I prolly shouldn't post to What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW) this week coz I'm still working which means it's gonna take me all week to get round to returning the flavor of your visit, but I missed you last Wednesday. I don't want to get in the habit of not nosing around your desk if you're going to go to all the trouble of opening your door for me. Know what I mean?
So here is mine:
I clean everything off my desk when the twins come for a sleepover, which they just did last weekend. That way they can make their cards freely, without worry of mussing up something I'm working on. I get such a kick out of the fact that they still enjoy making cards for their parents every time they visit ~ when they aren't selling rocks.
I did make a card last night, which I will put in a separate post, but the evidence of that is gone. What I was doing now is addressing some cards to send out to friends so in the picture you'll see my beautiful hydrangea chest of cards, my address book . . .
. . . and oh, yeah, titter teeter, you might have noticed that I was forced under pen point to make a donation to JoAnn's again. She is a true extortionist. I think by now I have enuf NBUS (never-before-used schtuff) to last me until I die even if I live to be 219! I'm so bad.
In addition to the newest card on my window sill (which I neglected to tell you came from the adorable and super-talented Nicole of Nicole's Craft Nook), I have this new picture on my wall. I found it at work Monday when I was cleaning out a drawer in my desk. It used to actually hang over my desk, before the world got all PC and, in some ways, boring:
Here, lemme make that easier for you to see:
This artwork accomponied a short story in a magazine about 30 years ago! I thought it would be a hoot hanging over my desk so I stuck it in a cheap dime store frame. It certainly elasticized a lot of laughs over the years and a lot of conversations that began, "The worst secretary I ever had . . . !"
I'll bet you have a "Boss From Hell" story you could share!
I'm in my brief today, since I finally figured out I should post my card separately sometimes so's not to detract you from your WOYWW hopping! (Perhaps I was the "secretary from hell" because I wasn't the quickest qwerty in the steno pool!)
Click on the link to join in the fun. Our sensational hostess, Julia Dunnit, has all the deets for you. Enjoy the hop and enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment and/or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!
Love your work desk but I always love seeing your mess and I am a bit disappointed too...I too am working this week and most likely will not get much in the way of cards made, but then you never know. I love your new wall art, is that a picture of you from years past??? Love it!
I just had to say I keep some of my cards in the same kinda of box as you. I cleaned my desk today and it feels so good. Until the next mess.
Love your work desk, your post, your 'secretary from hell' photo! DE-light-ful!! I wish I had a space to leave a mess; kitchen countertop, however, is my zone and like it or not...the mess must be daily unmessed. As for your shopping spree - great to know I'm not alone! In the last month, it's been Jo-Ann's, Hobby Lobby, Paper Smooches, L'il Inkers (X 2), WPlus9, Verve...and then there's that HUGE list at SSS just waiting for me to press send. Out of control? Oh yeah...(and lovin' it!)
Love your big box of cards and busy with kisses on them I see the lip stamp there cute.
Sandy :)
Something is going on,
love your desk
have agreat day
hugs Tamara
No linky from Julia so I'm just using my dashboard and the comments on her blog for now, as I don't want to miss anything - so nosy am I! My daughter used to paint rocks and sell them when she was a tiny girl! I love your picture in the 'dime store' frame. I had a card from the '80s a bit like this artwork that said 'The job that ate my brain'...ooh I hope yours doesn't do that! Have a great day and hope to see ya when you can make it: no pressure. Julie Ann x
Your desk looks gr8 - full of interesting SCHTUFF!
Ohhhh, you mean there are more crafty spaces to go ogle? count me in!
