A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

February 4, 2014

A Pocketful of Rainbow Hearts ~ NBUS #101

I'm so happ  to see you!

Well, gosh,  ou are all so sweet and  ou felt so sorr  for the letter "Y" in m  post  esterda  that I've decided to give him the da  off toda . I'm sure you will all be very happ  for him!

I'm back toda  because I wanted to pla  in a challenge that is closing soon. Sometimes I get together with Mr. Mojo and Pinterest and  our blogs and, of course, m  hamster, to come up with a card design. (It can take a village.) But sometimes I'm just standing at the sink rinsing the breakfast dishes and a whole card just blossoms in m  mind. Shazambam!

A few challenge seeds had been planted as I explored the Intertube in the last couple of da s and then m  hamster imagination just ran with it! Here's what I made:  a card with a rainbow hankie exploding out of a pocket!!!!

While I hope this brings a smile to  our face no matter what season of weather  ou are living in, I'm thinking the shock of these summer  colors will be especiall  welcoming to those of  ou experiencing the cold and drear  gra  and rain  (or snow ) da s of winter!

The cute pocket is made from a NBUS die and stamp set made b  M  Favorite Things. I wrote the sediment "I {heart} U" on the pocket tab. The rainbow hankie is made from NBUS rainbow heart tissue paper that I picked up at Target the first of the year. This week a lot of the challenge stars lined up perfectly for me to use m  adorable tissue paper! 

I have to sa  this is a cheerful card!

It started with Less Is More, which is celebrating its THIRD birthda ! Happ  Birthda  and man , man  more!  ou all know how much I love this challenge and the hosts Chrissie and Jen. And this week we are honored to have a visit from Chrissie's original cohost, Mandi! That was a treat! There are also wonderful Guest Designers showcasing their talents this week with the theme of rainbows!
And, of course, I had to make m  card a birthda  card in their honor, so this is what the inside looks like:
The tag birthda  sediment stamp is an ancient Hampton Art Stamps (RS 1443) stamp that I colored with my markers directl  onto the stamp.

Since I made m  card a birthda  card I'm pla ing in the current Seize the Birthda  challenge where the dessert option is chevrons! Lemme see, rainbows and chevrons? Someone over at Freckled Fawn was trending big time when the  designed this Washi tape!
Back to rainbows, there is a new-to-me challenge at Stampin' Celebration which is also in a rainbow-and-heart kind of mood with their sensational photo inspiration board:
And since I used that adorable little pocket die from M  Favorite Things (MFT), I used their current sketch:
I believe this is m  first time pla ing in an MFT sketch challenge! I did not cop  it ezackl , but I think m  card meets the written criterium:  ". . . This week we have a sketch that includes a perfect centerpiece for showcasing something really spectacular. Front and center is the idea here!  . . ."

Finall , while my pocket hankie isn't much over the edge, it is over the edge, so I'm going to see if Michele will let me in the door at the current and fun CAS-ual Frida s challenge.

Believe it or not, there are other star-aligned challenges I could have linked to, but I think that's enough. I hope  ou can join in before these challenges end! Just click on the links for all the details about rules, sponsors, and prizes. 


Enjo   our da !  No, seriousl , enjo .  LITS!* 

As alwa s, thank  ou for coming b  to visit the Pla house and special thanks to  ou if  ou take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know  ou came b , so I can be sure and return the flavor!

So, was it hard to read, or did  our mind automaticall  insert the missing letter? I got tired of it after a while, but felt like I should stick it out coz I'm a finish-what-I-start gal. I promise the missing letter will return for the next post! Thank  ou for putting up with me and m  sill  ideas!
*Life Is Too Short!

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Click Jump to Comment Form; no more car pool tunnel!


Vanessa said...

Such a happy and beautiful card inside and out, Darnell! Love it!
Vanessa x

Inkyfingers said...

Ou are such a hoot Darnell. Ou h have excelled ourself with this cheer rainbow card. The tissue is a genius idea. Perhaps Ou should do more washing up?
Carol x

Sammy said...

Gorgeous and cheerful card! It certainly does brighten up a dreary morning.

How kind of you to give "Y" the day off... I see he snuck in there once or twice anyway... Maybe he was feeling left out? (I know, there's honestly no pleasing some!)

Have a fantabulous day! x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Luffly work, Darnell!!

oh and am sure someone else will point out third word in second paragraph has a "y"

Ooo!!! he felt lonely he did.. :D and yes we read your post just fine or I did.. love the inside and outside of card very very cheery Shaz in Oz.x (mm I did not spare the y did ?)

Irene said...

Two brilliant happy sunshine cards Darnell.

shirley-bee said...

Haha, can ou imagine an bod tr ing to translate this page? Love our sunn rainbow pocket card.

Suze Bain said...

