A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

November 13, 2013

Triangulating on Santa ~ ATSM#71; C&S#266; CASology #70

Hi There!

Oh, my stars and bunny feet, I have been doing a marathon hop since Saturday.  I'm even going to skip WOYWW this week coz I'm hopped out.  But I have to say the Moxie Fab Thanks Hop for Cath was astounding!  There was a lot of inspiration in the thank you card parade and I met a lot of new card artists!
I also had a lovely lunch with two of my bloggie buddies, Kim and Harriet.  We might have been asked to move to a corner booth in the back or that might be a rumor.
Today, I was itching to get crafty.  Oh, but first, if you don't mind me doing a little horn-tooting, I wanted to share with you that there was a magnificent ceremony held in my honor this morning. 
I was crowned. 
Yes, finally.
Drugs were involved, too, and that was just the pre-party.
I was given a beautiful cape made out of lead.
I was laid upon a bed of noggin hide.
My head was tipped back ever so slightly.
Involuntarily my lips parted.
It was as if I'd been numbed by the grand ure of it all.
I closed my eyes.
I have to say I don't remember a lot of what happened next, but in addition to a beautiful golden crown, I have lips that Angelina would envy.
Thank you for allowing me to share that.  I know, I know, it was well-deserved and long-overdue and I shouldn't be shy about it.  After all, I earned it.  I worked hard eating all those carbon hydrants and sugary, caramelly, chocholately confections. 
And for that, I was crowned!  What an amazing world this is!!
That was a nice little side trip to the Planet Delirium, where I sometimes go. 
Back here IRW, I made you this card:
I made it primarily for the current challenge at CASology, where the cue card word is "Triangle." 
There are other terrific Santa hats in the challenge so far:  from the Design Team, there is a sticklesque masterpiece by Ardyth and N@ has a fantastic triangular hat on the head of a triangular Santa in the gallery!  You might want to try your hand at one, too, because after all, Santa is on our minds this time of year and he does like to wear that silly triangular hat.
I just happened to have an embossing folder filled with triangles so I used that, not once, but twice.  And I wrapped my twine into two triangle shapes.  And that's all there was to it.
Just for fun, my card is also apro po po for these other challenges:
Addicted to Stamps and More (ATSM) where the theme is "Anything Goes."
Clean & Simple Stamping, which is a fun sketch challenge, and this week this is the sketch:

I hope you can join in these fun challenges!  The links will provide you with all the fine print and the fantabulous prize and sponsor details.


I am pleased as punch to introduce you to two new friends today! Our first friend is Sherri P.  Sherri, I can't find your blog, but I sure appreciate your support!  If you do have one, however, please let me know so I can provide a link for all of us to visit.
My PhotoAlso joining us is Jackie of Kreate With Me 2.  Jackie has been blogging since 2008, people!  That's a whole lotta fun and inspiration and awe-some card art waiting for you to enjoy!
Thank you, ladies, and welcome!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  

As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
Of course, I can't leave without saying that my prayers are with the victims of that terrible typhoon destruction in the Philippines.  The extent of the devastation is heartbreaking and unthinkable. 

*Life Is Too Short! 

Paper:  PTI white, SU! real red
Dies:  Triangle is "Linear" by Lifestyle Crafts;
  Santa hat is by Memory Box
Twine:  doodle twine
Jingle bells:  Darice
Hat fur:  cotton ball from the bathroom


Shannon J said...

Well, your Royal Highness, your Royal subjects (me being one of them!) are going to go ga ga over this creation! It is perfect!! CAS at its best! Love, love, love it!! Wishing you a puffy free lip really soon! xo

Alanna said...

Your post cracked me up and I love your cute card.

Ardyth said...

Love this - the 'fur' and jingle bells are wonderful additions! And you made me laugh and remember how we used to mourn the poor little naugas who died to make naugahide. lol! Hope you're feeling better!

Colleen said...

You are just too funny...sorry you had to be crowned! that is NOT my favorite place to visit!! Your card is so darn special...just like you! I wish you lived closer, I would love to meet and have lunch with you and get kicked into the back room...no doubt from laughing so loud!!

Benzi said...

