I missed you! Can you believe it's time to say hello to December! And this is it, no more goofing around! If you send handmade Christmas cards, you are officially and feverishly making them right and left!
For those of us in America who were sidelined by the gluttony of Thanksgiving, it's a bit of a slog getting into Christmas full speed. Here is a picture worth a thousand words: our handsome DS under the influence of turkey tryptophan!
Luckily for me, Lesley of the sensational Merry Monday challenge got me in the spirit of things by asking me to be the Featured Designer for the month of December! What an honor!! Please check out the MM site to meet the incredible ladies who make up the Design Team month-after-month throughout the entire year. You will be inspired by their amazing Christmas creations and you'll also find links to their individual blogs for even more stunning ideas!
For those of us in America who were sidelined by the gluttony of Thanksgiving, it's a bit of a slog getting into Christmas full speed. Here is a picture worth a thousand words: our handsome DS under the influence of turkey tryptophan!
Luckily for me, Lesley of the sensational Merry Monday challenge got me in the spirit of things by asking me to be the Featured Designer for the month of December! What an honor!! Please check out the MM site to meet the incredible ladies who make up the Design Team month-after-month throughout the entire year. You will be inspired by their amazing Christmas creations and you'll also find links to their individual blogs for even more stunning ideas!
I hope you will join in this month as you are working on your cards. For this week, Lesley has given us a chalkboard challenge:
I've enjoyed watching the chalkboard technique retain its popularity, even though I've never really gotten the kanack of it. So I found Lesley's challenge to be very, well, challenging, which made it all the more fun!
I realize that on the computer it is a little disturbing to see Santa as he would look if he were being x-rayed. It's certainly a unique view of the big man, but I promise it's not so freaky IRL!
As usual, my card is clean and simple. In fact, it is QACAS, considering I used a NBUS rub-on from last season. (Isn't it a fun surprise to open those Christmas bins and boxes and discover all the things you forgot you bought last January from the sale rack?! Merry Christmas to me, Merry Christmas to me!)
As usual, my card is clean and simple. In fact, it is QACAS, considering I used a NBUS rub-on from last season. (Isn't it a fun surprise to open those Christmas bins and boxes and discover all the things you forgot you bought last January from the sale rack?! Merry Christmas to me, Merry Christmas to me!)
My card also loosely works for the cool four-part sketch from Pals Paper Arts challenge and for the "Anything Goes" theme at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge. If you click on the links, you will find all the challenge, sponsor, and prize details.
We had a fantastic and productive long weekend with the twins. Here's a photo of them unwrapping ornaments. Bless their hearts, they were a huge help to me by hanging most of them! My job was to untangle the hangers, which is why I look more deranged than normal!
You may remember my rant last year about not being able to find where I packed the hangers the year before? Well, this year I found them, all right,
but, what in tarnation?! They did not get put away all tangled up like this! Mr. Murphy strikes again!Before they left for home yesterday, we took another picture in front of their beautifully decorated tree.
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
Paper: SU! real red; PTI true black, white
Rub-on text and Santa: SU!
Ink: Brillance moonlight white; Signo pen
Ribbon: SU! real red
Paper: SU! real red; PTI true black, white
Rub-on text and Santa: SU!
Ink: Brillance moonlight white; Signo pen
Ribbon: SU! real red
Congratulations on being a GD at Merry Monday, Darnell! Looking forward to seeing your creations all month. Love your chalkboard Santa, and I too love surprise finds in my own craft room!
Oh Darnell, it's gorgeous! I adore the chalkboard technique (I'm actually a little sad that actual chalkboards now seem to be a thing of the past...), and that ribbon is perfection!
As I've only crafted one Christmas before, I'm not really familiar with the concept of finding forgotten treasures that way yet, but I'm already looking forward to next year's discoveries! lol. x
you have such great time
wish you all good
hugs Tamara
I look forward to seeing your creations this month, Darnell. Your Santa card is just perfect. :)
A BIG congratulations!!!! On your sweet card (Santa really isn't freaky), on your guest spot, and on your untangled hangers!!