Darnell, I mean this in the nicest possible way - you are as mad as a hatter! Ha, ha, it must've taken you ages to type this up. Your cards are fabulous, definitely brightened up my day - dark, windy and rainy here! Xx

Redanne said...

Only ou could write a post that is perfectl understandable even when ou leave a letter out! our card is just so much fun and full of cheer, I love it! ou have brightened up a ver dull da here in rain soaked England - thank ou! Hugs, Anne x

Meg said...

Thank OU! I love stopping b the Play House - It alwa s makes m da . our wonderful rainbow card is just the injection of spring ness needed to counter the fresh 20cm of snow we got over the weekend. Although i f I am being honest, I am one of those craz people who loves winter!
:) Meg

Cathy said...

Such a bright and cheery card Darnell, love the tissue hanky too!
(2 y's u r 2 y's u b i c u r 2 y's 4 me) LOL, Cathy x

Irish Cherokee said...

Cherokee Like! Irish Like! Bring Big Smile. Like Paper heart stuck in papoose pocket. Colorful.

Great Spirit Blessings

Irish Cherokee said...

Cherokee made me do it! Both cards are cute!


Irish Cherokee said...

Insomnia. Tired, back to bed. Yawn! Both sides of card are cute. Yawn!
Brain and fingers not working together. Night night!

Sue said...

How kind of you to give Y a day off, even if it did make more work for you.
Your card is wonderful. I love your design and gorgeous rainbow colours always make me happy!
hugs Sue xx

Cori Kozak said...

What a fun and happy card! Great job on combining challenges! So glad you found us at Stampin' Celebration!!

Craftychris said...

Such a bright and happ card! Absolutel gorgeous! xx

Gerrina said...

Wow! you managed to put a hole lot of challenges into the two cards! They are both so cheerfull and happy; great! Have a good day, Gerrina

Ardyth said...

Now THAT is a pocket full of sunshine! You can't help but smile!

Bonnie said...

What a welcome sight on a dreary morning! Love that pocket with the fancy hanky and that Washi tape is amazing! I'm not even asking where you got it cause it will put NBUS stuff on my shelf!

Julia Aston said...

What a wonderful rainbow card Darnell! so pretty with the bright yellow pocket and fun hearts paper!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous pocket full of sunshine Darnell it reall brightened m da . Well if you can do m head in with our post without the ou know who's then I can answer like this serves ou right !

I have just bought new glasses and was about to go and ask for m mone back !!!!!!!!


jimlynn said...

Super cute and creative - inside and out!

Ros Crawford said...

Na ... never missed the Y Lol!
Love your card ... very clever ... I don't know how you remember all those challenges let alone create something that fits them all .. I'm not good at that

Anonymous said...

Absolutely delightful card, Darnell!
Have a great week.

Benzi said...

I thought we were having a cloudy day but you've certainly brightened it with this pretty card. Love that pocket.

Guess we don't need all the letters of the alphabet, after all. Glad to see the "y" get a rest. :-)

Donna Nuce said...

Made me laugh. Love the pocket card, so cute!

Kay Miller said...

OH Darnell! I never know what I'm going to find when I visit your blog! It's always something clever, funny, or missing, as today's y's! hahaha! I LOVE your rainbow hanky card!! Now that is so clever and super cute!! Made me smile!! Love the birthday card too! I might have to check out this challenge! Looks awfully fun!

Laura Davis said...

Super cute!

Kathleen said...

Comical and brilliant as alwa,s

Kath x

Unknown said...

Thanks for playing along at Stampin' Celebration Darnell! Your card fits the bill perfectly... I love me some color!

Tracey McNeely said...

Fun and happy card Darnell! Made me smile.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

WOW! I want to meet the person who is wearing those bright, bright, BRIGHT colored jeans with that crazy hankie. I love how you did the inside of your card. I have some of that crazy multicolored washi tape and have been clueless what to do with it... until now! Also, I used to have the pocket die on my wish list, did it come off because I got it or because it was out of stock? (I always take the out of stock things off before gift giving time as hubby gets frustrated with 'em).

Alanna said...

What a fantastic card Darnell. So fun and cheery.

And I had to smile the whole time reading your post without any of the y's. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Talking about throwing my brain off (It dosent take much) and did you know you use alot of "Y" words lol!! A fun and happy card!!

Sue said...

LOL Darnell fab card and great blog post I'm sure 'Y' feels so much better for the time off!!! huggles Sue xx

Verna Angerhofer said...

ou are so funn! Haha! And, the card is wonderful and filled with cheer! Love it! I am following too!

Shannon J said...

Darnell, you should be charging for all of this free entertainment!! Good thing Y got the day off, he would have been exhausted if he had to make an appearance all of the times he was missing!! Love, LOVE the card - so fresh, fun, bright and cheery!! Who wouldn't smile when they received this card?!!!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Gorgeous card
love the colours
hugs Tamara

Carole said...

