It is Wednesday and time for another What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW), a weekly hop from desk to desk to see whazzup in each other's world of blogging and creating. The hostess making sure this happens every week is the wonderful and talented Ms. Julia.
Next week is the 5th anniversary of this blog hop and there will be an Artist Trading Card (ATC) swap for those who want to participate. That is quite a milestone! I mean, c'mon, can we get a round of applause for Julia? Thank you, Julia!
Next week is the 5th anniversary of this blog hop and there will be an Artist Trading Card (ATC) swap for those who want to participate. That is quite a milestone! I mean, c'mon, can we get a round of applause for Julia? Thank you, Julia!
Here is my desk this week:
I am continuing to enjoy watercoloring and my visit with Flat Susan, which is ending. I'll be posting her off to Australia this week so she can continue her marvelous journey. It has been a year since her exciting adventure began! You can read all about her visit with me by clicking on the tab at the top of my blog. To read her entire journey, click here.
I am continuing to enjoy watercoloring and my visit with Flat Susan, which is ending. I'll be posting her off to Australia this week so she can continue her marvelous journey. It has been a year since her exciting adventure began! You can read all about her visit with me by clicking on the tab at the top of my blog. To read her entire journey, click here.
Flat Susan is so cute alongside the F.U.N. wooden letters I received from my sister, Diana. The lush red box is a Christmas gift to me from the twins and during her visit, FS used it as her little one-room apartment. Also shown are her passport and some of her things that I need to get together and pack up. I have yet to make a tag to send with her to her next hostess, a copy of which will go to Neet to put in the brilliant tag book that Annette made for her, so that's next on my to-do list.
I also wanted to share this with you:
Isn't it interesting? Such a unique design around the watercoloring. A sort of fleur-de-lis, perhaps? Oh, heck no! More like a "floor-de-lay!"
So over the weekend I was doing some homework for the online watercolor course I am taking. I did more of the inking/spritzing technique and since I was on a roll, I finished the page and tossed it behind me on the floor to dry.
Oh, hahaha, "on a roll!" Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen, I rolled my desk chair right over the top of my pretty little vases of watercolored tulips, back and forth, and forth and back. You know how we always say things look better IRL? Trust me, this looks worse IRL!!
What a goober I am!!
As you may have heard from Flat Susan, I'm getting a late start on making my ATCs, but I am determined to participate next week. It was so much fun last year! Let me know if you would like to swap with me. I imagine I'll have enough, but if I run out by the time I get your request, I'll let you know. For more information on the ATC swap, click here.
So over the weekend I was doing some homework for the online watercolor course I am taking. I did more of the inking/spritzing technique and since I was on a roll, I finished the page and tossed it behind me on the floor to dry.
Oh, hahaha, "on a roll!" Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen, I rolled my desk chair right over the top of my pretty little vases of watercolored tulips, back and forth, and forth and back. You know how we always say things look better IRL? Trust me, this looks worse IRL!!
What a goober I am!!
As you may have heard from Flat Susan, I'm getting a late start on making my ATCs, but I am determined to participate next week. It was so much fun last year! Let me know if you would like to swap with me. I imagine I'll have enough, but if I run out by the time I get your request, I'll let you know. For more information on the ATC swap, click here.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS!*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by (with your WOYWW number, if you are hopping), so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
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Oh, wow, and it looked like a fabulous card...all hand painted and everything! thanks for the great story!
Love those wooden letters,great gift from your sissy. Flat Susan prolly needs the rest of a long flight, youve kept her busy!
In theory you only need one ATC, so don't panic - and thanks, but remember WOYWW is nothing without you lot!
Oh no.... better try again as it looks like a lovely watercolour. Great letters.
Sandra @12
Oh dear Darnell what lovely tulips too...thats the sort of thing I would do too! initial reaction would have been some choice words not able to be repeated !....looks like flat susan has had palacial surroundings whilst she was with of luxury it looks like... she will miss all the fun when she leaves.would love to swap ATC with you too. have a fab week crafty hugs Andrea #45
Good morning. Can't believe it's Wednesday again already! Thanks for letting us in to peek at your creative space.
Oops, you must have been spitting when you discovered what you'd done to your pretty flowers.
Hope you have a good week.
Neil #40
Aww Darnell I have done that before but they looked very beautiful loving the work desk :)
Vic x
Hello nice to see you back on Wednesdays..... Sorry I did not get back to you last week. Pleased to hear your busy doing your ATC's for next week ... The watercolouring is looking good and I like your FUN blocks
Jackie 13
Love those tulips, before the addition of the wheelies of course. Fabulous painting.
Thanks for the inclusion of Flat Susan, looks good against F-U-N - bet she does not want to leave you but onwards she must go.
