A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

August 18, 2013

Birthday Cruise! ATCAS #20; CCIC; LID; MFWTT; NBUS #38

Happy Sunday!  Happy Monday already to some of you!

Today our imaginary couple Wilfred and Verneta are enjoying mimosas on their patio as the first act in a day-long celebration of Vern's 58th birthday.  Willie reaches between the folds of his newspaper and slides a card across the glass-top table while Verneta is looking down, petting Tops. 
[Aside:  Verneta had picked the sweet pound dog because his assorted brown spots against his creamy coat where the exact opposite of the normal coloring of his breed.  Usually the coat is brown and the spots are cream colored.  Being a wry lady known for her somewhat sarcastic wit, Vern decided to flip the traditional name of "Spot" to "Tops."  It amused her no end to see the dawn make its way across the faces of those who fingered it out.] 
As Verneta lifted her auburn head, her gaze fell upon Willie's card in its ivory linen envelope with her name scrawled across the front in his illegal handwriting.  She picked up the card and for several minutes held it lovingly, running her hands across the silken finish and, finally, against her cheek which had become flush from the morning sun and the mimosa.
Using her clean croissant knife, she slit open the envelope to find:
A small ladylike gasp of delight and pleasure escaped her lips.  Can it be?  A cruise for her birthday?  But this IS a surprise!  They had talked about it, perhaps a few years from now when Willie retired, but now?  Inside she found:
[The photo has been cropped to omit the private message Wilfred wrote to his beloved.]
"Oh, Wilf," sighed Vern.  Wilfred had never been happier than he was at that moment, watching the joy light up Verneta's continence.  He made a mental note to give his housekeeper a little something extra in her next check.  What a bonus that she not only did windows, she made delightful little homemade cards designed to his exact personal specifelicitations.
Addicted to CAS (ATCAS) #20 "Holiday."  My card reflects the "on vacation" definition of the code word.
Curtain Call Inspiration Challege "Carnival Craze."  My card focuses on the "Keep Sailing" verse.  Willie and Vern will be sailing off on a Carnival cruise! 

Lil' Inker Designs 3rd Birthday Challenge and Celebration.  Congratulations to Lil' Inker!!  I've used their wonderful products on my cards before, but this is my first time joining in one the challenges!

Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger Challenge: "I'm Craving Navy."

As always, many of the challenges I enter have awesome sponsors and prizes, so I hope you will click on the links for the details, meet the fab Design Teams and Guest Designers, be amazed by their inspiration cards, and join in these fun challenges! 


NBUS #38In my own ongoing challenge to use up my "never-before-used schtuff," today's NBUS are the image and sediments from the Technique Tuesday stamp set "R&R."  I don't think I've used the summer starfruit paper before, but I'm not sure.  I have seen negative comments about the color, but it's quite striking IRL against the midnight muse and white.
I originally had the image framed in the navy and starfruit mats against the white card base, but in one of those moments we have, I started playing with putting the cutout back into the negative frame and I really liked how it looked.  The card itself is an example of how you can use a colored card base and still have a CAS card with lots of "white space."  (Thanks, Chrissie.)  I colored the wooden anchor charm with a SU! midnight muse marker.

Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*  
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower! 
*Life Is Too Short!  
Paper:  PTI white; SU! midnight muse,
  summer starfruit
Stamps:  Technique Tuesday "R&R"
Ink:  SU! midnight muse, summer starfruit marker 
Dies:  Li'l Inker "Stitched Rectangles"
Embellie:  Studio Calico


Unknown said...

I love the colour combination and the fun story to go along with the card. We went on a cruise once through the Panama Canal visiting lots of countries along the way - oh it seems a far distant memory now - sigh!

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Fantastic colours, great image and beautiful details-love your card
hugs Tamara

Diane said...

A great story and what a wonderful card! Wow, look at all those challenges, good luck on them, as always it looks like a winner to me !!!

Sammy said...

Wilfred and Verneta sound like very charming imaginary people... Imaginary friends encouraging people to make cards are far more civilised than the ones that just want to get people into trouble! lol.