Love that picture! I used to have a set of film posters in a similar style, but lost them during a move :-(
Hello dear Darnell, I am still giggling over the Twinks and the rock selling...... Your desk always looks so incredibly organised - love that beautiful box you keep your cards in. Not joining in (again!) this week but will be back next week hopefully.... Hugs, Annie xx
Hi Darnell - love visiting your desk - and reading your fabulous posts - the secretary from hell is a great poster and yes I have had bosses from hell but I always tell myself - they are just work colleagues - you don't have to sleep with them !! LOL ... have a great week - Mxx #84
Your desk always looks so inviting! Fab artwork too. Take care my friend, stay cool. Zo xx 77
Hi Darnell, another great post - your Secretary... poster is a hoot - and I agree it is a shame we've gone so PC and humourless. I've been lucky and had fairly decent bosses - but I've got to say my current boss is the best boss EVER, she is really kind, funny, laid back, sensitive, thoughtful... I'm really lucky. Have a great week. MMx #42
P.S. did I mention - I'm self employed? :0)
That secretary poster is too funny. Love that box full of cards. Happy crafting #125
Darnell, always love nosying at your desk...so many things I want to touch and play with...you might find me on your doorstep one day ;) Had to laugh at the poster, can't believe you can't hang it at work...the world has gone mad!! My first boss was a MONSTER..we nicknamed him The Prince Of Darkness...ha ha. Love the little ceramic drawers below the poster. Happy WOYWW. Cx #121
Hi great post. Love the box holding your cards, the ceramic drawers I spied and the poster. My last Boss was the Boss from Hell!!!! I retired - early in the end. life is too short to put up with horrid people if you don't have to and I didn't.
Happy WOYWW Anne x #24
Yes I was the secretary from he'll! :) :) I was a stickler for doing a the right way, no short cuts! Bosses didn't appreciate it or me. Now about the new NBUS ....are those Technique Tuesday stamps? Happy WOYWW! Nan G #75
That looks like a big box full of cards you have made on the left Of your desk
That looks like a nice selection of rubberstamps you have there
I see your receipt from Jo anns and looks like you bought quite a few things
Jackie 10
Great Picture you have and a totally good conversation piece to have up must have made you smile everyday to see it your by your desk happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 119
Ha!! I think water just shot out of my nose, Kim!!! Lol !!
Love your desk hop!! Can anyone play along?
Thank you so much for the shout out!! I think you are super talented, too!! :)) :))
I'm going to go check out your card now...
Glad had fun w/ the boys!
Oh the Secretary picture has me still laughing. I bet you could copy that and sell millions!!!! Well, if it was legal to copy, haha! I love it! Its so fun to play with the kids and see so much creativity in them! They are lucky to have you to inspire them. Happy belated WOYWW! Rasz #142 (I was really late this week but at least I made it in :)
Love your desk--actually, all of your "playhouse!" and certainly can appreciate your Secretary from Hell poster! I worked as a secretary for nearly 30 years and loved every day of it.
LOVE your poster, and LOVE that you had it over your desk. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to work with you!! I'm sure the days went by much quicker.
I was terrified of being a secretary. When I first started working, we had to take shifts to cover the phones while the secretaries went to lunch. At the time, our company didn't believe in letting an answering machine take a missed call, so there always had to be a person answering our clients' calls. I was so scared I'd mess up and hit the wrong button to transfer a call, not get the message right, or accidentally hang up on an important client. Luckily, after a year or so, we gave in to technology and let the calls go to an answering machine. I was so relieved!
belated woyww ive been out of it a few weeks but getting back on track as usual another fab post..Great poster!.. have a wonderful weekend Andrea#'32
Love that sign and find it interesting that no one would claim it when you left! It's priceless!
My spider vacuum arrived this morning and has now been put together ready for action. That is a great picture, and I can imagine it causing a lot of amusement and discussion. Hope you have a good week. xx Maggie #48
Thank you so much for your post on my WOYWW, I may have to borrow your strategy for checking all the people with the same # as you! I king of hopped all over, and forget where i've gone...lol and of course everyone who left a msg on mine... I love your picture! A lady i work with needs that!! lol She's funny! I am excited to be doing my 2nd woyww in a few days, now have to make sure i do it! :D I also enjoyed the rest of your blog!!
Hey... where did all the messy fun go?! Okay, you're right, making space for them so they can create at your desk is actually really sweet of you and seeing your own projects out of their lovely way is not such a bad idea either. Happy belated WOYWW!! Hugs, Wendy (cow #136)
such a fun desk to snoop around! Love your secretary from Hell picture - I think I recognise that girl!!!
Okay, I'm running really late so don't fret about not getting back to me before the next WOYWW starts, 'kay? :) I just had to see what you were up to...secretary from...too funny! I know all about that extortionist Joann...she gets me every couple of weeks sometimes! But the sales! When the stamps go half off...I go a little overboard! lol This week it was Hobby Lobby, though...they have in all kinds of new paper designs by Paper Studio, half off! Some gorgeous papers, seriously! One pack I even bought two off...like I needed *any* paper, right? lol :) Okay, hugs and I'll see you again in a few hours, huh? :) Deeyll
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