A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

March 7, 2014

DJKASE #11 ~ NBUS #110

And we've whooshed our way to another Friday! How are you? I hope you had a great week!

Another epic post I'm afraid, worthy of your largest drinking vessel. I no longer post every day so I can double the length every other day, yes?

Are you ready to see the card artist I am spotlighting and copylimenting today with a DJKASE? She is Shannon J. of Chuchee Chu!
My Photo
What a great photo of that gorgeous smile! And isn't that an interesting blog name? You're prolly wondering what it means, so I'll let Shannon explain it in her own words:
"If you're wondering about the title of the blog - Chuchee is the name my Dad used to call me when I was small (and still does) and it's always been endearing to me.  Chu is my husband's last name. So Chuchee Chu it is!"
Shannon has only been blogging since January 2013 when she made it her New Year's resolution. When she makes a darling card and shares it on her blog, she always entertains and inspires! Her cards are very well thought out and it's obvious that she crafts with care and humor.

So what happened was, Shannon was on the short list of card artists whose names had been drawn for DJKASEing, but she got moved to the top of the list when she sent me a card last week. (Shannon is one of my card pen pals. If you'd like to be one, just email me your snail mail address and I'll email you mine.)

Now Shannon didn't shoot up to the top of the list just because she sent me A card. It happened because she sent me THIS card:
Shannon's Card
Is that not adorable?

Okay, so those of you who have been following me for a while will know immediately why this particular adorable card caused quite a racket in the Playhouse. Let me put it this way: if you were a boy hamster (let's call him Hammy since a lot of you have already taken to calling him that) who lived all alone with a crazy old stamper woman who drove you nuts and then one day while you were pinched in a corner of your cage, eating out of boredom, you happened to look over at the old bat and you saw this card, wouldn't you be a little becited, too?!

Amused, I watched Hammy's reaction as it dawned on him that he was looking at the cutest little girl hamster he had ever seen! He went NUTS! He jumped on his wheel and flew around it, literally! Since he's not a bird, however, he mostly flopped over onto his back and then spent four revolutions rolling end-over-end, wheezing. Oh, no, wait. That's me on the treadmill. Anyway, the little dude is totally in love!

Needless to say, he became adamant that Ms. Thing's owner (that would be Shannon) become the very next card artist to be DJKASEd! I didn't put up a fight because I completely concurred with his thinking!

But, hold on, I turned the tables on him.

I said I would move Shannon to the top of the list on one condition: that he allow me to take a photo of him and feature him on my card with a message for his new girlie friend. Eh? That stopped him in his tracks for five seconds because he hates having his picture taken. (Since I don't use him as often as I should, he snacks a lot and has put on a few pounds after reaching the shadow side of midlife. Well, you'll see for yourself.)

In spite of that, he agreed and I made this:

 (When you leave a comment, just please don't mention how plump he is.)

The card base is SU crushed curry and the patterned paper is DSP also from SU. It was perfect for making the coordination of the papers EZPZ. The sediment Hammy chose is from a NBUS set by Waltzingmouse Stamps called "Compact Sentiments Part Two." I washed the "oodles" with WOS. The sediment doesn't stamp with that cloud shape around it, but it looks like that in the packaging. I liked it so much that I traced around the stamp, fussy-cut it, and then walked a black marker around the edge.

And what stamp made Hammy? Well, cough, it turns out that I don't have a stamp of a hamster (how did that happen?). So, don't tell Kim Hughes, but while I'm waiting for the set that does have a hamster, I had to improvinate.

I took this stamp set from Paper Smooches called "A Little Lovin":
and I did this to the bunny:

Are you horrified? I just love that you can do this with clear stamps! I'll make an Easter card using him so you can see for yourself that you would never know he was ever separated from his ears. Versability rocks! Thank you, Kim, for making such whimsical and versatile images!

Then I masked the bunny's cute little bucky front teeth and stamped him. I drew a line to close off the evidence of surgery, added some hamster ears and, walla, Hammy was born! The black enamel dots perfectly mimic real hamster eyes.