The missing Y challenges my reading skills...but what a hoot...you are so fun...and a delightful pocket full of surprising colors. Nice work.

Karen P said...

Fabulous card, fabulously cheery colours inside and out - made me smile - love it! xx

Jessi Fogan said...

OK, first, now I have the 'pocketful of sunshine' song in my head, and this is absolutely fun & gorgeous!
Second, all those 'y's? AMAZING that you stuck with it! lol! My brain filled it in after a bit but I am definitely ready for a drink now.

Anita in France said...

Wow, Darnell, an explosion of energetic effervescence ... how excellent! That missing letter must be having a wonderful time, it's not made an appearance here at all! Hugs, Anita :)

Jenny Marples said...

Loving that burst of colour Darnell! Definitel needed when it's so bleak outside. Jenn xxx

JoAnn said...

Love your pocketful of colorful hearts and cheerful colors. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.

Robin said...

Hi Darnell! Great job on the post by giving "Y" the day off! Your cards are beautiful and colorful. I thought I had posted already but I may have emailed you instead??? Hugs!

Unknown said...

Such a prett card Dipp. Love all the rainbow colours and our hank is genius. Glad you relented and gave " " a da off!


Karendipit xxx

Aileen said...

Your card is so much fun! I love the hankie bursting out of the pocket. x

Dana said...

I love the pocket!! With the hearts!!! Just awesome!

Karin said...

Hi Darnell, gorgeous pocket card with lovely bright colours! Love your sense of humor!!
Karin x

Pat said...

This is such a clever idea Darnell, and I really love the hanky with the hearts and the little tag. The inside with the gorgeous washi tape and on the pocket is so bright and cheerful. I think we need cheering as the weather here is so depressing. Seems we have days of wind and rain to come with coastal flooding! One little ray of sunshine .... we don't live on the coast. x

Sharon Underwood said...

You're so awesome, Darnell! I just love you to pieces. Your blog posts always make me smile and my whole day becomes happy. This card is perfect for that! So bright and happy. Love the tissue idea! Think I'll look into some of those challenges.

Carol L said...

Th s cards ar both so pr tty, and I lov your pock t xplosion card with th tissu pap r! My E seems to have run away with your Y! Now what?!

Maria said...

Beautiful card! Love the pocket and all the bright colors!

Geri said...

Who would have thunk that "Y" was such a popular fella? You and the hamster must have been chuckling to yourselves the whole time you were writing this post! Posts like this are exactly why we all love you to bits!!!

Now this card has GOT TO BE the best ever take on an inspiration photo! The folds of the tissue paper mimic the curves in the photo perfectly! Of course, the colors rock!

You are so going to win every single challenge that this amazing card will fit into!!!

Thanks for 'brightening' our day!


Geri said...

Sheesh...I forgot to say that the inside of your card is just as fabulous as the outside - what a nice surprise for the person who gets to open up this card!

Alycia said...

our husband must have abs of steel if ou keep him laughing like ou do me. :)

Susan Powell said...

Such a fun card with all those bright colors

scrappymo! said...

Such a fun, cheery card. Love the hot, bright colours.

Lisa Elton said...

That's a pocket full of happiness!! Cute card Darnell!!

Sharron said...

Don't know which made me smile more--your post or the bright, cheery card! Both are wonderful so thanks for the happy visit!!

Greta said...

What a great use of that wonderful tissue paper--darling card, Darnell!

Loll said...

Bright and cheerful and fun!!! Love your rainbow cards! :) Hope the 'y' is back to work soon! Lolly xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Darnell have fixed link: it is:


Not sure why it nipped off and hope it stays here this time, Shaz in Oz.x

JD/ Jill said...

Love this cheery card! Who wouldn't love it! So clever! (didn't expect anything else)...cute post as always...Notice I have to type the y's that would drive me crazy. I can't imagine how long it took you to type up this post.

cotnob said...

This is a fabulous card Darnell, such a brilliant idea and gorgeous bright colours. I love the inside - it finishes your card perfectly.

Hettie said...

Ver funn Darnell! Tho I did spot one hiding in the first paragraphe wotsit!
Great card too. Ver bright and cheer on a day like today! Ver wind and wet here.

Colleen Dietrich said...

Hi Darnell! Well, if that's not a happy card, I don't know what is! Great idea. :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet Darnell, this card has such a happy vibe to it! Love all those bright colours and that bright yellow stitched pocket! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS-ual Fridays ;-)

KandA said...

Fabulous card. Love the super bright and cheerful colours xx

Chris Dring said...

Holy crow, Darnell! This card is a pocketful of happiness! Look at all those bright colors! Love the tissue-paper-as-hankie idea! Brilliant!

SnappyJackie said...