Your card is simply amazing!!! Love that you've conquered the chalkboard technique. It's not in my cards (sorry, the pun slid in without any prior intent...but it did work, didn't it??!!). Looks like you had a blast with your family over Thanksgiving. Oh, and a "way to go" for being GD at MM!! Will chat later with you! big hugs, bkb
Congrats on your Guest DT spot Darnell, not a surprise to me because you make such stunning cards. Love this technique and you've rocked it. Thanks for sharing the photo's with us, your grandsons are so cute, which they will probably hate to hear lol! xx
Hi Dolly. Fabulous chalkboard Christmas card! You did a great job with this ... love your sentiment and your Santa. The striped red ribbon is perfect. Congrats on being chosen Featured Designer for this month at Merry Monday - welcome to the team!! Lolly xx
Love the card Darnell and the photo's. Congratulations on being chosen GD on Merry Monday. I went over to take a look but unfortunately was blocked because I am not a member.
Hi Darnell,
So happy to have you with us this month! Love your sweet Santa (he looks great!) and the clean look to your design!!! Here is to a fun month!!!
Congrats on being asked to be a guest-designer! And I think Santa looks just chalky enough! Inky greetings, Gerrina
Oh yes, I believe I have some of these Santas somewhere in my "stash" of rubons! Great way to put them to use! And we are so excited to have you creating with us this month!!! The boys' tree is wonderful!
I've missed you, too - good thing you've come back - and with a bang, I might add! - otherwise, there's no telling what would happen! I don't function well without my Darnell infusions of inspiration! Congrats on the Merry Monday role: most excellent choice by Lesley to feature you! The chalkboard technique is one I've not yet tangled with; my trepidation is due to firm knowledge that I'll make a mess, then become obsessed about carrying on feverishly until I get it right, and wind up falling behind with everything. Then again, perhaps a 'small' card might be the key. Yours = fabulous inspiration! The photos are such a treat; you and your family are absolutely gorgeous! Those tangled hangers: I have the identical batch! Hugs ~ c
Darnell...how fun to be the guest designer for Merry Mondays, as always can't wait to see what you come up with! Love your chalkboard Santa, and it does not look like an xray either. Sounds like you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and I love your photos too, so fun!
Perfect chalkboard Santa! And hooray for you getting your tree up already! We are still treeless around here!
How cool a Guest DT spot! Congrats! And I see DS is providing a ton of inspiration for you guys. :)) Now you know, Darnell, ornament hooks like clothes hangers do not stay as they are put. Once you close the box/bag they turn into Mexican jumping beans! Uh-huh, they do. The twins did a good job decorating your tree...send them this way I have a 7' one they can tackle. Hugs
Great job with the chalkboard card. The Santa looks good. My Christmas lights look like your hooks and they were wound around cardboard! Will pop over to Merry Monday and check out your creations. Congratulations.
You have such a wonderful way with words Darnell, it is great to have you as our Featured Designer this month. I love the card, even X-ray santa :).
Loving this chalkboard effect, Darnell! I think it makes your card stand out from the crowd of beautiful traditional makes. I got so curious about this technique, so I had to look it up for a tutorial. I'm definitely going to try this style, just need to get some chalk!
Big congratulations on your Featured Designer spots for December! Love the pic of your lovely Son and aren't the twins growing fast too.
Chalkboard is really growing on me and love your card, I think you have mastered the technique! Your tree is amazing too...... Hugs, Annie x
How great that you will be a GD at MM. I have yet to do that challenge but I'm thinking it's time (or WAY past since I do not have my Christmas cards made.) Your chalkboard card looks great. I didn't think I would get into it but made one and I really liked the card so I'm off to do another one for MM.
Big congrats to you on your MM spot! Lovely photos too - your tree looks beautiful.
Well Darnell...congrats on your FD spot this month at MM!! I think you handled your first challenge quite well! Looks like Thanksgiving went well @ your house! Great job on the tree, fellas! :)
Well Darnell...congrats on your FD spot this month at MM!! I think you handled your first challenge quite well! Looks like Thanksgiving went well @ your house! Great job on the tree, fellas! :)
Congrats on being the Featured Designer, Darnell! Love the chalkboard card. And even your knots have OCD, they're so neat!
Congrats on the GD gig at Merry Monday! They sure know how to pick their GD's!!!
Fabulous chalkboard card! You are waaaaay braver than I am giving this technique a whirl.
