fun reading all the comments from lots of our other blog buddies. WTG, you rock! Hugs and all that kind of thing. Hope the Father's day at your house was just real special with your Twinks and Mr. to enjoy.
Yaay! It took me while but I got here in the end.
Looks like you`re well on the way to 600 followers Darnell, go you girlfriend.
I must admit I`ve cheated a bit on the friendship theme but there is an explanation...sorry :)
Lynne xxx
Hello! I finally got my card uploaded! It was made as a thank you for a REALLY good friend who gifted me the corner die that I used on the card. That is where the "friendship" part comes in. My sentiment and thank you's were all on the inside. It was one of those cards that I just did not want to add anything more to the front!
Meanwhile, I wanted to CONGRATULATE you on reaching
"500". Your blog is such a delight to visit! I am glad I rediscovered you....
Thank you for having this fun challenge.
You deserve to have so many followers as you have such a fun and interesting blog. Roll on the next milestone so that more of my NBUS gets used.
Not sure my card really depicts friendship but I do get along fine with my Son In Law.
Thank you for a fun and inspirational challenge! I just linked up! I am one of your newest followers (Fit Kitty). I looked at your playhouse and I'm still drooling! Awesome craft space! Wishing you a wonderful day!
Wow! Congratulations Darnell on your 500 followers!
I have 14 so I've a very long way to go!!
Fabulous challenge idea - thank you. I have lots of NBUS!
Just had a quick scroll through the other entries - all a very high standard.
Darnell, I have posted my card to the challenge and written a nice little blog post about your rockstar status in my life. Cx
You know of course, you're going to have edit this post to 600+ (tee hee!) Talk about superstar! Congrats to you, and love the idea of your challenge!
Hi hun. Oopsie, I got a bit carried away using some more NBUS but my second card was linked to 6 challenges, I've deleted it from the Gallery. Naughty Neets! I WILL be back with another entry before the deadline, I have so much NBUS shouting out to be used! Hugs xx
Oh my gosh and golly, I was featured as a 'new' friend on Darnell's blog! Giddy feeling all over! Thank you, hugs and the very best to you and this new endeavor, obviously already a huge success!
Congrats on your 500 followers, that's 500 people you make smile and bring joy to on a regular basis!
Thank you for such fun idea for a challenge. I will be popping back later to comment on some of the wonderful entries you have had so far.
hugs Sue xx
Hi Darnell, I finally manashed to dig out some NBUS (didn't realise just how much I've got) and join in. Have a great weekend xx
Morning Darnell...well I have the biggest smile on my face for you, this is my second entry 'cause as I was about to play another challenge I noticed I'd used a stamp long hidden away NBUS, poor thing. Anyway then I see that I'm entry no 191 wow!!! so you're nearly to 200 and also your 551 followers, so rapt for you and I know we all have some new followers and are spreading the love with comments. Thanks so much for starting this idea...hugs Robyn
Heard about NBUS from a couple of blogs I follow and just have to try to get something done before the weekend is over. My blog: I'm now a follower. too. prfconnie at gmail dot com.
Congrats on reaching 500 followers Darnell! You're the sweetest and funniest blogger I know!!! Fantastic challenge idea. I too have some NBUS that needs some loving.
Hi Dee, I added another one ! wow so many now too, takes ages to scroll down the page.You are sooo popular you must be deeliriously happy too :) hugs Vee xx
Thanks for the invite, Darnell!! I am amazed at your hospitality and friendship that you spread in the blogsphere! Congrats on your huge milestone and I am sure this is going to be one of the most popular challenges around :) (Watch out, Virginia's View!!).
Oh, Darnell, congrats on the 500 mark!!! This is such a lovely idea to host the challenge for this big milestone!! I hope to find some time during the week to take part, too!! As I am visiting this post the 200th entry has been posted for your challenge!! Will be back soon to have a look at all the lovely entries!!
Woowho...congrats to you for reaching well over 500 followers....and I was excited when I reached 250....I have a small bit of monthly blog candy if interested, come on over and sign up!!
I think you have found a sweet spot in blog land challenges :) Brilliant idea and a great way to use your new goodies rather than hoard them or perhaps not use them for some time - gasp LOL! Look forward to future challenges :)
Hi Darnell! I'm so happy I was able to play along..and I have to thank you for inspiring me to ink up a never-before-used stamp THREE times! I have a feeling you will reach 600 followers very quickly! Well done, my friend! You are a constant inspiration to me!
