A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

August 13, 2013


Happy What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW)!

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
 I've only just begun. 

Usually when I clean out something, a dresser, a closet, a cupboard, I empty the entire contents out onto the floor or the bed and then I put things back in one by one after applying the TDK formula of "Trash, Donate, Keep."  Do you do that?

The Playhouse has gotten to the point where I need to remove everything to the outside and sort through it one by one.  Alas, Mother Nature HATES cleaning parties and sometimes tosses water or heat on things.  Nasty.  So I have to have an indoor party which will be challenging, but it must be done as lately I've been feeling clusterphobic.

It doesn't help that I have a brain like a game of Whack-a-Mole anymore and can't focus pocus like I used to could.

I have a feeling this is going to take a few weeks to sort out, so stay tuned.  I have noticed that several of you are going through summer cleans, too, and it's fun to see what other people do with their crap craft supplies. 


In the meanwhile, there are cards that need making and sending, so D. Tritus on my desk is from the cards I made for my last post here.  I was using a fun "smackin' on acetate" technique.
The fab high heel image is on a notebook that my sister Diana surprised me with Out of the Blue.  And I wanted to show you a close-up of some new wall art.  My friend Shirley of Paper Creations by Shirley made me this stunning card using the water droplets stamp by Ryn.  (Sorry about the reflections.)
Thank you again, Diana and Shirley!


Oh, before you hop off, please let me introduce you to our new friend Sue of Ollie's Mam!  Please bookmark Sue's site for visiting later since you are busy with the WOYWW hop.  Her adorable cards are definitely worthy of a visit!  Thank you, Sue, and welcome!!


Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS* 
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!  Please let me know you came by, so I can be sure and return the flavor! 
*Life Is Too Short!  



Cathy said...

Hi Darnell, I should get inspired and clen my messy craft space up too! It does get to a point where I can't work if I can't find stuff in the mess!! Happy sorting :) Cathy x

Lisa Elton said...

Hi Darnell!! We were on the same page today, I did a clean up in my little art studio too!! Trashing, donating and reorganizing feels SO GOOD!!!

Unknown said...

Darnell, once a year I go through my craftroom and do the same thing. I usually get rid of a lot of stuff I'm not using that way. happy crafting #2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I also do the donate, keep, pitch. But I save one flat surface for staging, because I can't take things outside like you can. Good for you, though. I don't envy you this challenge.

Happy WOYWW from #1.

Lindsey said...

Good for you! My method is the same - not just the "trash, donate, keep" part but the dump everything out part, too. My cleaning sessions look like disasters until the very end. (P.S. I enjoy reading your posts so much. I can pretty much guarantee I'll leave with a chuckle and a smile.)

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

I like your way of cleaning out. I'm organizing my supplies back to a closet that goes under the stairs so it's nice and deep. Right now the shelving is totally empty as I've moved EVERYTHING out of that closet! I had it set up like an "office" when I was trying to sell the condo. I thought of taking a photo of that and sharing it today but didn't.

I love your little playhouse. I know how hot it can get in your neck of the woods so wouldn't put out ink pads or rubber stamps!

Thanks for welcoming me back. It's been way too long!

Kay (23)

alexandra s.m. said...

HI Darnell, I should follow in your footstep ;-)
Thanks for your great post!!

RosA said...

I am SO envious of your lovely Playhouse! Maybe I could sort and tidy more often if I had your Playhouse to encourage me! Like the raindrop stamp very much!
Rosa # 29

Michelle said...

Enjoy your clean out, Darnell! My whole house needs a good spring clean, not just my craft space, LOL!

VonnyK said...

I hope you get your room cleaned up quickly as I've already bought the cake in anticipation of your visit to clean mine (he he). You might fill my back yard up if you empty my room though.
Those high heels are fabulous and the water droplets, wow. You can get some fabulous things these days.
Have a great week.
Von #13

Julie Lee said...

You have been busy, Darnell! I love that acetate card. How can anyone avoid reflections - when photographing acetate, I mean, not on life? Good luck with the sorting out and thanks for dropping by and leaving such a lovely comment on my blog last time. It meant a lot! Julie Ann xx #39

Belinda Basson said...

Yip, it always looks worse before it gets better. I need the large Ryn water drop stamp...must order me one I think! #46

Jules said...

