A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

December 20, 2013

Happy Birthday, Boys!

Hello there!
We've whooshed around to the last Friday before Christmas and I'm popping in with a quick post to wish our very special twin grandsons a happy birthday and to introduce you to some new friends.

First, the celebration is on for Adam and Henry who turn nine today!! 
Adam, loves the color blue.  I CASEd myself and remade this card for him.
Henry, lover of yellow and anything with happy faces on it, gets this happy little number.  I was so excited when I found this scrap of paper a few weeks back.
We are having a family celebration tomorrow with an all-day outing and lunch at their favorite seafood restaurant.  December birthdays, especially so close to Christmas, are easy to overlook, but this year we are dedicating a day just to them!
Thank you for letting me share.

In our New Friends Corner, I'd like you to meet three incredible card artists:
My Photo
Krisha of Krisha's Keepsakes.  Krisha has been blogging since 2010 and is a fun read in addition to her wonderful card inspiration.
My Photo
Alycia of Happy Chick Designs.  Alycia has also been blogging since 2010, but what with young'uns and all, it's only this last year that she has really taken off with humor and with wonderful cart art to share with you.
My Photo
Sylvia Blum of {Sylvia's Stamping Place}.  Sylvia has been blogging since 2011.  She is very productive and extremely creative so she has really exceptional works of card art on display.
Thank you, ladies, for joining in the fun at the Playhouse!


Okay, I'm keeping this short.  I have an office Christmas party to attend, my very last one as I'm retiring on the 31st after 20 years with this firm.  I'll be back tomorrow with a scheduled post and to share some wonderful recipes from my baking on Thursday.  Cough.

Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS!* 
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 

Image Credit
 Displaying Darnell Signature.png
*Life Is Too Short!


Sammy said...

Happy birthday to the boys! They'll LOVE those cards! Both my father and my daughter have December birthdays, so we always make sure to make an extra effort! x

Sue - said...

Happy birthday to the boys. A week after is just as bad as people constantly complain that mine is too close to Christmas! Two great cards but I really really like the yellow one!

Lorraine said...

happy birthday to the boys..my youngest is nearly 9 too..lovely cards

Redanne said...

Big birthday wishes to Adam and Henry, they will love their gorgeous cards. Hope you have a fun day with them. Love that gorgeous cake at the end of your post - wow! Hope you enjoy the party too and I hope they make a big fuss of you on your retirement. Big hugs, Annie xx

Diane said...

Happy Birthday to the boys!! My son had a birthday on the 18th, he turned 41....ugh, "HE" is getting old...lol!! Super cute cards...retiring...yeah, good for you, I love it myself, but after 100 years of getting up at the same time everyday and doing the same thing everyday, it took me a year to quit watching the clock for breaks, lunches and time to go home...LOL...I'll have a "toast" to you!!!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday, Adam and Henry! Gorgeous cards, Darnell, I bet they love them!

Gerrina said...

Congratulations with your twins birthdays! Great cards! Hoop you have a festive and creative weekend, Gerrina

Alanna said...

Your grandsons ate so cute and your cards for them are perfect. And congrats on your retirement.

Dana said...

Love the cards! Perfect for little boysM and congrats on your retirement!!

Susanne Vargas said...

Happy Birthday to those cute twinks and to you, too, because 9 years ago you became a grandmother! Love the happy cards you made for them! Have a fun day tomorrow (I know you will)!
I thought you were already retired and just helping out once in a while...?

Benzi said...

Cute, cute cards you've made for those adorable twin grandsons. They are really going to feel special this year with a full day to call their own.
Retirement? What fun you'll have in the playhouse after that!! Congrats to you.

jimlynn said...

Cute cards and cute little boys!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

Karen P said...

Happy Birthday wishes to the twins Darnell, hope you all have a wonderful time - so nice to dedicate the day for them as it is so near to Xmas.
Gorgeous cards, lovely colours, love that cake too, did you make it lol? Or are offering burnt bits lol! Cheeky me xx

Ardyth said...

Happy Birthday, Adam and Henry! Have a great birthday! And Merry Christmas to all of you!

Jacquie Southas said...

Perfect cards for the boys Darnell - have a great day with them!

Unknown said...

Such fun cards!! And happy birthday to your boys :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards for two beautiful boys, Happy Birthday Adam and Henry, enjoy your special day. Nothing stopping you gate crashing future Christmas parties! I'm sure they'd love to see you.


Hettie said...

Happy Birthday Boys! Having Twinnie niece and nephew on 3 HJanuary I understand the issue of Birthday being close to Christmas.
Love the cards you made.
Just had our Christmas works Do and am feeling squiffy now having not had to drive today! Hic!

Shannon J said...

Awwww, Happy Birthday to the twinks!!! Love their cards, and LOVE that you are dedicating a full day to them! Have a fabulous day together!!! xo

Happy Dance said...