Oh my gosh, your post is too funny. Angelina lips, huh? Didn't know anyone could outdo hers....she would be so disappointed. LOL
Love your pretty CAS card. It's just perfect.
Oh, I can't bear to think of the people in the Phillipines...so sad to see on tv.

Cathy said...

Hi Darnell, love this abundance of triangles! Fabulous card and only you could make being crowned sound so wonderful!LOL, Cathy x

wienerhoneymooners said...

Loving this, truly fun!!!!

Carol L said...

That's a super cut Santa hat, and I sure do hope you're feeling better soon, with no puffy lips!

Kristie Goulet said...

Your post cracked me up! Sorry you had to be crowned! Your card is super duper cute. I love all the triangles, especially the embossed ones. :) Feel better!

Unknown said...

i love your triangle card!!! the santa hat is perfect! and you are so funny.....hope you are feeling better, now that i finally 'get' what you were talkking about being crowned!!!! im so dense sometimes!!!
hope you are having a great day!

Susanne Vargas said...

Dear Queen Darnell,
Only you could make me laugh about a visit to that place where only few of us like to go... Too bad you didn't add a picture of yourself with Angelina lips... Love your card full of triangles!

jimlynn said...

Crowned!!!! Yikes! Hope you feel better soon - and would love to see those lips!
SUPER cute card and great take on the challenge! Just adorable!

Deborah Frings said...

First of all I think your take on the cue word "triangle" is just brilliant! Love Santa's hat! And the little embossed triangles too - great stuff.

And LOL - love your story about the trip to the dentist! Take care.

Deborah Frings said...

Oops! Forgot to say thanks so much for playing along with ASM this week!

Jacquie Southas said...

I've been crowned a couple of times, but still can't convince people around me to bow & curtsy - I hope your peeps show more respect! Adorable card - I completely forgot about my triangle embossing folder, but finished my card already so won't copy you this time - love all the layers of triangles on yours!

Lisa Elton said...

Well just how darn cute is this card!!! Sounds like you have had quite the adventure getting crowned and all. I'll practice my curtsy before I come around to visit again!!

Oh and by the way, you might want to stay near your phone. Brad Pitt is asking around for your number!!!!!

Kylie said...

Well, thank god that Deborah clarified what was going on with you and your crowning. I am a bit slow and had no bloody idea!

Right, your card. Gorgeous, simple, creative. Love it! Thanks so much for playing along at ATSM xx

Anonymous said...

I love the embossed triangles on your card, Darnell! And thank you for the chuckle -- thoroughly enjoyed reading your post :o)


Sue said...

You do make me laugh Darnell, I am glad you survived your crowning ceremony though.
I love your card, the embossed background looks wonderful and the santa hat is so cute.
hugs Sue xx

Barb Ghig said...

I stopped here to tell you how much I LOVE your card, and was treated to a visit to Planet Delirium...How fun! Thank You!

Seriously, your card is too cute, Darnell! Your 'fluffy' Santa hat is so sweet, and adding twine in the shape of triangles was just brilliant! Clever, sweet and fun, and such a great way to combine all of these challenges!

sandie said...

Hello Queeny with the luscious lips!!!
Great CAS design and love the embossing. Thanks for joining us at ATSM.

Lindsey said...

Love you take on the triangle cue. And I loved your crowning story, too. :)

Gerrina said...

So cute! And super CAS! Warm greetings, Gerrinas

shirley-bee said...

Fabulous Santa hat card, Your Maj!

I'm still moxie hopping, but I'll get there!

Sue - said...

Oh cute triangles Darnell - you've certainly cracked that one!x Sue

Karen M said...

Love this super-cute santa hat Darnell and your triangle background looks fabulous too:) I may now think of you as 'your highness' now that you have a crown LOL! hugs xx

Sammy said...

That is the cutest little santa hat ever! :-)
And I have to commend you on your sense of humour in the face of what can be a difficult... erm... ceremony. After an unpleasant childhood experience with one of the people traditionally involved with crowning ceremonies (an admittedly rather incompetent one!), I find those situations less than soothing, I must say!
Hope you have a most fantabulous day! x

Canonbury creations said...

