A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

January 17, 2014

Winter Wishes ~ DJKASE #1 (Lin); NBUS #93; SSMC

Happy Friday!

Yes, it's true, we've whooshed around again!  Already!

I should squickly tell you that my former office did a bang-up job of sending me off with love and affection. Luckily I am dear friends with almost all of them after all these years so I'll still be popping in to visit every now and then.
More importantly, the Mister and I had a wonderful anniversary celebration which will continue through the long holiday weekend! At our age we like to celebrate with Gusto and, of course, his wife Merry. I'm going to try and schedule a post, maybe for Sunday. Once again, please forgive me if I don't get by to visit for a few days because of all the festivi.

Thank you all for your best wishes for both happy events!!


It's time for my very first Friday random "copyliment" of CASEing (CASE: copy and share everything) a card made by one of my beloved followers.  I shall call them DJKASEs and they will be numbered like fine wines and NBUSes. Aren't you becited?

The card artist chosen for today is Linda from Lin's Craft Corner. Lin is a retired doting grandmother of six who has been blogging since 2011. She makes lovely clean and simple cards! This is the card of Lin's that I chose to copyliment:
Isn't it gorgeous?  Because Lin's card was made in the fall and used fall colors, I changed it to reflect wintertime. 

Here is my DJKASE of Lin's pretty card:
DJKASE above
The evergreen stamp is from a Hero Arts set called "Needles and Cones" and the NBUS sediment is from a PTI set called "Bigger Blooms." I used a smaller SU pine needle stamp to make the background design on the card base. All the ingredients are listed below.

Lin, I hope you are pleased. Thank you for following and leaving me supportive and sweet comments!

I'm going to link my card with the current challenge of "Anything Goes" over at Simon Says Monday Challenge.  The link will take you to all the fine print details and I hope you can join in!
Simon Monday Challenge Blog

Okay, I made up the word copyliment and now I have another new word for you. I don't know who coined it, but I know a lot of us resemble this remark!
Source: Facebook

Now I'm the last person on earth to criticalize anyone's grammermama, but wouldn't it flow better through your brain pipes if it read:  "The inability to start something until you've had a cup of coffee."? Either way, it's true that!


Enjoy your day and your beverages!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor. 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperPTI white; SU Bermuda bay
Stamps    Hero Arts LL605 "Needles and Cones";
small SU pine stamp was used on the card base;
sediment is PTI "Bigger Blooms" 
 InkPTI pine feather and aqua mist;
SU old olive and mellow moss
AccessoriesDie:  Lil Inker "Stitched Rectangles"
Darice sequints


Jessi Fogan said...

That 'don't want to' sign...I need one. Or maybe I'll just make one myself & hang it over my desk :)
Congratulations on your anniversary, and proceed with the merry gusto! (lol, still working on the needed coffee, forgive me)
LOVE your case of Lin's card - the stitched borders are such a fab detail, and the colours you've used...yum :)

Jasleen Kaur said...

Congratulations on your Anniversary Darnell!! And I love how you CASEd Linda's equally beautiful one. :)

Unknown said...

Best wishes for your anniversary celebrations and I hope you have a happy and enjoyable retirement.

Fabulous cards.

Sammy said...

Again, congrats on both events. Hope you have much more enjoyment to come!

And your DJKase is fabulous! I'm willing to bet Lin's extremely pleased!

My husband is a Procaffinator. I myself prefer green or peppermint tea, however the sentiment is very much the same! :-) x

Gerrina said...

Love the fine greens on your card! These are so wintery (is that an english word?) to me! This is a specail week for you and by the sounds of it you enjoyed it! Now it´s time to get used to having to plan your days all like you want and I wish you well with that! Have a good day, Gerrina

Viv said...

Congrats on everything Darnell - including the CASE'd card!! Lovely. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.X

Benzi said...

Oh my gosh, from Lin's beautiful Fall card to your beautiful wWnter card. I'm sure Lin is pleased as punch with this beauty. I LOVE it!!!! I also love sequins on cards.

So glad you had a wonderful anniversary and it is so nice to continue your festivities all weekend. Have a blast and then some. When you said 'festivi', it reminded me of a Seinfeld show that was all about Festiva. HA Loved watching Seinfeld.

My PROCAFFINATING (hope I spelled that correctly) is done with Diet Dr. Pepper. Love the smell of coffee but the taste sends me into a face scrunching. Just can't take it. Wish I could. I almost envy you coffee lovers.

None None said...