Gosh Darnell .. now that is what you call a major clear up jobbie!!!

My technique is much simpler. I choose just one little area each day and just sort that. It could just be a box or a drawer but I work on the theory that "every little helps".

As long as I can see where I have been I am satisfied.

Your work area is truly amazing!!!

Love Jules xx

Hettie said...

The theory is that you get somewhere soooo messy that when you tidy it up it looks tidier than it did before! Mine is looking unusually tidy still!
Liking that picture too! Very nice.
Hugs 49

Bridget Larsen said...

Love your busy desk and those drawers. That water droplet stamp is gorgeous, I have one, never been used yet
Bridget #15

Anne said...

Hiya I seem to spend more time tidying up than actually crafting at the moment :-( I have to have the water droplets stamp!!! Great makes. Good luck with the sorting out. Anne x #76

Lunch Lady Jan said...

My brain resembles the hummingbirds on Deb's post today..darting about hither and yon, unable to settle. Time is going too quickly. I made a decision today...I did, honest! Things don't have to be done in a day...if it doesn't get done, the world is still going to keep on turning....I'm going to concentrate on me...ooh, how deliciously selfish ;-)
Good luck with the tidying!
Hugs, LLJ 60 xx

Victoria said...

Good luck with the clean-up and sort-out. Looks like you'll be busy for a little while in there. Just think: you'll have a whale of a time crafting in there once everything is sorted!

Sandy said...

Love the water droplet card its awesome. Good luck on the clean up yes we are always moving things around as we add things to our piles they don't seem to fit in what once was a roomy spot for things and have to get upgraded to bigger containers.Darn all these companies for bringing out new things we just have to have.
Sandy :) #71

Judys Lace Creations said...

Cleaning and tidying always gets me inspire\when I get into a rut. Yours looks great.Good on you.
Judy #40

Karen said...

Lovely sorting out time for you in the Playhouse! I'm trying to sort out a few things too, but hospitals keep getting in the way. Never mind, always time for crafting! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 80 x

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Darnell, had to laugh as I spent a frantic afternoon clearing space for a new storage unit yesterday - Did the UK version of your TDK (BDK - Bin, Donate, Keep) but most things went straight back where they came from in the first place - I need more backbone when I'm tidying! LOVE the killer heels but I'm getting vertigo just looking at them - me and heels NOT BFFs! Have a happy week. MMx #83

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Darnell !!!
Let me assure you ... Most of us clean the exact same way... Get it all out ... & put it back together again slowly !!

I can see why you don't put things outside tho -- too many variables for destruction...

The other day I couldn't even craft until " I need to do something with this mess " was taken care of... After cleaning up even just a little, I felt so much more productive !!!

I love your new wall art, too!! The colors are fantastic!

Happy Wednesday to you!! Hope you make it great!!
I'm super happy today as I am teeny tiny headache & super giant migraine free for the 1st time in 5 days...!!
Yipppppeeee!! Time to get crafting!! :)) :)) :))

Unknown said...

I do enjoy watching people tidy, thats as far as it goes though.

Love the wall art.

Lynda #89

stampwithsandy said...

Yup, I'm in the process of organizing too, Darnell. Except I have trash, sell and keep piles. Sometimes I go to look for a stamp set just to realize I sold it and then want to kick myself (what was I thinking?). Maybe I'll post a WOWW when I'm all sorted out.

RosA said...

Hi again Darnell, Well I'm afraid the cheap Tombows ($1 AUD) are only for sale at my local craft store (here in Australia). Sorry!
Although my local craft store is normally rather expensive they do have a sale table right down the back where I usually make my first stop :)
RosA # 29

CraftygasheadZo said...

Looks fab, a good clear out is always great, makes room for more stuff! Take care. Zo xx 98

Unknown said...

Hi Dippy - can I come and perch on your shoulder to help with the clearing out!!! I'm sure I can find a home for some of it.....hehe. Absolutely love the notebook your lovely sister sent you, those shoes are f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s!!! If only I could wear them but think I'd probably break my neck if I tried! Also the piece of artwork that Shirley sent you is wonderful - looks like you've framed it; definitely deserves to be.


Karendipity xxx

ria gall said...

Hi Darnell
I would love to come and help you clean and sort your lovely crafting space.
Loving the card that you framed I have just bought those stamps and can't wait to use them
Enjoy WOYWW and have a great week
Hugs Ria #43

Redanne said...

