A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

October 24, 2013

O' Christmas Trees ~ Happy Holidays ~ LIM#142; MM; NBUS#64; PBM

Hi There!

As I was saying on my last post, there are so many fun challenges this time of the year covering three different holidays here in America that it gets to be a challenge just deciding which direction I'm going to go.  With chalk, I've made a sort of giant hopscotch Bingo board on the patio concrete outside the Playhouse.  I just toss a rock and where it lands is what I make next!

Okay, I don't really do that, but it's not a bad idea now that I think of it.

Sometimes cards happen while we are working on an entirely different card because we run across an embellishment or a die cut or a whatsit.  That's what happened to me for my card today.  I was rooteling through my Christmas catchall box looking for jingle bells when I came across three shiny dimensional Christmas tree stickers from years gone by.  Wait, I said.  Hold up.  Someone is having a tree challenge right now . . .

And the whole first project came to a screeching halt while I confirmed that, yes, the adorable ladies at Less Is More this week are having a theme challenge and the theme is "trees!"  Far out, as we kids used to say!
So I made this QACAS card:
I photographed it for you in the bright sunshine so you could see the delectable yummy dimension and shine on those fun patterned trees!  I had cut them off the original packaging (of course), but I'm pretty sure they were made by K & Company.

I slanted the trees across a piece of glossy card stock which I matted to a red card.  The sediment is another Penny Black NBUS stamp so I'm once again playing in the Penny Black and More October challenge which is "Anything Goes" ~ with fab prizes.  I love the whimsical font of the image and think it goes so well with those jocular trees.
Please do grab our logo to display on your own blog
Hold up, again.  Isn't there a song made popular by Bing Crosby called "Happy Holidays?"  Well, by golly, there is!  So that means I can also enter my card in this week's Merry Monday challenge to "use music or a carol-inspired theme!"
Now what was I working on . . . ?

ETA:  My friend Sammy Jean told me about Crafting With Dragonflies, which is a new challenge to me.  Their theme this week is also trees, specifically "natures/leaves/trees!"  Thank you, Sammy!


I am as tickled as a kitten with a cricket to introduce you to two new friends today!
My Photo
Christine Blain of Happy Heart Cards (since 2009)
My Photo
 Chriss Blagrave of Botanical CafĂ©

Both of these card artists have amazing talent and incredible inspiration for you to see when you visit to say hello!  Welcome, ladies, and thank you for the compliment of joining our party!!


Reminder:  please don't forget to set aside some time this week to CASE (copy and share everything) my MUSE card.  It's great fun for me to see all the stunning cards that are being linked up and I'd love to see yours!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment.  I'm very blessed to hear from so many of you and I treasure each and every one!

*Life Is Too Short!

Paper:  SU! real red, Stampland glossy
Stamp:  Penny Black "holidays" 3240F
Ink:  SU! real red
Trees:  Not for sure, but I think K&Company
Enamel dots:  My Mind's Eye


Redanne said...

Love the jolly Christmas trees and the font on the sentiment is fantastic - love your card today! Hugs, Annie xx

Hannelie said...

Now I am all inspired to use my LARGE sticker collection!

Sue - said...

Well done on doing one card for three challenges! Your shiny trees look great! Which reminds me I've just made a card with trees on better get it photographed in the morning for LIM!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

They are amazing
sparcling Christmas trees
great festive card
hugs Tamara

Sammy said...

Love this card Darnell, and the trees are so pretty and shiny! I'm very fond of the sentiment too.
And it just so happens Crafting with Dragonflies (the challenge blog I've just joined the DT for...) is having a Nature/Trees/Leaves theme. You have trees. This was meant to be! ;-) x


Chrissie said...

Your uber glossy trees look wonderful Darnell. I think that sentiment is fabbo and I think you may have cost me some money there... I shall be looking for that very soon!
As ever thanks for your lovely comments, they mean such a lot to me!
As ever...
"Less is More"

Kathyk said...

Just a gorgeous card there, Darnell.

Greetings from sunny Florida


Mrs A. said...

Bootiful card. Like the simple lines of the trees. Haven't played hop scotch in years! Hugs Mrs A.

jimlynn said...

Far out - is right!!!! Cool looking little trees! Love it!!

Geri said...

Awesome photograph! It sure does showcase the glam of the trees! That Penny Black sentiment is amazing - especially with the two little enamel dots! Off to hunt down this sentiment stamp!

cm said...

Oh my, but this is sooo stunning! I *promised* myself (Indeed, "Self, I said") that I was sticking with Halloween cards until Monday, but you're tugging me in a different direction with this beauty!! LOVE those trees and that "sediment" is so eye-catching! Bing Crosby...oh, such a voice. See, you're getting me all festive-thinking, when I need to be Halloween-focused :-) Great card; great series of challenges (winner winner on all counts!); great x great post!! "Rooteling" - love it!

Nan G said...

Oooh love the trees! Really cool so many challenges met and you weren't even trying. :) Now for the card you were going to....

Karen P said...

Fab Christmas card Darnell, very elegant and classy. I would love to come play hopscotch with you on your patio lol!xx

Carole said...

Hello Darnell...I know cards sometimes create them selves...little embellishments pop out and you have a vision...and you have mastered being wired to the many challenges hovering in the sphere...groovy. Hugs C

Cathy said...

Gorgeous trees Darnell and I love that sentiment, it goes perfectly! I'm off to catch up on your posts I've missed :) Cathy x

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when that happens, Darnell ... especially when the diversion ends in a stunning card, like this one did. The dome-iness is amazing, enhanced, of course, by your fabulous photography showing it in all it's gorgeous gloriousness! Anita :)

Sue said...