Two wonderful cards for two very special boys. You've got to be the best grandma ever! And congrats on your retirement too. You'll love it. Enjoy your day out tomorrow with the family. Sounds marvelous. Bev

Pat said...

Two super cards for two very handsome chaps, and what a fabulous looking cake. Have a lovely day tomorrow and a great Christmas. x

Marie Bingaman said...

A very happy birthday to your very special boys! Congrats on your impending retirement too...you should really take up a hobby to occupy your time once you retire....lol!! :). If I don't get back here beforehand, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! :)

Kristie Goulet said...

Happiest of birthday wishes to Henry and Adam! So handsome and great cards for each of them. Have a great day! Hugs!!!

Pia S said...

Happy birthday wishes to the two boys! Your cards look great, and by your description of the two it seems you picked the right designs and colors for each of them!

Sue said...

Happy Birthday to Adam and Henry, I hope they are having a wonderful full of fun and happiness.
The cards you have made for them are fabulous.
How lovely to have a special family celebration day, I hope you all have a brilliant time.
hugs Sue xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Adam and Henry ... hope you all have a blast celebrating together, Darnell ... fabulous cards ... they'll be treasured! Cake looks yummy ... any chance of a slice?? Anita :)

Nan G said...

Wonderful cards for two handsome boys.! Yummy cake, are ya sharing? Have a fan tab u lous day with them. Oh.....happy holidays, too!

Jenny Marples said...

Love both of those cards for two fine looking young men. I hope they have the best birthday ever. Enjoy your send off too. I'm sure you won't have any trouble whatsoever filling your time :) Jenny x

Kay Miller said...

What darling little boys!! I hope they both have a wonderful birthday! The cards your made for them are just adorable! Bet they'll love them! I have visited Sylvia's blog and she's amazing. I'll have to check out the other's too! Have fun at the party! :)

cm said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Adam! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Henry! Wishing you a most wonderful, celebration-filled, spectacular birthday, spent with the special people in your life, especially your grandma, Darnell! You're so fortunate to have such an amazing grandma; she's fortunate to have you, as well! Enjoy your cards, enjoy your gifts, enjoy the family dinner!! *Darnell: you the best! Your boys are a gift to you, as you are to them! Fab cards!!*

Joyce said...

Happy birthday to your twinks. Your two cards are just swell.

Carol L said...

Those DGS's of yours are so cute!! Wish them a happy birthday for me and I hope you had a great time celebrating with them! Love both the cards, and looking forward to seeing what you're baking :)

Bobby said...

Happy Birthday to the boys. A seafood restaurant - my favorite place to go. :)

Bonnie said...

A very happy birthday to Adam and Henry! What wonderful boys! I believe they have their bama's smile! How fun to have a whole day just to honor them!

scrappymo! said...

Happy Birthday to the twins! Two more great cards!
Great that you made each one from their fave colours...what a Grandma!

I will be awaiting the recipies and step by step...I have done mine after all! lol

Geri said...

Those two young fellas are just the sweetest ever! Awesome cards - grandma sure knows how to make their eyes light up! Sounds like you are going to have a blast on your outing!

Congrats on your retirement (I actually thought you had semi retired already???). Lucky you!

Our company should be here any minute and I should be tidying something up but just couldn't stay away from my computer! :) :)

JD/ Jill said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandsons! Cute cards that you made for them. And Happy Retirement to you...
I sent you an email...

Rosemary said...

enjoy the day with the boys... they grow up too fast! have a very merry Christmas!

Sharron said...

Happy birthday to the boys! And a very merry Christmas to you and all of your family!

Greta said...

Those kids are just adorable & love the cards specifically for each of them! I know you'll have a fabulous day celebrating, Darnell!

Karren said...

Fanstastic cards, Darnell! Being able to make cards designed with the receiver in mind is what makes this hobby great. Congrats on your retirement!

Barb Ghig said...

Big birthday wishes to those beautiful boys! I'll bet they're gonna love your cards, Darnell!

Have fun with them, and at your company party...looks like you've made a delicious (and beautiful) treat for everyone!

Claire Grantham said...

Love the cards Darnell..it is hard having a birthday so close to Christmas. How nice that the boys get a day of celebration. Cx

Alycia said...

You are so awesome! Thanks for the shout out. :) And your uber sweet words. Happy Holidays!

cotnob said...

Two brilliant cards Darnell, I bet the boys loved them - I hope they had a fabulous birthday.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sheila H said...

Love the cards! Your grandsons are nice looking boys :). I'm sure they enjoyed their special day.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to those sweeties!!
So sorry that I missed it!!!
Hope they loved their amazing custom cards !! :))
Huge hugs, I'm getting my sea legs back... Thank you for your patience, my friend!!! Xo