Lovely card. Super layout and I love the simplicity of the colour scheme! So very effective when it works, which in this case it really does!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Way to use a colored base! Looks so fun with the navy~ Thanks for joining in at ATCAS!

ps - fun "story" too :)

Jeanne J. said...

How fun! That image is so graphic it reminds me of a vintage ad for a cruise! I really like the yellow highlights throughout - it really ties it all together!

Sue - said...

Thank you for your suggestions Darnell. Fun story and great card . Very art deco I thought!

Di said...

Brilliant Darnell - love the card and the tale! I always leave your blog with a smile on my face :)

Hugs. Di xx

Jacquie Southas said...

Love your story with one small quibble - I'm the daughter of a Wilfred and he has never been called anything but "Wilf", so I thought poor Verneta had a couple of gentlemen fighting over her ;)

I love the bold color & CAS image!

Canonbury creations said...

Fabulous card Darnell reminds me of a 1930's poster. Loved the little story that went with it:)
Val x

Kim Heggins said...

So fun and love those stamps...makes me want to hop on a ship and grab a drink, right??? will you join me? So fun.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Darnell,

LOVE the story. Have you ever thought of writing a novel? I'm just wondering, are you going on a cruise? I absolutely love cruising. The last one was along the California coast (Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Diego, San Francisco).

The card is perfect, by the way.


Colleen said...

You are such a delight.so fun to read your blog, so entertaining! Are you really going on a cruise? You should, and I think I should be going to Hawaii (see my post for this challenge!!).

Barb Ghig said...

Are you a writer? If not, you certainly should be!!! I was so caught up in your wonderful story, that I had to back track to see your absolutely AMAZING card :-) The cruise ship is so cool, and I love that you added the anchor!

Thank you for making me day, Darnell! And, by the way, I hope your hubby has a cruise in store for you this year...you deserve it! Now, open Word and finish this wonderful story...please?

Dianne said...

What a great story, brought a tear to my eye and a big awhhhhhh. I love that color, right up my alley with avocado green, great image, simple and elegant card, thanks for sharing, it's always a pleasure to visit, you always make me smile big, have a wonderful week..

stampwithsandy said...

What a great card, Darnell! I love the image, the colors, the piercing, everything! And especially the story of Vern and Willie!

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

Great card and I just LOVED reading your story!

Lisa Elton said...

You should write a book!!! Very fun story and the perfect card to accompany it!!

Cathy Weber said...

I agree...you should be writing a book...love your cruise card...those great stitched mats and that beautiful cruise ship. I sure would love to be heading off on a cruise right now although I am certain I would be a few pounds heavier if I were!

Tracey McNeely said...

Yes write a book Darnell. You completely captivated me with your story, blew me away with your card and way to rock out so many challenges girl! Thank you for all your good wishes for my anniversary--MWAH!

Redanne said...

Hi Darnell, I loved your story and so wanted it to have a happy ending.... I also love your gorgeous card, the colour is so cheery! I totally agree with the others, you really do need to write a book dear lady - you would be brilliant!! You ALWAYS leave me with a smile on my face. Big hugs, Annie xx

Marybeth said...

I agree write a book! Loved the story ..the words seem to just flow.....
Love your card! OMGosh it's so perfect!

Karen said...

Two different hospitals visited in one day, yuck. Then I see your blog and it's all smiles again! Thanks for cheering me up! Karen x

JD/ Jill said...

fabulous card! (didn't expect anything else! Smile! Your story to go with it is just wonderful! I enjoyed it very much...starts my week off with a smile.

Karen P said...

That is gorgeous Darnell! I love that stamp and the colour is gorgeous! It reminds me of art deco/nouveau posters - which I adore and I love this! Karen x

Unknown said...

Cute card! I love the colors and the sentiment inside is really fun :)

Best crafty wishes!
Staying Crafty

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Darnell! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

...and I loved the story! :)

Bonnie said...

I've not been a fan of the Summer Starfruit but I love how you've used it! I'll remember to use it with navy! The anchor is delightful and I love how you've put the die cut back in. The story is perfect!