This card could needs to be featured in a magazine - it seriously has that kind of appeal! As for Santa - he is looking mighty fine to me. Perhaps you accidentally put on your x-ray vision glasses instead of your regular specs!
XX OO your perfectly knotted ribbon!
Awe heck! I forgot to say thanks for sharing the pics with us! You and Mister are truly blessed with a close knit, loving family (and the sweetest twink EVER!).
So exactly how much turkey did your son eat! Or don't I want to know! The twins get more adorable each time I see them, but I've noticed one twin always smiles with his mouth open, the other always with his mouth shut! Yeah, I know, I spend too much time here, lol! Love your chalkboard card, well done on being featured.
Wonderful post and beautiful card Darnell!
I'm sure, I'm not the first one to say that the boys look a lot like you?! Anyway, thanks for the darling pictures and I'm still laughing out loud after the 1st one ;))
Big congrats on your Guest Designer Spot this month Darnell, it is so well deserved too.
I love your card, you have used the technique so well and the ribbon looks wonderful.
Glad you found your hooks even though they had been at work tangling themselves up whilst you were not looking.
Your tree looks stunning and that is such a gorgeous photo too.
hugs Sue xx
Your jolly old elf looks great Darnell,love the clean design!! BIG congrats on guesting at Merry Monday!! The twins did a GREAT job on the tree ;)
Brilliant card, never used that idea or really heard of it being used on cards.
Great photo's
Kath x
Gorgeous card there Darnell. Not quite got the knack of chalkboard, but maybe it's my white embossing powder!
Looks as though you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Darnell ... thanks for sharing it with us via these gorgeous pictures! Congratulations on being Featured Designer at MM ... and what a card ... glorious ribbon and brilliantly done chalkboard technique! Anita :)
Congrats on being GD at MM. In looking at the design team cards yours fits right in with the others.
Hi Dippy - looks like you had a great Thanksgiving holiday (especially looking at your peaceful DS")! Didn't the twins do well with the Christmas tree......presumably after you detangled the hangers!!lol Congrats on being FD at Merry Monday. Love your chalkboard card - it's great. Just popped over to ohh and ahh over Loll's offering.
Karendipity xxx
I think you and the chalkboard technique have hit it off!! I think the card looks awesome!!! Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving!! Has your son woken up yet?!!!
OH it's always so much fun to read your post Darnell! First off congratulations on your guest spot at Merry Monday!! Your card is perfect! I haven't tried the Chalkboard technique and may not get to it before it is out of style! haha! I love what you've done with it though! Your son and two grandsons are all mighty handsome and it looks like you all had fun decorating the house. I can never find the hangers either and when I do, it's the same for me, can't get the silly things apart. I just leave them on the ornaments year after year!
Those boys are just too, too cute! And, I can relate to the hangers; what a mess they can become.
The chalkboard technique is not one that I have tried yet. And, I don't think I want to because I'm sure it wouldn't look the way I think it should!! Your card is very nicely done.
Congrats on the MM spot!!!
Done good on the chalkboard, girl. And the tree. And obviously on the turkey too (Mr. Sleepy). Enjoy the holiday season.
CONGRATS on the Guest DT @ Merry Monday Darnell - LOVE your chalky Santa & real life Christmas tree :) :) :)
Congrats on your GDT spot over at MM!! Well done, as is your CAS card! I'm cracking up, as I have a pack of hooks that looks exactly like yours!!! LOL They do that during their hibernation to keep warm, I swear! Or else it's to make us goofy and go buy new packs next year when we can't get them apart! LOL Too funny! Pretty tree!!
Where or where to start! Ok your DS is looking pretty much like he is in a Triptophan coma!Congratulations on being this month`s guest designer at Merry Monday, so so happy for you my friend, can`t wait to see what you do. If today`s card is any indication what a great month it will be!! Finally love the family photos, the twinks are getting big!
Hi Darnell, congrats on your GDT spot. I have no idea what the chalk board technique is, but your card looks like one. Santa looks great with the sentiment and the bow is beautiful with your design. The huge knot of hangers is exactly what I had here yesterday while putting up the tree. I still think you should write a book or comedy show:) Have a great week, Hugs, Shirleyx
Congratulations on your GD! You totally rocked the chalkboard technique! Love how you combined it with red and white!
When I was little I wanted to be a teacher because I loved writing on a blackboard!
