A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

December 27, 2013

PARTY! CASOS #24; CASology; CFC #124; LIM #151; Pixie's #103/#104

Well, hello there!

My friends, we have whooshed all the way around to the very last Friday of 2013!  I've not been kidding about how life is too short!  I hope you and I are able to take a few more deep-and-in-the-moment breaths to help 2014 pass more slowly and delishushly.
To close out 2013, a lot of my favorite challenges are celebrating Happy New Year's by partaying for all it's worth!  Even though we have had the twins since Christmas Day, I couldn't miss the party!  I slipped off to the Playhouse last night after they went to bed and made a card.
First, the challenges:
A lot of these challenges run several more days so I hope you will get a chance to play along!  Please click the links for all the details on rules, sponsors, and prizes.
My card: 
Poor old bull frog looks like he is only half-heartedly into partaying, but it's just a façade.  Up inside his head he is dancing to The Swim!  Doesn't he remind you of Uncle Sims who would sit in the corner, in his favorite chair, holding a drink, but otherwise not moving, like an old bull frog?  But up inside his head, Uncle Dear was twisting and shouting.  Just like in life, it takes all kinda folk to make a party!
I photographed my card outside in the morning light and you'll have to pardon that gray circular splotch which has suddenly started to appear.  For some reason it doesn't appear in my indoor photos.  I think my cheapo point-and-shoot camera has seen better days.  Look out after-Christmas sales, here I come! 
My PhotoIn spite of the rush of the holiday season, I'm delighted to introduce you to a new friend!
Please meet Jasleen of Happily Ever Crafter! ~ another fantastic blog name!  Jasleen's whole blog is fanstastic!  She has only been blogging since August, but she is very passionate about her crafty talents and she has much to share with you about all her creative endeavors.  As always, I would love it if you dropped in and left Jasleen some encouragement!
Thank you, Jasleen!  We are so happy you joined the Playhouse partay!
I must dash.  Fun awaits in the form of gangling arms and legs and giggles! 
I will leave you with a wee bit of family fun which you so generously allow me to share.
Lots of remote-control presents were under the tree.  Besides these rock crawlers, they received helicopters and things I'm not sure what the names are.  I just wish I was Ms. Eve Ready or Ms. Dura Cell or Mrs. Ray O. Vac, or Mrs. N. R. Gizer! 
Which twin made which gummy bear army formation?

Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!

Project Details
PaperSU tempting turquoise; Stampland glossy; unknown PP from stash
Stamps    Mostly Animals "Party Frog"; unmarked sediment stamp
 InkVersifine onyx black; SU markers; Wink of Stella pens
AccessoriesCuttlebug EF; Corner Chomper


Alanna said...

Your card is so cute Darnell. And what fun pictures you've shared with us. I especially love the gummy bear ones.

Joyce said...

Hey Darnell--Happy New Year, and this is a stinkin' cute card.

Pat said...

I don't know how you manage to find such unusual stamps but he is so funny and such a good image for a party theme. Love the photos and the artistic display of jelly bears.x

Sue said...

Such a fabulous fun card Darnell, I love the image and wonderful colours.
Thank you for sharing your photos, I love the jelly bears in army formation!
I am pleased that you had a good Christmas.
Wishing you all the best for the New Year
hugs Sue xx

Diane said...

What a cute card...the frog looks like I feel after eating all the "stuff" I ate over the Holidays!~! Looks like you are up to your ears in "adventures" with the twins...thanks for sharing your special moments!!

Tenia Nelson said...

Awesome creation, Miss Lady!! Hope all is well......

Kim Heggins said...

Happy New Year Darnell! Love your froggie card...what better way to say happy birthday! I loved seeing all of your festive holiday photos too, looks like you all had a wonderful time. I also love seeing kids play with their food and those gummie bears are just the perfect things to play with. I hope a few of them survived the battle so they could be eaten too.

Gerrina said...

Great CAS.card! Love the fresh colours; they jumped of my screen! Have a great weekend, Gerrina

Karen P said...

Such a cute card huni and a grumpy frog but cute anyways lol! Now I got to go get me some candy - for some reason those gummy bears have made me want candy lol!
I love the use of snippets here too. Thank you Darnell for sharing your wonderful creations, your fabulous wit and awesome friendship this year - I am happy to have found a fantastic new friend. Have a fantabulous New Year Dahling xx

Barb Ghig said...

Thank you so much for another delightful post, Darnell...or is that Ms. Dura Cell? Too funny!!!