Hi Darnell!!! Wow, congratulations on your retirement - it's wonderful that you are still close with your former colleagues so you can still stay in touch. :) Secondly (and more importantly) - Congrats to you and the Mister on your anniversary!

Gorgeous DJKASE! I love your spin on Lin's gorgeous card. And you totally rock - I just love your way of thanking your followers. You are amazing!

Have a great weekend! I'm off to sip my hot tea and relish a four day weekend... No caffeine for this gal - coffee is not my thing but I do love my vanilla steamed milk, specialty teas and hot cocoa!

Lisa Elton said...

Haha love the sign!! Enjoy your anniversary celebrations well into the wee hours of your holiday weekend!!! Perfect CASE on Lin's card, love it!

Sue said...

Lin's card is stunning as is your DJKASE of it. I love the colours and the stitched rectangles.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
hugs Sue xx

Hettie said...

I have retirement envy now! Happy no-having-to-go-to-work-for-anyone-but-yourself-or-family-for-which-you-don't-earn-pennies!!
Lovely card there both the case and the casee!
Hugs from me who can nearly smell the weekend!

Susanne Vargas said...

Congratulations to you and Mister! 43 years is quite an accomplishment and well worth celebrating several days!
Happy retirement! I am sure they will miss you! But you will have more time in the playhouse, yeah!
Great first DJKase! Looking forward for more!
Now, go back to celebrating!

Ros Crawford said...

Congrats!! Though I do hope you realise that only men retire ... so I've discovered ... I just don't get paid anymore ...

Terrific card ... I love your stamping ... Oh and that photo of you and the Mister is so cute ... what a lovely couple

Ros Crawford said...

Congrats!! Though I do hope you realise that only men retire ... so I've discovered ... I just don't get paid anymore ...

Terrific card ... I love your stamping ... Oh and that photo of you and the Mister is so cute ... what a lovely couple

Ros Crawford said...

Congrats!! Though I do hope you realise that only men retire ... so I've discovered ... I just don't get paid anymore ...

Terrific card ... I love your stamping ... Oh and that photo of you and the Mister is so cute ... what a lovely couple

Ros Crawford said...

Congrats!! Though I do hope you realise that only men retire ... so I've discovered ... I just don't get paid anymore ...

Terrific card ... I love your stamping ... Oh and that photo of you and the Mister is so cute ... what a lovely couple

Ros Crawford said...

Congrats!! Though I do hope you realise that only men retire ... so I've discovered ... I just don't get paid anymore ...

Terrific card ... I love your stamping ... Oh and that photo of you and the Mister is so cute ... what a lovely couple

Karen P said...

That is a gorgeous card Darnell, love the stamps and the colours you've used are stunning - a fab CAS card with perfect inkiness xx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

It sounds like you've already started celebrating! There's lots of fun places to visit so I'm sure you'll have a wonderful weekend.

Your take on the card is great. I like the font on the stamp.


Deepti said...

Well, I am sure ur colleagues in office are missing you bad, after all you are so adorable :) Congratulations on ur anniversary and I love ur cased card :) I especially love the colors

jimlynn said...

Beautiful card Darnell! Love those big sequins you added too.
Hope y'all have a fun and fantastic weekend!

Sharon Underwood said...

Lots here to comment on: Happy Anniversary! and Love your "Don't Want To" Badge, and love your DJKASE card (did I get that abbrev right?)Those colors are stunning!

Pat said...

I love this DJKASE card Darnell. The idea of moving this card from
Autumn to Winter works really well, and I love the Hero Arts stamp and the way you have stamped it in different colours. The finishing touches with the sequins and the stitching round the edge is great. x

Irish Cherokee said...

Retirement is grand! Been there for a few years. NO Trade-ins. It's a keeper. Congrats.

Dianne said...

Beautiful card, love the colors and the stitching lines, hope you have a FANTASTIC long weekend you deserve ti, ((( BIG HUGS )))

Mau xx said...

Happy Everything Darnell :O))
Already left a comment on last post but you will think it strange!!!! I was sure I was following you when I wrote that, you come up on my bloglovin???? but couldn't see me on your followers so have sorted that quickly :o))
Gorgeous card and love the beautiful colours.
Hugs Mau xx

Bonnie said...

What a wonderful CASE of Lin's beautiful card! I LOVE the colors you've used! Have fun!

Vicki Dutcher said...

You have a fun week end with Gusto & Merry ;) -- thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment - YOU ROCK at paybacks and it is appreciated! :) Love your Friday beginning of DJKASESs! So fun~

Bobby said...