Carole said...

Oh I love a good home spun story. Your card is absolutely Fantastic. Vern's a keeper:_

shirley-bee said...

Cheers! (Sounds like you'd started without me...)

Fab card, fab story!

Unknown said...

Oh mý Dippy, this is Georgeous......oh no, sorry his name is Wilfred! That Vernetta is one lucky lady, not only on a promise of a cruise........but she's got a housekeeper!!! lol Fabulous card - just love that front-on image of a liner and the colours are amazing together. You're totally right about using colour and still being CAS. Thanks so much for joining us for this challenge at A2CAS.

Karen x

Nan G said...

Great card! Love your story line! 'Tops' that's a hoot! Hugs

Harriet Skelly said...

I love the story as much as the card Darnell! You are so talented!

cm said...

I was feeling all *humprey and grumpfrey* today, having come home from visiting my family, but your post has brightened my day and altered my mood (for now!)! My hand is up with all the others voting for you to write a book! Yes, please!! Love the carnival cruise story, and the card is the perfect X perfect fit for the challenges! Thanks for the laugh and the eye-candy!


Oh my word Darnell - what can I say that hasn't already been said!! You are an amazingly talented lady, and I will definitely buy your first novel 'cos I know it will be brilliant!!
As for the card - fabulous CAS retro image, stunning colour combination, and the anchor completes the design perfectly. Love it!
Thank you so much for joining in the fun again at ATCAS - hugs, Sylvia xx

Sharron said...

What a joy your little story is--I agree, you definitely need to do more writing! Love your card! The colors really are quite striking and the ship is such a fabby image.

alexandra s.m. said...

Hello dear Darnell!
I also thought of a 30s' poster when I first say your beautiful card! I really like it!!
Thank YOu~

Leigh Penner said...

How sweet!

Marisa said...

Cute twist with the Carnival Cruise them :) Thanks for playing along with us at the Curtain Call.

Lindsey said...

What an awesome combination of challenges...love the carnival cruise idea.

Jackie Rockwell said...

What an engaging story. . . Totally AGREE with the previous comments, you're a great writer!

Loving your card too!!! :)

Jenni's Jems said...

Cruising off into the sunset is really appealing at the moment even after a 6wk break hee he and loving the story you are a natural at this...and card making too of course!x

Craftychris said...

Cool story and wonderful card! Your posts are a real joy! Thank you! xx

Sue said...

Loved reading this was so lovely! card is gorgeous huggles hun Sue xx

Deepti said...

I sooo love the interest you create in your story :), love reading through ur blog and the cards is awesome :), i soooo want to go on a cruise now ;)Let's see if my Willie could understand it :)LOL

Sue Lelli said...

LOVE this cruise card! FAB colors and the inside sentiment is Super!

MaryH said...

Oh, Darnell, I always get such a kick out of your fun posts. I read this one - just a-grinning all the way. Loved TOPS! Were you an author in a past life (or maybe even _this_ one?!). Your card is lovely...I like this bright color. Can't tell if it's more yellow or chartreuse but I LIKE it! Works wonderfully with the navy. Liked your technique of popping the image in a window, with the added scoring to frame it. Marvelous accent anchor too! Sorry I've been so slow in visiting..been trying for a week now, to get 'round to you. Then 'stuff' gets in the way. We have way too many smart gadgets at our house...far superior to our slowly aging brains. Fun technology, but oh, frustrating. And of course there's bugs to be fixed. At some steep per/hour labor I might add. Now you wanna talk stupid: when I'm paying a young fella to fix something I should know how to do my own self! Alas...TFS a beautiful card and a great yarn. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Oh, you funny and talented lady! You give me laughter every time you post! I love your card- so clean and crisp and eye-catching! Praying for your ticker on Thursday!

maria f. said...

Love the card. Love the story more.

Chrissy Larson said...

Your stories make me smile and laugh like a loon every time! Love the card.

Sarah said...

Fabulous! I'm always a sucker for a clean and simple nautical card.

Laurie said...

I love this CAS card Darnell! Great job! Thanks for playing along at Curtain Call!