I love your little bull frog card, too! Looks like he's had quite enough to drink, as he surrounds himself with those awesome checkerboard squares and fabulous embossed card base! Great coloring too, I might add!

Thanks for sharing pics of your clan...it's so fun to see the boys enjoying Christmas! Sending you my best wishes for a wonderful, happy, and healthy New Year!

Bonnie said...

That poor ole bullfrog looks to pooped to pucker! But I'll bet you're right and he's dancing wildly in his head! Thanks for sharing some of your Christmas fun!

Carol L said...

Great card!! Don't tell anybody, but it reminds me of my party pooper husband! LOL Love the fun pics of your holiday family fun too! Happy New Year, and I agree- slow down 2014!!!

alexandra s.m. said...

Thank You for sharing that wonderful fun card and the vary happy Family picture ;)

Greta said...

How wonderful to have the family together for Christmas--& the twins for more days! The pictures are so fun--thanks for sharing. Love the one with Duke--he always touches my puppy heart! Your card is just too darn cute, Darnell!

Lisa Elton said...

What a fun card Darnell!! I feel like he looks and my voice is probably even croakier than his LOL! Thanks for the pics...so darn cute!! And thank you ever so much for your sweet get well wishes, you really warmed my heart my crafty friend ;)

Dawn's Stamping Garden said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. Looks like you had a VERY merry and fun Christmas with your twin fun package!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Partay!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Had to laugh at your frog card - hilarious! Happy New Year to you Darnell!

donna mikasa said...

Fun, fun card! I'm sure that bullfrog is indeed a party animal and just doesn't know how to show it! And I love the gummy bear formation! A very Happy New Year to you and yours!

Kathyk said...

Darnell, I simply LOVE your froggy image, fab card matey and loving your gummi bear army too!!

My computer is trying to censor the amount on time I spend reading your blog!!!! I.E. has taken to "NOT RESPONDING" whenever I try to view and/or comment on your blog .... is it trying to tell me something?!?!?! I SHALL PREVAIL!

Happy New Year to you and yours! I say this now in case I can't get back on-line before the New Year!!


Sarn said...

Happy New Year to you and yours Darnell.

Great party card. That frog reminds me of my husband at parties. A party-lover he ain't!

Sarn xxx

Redanne said...

The frog does look like he is too pooped to participate! But he is rather cute..... I love the card because that is what I am like at parties... It is a complete random guess but I will say Henry for the first line up of soldiers and Adam for the second... they are both fine formations. Sounds like you are having lots of fun. Enjoy the New Year my lovely friend. Hugs, Annie xx

Jasleen Kaur said...

First of all, a BIG hug from me to you for such a thoughtful gesture. I have never seen anybody do this before and I'm very touched. Ofcourse my page views have increased dramatically since yesterday :) All thanks to you Darnell. So glad to have you in my talented friends' list :)
About your card, I'm giggling looking at that plumpy frog. Yes, you see such people in parties. I love the card.Colours are lovely.
Wishing you and your family a very happy and a prosperous new year :)

Di said...

Oh Darnell, you do crack me up! What a fab frog - goodness knows where you find such amazing stamps. He looks a real party pooper :)


Di xx

Joni Andaya said...

So Awesome! You are one funny lady! Love the card, the colors just pop!

Vicki Dutcher said...

HA! Have to love the frog!! Wanted to pop on over and say Happy New Year! Looking forward to your amusing posts in 2014~

cm said...

Your frumpy froggy is just awesome; and yes, my family has an "Uncle Sim" (or two...) as well. Your photos - fabulous! How wonderful that you have full-on time with your grand-boys! I, too, have been enjoying niece-and-nephew time, filled with little legs, lots of hugs and smooches, and giggles galore! Have an awesome Saturday! My husband and I are making home-made pizzas for the clan today, so we'll be busy x hectic! Hugs~c

OH Babs said...

That is one cute frog Darnell. Thanks for sharing the family photos. I know all about radio-controlled toys with two sons, two grandsons and my mister. Happy New Year and may it be full of good health and continued creativeness.

shirley-bee said...

Ha, what a party animal! And the bullfrog too! Happy New Year to you, and here's to a blog-filled 2014!

Tracey McNeely said...

Your card is fantastic Darnell, Ii LOVE the froggie, how fun! Thank you for sharing the photos and the gummy bears are adorable--can't guess which one! Thank you for sharing with us at CASology!

Cindy Brumbaugh said...

He's a party amphibian if I ever saw one! Love the bubble background! Nice coloring, Darnell. The sentiment font is awesome with the image. TFS with us!