Oh, and then, to give Hammy some fur I pulled out my decade's old Flock o' Fun, er, Fun Flock which is still as good as the day it was jarred. (I will never use this in my lifetime, so if anyone wants a pinch, lemmeno.) Who even remembers Flock? Didn't they make a movie called "The Flockers?" Were you in it? Maybe they'll ask me to be in the sequel.

Okay, I'll stop. Sorry, I'm chatty today and I shouldn't be because I have a lot of new friends I'd like you to meet. To finish, here are the two cards together:
You have to admit they make a darling couple!
I hope you are pleased, Shannon! I appreciate your wonderful cards, your friendship, and your terrific comments of support! And Hammy is so happy to have a little girlfriend!!


I'm going to link my card with the current Paper Smooches Sparks Challenge of "Anything Goes!"

I hope you'll be able to join in! The prize is a $30 store credit!


New Friends Corner:

I am extremely delighted to introduce you to six new followers today!
Ike of Ike's World. I met Ike through the always fun What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday hop. She has been blogging since 2010 and her style runs the entire gamut of card artistry, all the way to the dark side of the moon, or should I say depths of the crypts?! I love that we can appreciate each other's blogs and styles even if sometimes they are polar opposites. I think you will enjoy the diversity Ike provides!
Charlene of Expressions of Me! (Love that name!). Charlene has been blogging since 2008, which is a long time to be sharing her beautiful works of art, whether on design teams, as a challenge participant, or just for fun! I love her sweetly and expertly layered cards ranging from whimsical to elegant! Go potty and pour your beverage now so you'll have plenty of time for your visit without interruption!
Jill of Anjillic Creations. (Love the play on "angelic!") Jill has been blogging since 2010, not often, but when she does, it is worth a visit to see what she has made! Like so many of you, Jill goes the extra mile and decorates the inside of her cards with just as much passion as she does the outside of her cards. I aspire!
Pam of Pammie's Inky Pinkies! Please? What's not to like? Our pinkies DO get inky! Pam has been blogging since 2011. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother who loves to escape to the clutter of crafting, thus escaping from the clutter of life. Sound familiar? Pam makes colorful, well-executed, and sweet, sweet cards!
Danielle Vincent of D's Crafty Connection. Danielle lives in the beautiful state of Montana and has been blogging since 2012. Again, like a lot of you, she started her craftiness with scrapbooking (about 11 years ago) which has evolved into the fulfilling world of card art. Danielle produces her awesome cards in a range of styles and even teaches her craft!
Anjali Reddy of Paper ... Paper ... Paper. Anjali is a new friend from Malaysia. She has only been blogging since last month, but already she has the total hang of playing in challenges! Please make an extra effort to visit Anjali. You know I love it when you welcome and encourage brand-new bloggers, remembering how it felt when you first starting blogging and how cool it was to have visitors.

Actually, that feeling never changes does it? It's always cool to have visitors whether you've been blogging your cards a few weeks or for a few years, so I hope you'll find some time to visit all these inspiring blogs!

Welcome, ladies, and thank you so much for joining!!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 

*Life Is Too Short!

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Sammy said...

I don't even know where to begin expressing my love for this post! As usual, you made me laugh (and cough up tea all over my brand new monitor. Twice!), and you made me "awww" with the adorableness of Hammy! Although I do feel some sympathy with poor bunny for having his ears surgically removed in order to be able to pass for another species, I'm sure he'll agree that the end result is well worth it!
Oh, and I use flock - Green flock that is... I on occasion paint miniatures, and adding flock to the bases makes it look like they're standing on grass. And now I'm thinking I must use some on a card some time soon! x

Sue - said...

I do love reading your posts while I'm breakfasting. A good chuckle first thing is a good start to the day! Poor bunny but he does make a good hamster! Two gorgeous cards Darnell.

Mrs Harry said...

Great take on the hammy card Darnell. I also have a full to-the-brim jar of fun flock in that colour. maybe I was planning a teddy bears picnic card??
Enjoy your day.