Wonderful card Darnell. I love those colourful trees and the way you have arranged them looks so effective. A gorgeous sentiment too and the 2 enamel dots are the perfect finishing touch.
I like the sound of your giant chalked bingo board!
hugs Sue xx

Unknown said...

Glossy gorgeousness!

Ina G said...

Loved your story on how easy we are sidetracked and our ideas turn in a different direction. Fabulous card so cas. Those trees certainly make a statement and a great sentiment. All in all a wonderful card and glad our Sammy told you about our challenges over at CWD and you shared it with us. Ina. DT

Unknown said...

You have just explained, in pretty simple terms, how I get distracted so easily!!! Love your glossy trees - so eye-catching. Well done on finding so many challenges to fit your card Dippy.......or should that be making a card to fit so many challenges! lol


Karendipity xxx

Carol L said...

stickers never looked so fabulous!! I love all the shine and dimension of those trees! Nice!

Deborah Frings said...

Oh golly! Those tree stickers are just fabulous! Love the sparkle from the sunshine too! I have to say that I always enjoy reading your posts! xx

Bonnie said...

Not only QACAS but fantastic too! What wonderful trees! I can hear ole Bing crooning now. Glad you could share with us at Merry Monday this week.

As excited as I was to see you were the MUSE and as excited as I was about CASEing your beautiful card, it doesn't look like I'll get the chance. Busy, busy week and my sister is visiting for a few days.

alexandra s.m. said...

Absolutely perfect Darnell!
Great card!!

Kay Miller said...

Wow!! What a striking and gorgeous card Darnell!! Those bright shiny trees are lovely! Good for you for keeping up with all the fun challenges! I'm trying! haha!

MaryH said...

Oh what fun to come enjoy a Darnell post tonight. Just enjoyed your Muse card once more over at Loll's, and it is still just as purty as when I saw it the first time. I'm wow'd by your photo skills on these shiny trees. Love those sticker trees, and they showed up so very well on your card. GOOD JOB! I think you should consider starting a card terminology dictionary. I have been using NBUS on my posts, at first started typing the 'DK credit', but the post was awready too wordy, so I took that out. Be nice to use a term, asterisk it, and say "Check DK Dictionary!". You come up with the bestest! TFS & hugs. Will try to check out your new friends too.

Marie Bingaman said...

Hi Darnell! I have to say, I LOVE what you did with these found trees! Great card! :)

Joyce said...

This is a wonderful card, and so glad you found those fabulous trees.

Linda said...

Such a great card. The shiny trees are fabulous. Sorry, I am so behind in commenting. But love your card.

Hettie said...

Gorgeous card there Darnell. Pity you were a day too early to join in on Rudolph Day, but Happy Rudolph Day to you.

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Gorgeous trees and card Darnell, have a great weekend, Shirleyxx

Notes by Nina said...

This is a lovely card Darnell, I love your glossy trees. Thank you for playing along with Merry Monday.

Susan Joyce said...

Love the trees Darnell and it is terrific that you can recycle them. Thanks for joining us at Merry Monday.

Viv said...

Wow what beautiful glosssy trees , just love this card Darnell :) hugs Viv xx

Linda said...

Fabulous card Darnell, love the glossy Christmas trees. I do like the idea of the chalk board Bingo card, it would certainly help me make decisions. Have a great weekend ..... hugs Linda xxx

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. LOVE all the shine and dimension on these beautiful trees. The designs are so fun! Lolly xx

Nonni said...

How fun and shiny!

JD/ Jill said...

Great Christmas card! Cute stickers...must go look again in my sticker drawer!

Bobby said...

They are indeed jocular trees and the sentiment is perfect with them. Very artsy and far out!

Greta said...

Wonderful way to use these beautiful tress! Love your card, Darnell!

Susan Hogan said...

Shiny and full of goodness! Thank you for sharing with us at Crafting With Dragonflies for our current challenge nature/trees/leaves

shirley-bee said...

Fabulous way to use up your stickers, Darnell! I need to revisit my neglected sticker stash!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome.
There, I said it.
Hee hee!! I'm a broken record when I visit your blog & I just won't stop !! Lol
Great fab card!!! Super cool look -- & I love the shine...!!!

Wait...!?? What was I talking about again...!!??? Ummmm, I forgot!! Lol
See you soon !! Xo

Sammy said...

Hurrah! *wanders back in and puts on official hat*

I may have already mentioned that this is looooovely. ;-)
Thank you for joining in at Crafting with Dragonflies.

stampwithsandy said...

Darnell these lovely trees stickers are pure deliciousness! I wish I see them in person so I could give them a little squish! Great card!

Happy Dance said...

What a great Christmas card! Love these bright and happy trees, and the font of your sentiment. Your enamel dots are the perfect finishing touch, my friend. Love this!! big hugs. Bev

Jean said...

I love the trees and the font is perfect for them. I am even more impressed with the flawless stamping on glossy card stock.

Chriss Blagrave said...

Love these glossy trees and your stamping too!
Thank you SO VERY MUCH for my mention in your post today. I am speechless and surprised :))

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Darnell, no one has more fun with challenges then you and it is a wonderful thing to witness :).. Your so funny, I imagined you really throwing the rock, I thought it was a great idea. That mind of your, how it works connecting thing together, brilliant really, the card is perfect, love those trees, no one does it better,TYGHE or what ever the letter, you do it Grrreat.. Thanks again for sharing the wonderful card makers, beautiful work..

~ Barb said...

I very much enjoyed visiting and reading your blog post. I love the patterns and dimensions of your trees! Thank-you for sharing with us at Crafting With Dragonflies,
{Hugs} Barb, DT

Unknown said...

wow! this is stunning! i love those trees!!!