Love your hat card Darnell, so clever. Your post made me giggle, I thought at first you were having cosmetic surgery, having your lips plumped up!!
Val x

Diane said...

What a cutie cute card...perfect for the tri-angle challenge. I will let you wear your "crown" with no competition from me...actually I need to be "de-crowned" I have had mine for so long..lol!!

Sue said...

Your posts always make me smile lol and your card is stunning huggles Sue xxx

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Amazing,love Santas hat
hugs Tamara

Sharon Underwood said...

Oh, wow, what an awesome card! Love that Santa hat on top of the triangles! So cute! Made my day!

Chris Dring said...

OMGee! I was cracking up reading your post! Too friggin funny! Your triangle card is da bomb! Love everything about it!

Redanne said...

Oh Darnell, if only I could curtsy but it would be too painful.... would love to see those Angelina lips though! Your card is fabulous, love how you did the hat and the bells are just the perfect finishing touch - fabulous!! Hugs, Annie xx

Marybeth said...

Lol, nice way to start my day …with your post!
Now this is a triangle! Love your vert creative and CAS card! Love it!
Yes, lots of hopping going on! I don't know how you do it all.

alexandra s.m. said...

Hi Darnell,

Love your take on the triangle prompt and boy, did you make me laugh out loud once again!
I was crowned last Monday too ;)

Thank You~

Geri said...

...aren't those drugs just the best? Likely the cheapest trip you'll ever take...as long as you have insurance!

Amazing triangle card! And you have got to win the prize for the most triangles and also for creativity! The fur, bells and the 'triangle' twine is definitely the ticket into the winner's circle!

Anonymous said...

Sorry if the tears of laughter have made this comment a bit soggy, Darnell ... it'll dry out with a blast from a heat gun!

Lurve your furry Santa hat along with the jingle bells and twine... and I adore that triangle embossing folder ... that's 7623 things on my wishlist now! Anita :)

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Amazing triangle card, very creative. Your story about being 'crowned' had me baffled but I think you went to the dentist? Mine doesn't give drugs to be crowned and it hurts like heck. I'm still not sure if that's what you are talking about. You are too funny, Shirleyx

Nan G said...

Bowing to the Queen for her fab-ta-stick Santa hat! So darn cute just like it's creator! Careful using those luscious lips. ROFLOL :))

Vicki Dutcher said...

LOL - You just crack me up!! :)

Bobby said...

You have a way with words, my friend
Even though your lips are numb.
I envy you your golden crown
And your trip to Delirium.

I also envy your creativeness with this super duper Santa hat. If you were still under the influence, I want some. ;)

wienerhoneymooners said...

Totally adorable! Charming little hat! Feel better!!

Thanks for playing with your friends at CASology!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

I especially love your dental story, because I am a hygienist! I LOVED it!
Your card is precious!

Joni Andaya said...

Aww... the hat is perfect! Love it Darnell...simply lovely :)

Unknown said...

Hello Dippy (she said curtseying) - delighted to hear your amazing news; so well deserved! Love your triangulated Santa's hat card - perfect. Popped over to see Ardyth's masterpiece and it's gorgeous.


Karendipity xxx

Carole said...

Oh so silly...you royal goose. Now seriously what kind of test did you undergo? I wish you well dear Darnell...as I wave my magic wand...sprinkling fairy dust.

Very charming Triangulated Santa hat.

Carole said...

Oh I get it now...after re-reading your post for clues.... You went to the dentist and had your tooth capped. I didn't connect all the dots.Who's silly now? Giggles and chuckles.

walchowDesign said...

Great interpretation of the challenge, Darnell! Beautiful CAS card and love Santa's hat!

Kim Heggins said...

Fabulous and fun card your highness...just so cute!

Linda said...

Darnell, you are too funny and creative. Cute, fun CAS card.

Karen P said...

What a fab take on the cue word - a stunning card, love the texture from the embossing and the fluffy Santa hat. Gorgeous work huni xx

Melissa said...