Kathyk said...

Some fab blog recommendations, Darnell. Lovely cards incoming and outgoing! and loving your little hammy "whammy"!

Happy Friday


Diane said...

Had a great laugh at reading your post...super cute card...and super cute pose from "hammy"!! I got my flock out the other day too (sounds kind of weird, doesn't it..lol), but all I wanted to use was those tiny lids to set my little flowers I made in to dry...lol....I have been know to cut off things, too..I will stop right there!!!

Redanne said...

Oh Darnell, what great fun your post is today, I am sitting here with 'laughing' tears rolling down my cheeks, not a pretty sight! Thank you for always making my day. Mr Hampster definitely made the right choice and I love your 'adapt and overcome' moment with that bunny. Both cards are totally gorgeous! Love and big hugs, Annie xx

Kate said...

Great card Darnell ...love the way you made the most out of your stamps... im too scared to cut my stamps lol.
Kate xx

Michelle said...

Darnell, I was happily wandering along, learning about Chuchee Chu and looking at pretty cards, and then I saw the earless bunny and I just about fell off my chair in shock! I cannot bring myself to cut my stamps, it gives me shivers, lol! I can't wait to see the bunny at Easter to know that he is still okay. ;-)

Viv said...

'ear, 'ear - what's all this then? (To mention a well known police saying here in the UK)- Flopsy Bunny decapitated???
Despite all your meanderings to the contrary it is obvious to a trained eye that Hammy is lying on his back in fear that said mad stamper woman will come near brandishing a pair of scissors and cut off some of his 'bits'....
(Great cards by the way!)

Gerrina said...

A funny beautiful card; still smiling while typing this... Have a fun weekend, Gerrina

Lyn said...

Well what can I add LOL such a fun post and what an awesome talented card maker you have shared tonight. I am going to sub to her blog and take a good look around tomorrow as it is time for be on this side of the world :) hope I don't dream of earless bunnies :)

Meg said...

Wonderful DJKASE! I would never have seen that, that bunny could be converted to a hamster! Love this idea! Happy day to you!

Deborah Frings said...

Morning Darnell - that has got my day off to a great start! Such a cute card! And this is a really fun sentiment too!

Craftychris said...

Love your card and Shannon's too! Both are so cute! Your post has me smiling lots and lots. Love the Hammy pic and am trying not to think of earless bunnies! A brilliant idea though! Have a good day xxx

shirley-bee said...

Is this the first romance in our blogosphere? I can see Hammy doing a few extra rounds on the wheel to get in shape for his new girlfriend. (See, I didn't mention he was plump.)

Fabulous post, Darnell :))

Inkyfingers said...

I love Shannon's card too and your take on is fabulous Darnell. I am of course thinking of reporting you to the RSPCA for cruelty to that poor bunny but I don't think they will travel to the States, so you won't have to fear a knock at your door. Strangely enough, I cut up one of my stamps today, and apart from being worries that I'll lose smaller pieces, it certainly gives more options!

Carol x

Lee-Anne said...

Darnell, you are one entertaining blogger and brilliant designer! I love how you created the hamster...sheer genius! Have a great weekend!

Alanna said...

How fun that she sent you a card and that you cased it. I love how you made the hamster.

As always, thank you for making me smile as I read your blog post.

Sue said...

Oh Darnell, yet again you have done a good job at cheering me up. I always look forward to visiting you. Seriously I have been laughing so much my cat was wanting me to share in the joke.
The card you received from Shannon is gorgeous and I love your wonderful CASE of it although I did feel a bit sorry for the bunny at first it was worth it for the end result!
I hope you have a good weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Cathy Weber said...

I am betting you will soon be seeing a cute hamster image from Kim...love your card, even more so knowing you performed surgery to create it! Cute hamster...how you got him to roll over like that is beyond me!

Jenny L said...

Hi Darnell,
what fab cards. I love them they are super. Great design paper used too.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Shannon J said...