Hi Darnell, can I join in your game of Whack-o-Mole too please? I too am having a tidy and sort out (having a lovely friend whom I have not met yet coming for a play day next week - don't want her thinking I am messy!). It is not easy throwing things out.... takes willpower which I am sadly lacking in.... The Ryn picture from your friend is just gorgeous. Hugs, Annie xx

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi there ! I dropped by, your post title caught my eye:) Your play house has awesome storage space. I LOVE to take everything out, look through it all, and use the same rules for keeping or not. And then surprise I see the water droplets in a frame! I'm so happy & honored that you enjoy it enough to frame. Have a wonderful crafty day, Shirleyxx

famfa said...

I completely understand your 'cleaning' problems. I can stand only so much mess and then it gets a good old clear out.
Thanks for the visit
Famfa 19

Deb said...

Good luck with your clear out and organizing of your play house. Yes, I do the same, pull everything out and start afresh putting them back one by one. It is the only way! If the room is small I pull everything out of the entire room!
Love the raindrop picture, so beautiful!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx#8

Terri J said...

You have a wonderful craft space! It is a good feeling to get your crafty space organized and gone through. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Laurie Unger said...

My craft room is starting to overwhelm me too! I've got to purge and organize as well! Good luck to us both!!! LOL

cm said...

Your playhouse is fabulous, no matter what the condition! If only I had a craft room...I do love to organize! Great post; those high-heeled shoes and raindrop cards are stunning!

Karen P said...

I seem to be permanently having a keep/recylce/bin session at the moment. I have really got to knuckle down and get my stuff sorted or else 'C' dinner will be on trays this year lol! Yes I am that slow at sorting my stash out. Have a great day Karen x

Sue said...

What a beautiful place to craft Darnell! when I go in to tidy mine up I find things I forgot I had and start to play hahaha lots of huggles Sue xx

The Taming of the Glue said...

Just had a morning sorting out paper and card scraps that I'd saved "to use later"! I have got to get some space back for more useful things! Hugs. Pam#33

Daniella said...

I don't think it looks to bad in there!! Looks like you can still walk!! LOL!! That card looks amazing! Those droplets are so cool, I have to check them out!!
Happy WOYWW!

Whimcees said...


I love your mess! Soon it will all be sorted and organized and I am looking forward to an 'after' photo! I hope that all is well with you and wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

I love your creation space It has to be a little mess-So everybody nows here is somethin going on.
Your project in frame is fantastic
hugs Tamara

Irene said...

Beautiful cards and makes Darnell.

Claire Grantham said...

Hey Darnell, I too do TDK and on the floor, infact this week, my closet got that treatment, with the help of Boscat! I love the notebook and the wall art is lovely. I am looking forward to hanging some things in my space. Thanks for your sweet comment about me on Kimmie Hogan's blog. Cx #35

Andrea said...

good luck with the summer clear out and im sure you will find some forgotten treasures ..look froward to watching the progress!...that water droplet wall art is ace thanks for sharing it was us a very talented lady indeed ,as always another excellent post that made me lol have a super week hugs Andrea#57

April said...

Sounds like you are a woman on a mission. :-) Love the heels. The artwork is awesome. I'm gonna have to get me some dewdrops. April #120

Aileen said...

Best wishes for your clean up Darnell. I'm sure you'll be cluster free soon. Loving the picture you received. It's awesome! x

Nan G said...

I'll help you clear out if you help me. :) Lovely mess you've 'created'. Love the card from Shirley! You're so lucky! Have a fab week. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #4

Spyder said...

Fabulous room you have there! Great picture too! Missing mine messy craftyvplace at the moment, but will be home soon I think! As soon as the dogs 'mum and dad' get back from their trip away. Thanks for your visit, couldn't do woyww this week as internet connection was a bit 'dodgie! '


Joyce said...

I do think there is something about summer and cleaning. I am forcing my daughters to clean, and I am cleaning out stuff, too. I use the same method as you, too keep, trash, donate. We brought an entire carload of stuff from my daughter's room to the thrift store to donate, and that was just a bit of what came out of her closet.

Kim Heggins said...