Just found your blog and challenge a couple of days ago! Thank you for challenging me to finally use my own virginal schtuff! Count me in as well.
raduse on SCS
Finally managed to get a link to work. I am only on iPad or iPhone the last 2 weeks and I am technologically challenged!
Can' t get my other car "Easy peaty" to link properly as I can't seem to update my post to correct the link over to your blog challenge ,,,
sorry about that!
Lots of high energy and excitement done good,girl!!!
WOW! What a lot of love and support you have, my friend!
If I didn't say it before, congrats on 500 followers! Am so happy for you. Notice 200 cards so far - your challenge has inspired so many people. Proud to "know" you. :-)
Hi Darnell!
You were right, those dies I used were indeed NBUS so I just added my monoCHROME card :)
Kinda busy in here innit!
Hugs, Di xx
Motivation and inspiration is playing hide and seek with me at the moment but all my NBUS goodies made me feel rather guilty so I'm popping by with another card.
Fabulous idea for this challenge and judging by the entries and new followers it's turning out to be a great success - congratulations xx
Di again, I had this one already planned to say Hello friend to you - my third card. What fun this has been!
Hugs, Di xxx
Finally got round to it - with a few hours to spare. Will try to pop back later to comment on some of the entries - don't think I'll manage all of them though!!
Hi Darnell! I tried to add my link to your challenge, but for some reason my link doesn't showup here. Tried a second time and then it said that the link had already been placed!! Thought I'll just let you know - maybe I'm just to impatient for my link to appear, but I have refreshed the page several times and still nothing. I'll check again in the morning, but I thought I'll just let you know in case something is wrong on the InLinkz side and you would like to take it up with them.
Any way, nearly bed-time here and I think I'll call this day a day now!!!
Keep well!!
I have no idea if I actually commented before, but now that I came back to link up I'm gonna again! So there! Off to check out some new-to-me creative peoples, and how cool is that, that you're bringing even more crafty people together! Honestly, Darnell, you are a treasure :)
Super fun idea, Darnell! Congrats on 500+ followers!
How exciting to have so many challenge entries! Congrats on the 500 too!!! Thanks so much for the fun and super happy to be a new follower!
I have just been sent here from Petra's blog. Congratulations on your milestone of 500 followers Darnell and a whopping number of challenge entries. This sounds like a fun challenge, but will have to pass this time round. Will become a follower as I just love reading your posts...have spent some time reading them. hugs Ursula
What a fun idea!!! So glad I heard about your blog!!! Thanks for letting us join in with your fantastic challenge.
<3 J
jwoolbright at gmail dot com
WooHoo !!! Many huge CONGRATS on the 500 Darnell and thank you for this Challenge. I just scraped in by the skin of my teeth :-D
IKE xxxxxxxxxxxx
I have a lot of NBUS Darnell so this sounds like the perfect place for me! However I only just spotted the challenge on Ike's blog, don't know how I missed it, and I see there are only hours to go - so I might make it or not - we will see!
500 - WOW congratulations, I am just chuffed I got 100 recently, I should do something to celebrate too!
Carol x
So fun and sooo generous! Can't wait to see how many people enter this!
Hi Darnell - could not resist - had to throw in two more cards, just in the nick of time.....
I added one more card. I thought I had joined your site a while ago, but I just joined again:)
thanks for the fun and great challenge to link up to! yay for stuff! lol I will always take more! : )
Congratulations on being a fantastic blogger and sweet friend Darnell, here's to the next 500. Mwahh
What a fantastic challenge and great response! Congratulations Darnell!
Hi Darnell,
what a fab idea this challenge is.
Hope maybe I can join in next time.
Judging bu your response on your first everyone else thinks so too.
I am about blogging again a little now.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Well looking at all of the posted cards I would say that your first NBUS Challenge was a major success. I am guessing you will be busy this weekend but oh it will be fun.
Congrats and thanks for being such an inspiration not only with your creative skills but also the example you set for others to be kind and generous with kind words.
Hi Darnell, just found you and your lovely new challenge! You can visit me over at
Thanks for sharing your great blog with us! x
Darnell, what a truly FANTASTIC idea and challenge! I have loads of stuff that I have seen on amazing projects, HAD to buy the schtuff needed and put it to one side with all the intention in the world of using it for a project, only to discover I never have! BIG congratulations on your milestone and congratulations too on the wonderful amount of interest for your first ever NBUS challenge1 So proud to be on the train at the begining of what I am sure will be a very enjoyable journey!
Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement and support! Off to dig out some 'old' NBUS.
Hazel xx
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