Oh Darnell!!!!!!! What a HUGE honour - not only to be featured as your DJKASE (because that in itself is EPIC!!), but to also be the owner of Hammy's blooming love interest!! Miss Thing has been squealing all morning!! She never imagined that she could ever be *the one* for Hammy!! I'm trying to calm her down right now!! She absolutely LOVES the card Hammy made for her - she is blushing! I think it was the *wink* (of Stella) that caused her face to turn a bit crimson. However, she does not like the sound of this Stella girl! Keep an eye on her for Miss Thing, will you?!! ha ha!!
Now, Miss Thing is a bit concerned about Hammy after the amputation. Is he recovering well? Is there anything she can do?!! She sends her love (that's why she's holding a heart in her hands on the card!).
How can I thank you enough for all of the kind words you said about me too!! I was reading the bio you wrote for me and was SO touched!! You had to have gone WAY back to my very first post to get the Chuchee Chu history!! I was blown away that you took so much time to research that!!!
I will be walking on air for the rest of the day...so will Miss Thing!!!
Thank you again SO much, Darnell!
Shannon xo

Unknown said...

Oh Darnell, you just made my morning! What sweet cards from both of you ladies! Enjoy your weekend. Hugs!

Susanne Vargas said...

Love both of the cards (and, of course, the story that came with it) and am very happy that your hamster has fallen in love! Miss Thing is very cute I have to say! I think I mentioned before that I find your DJKASE idea brilliant and enjoy it a lot!
Congratulations on so many new followers! Soon you will be hitting the big 500!

Tracey McNeely said...

Darnell you should be a writer, you should write a book! Love your post today and always, you always write such entertaining posts. Love Shannon's card and your CASE of it. Happy weekend sweet friend! ♥♥

Linda said...

Darnell, You are too funny. It seems I say that every time. And So creative to make your own little hammy from a bunny. Both cards are so cute. I'm not good using pattern paper on my cards and these are great inspirations.

Pat said...

Just love your DJKASE of Shannon's pretty card, and the way the rabbit managed to morph into a hamster. I would love to be inside your head as I would never have thought to do that with the image, and it works so well. Love the colours you have used too. Have a great weekend. x

Jacquie Southas said...

Who was it that said "in the Spring, a young hamster's thoughts turn to love"? I wish them every happiness :)

Very clever of you to see beyond the bunny!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Gorgeous post Darnell
have a great day tommorow and lovely weekend

Viv said...

Hi Dee, Vee and Dee oh yes suree I do love it and it's easy too! Great card here, very clever DJKASEing. Love that cute hammy you made, how clever too.I used to have one ( infact several) as they don't last long as you know.He didn't like it when I introduced a female( Chrissy...it was Xmas) to his cage.....silly me...the outcome wasn't great !Have a lovely weekend Dee :) Viv xx

cm said...

It's official, Darnell...you have rendered me speechless with this post. LOVE that you cased Shannon, who is so awesome to the nth degree; LOVE your card (even though I cringed a bit in hearing of the 'modifications' to your stamp); LOVE your photos (how adorable is that sweet roly-poly hamster). LOVE everything x a kazillion! Hugs ~ c

Benzi said...

Ninety-five percent rabbit and 5% hamster.

I won't mention the plump word. Shhhhhhhhhhhh :-)

Both cards are just adorable and I'm so glad they can be boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm wondering if babies will come.

Alycia said...

Can I just say again that you are my laugh a day? I come here just as much for your fabulous humor as I do your fabulous cards. :)

Lisa Elton said...

TOOOOooo much fun and furry hamster cuteness goin on here today Darnell!! Love both cards by both of you talented gals!

Kristie Goulet said...

What a fun post, Darnell! Your hamster turned out so cute!! Have a great day!

Vicki Dutcher said...

I just have so much fun popping over and reading your posts -- really you are awesome~ So nice of you to promote fellow stampers and there is no doubt your email is FILLED with addresses -- mine might show up too :)

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love the card Shannon created and sent to you. She used wonderful papers to go with that darling image. And, my goodness! Surgery on that bunny sure created a cute hamster too. You are so clever!