Well, I hope by now you are comfortable with that crown and that your lips look more like your own (Angelina's never look quite right to me, anyway.)! I wonder if you had some slurred speech due to all that excitement? :)
Your little, fuzzy Santa hat is too cute! How perfect you happened to have that particular embossing folder too! :)
Thanks for joining us again at CASology, Darnell! You always make me smile! :)

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo.... Did you go to the dentist...?!!! Love your fun Santa hat card!! Too cute & love the CAS look!!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!!! I've been buried.... Heellllooooooooooooo -- Anybody up there...???!!! Lol !! Take care, sweets!!

Marie said...

Spectacular card, Darnell. This proves that there is beauty in simplicity!

cm said...

I bow deeply in admiration of your royal genius in writing this post and designing your card! Indeed, it's the most triangular-est of triangles I've seen! You are, indeed, the Queen of Clever Creativity and Day-Brightening Dazzle! Hugs!

Meghan said...

It was so much fun reading your post! You crack me up! Love your triangularly embossed background. [I'm going to make that word a word by using it all the time...hahah]. Fun Santa hat to top it all off too! So glad you joined us at CASology again this week!

AB. said...

This is the cutest card ever!!!! LOVE IT! xx

Tracey McNeely said...

Brilliant Darnell and Ii LOVE the furry trim on the hat, sweet jingle bells too. Thank you so much for joining us this week at CASology!

Kelly Griglione said...

Super-duper cute little Santa hat on your textured white card, Darnell! I'm sorry and/or excited about your crowning. Hopefully you're doing well after all that partying/crowning!!

Greta said...

Very creative & cute, Darnell! Glad you can joke about your crowning experience!

Bonnie said...

You have quadrupled the triangles, Darnell! There should be a special prize for that! I'll have to go over and get a peek at the Santa hats. Yours is fantastic with the fuzzy pom pom trim!

Judy1223 said...

You have given me a new perspective on dental work, I must say...my husband is a king about ten times over! (If he only knew!) You do make me laugh...and then you WOW me with your cards! You should warn people before they begin reading, it's really not fair of you to do that!

I adore the triangle embossed background and that adorable, fuzzy Santa hat! Perfect take on the triangle cue! Always so glad when you join in the fun at CASology!

Kim S said...

Oh lady! I SO needed a laugh today and then I remembered I was shamefully behind on reading your blog. I have had such fun! Poetry out of a crown - amazing. Then your cute little triangle with all of the white fluff and about a million little triangles in the background - perfect!

JD/ Jill said...

Cute, cute card! I have you beat! I was crowned twice last week! And received double the drugs...! Novocain wore off! (With my LONG time in the chair!

Dianne said...

Oww you are too clever and still the Queen of C&S, okay I think I'm reading these post all jumbled up, sorry, been visiting for a few hours :O)... thanks for sharing..

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh ... you did it again, Darnell ... an Honourable Mention at CASology with the cute and furry little number ... congratulations, my friend! Anita:)

Marybeth said...

Thanks for the heads up and congrats on your honorable mention for this Santa hat! I knew that was a winner!

Kylie said...

Ohhh, congrats on your HM as CAS-ology too. Thanks for visiting my blog!! Your card was so gorgeous - love the fluff and the bells...

Bobby said...

aha, Santa brought an early gift in the form of an honorable mentions on CASology. Way to go!

Barb Ghig said...

Congrats on your HM at CASology! I just LOVE your card so much!!!

wienerhoneymooners said...

We absolutely LOVE your enthusiasm Darnell, and your creativity sparks us all!!!

Congrats on the HM at CASology!!

Karren said...

Congrats on your honorable mention at CASology! Such a cool card - love all the texture!

maria f. said...

Oh, the typhoon, yeah. That last little paragraph stopped my belly laugh in its tracks...
But. Your card is wunnerful. So dang creative and I love me a great graphic-and-makes-you-think card. And as unluck would have it, I was laid back on noggin hide today too. But by a drill sergeant. Drill an old filling out and drill a new one in. Without drugs cuz I'm tough like that "no, I don't need a shot for a filling". Forgot the double whammy aspect of this one. Ouch.

OH Babs said...

Congrats Iowa girl, you and Anita (from France) are rock stars.

Jean said...

Fantastic triple take on the triangle cue ~ Love the furry hat and bells! Congrats on your honorable mention at CASology!