Hi Darnell, love both of your cards, so bright and colourful, brought a smile to my face just looking at them!!
Thank you for coming over to say hello on my blog, and for your lovely comments. Good to finally talk to you at last, I've enjoyed seeing all your creations on the challenges. Jackie xx

Kristie Goulet said...

LOVE that pocketful of sunshine, Darnell! Surely brought a smile to my face today. Much needed too as it is snowing like crazy outside. :(

Chrissie said...

What a wonderful post Darnell... They always make me smile. Your cards are wonderful too, I just love the pocket!
Thanks so much
Less is More

Chrissie said...

What a wonderful post Darnell... They always make me smile. Your cards are wonderful too, I just love the pocket!
Thanks so much
Less is More

dottielottie said...

Ha ha, great fun post Darnell. It's surprising how quick the brain adapts to the fact that there is a letter missing. Love your clever pocket card with it's rainbow hankie, very bight and cheerful.
Hugs x

Deepti said...

Hahaha it aways fun to read our amazing posts. Ou just work wonders and make me laugh al the time. I love ur rainbow card, that pocket idea is stunning, lovel !!

Lindsey said...

Awesome cards lately, Darnell! I wish I could comment on each and every one, but I'm a bit short on time this week, too. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and leave such a sweet comment. I honestly don't know how you make it around to so many blogs. You are one amazing woman! P.S. I found your Christmas card today...that's right. I made you one, brought it all the way with me across the country because I didn't have time to stick it in the mail before I flew out, and brought it all the way back home in my suitcase without realizing it. And yes, I'm also admitting (with some shame) that one suitcase never got totally unpacked.

Barb Ghig said...

Good heavens, Darnell! Giving the letter 'y' the day off is brilliant!!! I love how you think...and of course how you created these amazing, bright and fun cards! Thank you so much for always making me smile, and for stopping by my blog to leave some love for me...You're the best! And, thanks for clarifying the meaning of NBUS! I'm proud of you for making sure you pull out your old (and new) stash to play with :-)

Sian Ridley said...

That post must have been hard work! Did you type it out and then remove all of the y's or do it as you went along?! I don't know which would be easier?!!

LOVE the bright colours of this card! It's like having the sunshine
back, albeit it indoors and on a computer screen! Thank you for a little ray in this otherwise dismal day :)

sandie said...

Is the letter y feeling more relaxed now!! What a fab idea to use hankie as a rainbow. Full of wondeful colours and yes it made smile x

maria f. said...

Your pocket - over the top happy! Or should I say "happ". Bet it took you twice as long to type that post without the ys.

Linda said...

This is sooo cool Darnell .... I love it! Took me a while to read the post .... but I got there in the end ..... ver clever! Hugs Linda xx

cm said...

Ab exercises once again in reading this post! Who else but you would give "y" a day off, and wind up with a post that is sheer entertainment! I'm with Shannon - you could earn a pretty penny selling these posts; writing a book in your future, perhaps? Your rainbow hankie exploding out of a pocket card: brilliant! Delightful, dazzling and way tooooo much fun! It's a winner for the challenges you've entered, and a winner for brightening my day!!

Loly Borda said...

Love your colorful card Darnell! and as usual it's a pleasure to read your post with of without 'y'. TFS

Sheila H said...

OMG, I cannot imagine typing a post and giving a particar letter a "rest." You are so clever. Love the cards :)

Bobby said...

You crazy lady! :) I love the way your mind works. The card is darling, so bright and cheerful, just like you.

Karen Davis said...

I am speechless....this is SUCH a fun card. Guaranteed to bring a smile to the recipient. The inside is darn good too.

Kim Heggins said...

Just too cute! I love all the rainbow colors, they make for such a bright and cheerful card. I love that the outside is just as festive as the inside, you are amazing my friend!

Nancy said...

Love that pocket with the fancy hanky and that Washi tape! Really an amazing card! Thanks for playing along with us at Seize the Birthday!

Krista said...

How cute and fun....that pocket card is adorable!! Thanks for playing at Stampin' Celebration!!

Kelly Griglione said...

This card, and post, sums up your card-making self so well .. bright, cheery, happy, and a bit of quirkiness! Just love it, and love you, Darnell! Your sentiment on the little pocket tag is so sweet. Thanks so much for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

Anonymous said...

Oh cute !! My bloggy friend Karin made a pocket card today too..!!
They are obviously as contagious as the winter flu!!
I love bright happy cards -- & you have delivered big time !! Hugs !

Wida said...

pocket full of sunshine and love! love the concept Darnell!

Kelly Griglione said...

Eeek! That's what I said when I opened my birthday card from you today!! I was holding the famous explosion of happiness card, from the "missing y" post!! I'm so thrilled you sent it to me Darnell ... let me tell you it works perfectly. Big smiles every time I see it! It's on my kitchen window ledge with the two cards my sons made. You're a wonderful friend.

Big hugs!!