Well, it looks like you are having a blast and really don't need the help, right? I too clean that way, in my book it is the only way to clean, you need to see everything and I have had the pleasure of being in your playhouse and know how much STUFF you have!!! Enough to open up a craft store. So fun, will you be finished by the time I get there tomorrow??? Looking forward to it, see you soon.

ddazzled71 said...

Darnell I am loving the view outside from your desk to the garden, and I just adore both gifts you received from your friends. I hadn't heard of acetate smacking, only smashing so I just I had to check out this technique and beautiful cards, the colors and effect are both fabulous. You definitely have been busy and I wish you all the best with your clean up. Happy WOYWW! Danie (A very late #133)

Brenda "Disney Girl" said...

Love seeing your space. Also love the cupboard with the pastel drawers.

Krisha said...

Such a lovely little playhouse. I would be more than happy to come help you, but when I get amongst craft stash I instantly get ADD and would have to sit and play with everything....right in the middle of the floor! LOL
Krisha #115

JD/ Jill said...

Some great gifts you've received there...tfs...I always enjoy your posts...but today, I also enjoyed everyone's comments to you too. Looks like I'm not the only one struggling to keep my craft room organized! LOL. I like your method...but I try and use the MT Vernon Method...Every hear of it?
Hope you have a productive week working in your room...

okienurse said...

awesome looking space even if it is in the midst of a big shake up! Love all the gifts and fun stuff. Love the water droplet stamp...who makes it? Thanks for stopping by my desk! I goofed up and had the wrong blog URL on my linky originally was #107 now I am... Vickie #134

Sue from Oregon said...

Something about nesting in a craft room, and then re-nesting and re-nesting. I love a good day of organization, after that I get cranky LOL!!! Your room looks too tidy already girl! You will be so happy when it is all done. I have a major reorganization in mind which requires a carpenter and serious $-so guess that is in my dreams only...Happy WOYWW! Sue Kment

trisha too said...

Your space is such a treat, Darnell! I am doing the exact same thing with mine right now, the cleaning out EVERYTHING, doing the TDK.

Thank you for stopping by this woyww, I appreciate your visit and comment!
#27 this week

Anonymous said...

Re: Trash, Donate, Keep -- makes me think of that show on TLC, Clean Sweep -- the participants had to choose to Keep, Sell, or Toss in order to be able to fit their belongings back into their previously overflowing space. I liked it because they got into the psychological reasons behind why people keep stuff. Hope your TDK project is successful! Happy WOYWW from Laura the Bookworm (who is just visiting this week -- no time to post!)

Viv said...

Nice messy desk just like mine lol. I must clean my 'space' very soon too...hate it ..but must be done.I have had my eye on that raindrop stamp now for ages...it keeps popping up on blogs....am weakening slowly :)Viv xx

Jackie said...

Your friend shirley made you a lovely card using those water droplets stamps by Ryan. It's nice when someone makes you a card to suit you and your taste ....which I can see she has
Jackie 32

Karen M said...

Must be something in the air - I am also having a craft cave revamp! I have found heaps of NBUS:) hugs xx

Unknown said...

Hi Darnell, TY for the heads up with my link, not sure why that happened. I did post the right link at #109. I haven't felt well all week so I am just getting around. When I clean, I start in 1 room, and when I have to put something away in another room, I will end up cleaning that room. Befor I ya know it, my whole house is torn apart. It's rather maddening. I am head over heels with your craft room BTW. Hope you are having a fab weekend. (((HUGS)))

Queen Lightwell said...

I'm glad you explained they were water drops...I thought they were baseball caps and couldn't figure out why they were on there! Aren't I a silly goose? lol :) This organizing clean-out thing that's in the air...suppose its some sort of contagious disease with the main symptom being an irrational desire to explode craft supplies all over the place? And the symptom just seems to hang on for weeks, by the way! My craft room is okay now, but my bathroom and bedroom are still pretty wrecked! lol :) Thanks for stopping by early on in this WOYWW...I'm running almost too late, huh? :)
Hugs and I hope this next WOYWW shows you've made some progress in kicking this nasty bug we crafters seem to be catching! :) Deeyll

Neet said...

Thanks for showing us what you have been up to - like your TDK formula - not sure I can do it truthfully as I am a bit of a hoarder but I promise Darnell, I will try.
Thanks for your visit last week. (I'm playing catch up)
Hugs, Neet xx