Hugs, Neet 18xx
Great pics, am loving your FUN letter. Watercolouring is a super technique, not one I've mastered though!! Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 50
What a pity about the tulips Darnell. Why do these things always happen to the ones you want to keep and never to the ones that went wrong anyway :-( I'm sure you'll be able to recreate these beauties easily, you are so talented. Hugs Pat x
oh foo can you cut out around the tulips? They look great-don't want to waste great art. You'll be a master before you're through class I'm sure. Flat Susan's such fun...and good looking too. Be well Carole #52
I like those wooden letters. I'm sure Flat Susan is having a great time at your place. I would love to swap with you. #59
What a shame of such beautiful vases... Little Susan looks really cute and the fun-letters would let me smile everytime I would see thsm... Hugs, Gerrina
Love the tulips, not sure about the wheel prints but shall we call them artistic license lol. That's the sort of thing I do, and the other thing that happens to me is to put things on my nice neat (not) space and then bury them under all the detritus that collects and spend ages hunting through to find those weeny bits that you definitely need to finish the project! FS seems to be enjoying her stay and I'm sure she will be sad to leave. Love the wooden 'FUN' letters and I'm sure that sums her time with you. Your workspace is lovely with lots of room and your watercolouring is coming on beautifully, well apart from the chair prints! x
Oh, your floor-de-lay (HAHAHA) is so pretty, Darnell. I do love tulips.
Well, I've always heard people say it looks better irl but never worse irl. Too funny.
I know you've enjoyed your time with Flat Susan and hate to see her go. She had such a nice room to stay in on her visit.
so-oob! sigh! I would have to join in the "goober" line too Darnell as it is my type of thing I would do except I do craft standing up rarely sit down.. always have dont ask me why!!??
Oh and thought of you as did my five cards for my elderly lady.. just posted yest as used a lot of Not Much Used Before Schtuff in it .. and rather think the large music stamp is a NBUS but sometimes can never be sure!! :D memory and all that :D
happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #14
Hello there. And Hello to Susan too!
I should imagine Susan needs a long lie down after being in your playhouse. It must take her ages to peek in every drawer!
Liking your painting.
Fancy swapping ATCs?
LOL! I am so glad I'm not the only Goober still around these days!!!
Have a great week
Krisha #69
That's so cute. My daughter did a Flat Stanley when she was in grade school. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #22
I always visit my neighbors first.
I must lie in a cave. I'm lost on this flat fad.
Late??? if I was any later I'd be early!
this is my first time here, so I'm off to snoop around.
robyn 30
I thought it was some fancy swooshy paint technique, not rolling your chair over your painting! However, if Jackson Pollock can do it then.....
Well done for hosting Flat Susan so beautifully - I think I'm still on the list to show her a good time!
Hugs, LLJ 21 xx
Dede always says don't throw it use it as scratch and add some ink for a different background. Sorry typing bad Yoda is trying hard to have cuddle whilst I am typing. I hope you haven't got paint on your wheels on the carpet.
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 26
Thanks for sharing your photos of your desk and what an amazing one of the watercolours. Really looking forward to seeing these in your gorgeous projects. Good luck with the on line course Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x
Enjoy your last few days with Susan, and wish her bon voyage from me! Your tulips are lovely. Have a great week, Chris # 17 xx
Looks like you have lots of good things in the works, I am loving the look of those flowers!
ROFLOL! Oops I better get up or you'll roll over me too! :D You're hoot darnell. I'd love to swap ATCs with you so pretty please make enough and count me in, too. And they were such pretty flowers. Ahh the life of an artiste~ Well, you know what I mean. :) :) Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #10
PRETTY water coloring Darnell! Every time I see your work desk in front of that window I sigh and wish I had a window too!
Look absolutely fab Darnell and I love your workspace! huggles Sue xxx
Oh, you do have the best of workspaces a card maker can dream of, hey, Darnell!!! So nice to see FS having some fun there!! ...can't wait to see where the two of you had been!!!
...and you've damaged your tulips!! Oh no!!! That is just sooo sad, but I'm sure you'll be able to come up with some great idea how to save them!!! In future remember never to 'file' anything on the floor again, hey, not even a watercolour painting that has to dry!! (this is a mistake one (hopefully!!) makes only once!!!)
Have a super day!!
Greetings from SA!!
You just need a secretary, someone who will stand around, taking care of picking up watercolory things so chairs don't attack them. For free, of course! Gotta give you some props though...I still have not mastered, or for that matter, apprenticed watercoloring. Other than the wheel marks, it looks beautiful. Hope you don't mind if I chuckled a bit; I'd have done the same thing! Bev
Oh no Darnell, what a shame about your beautiful watercolours - so sorry!
I have not been able to join in WOYWW for such a long time now that it would be wrong if I went back for the fantastic ATC swap...... but I may just get 'one' in the post just to celebrate... Hugs, Annie xx
Love your desk this week Dippy; great seeing Flat Susan with her huge F U N letters (well, what else could she have at yours? lol) and that glamourous one bed apartment, it's so swish she won't want to leave......
Karendipity xxx
Love your desk this week Dippy; great seeing Flat Susan with her huge F U N letters (well, what else could she have at yours? lol) and that glamourous one bed apartment, it's so swish she won't want to leave......
Karendipity xxx
Oh Darnell - I am so glad somebody else rolls their chair over their work too!!! I'm a past master at this lol!