Shannon J said...

I agree, we need to SLOW it down for 2014! Can we do that?!! Well, I'm sure going to try! OMG I love that frog! He reminds me of me at a NYE party! Typically I'm pretty much ready to go at 10:00 pm, and I'm sure the look on my face resembles his to a T!! ha ha!!

Meghan said...

Okay, that frog is so ugly he's cute! I always enjoy the pix of your family...fun! So glad you had some time to play along with us at CASology this week!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha ...we have a frog like that, Darnell, he lives in a barn. The two of them (yours and ours) must be family, same colour and expression ... and party hat! Must dig out a photo for you! Your photo's are fabulous ... looks as though you had a wonderful time ... thanks for sharing them! Bear formation ... here's a guess ... the triangle one is Adam's, just 'cause it looks a bit like an A! Hugs Anita :)

Nancy said...

Great CAS card for our challenge over at CAS on Sunday Darnell! Looking forward to your amusing posts in 2014! Happy New year! Loved looking at your photos too!

Nan G said...

Oh my goodness! Where do you find these hill-liar-ee-us stamps?! Mr. Toad is so me! Wow that's quite haul the twins made over Christmas. Have fun with the RCs they're a blast. Sending best wishes for a healthy happy New Year to you and family! Hugs

Indy's Designs said...

Toad-ally loving your image and your coloring!

Karen M said...

I love your fun card Darnell and your thanks for sharing some chrissy photos - looks like you all had a wonderful day - hugs xx

Anonymous said...


Brenda in IN said...

Oh Darnell, another fab card from you. Love him and his expression. Looks like the twins had a great time with their remote control cars. Hubby looks good in Santa hat and looks like he is having fun too. Don't throw your back out twisting and shouting New Years Eve!

Stempelomi said...

hihi great card Darnell! You make me smile!

Pia S said...

This little party frog is just so darn cute! Love this design, Darnell!

Ardyth said...

Love the layout and that fun image - you always seem to have something that the rest of us have never seen before! Looks like a very fun Christmas, too! Thanks for joining us at CASology this week, my friend! Happy New Year!

Geri said...

Where do you find these stamps/images??? This frog is hilarious! I LOVE his expression...quite sure that he is my Uncle Zeke reincarnated! Seriously!

Love the angles of the papers - plays perfectly into the sentiment and the image!

AND I LOVE your pictures! Family love - who needs anything more?

MaryH said...

He's a cutie ready to par-tee! Love the turquoise bubble background too. Nifty layout arrangement to show off His Highness Frog. So enjoyed the pictures too. Can see your Christmas was delightful, and those boys are really getting tall. TFS & Many Happy Party New Years! Hugs

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Fun card that frog is funny. Your photo collage is great, I'm jealous of the green grass, we have snow & ice. Happy New Year! Shirleyx

Kelly Griglione said...

Hahaha, another wonderful card, Darnell! The top of the card actually reminds me of a disco floor ... a perfect reason this frog is so lacking of energy. Thanks so much for sharing a few of your Christmas photos with us. You are indeed very lucky and blessed. Thanks again for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!

Kim S said...

Mr. Bullfrog reminds me of men living in my own house!!! But I'm not even convinced they are twisting and shouting in their own heads. I love your frog textured background!

LOVE your family fun - it's just not quite the same with teenagers! (But we still support the makers of batteries.)

jimlynn said...

Great photos and fun times!

LOVE that little frog! Too precious!
Cute card.


JD/ Jill said...

Cute card! And great pics...thanks for sharing.!

Jeanne J. said...

Your frog made me laugh but not as much as the gummy army! How cool! Always fun to play with your food!!

Deb said...

Love your partying bullfrog, Darnell. Looks like you had a fabulous Christmas. Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays! Happy New Year!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh my gawsh! That card is just too great. He's like me at a party. I'll be in the corner playing half haphazardly with my noisemaker. You think I'm in my own little world, but on no! I'm totally partying along!

The Gummi Bear armies were great!

Lee Ann Barrett said...

Hi Darnell! Your card is adorable! I love the fun color palette and the frog is just the cutest! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

You always have such fun!! :))
Love the pics!!
Your card is super fun w/ the mentally dancing frog -- lol !!! ;))
Thank you for always visiting me!!

anja curvers said...

This is really great and adorable. Thank you for joining us over at CAS on sunday.

Chrissie said...

I'm sorry I'm so ridiculously late in visiting your card for our Christmas challenge Darnell!
This is terrific!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"