I love the "retired" sign. It reminds me of my husband's tee shirt that says "I'm retired. This is as dressed up as I get." You did a great job CASEing Lin's card. As for procaffinating, I'm not a coffee drinker so it doesn't apply.

Barb Ghig said...

I'm so glad you had a great time at your retirement party, and I LOVE your new parking tag :-) Congrats again, and I hope you and Mister have a wonderful celebration this weekend!

Such a beautiful CASE of Lins card, Darnell! I love the color combo and the stitched mats are just perfect with the needles and cones!

And...thanks so much for contributing to the advancement of my vocabulary...you are too funny!!!

Anita in France said...

So happy you've slid effortlessly from one celebration to another, Darnell .. hope you're still wild-partying! What a fabulous DJKase of Lin's lovely card ... you've captured it beautifully with the gorgeous winter colours and the addition of those delicious sequins! Have a spectacular weekend! Hugs, Anita :)

Lindsey said...

Adore your DJKASE! And congrats to you on your retirement and anniversary. I hope you enjoy every single minute of the celebration....which will likely last a very long time. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Dippy, so glad your colleagues gave you such a great send off but I'm sure you will be sorely missed. Great to hear that you and Mister are having great anniversary celebrations and am sure you're awaiting the arrival of the rest of the family with great anticipation. Fab caseing of Linda's card, great colours and love the L'Inker stitched rectangles (I've just got my delivery of their stitched circles!). And now you can tell that I'm definitely procaffinating so just off for my daily infusion.....!


Karendipity xxx

Kathleen said...

Great take on the card, love the colours.
Computer all sorted and back to business as usual, thanks for your lovely comment and I hope you enjoy your retirement as much as I am enjoying mine. 4 years now, will be 65 next Thursday and to quote a certain person it certainly is later than you think.
Happy Anniversary too, we are 45 years i April, so you are still a young kid compared to me.
Have a fabulous weekend.

Kath x

Linda said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks so much for showcasing my card and casing it on your fist DJKase. Yours is beautiful and I love the colors.... Thanks again.

Redanne said...

Your casing of the card is excellent, top marks from me! Love the colours in particular...

Many congratulations again on your anniversary, I hope you have a wonderful long weekend. I have had my 'once a year' glass of wine tonight to toast you both. Here's to many more happy years!

Big hugs, Annie xx

Karin said...

First, congratulations on your anniversary! Love both cards, yours and Lin's! Great colours!
Karin x

Colleen said...

Darnell, I am sure you have NO idea how much JOY you brought to my BFF, Lin for casing her card as your first DJKase! Your take is just as wonderful. Congratulations on both the anniversary of your wedding, but also your retirement!! Yeah, let the card making begin!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love your new word "copyliment" and I think it is what most of us mean when we CASE something--it's meant as a compliment, not a theft! I am enjoying my day and my beverage... the ladies in the office next door brought me a hot tea because I cough so much they worry about me. It was nummy. I like your wintery 'get well' card scene. Nice colors and I like the timely touch of sequins.

JD/ Jill said...

Both cards are great! Great case! You honored Lin for sure!

cm said...

Hope you and Mister, along with Merry and Gusto, celebrate in high style for many hours this weekend! Your DJKase of Lin's card: awesome! She'll be thrilled; a first case of absolutely amazing proportion! The coffee sign: yes, yes indeed. Definitely a reality in our little home! Enjoy the weekend immensely! Hugs~c

Laurie Unger said...

Congratulations! Love the coffee quote! Also what a great idea to case one of your followers - nifty idea and yours is a wonderful case!

Chris Dring said...

Oh wow! Fantabulous case of Lin's card! Love the pine bough stamp and the aqua color! Love the retirement swag you show in the first photo! LOL! Carry on with the festivus with Gusto and Merry!

Greta said...

Loved your idea of Casing followers when I first read it. Can certainly see why you picked this one to start--love both versions of that great design!

Greta said...

Loved the idea when I first saw it & what a great start! Love both versions, Darnell!

Geri said...

Glad to hear that you two lovebirds had a fabulous honeymoon...ooops, I mean anniversary!!!

And that your co-workers showered you with tons of love and farewell kisses!

And yes, your grammermama version definitely rolls off the tongue (and on to the chin) much better than 'theirs'!!!

And now your card - STUNNING to the nine millionth degree! The three shades of green look magnificent with the Kelly/aqua green (or did I miss the color again?) Either way - fabulously gorgeous card and a beautiful CASE of Lin's card!