Bonnie said...

A very clever operation, Darnell! What an adorable pair!

Susan said...

Looks like your "surgery" when well for the little bunny...such a great idea! I rarely think to do something like that. I know I haven't been around much, but I do keep a careful eye on your blog so I'll know what kind of mischief you've been up to! :)

Karen P said...

So sorry I have been so absent this week Darnell. Just popping over to see what I have missed. I love your and Shannon's card! I have rarely dared to cut my stamps up like that but I have one right now that would really be better without the rest of the image - I'm off to snip a stamp to pieces in a mo xx

Cathy said...

Great hamster CASE Darnell, everything old does seem to come into fashion again (I only recently bought flock for the 1st time!) Brilliant idea to modify the bunny stamp :) Cathy x

Carole said...

The shadow side of life...you are over the top funny and a good improvinizer too!

Casandra Bennett said...

Adorable creations.

Pat K said...

Hi Darnell, thanks for the lovely comments left on my blog. It's my pleasure to follow you as well (my profile pic is different...I hide as an oriole :) Pat K x

Bobby said...

That Hammy is so cute. He reminds me of the teddy bear hamster my son had as a child. He named it Pookie. Now that you've built him from parts, he may get jealous of a "real" hamster stamp. Be careful!

Anonymous said...

Awww thank you Darnell for your kind words and backatcha dear!! I love hammy, when I saw you cut off his ears it through me back, I have never dared to cut a stamp in my almost 6 years of crafting lol!! I will have to just do it!!! Your card is adorable as is Chuchee Chu's ! Have a wonderful weekend!

Anita in France said...

Such fun and completely creative, Darnell ... a fantastic DJKase of Shannon's sweet card! Do hope that Hammy and his new little friend are going to be chaperoned when they meet ... ! Hugs, Anita :)

JD/ Jill said...

Both cards are adorable! Your card and the one you cased...and thanks for the smiles you always give with your entertaining posts. Hope you have a great weekend!

Carol L said...

That's a great case of Shannon's card! Tsk tsk for shearing off the bunny's ears! Oh the shame of it all! LOL

Dianne said...

Hello you sweet crazy Woman,I do loooooove Hammy, he's so cute, so helpful,I think, and your not only beautiful but brilliant too, a hamster out of a bunny, great hat trick, what a fabulous fun card you recieved and made oh Miss Darnell it's is always such a pleasure, to visit your playhouse,bell full pf laughs today, well you brightened my day, thanks for stopping by my nest and leaving all that love, thanks for all the wonderful links, what a wonderful diverse group of artist,have a wonderful weekend, ((( BIG HUGS)))..

LeslieT said...

OMG! Love your blog! These are two gorgeous cards, for sure! And I thank you so much for following me... I'm your newest follower! With pleasure! Hugs!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Look at Hammie! He is totally smitten!!!!And he looks so fabulous on the card you made! What a great male model!

Greta said...

Such a fun post, Darnell--& love the card you received & the one you made! Very creative use of that adorable bunny stamp & I love the cloud around the sentiment!

alexandra s.m. said...

Yeah for Hammy!!
Thank You Darnell, for the laugh, for the art and for your big big heart!!

ike said...

How wonderful to read this and get my first chuckle of the day this morning with my first coffee :-D That is such a lovely card and Hammy is simply adorable. What a cute little chap. The antics with you making a Hammy card were clever and extremely effective - sure looks like a Hammy to me :-D As for 'flocking'.... I've heard of it but never tried the stuff !
Thank you so much for giving me a highlight write-up... I am so chuffed. xxx
Popping off now to visit your other new followers to see what they get up to :-)

Mega Hugz
IKE xxxxxxxxx

Vanessa said...

Haha, you always make my day with your sweet posts! Love how your card turned out, so genius to use a bunny for this. Did he loose some weight? Hehe.

Unknown said...

I wasn't going to say anything about how plump Hammy is but since you brought it up... Too cute! I have cut up and masked many of my stamps. Getting some versatility out of those stamps.

Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. You are so kind!

Julie B said...

What a great blog Darnell, love your fresh take on things. Love Hammy, he reminds me of Gilbert my hamster who passed onto the wheel in the sky many many years ago!
Thanks for popping in to see my blog and for leaving such a nice comment. I will now be following you too. :)

Canonbury creations said...

Fab card Darnell great CASE! Had to close my eyes when you attacked the poor rabbit but it worked well :o) Hammy's antics made new laugh, it reminded me of Jim, on a couple of days when the rain was so bad that he couldn't get out for his walk he was doing circuits of the dining room like Hammy on his wheel!!!
Val x

Becky said...

wow, these are some fabulously fun cards!

Sharon Underwood said...

Wonderful post, Darnell! Love your sense of humor! So glad Hammy has a love in his life now--that's so important! Now, between you and his new love, his life is complete. Thanks for such a happy post.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

My, what a sweet svelte hamster, Hammy is! That's a fun card design you copied. I can see why it appealed to you. I do know you can hack up clear stamps but it does make me nervous to do so. I mean, what if you misplaced those ears??!!!

Pia S said...

Similar designs, yet different looks! Love both of them! Additional admiration points for transforming the bunny into a hamster:)

vic said...

Beautiful cards I just love how you chopped the ears off to make him into that cute hamster :) he looks soooo cute :)

Have a lovely weekend my friend
Vic x

Sue said...

Love both of these cards. So cute! I just love your humor! You make me laugh!

Kay Miller said...

Oh I sure enjoyed reading every bit of this Darnell!! And that little roly poly hamster is just adorable! You are so clever and creative to be able to turn that big toothed bunny into a cute hamster! CUTE CUTE card!!

Sue Lelli said...

I LOVE how you turned that bunny into a hamster and I LOVE the flocking! CUTE cards, Darnell!

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness this is wonderful! I was smiling all the way through your post. That hamster card is brilliant. Following you now!

Kim Heggins said...

Oh no...you cut the ears off your bunny, how is he doing? did it hurt him much? or hurt you? I have done stamp surgery or in your case, "stamp amputation" too, it is a scary feeling but sometimes just needs to be done! Your card is just too darn cute too even if your sweet bunny is without ears. Love it!

Sian Ridley said...

I performed surgery on my stamps for the first time the other day and I felt terrible! I feel much better now though that you've removed your poor bunny's ears!! ;)

I agree that it absolutely had to be done though to create this cute hamster critter!! To cool and an awesome CASE :)

Laurie Unger said...

OMG - you cut off his ears! LOL! I adjust clear stamps all the time too! Great card and love the flock. I can never get flock to work right for me, glad to see someone else is more talented than me!

Barb Ghig said...

OMGosh, Darnell...another GREAT post!!! I know I tell you all the time, but you really know how to make me smile, and I love it!
I love how you CASE'd Shannon's card, too...like a girl and boy version...so fun! Great job on the stamp surgery, too...your card Rocks...and so do YOU!!!

Mounika Reddy said...

Thank you Darnell!!!! I am really very proud to be a follower of DJKARDKREATIONS!!!

I appreciate all your effort you put to introduce new crafters to your world and love that I am one among them..

Both your cards are adorable..

Sheila H said...

Sweet card - I'm just amazed at what you can do with a stamp. The mix of DP is awesome - love the patterns and colors.

Jeanne J. said...

Another great post. I love reading what you've been up to. What's with the kiddos not wanting their pics taken anymore? Your hamster is adorable! How clever that you made him from a bunny??!

Indy's Designs said...

Hee! Hee! What a delightful post! I'm sure Kim would love your surgery of that poor, cute bunny! Your card is darling!

Rachel Izakowicz said...

Wow! What a clever idea and talk about getting the most out of your stamps! What a great card and a totally different look for that bunny! Thanks for joining us at Paper Smooches Sparks!

Brenda said...

Well after picking myself up off the floor from laughing so hard, I had to say I love both cards! They are both so cute and colorful and way to cute! Hugs