Beautiful card! Love the font on the sentiment! Thanks for playing with us at Pals Paper Arts!
Congrats on the FD spot Darnell! I love the chalk board effect on the card! Santa isn't freaky, by the way. :)
The Christmas tree looks beautiful! :)
Lovely card!! I love the chalkboard effect, however i do not like to do it!! Your version looks very easy!!
Congrats for being asked to be the GD at Merry Makings! You will do an excellent job!
I just love your chalkboard Santa! He is adorable!
And thanks for sharing the pics of ou and your grand kids! I bet they just love coming to grandma's house!
I love your chalkboard Santa card, Darnell! I think his beard looks so cute in white with the black background...not freaky at all!
Thanks for sharing the pics of your DS in a turkey tryptophan 'coma' and of your handsome twins! So glad you had a fun weekend with them, too!
As for that 'cluster' of ornament hangers ~ You're a better woman than I am for untangling them...I would have tossed them and run to the dollar store for new ones :-)
Aww..its always a treat to visit you Darnell. You are so fabulous and so is your card :)
Congratulations on your MM DT gig! So excited to see what you will bring for inspiration over the next few weeks. You've started it off with a wowzer of a card.
Congratulations on being GD for the month of December! What an honor! I missed it last week no time to spare. Love the chalk board card you made. I will have to link mine up. You have a beautiful home and family Darnell , TFS.
What a great idea to use a rub on and Santa is perfect for this technique. If I were drawing on a chalkboard (which would be clean to start) Santa would NOT look this good. Without a stamp, I'm hopeless!
Your tree is beautiful especially with those handsome boys in front of it! Have you untangled the hangers yet?
I LOVE your card! So cute! The ribbon is perfect for it, too! Thanks so much for playing along with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!
First things first , your son is one very handsome young man, secondly the twins are gorgeous what beautiful young men and how they have grown. I have to say they look very much like their crazy Grandma/Nana whatever you call yourself. I loved the photo of you , do I detect a whiff of Vodka here is are you just longing for one !!! Ah nearly forgot to congratulate you Darnel on being GD on Merry Monday well done indeed and the card is fabulous !!!!! Me thinks you are far too modest you see to have mastered the technique wonderfully.
Take care.
Hi Darnell. Congratulations on being chosen as Featured Designer at Merry Monday. I love your chalkboard card! Your sentiment and Santa are perfect with the striped red ribbon. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
Fabulous card and loved the pictures of your family (I can totally relate to the one of your DS although I didn't even try to get to the couch...I just took a little rest right on the floor beside the table :) ). I hope you had the most wonderful Thanksgiving.
Darnell, I'm sure there is a gorgeous card in there somewhere, but I have been mesmerised by your BEAUTIFUL, or should I say HANDSOME, grandsons! Aren't they growing up so quickly? That little tangle of hangers has me itching with frustration just looking at it, argh!
What a great card using the chalkboard technique....something I am yet to try. You did BIG!!!
That photo of your son is so funny....a scene played out all over this country, I'm sure. HAHA
Cute twins...bet you're missing them. I'm missing my 4 yr. grandson. Went to visit him during Thanksgiving.
I just love your chalkboard card. You picked the perfect images. And congrats on your GD spot.
Darnell, Welcome to Merry Monday as our Featured Designer for December lovely to have you joining us. Love your chalkboard card, love the sentiment and the big ole fella too.
Hi Darnell!! Us ladies over at Merry Mondays are thrilled to have you join us this month! Love your chalkboard card and your crack at the big man being xrayed! Too funny!
Happy Holidays! :)
Beautiful chalkboard technique and love how you put the ribbon on the side, Darnell!
What a lovely card and congrats on being a guest designer. Your work is fabulous! Thanks for leaving me a little paper luv in my comments. (HUGS)
I've so missed your posts in my unofficial blog-break, Darnell! This one is awesome ... beautiful card, incredibly handsome twinks, and hilarious photo of sleeping son : ) We all feel like that on Thanksgiving, right? Oh, and the ornament hanger sculpture. Another classic we can all relate too!
I'm giggling like a buffoon right now and my husband is looking at me like I need to be committed. ;) Hope you got the untangling done and I LOVE your chalkboard card. I've yet to try it...too scary!
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