LOVE the stitched mats!

carol (krillsister) said...

Congratulations on your retirement. You are going to love it. I bet you will wonder where all your time is going to as well as how did you ever do what you did when you worked.
Great casing of the card too!

Kim Heggins said...

Happy Anniversary and congrats on retirement too! So fun to do what ever you want and when ever you want, can't wait! Your card is just so sweet and I love your new challenge, cas'ing your followers, that should only take you a few years right? Fabulous card sweetie!

Greta said...

Terrible time with blogger right now--in case my comment isn't here, I'm leaving this one to say Happy Anniversary! Love your card & love the picture of you & hubby!

Cathy said...

Gorgeous CASE Darnell, love the door/desk sign too! Cathy x

Meg said...

This is a fabulous CASE - I love this card. Your use of colour is very striking. Have a fabulous weekend.

Mynn xx said...

I haven't stopped by in far too long, friend! This card is AMAZING!!! LOVE the gorgeous greens, girl! Did you like that alliteration? ;) Happy belated anniversary and happy weekend! Mynn xx

Vanessa said...

Beautiful card!!! Love it!
Vanessa x

Anna-Karin said...

Congrats! Lovely card, the colours and stamps you used are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

Mrs A. said...

I still meet up for a coffee with an x workmate who is just as batty as me. Hugs Mrs A.
p.s. Just printed off the J.J digi for my February calendar. She looks remarkably like a photo of me taken when I was 3yrs. Same bow same hair style!!

MaryH said...

I love Lin's cards & follow her, and I especially loved your take on it, you clever Wordster, you. Got my DJK chuckle for the day, and I hope you & Mr. are enjoying your long weekend. Say Hello to Merry & Gusto for me! TFS & Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs.

Shannon J said...

I am in love with the DJKASE idea, and what a bang up job you have done of copylimenting Lin's card! It's gorgeous...love that you changed up the colours to reflect a more winter feel! Have an awesome weekend with Mister! Don't do anything I wouldn't do...ha ha ha!!!

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

Congrats on your Anniversary - and your retirement. I do love a double celebration. Double the food and double the drink ;-)
Love your CAS(ed) card. The greens are really stunning.
Caroline xxx

shirley-bee said...

Love your CASE of Lin's card, Darnell! Sounds like your colleagues gave you a wonderful send-off. My retired motto is the opposite - Can If I Want!

OH Babs said...

1. Congrats on retirement.
2. Congrats on your anniversary.
3. Congrats on one great card after another.

SK said...

Very happy Anniversary...Its such a wonderfully CASEd card...Love it...colors and the stitching.. Fab...
First time here and very glad to follow u :)

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

hugs Tamara

Pia S said...

I love the green colors you've used for this card! Also it's a lovely CASE of Lin's card, I can clearly see you picked inspiration from her card, but you managed to make yours different in a nice way!

Indy's Designs said...

Congrats on the anniversary! Glad your co-workers sent you off with FUN! Your card is a fabulous with the winter theme!
Hugs, Debbie!

KandA said...

Happy anniversary to you and the Mister. Love this card and the fabulous colours you've used xx

Jean said...

Love how you CASE'd Linda's card ~ happy to hear you had a send-off and Happy Retirement!

Jen W. said...

What a fabulous idea! One of my resolutions is to actually do something with all the cards in my CASE file. Maybe this will get me going…
Love the Bermuda Blue matting (of course!) and that lovely pine cone stamp!
And whoop whoop in retirement! I imagine the Playhouse will be your new full time office! :D

Anonymous said...

Fabulous & fun case !!! With my fave colors, to boot!!
I'm so pleased that you will be home more w/ retirement & making cool schtuff in your playhouse!!
I can't wait to see all the fun goodies that will be produced!! :))

Karen Davis said...

Linda's card is gorgeous and so is yours Darnell. So lovely to see the two versions. A fab idea.

Susie said...

Love the cards, Darnell, and of course that wonderful sign. And (notice I started my sentence with And), yes! it would read much better the way you wrote it.

My youngest sister use to make up words. Sadly she is not with us anymore but her silliness will never be forgotten. One her best went like this:

During a disagreement with her husband she told him to sit down they were about to have a "discussment." *hahahaha* I love that word and think it should be included in the dictionary.

Have a happy day.

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. Gorgeous card and a lovely CASE of Lin's. Love the colors you've used - perfect for winter.

As for the Procaffinating - now I can relate to that!! :) Lolly xx