I love your desk this week with all the fun stuff and gorgeous colours. The FUN blocks are just that - really fun! I am trying to decipher what it says on the wall about being a "normal person" ha ha!! I hadn't noticed before that your beautiful desk is actually glass. Really classy.
Hope FS has enjoyed her stay with you. You certainly provided her with some luxury accommodation and plenty to interest her during her visit. Wishing her a safe journey around the world to Australia!
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and for your good wishes for my hubby. So glad you like everything going on in my creative world at the moment!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #37
What a shame that you rolled over those beautiful tulips! You'd think Flat Susan could have yelled STOP! It looks like you had FUN anyway!
Oh gosh!! I Just spent fifteen minutes laughing before I could even begin to type!!! Floor-de-lay!!! Hahaha!! You have a brilliant mind to come up with such quick clever and absolutely hilarious things! Anyway, your watercoloring looks really great, and if you hadn't told me those were chair marks, I'd have though they were just some nice background texture!! heheheh!! ((Hugs))
I bet Flat Susan is getting very tired after all that travel, still she gets to see plenty of interesting places.
Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 41
SO glad you fessed up to having done a "floor-de-lay". Now that you've put it out there, it's a legit crafting technique, which I no longer have to cover up with excuses! You must be sad to see FS go, but now that her apartment is vacant, you could rent it out for hard cash to buy more patterned papers you don't need. It's what i'd do!
hugs, Asha
I can't believe you rolled your chair over your lovely tulips. I'm sure Flat Susan was just shaking her head. LOL April (didn't take a picture this week - I'm being lazy)
Oh dear and those tulips looked great! Can you cut around the flowers?
Hi Darnell, sorry for the late visit. I do hope you will swap an ATC with me..I have your address from 40 for 40 :) I cracked up at you rolling your chair over the beautiful tulips - time to make it a grungy feature methinks! FS seems to have been having fun with you. Cx #76
Darnell...this is just too funny! Sorry I can not help but laugh and laugh out loud I did but only because I too have done the same thing and like yours it was too late to save. I felt like such a dope I quickly tossed it before it tried to make a sneak peek on my blog. I just love your beautiful flowers though, so stunning and they would look fabulous in a vase too. I always love taking a peek at your desk, so much fun. See you real soon!
You had me laughing away to myself this afternoon as I read about your 'chair rolling' disaster. And here I was thinking that I was the only one to do things like that!! I've done it myself many times. My most popular one is to be trying out my stamps before I put them on my card, try them out of some scrap cardstock to then find out that the 'scrap' is actually the back of the card I was working on...what a dill I am!!! Thank goodness we can laugh about these things......
Well I'm loving your watercolour creations ... And I love your birthday fairy tale!
Sorry, but the fate of your beautifully water-coloured tulips has me laughing! You've created a new definition of 'rolled flowers' (the species of which I used in a recent card!). Can they be saved in any way? Such loveliness should not crumpled go....Hugs~c
I'm loving your water coloured tulips Darnell, well done they're beautiful, not so sure about the chair marks but that's how brilliant techniques are discovered, experiment on :D Hugs Gay xx
How in blazes to you come up with these phrases....floor de lay...totally a giggle out loud moment! It is too bad that the chair didn't look where it was going cuz the water colored images are beautiful!
You always make my face smile :)
I love how you remind us that LITS at the end of your posts, and to 'enjoy our day'...well, stopping here is the 'Highlight of my day', Darnell! You are too funny!!! "floor-de-lay"??? Snort! But, those poor, beautiful, I'm feeling guilty for laughing so hard!
I'm sure you will miss the sweet little Flat Susan! And, how lucky can she get to spend a little time in California...luckier than me, that's for sure!
Thanks so much for sharing pics of your studio with us...looks like you're having a grand ol' time with your stamps, inks and water colors! Mostly, I want to thank you for making me smile, because you always do that so well! Hugs!!!
Hey, I thought you’d like to know I gave you & your blog a “Shout Out” on my Feature Friday post today. Thanks for being a follower of all things beautiful. Take care. Amy A.
You're not the only one that rolls around on your art work! So frustrating! Susan has sure been off on a fantastic journey! And I love your water colored tulips. Have a great holiday weekend!
Hi Darnell,
So glad you are having a great time with Flat Susan - she's a fun gal. Speaking of fun - love the letters from your sis!
Happy belated WOYWW
Great fun desk this week, Darnell. I'm pretty sure Flat Susan will have had a great time with you - and I'm confident she will have done lots.
Have a great week.
Margaret #42
ROFL oh Darrell thats priceless i zoomed in and thouht thats pretty,and fluid then i read the words..... still looks good to me,its watercolour just add sohething to cover the splodged bit hehe
Flat Susan seems to have had a lovely visit to your little playhouse! I peeked inside and I am quite jealous - I am going down to my craft area to instill a little more OCD of my own! Love the FUN blocks!
I will be back to visit again soon!
Your watercolouring looks amazing and I am still laughing that you rolled over it....laughing with you of course:) xx
Oh no--I'm laughing with you, Darnell! Something I could have done--if there was room to roll my chair back from my table--LOL!
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