A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 13, 2013

Jackpot! Mellow Yellow Santa

Hey there!

I have been rolling ideas around in my head the last few days, intrigued by the challenge this week at Less Is More. 
The fantabulous hostesses Chrissie and Jen want us to make a one-layer card with the theme:  "Need for Speed!"  Well, that brings to mind cars and buses and trains and jets and motorcycles and race cars and action figures.
Most of which would line up perfectly with this week's Simon Says Stamp challenge where there is always a great prize and the theme is "transport." 
In the car this morning I was listening to my usual CD which you know is in my player all year long every day.  It is Anne Murray's Christmas album.  I'm singing out " ... hoping I might, see one little reindeer fly through the sky ..."  Wait.  What? 
On Christmas Eve who has a greater "need for speed" than Rudolf?  And what better "transport" is there in the world than the sleigh that carries Santa and his endless bags of gifts?  Oh, yay, baby.
When I went to my computer, there was the latest CAS(E) This Sketch sketch by the marvelous N@Ali:
So that became the launching pad for my design idea and here is my card:

I used yellow because I wanted Santa and Rudolph to be backlit by the yellow moon.  The never-before-used-schtuff (NBUS) on today's card is the candy-cane stripe and sediment from the "Jingle All The Way" Technique Tuesday set by Ali Edwards; and (look closely) a Sizzix "Small Dots" impression plate.
The candy-cane stripe is only about an inch and a half long and perfect evidence of why you should have a stampamajig in your tools.  As per my usual dum-dum process, I did the stripe after the other images, so it was terrific to line it up all the way down the card on the first try.  Of all the things I'm grateful for, deodorant is high on the list.  And stampamajigs. Phew.
I used PTI soft stone gray cardstock, so if the card looks a little gray on your monitor, that's because it is. 
It wasn't until I was writing my post that I realized I could also enter my card in this week's CASology challenge where the cue card word is "Yellow!"  The awesome sponsor is Uniko Studio.
I was also going to enter it in a fifth challenge because the "black, white, plus one" challenge is still going on at CAS on Sunday, but I went to double-check the rules of each challenge to make curtain what the limit was for how many other challenges you can enter and I immediately discovered that CAS on Sunday only lets you enter one card per challenge, so scratch that one.
Still.  Four challenges is a thrill!
But Christmas in June?  Yellow, no less?  I agree it looks sort of silly to have a summery color on a Santa Baby card, but it's sorta growing on me.  I have a feeling the trend of using non-traditional colors for Christmas cards is still going to be happening for the upcoming Christmas card season.  Well, I'm starting that rumor anyway.  You with me?
I am delighted to introduce you today to our newest friend, Nancy!  Nancy's website is Scrapper @ Heart.  She has been a scrapper since forever and a card artist since 2009.  There is a ton of inspiration waiting for you when you visit her site, including space inspiration on her "My Creative Space" tab!  Thank you for joining us, Nancy, and welcome!!
Okay, Mister and I are going off to look at landscape rocks.  He's a geologist so I may have to go wait in the car.  It's only fair when I think of all the hours he has spent waiting in the car while I was in a stamping store!
Enjoy your day!  No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*! 
And thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse.  Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short!  
Paper:  PTI soft stone
Stamps:  Technique Tuesday "Jingle All The Way";
  unmarked Santa; SU! circle
Ink:  Ancient Page coal black, Su! daffodil delight;
  Primacolor pencils
Sizzix impression plate "Small Dots"
My Mind's Eye Enamel Dots
Glossy Accents


Happy Dance said...

Totally on board with the non-trad.-yellow Christmas-in-June-card. And as we're supposed to keep it all year long, yellow/June works well!! Love the score lines above the lemony drops. This is a great fit for all your challenges, my friend. Kudos, and wonderful card! Bev

Lisa Elton said...

HOW FUN!!! Great job Darnell. Just think of it as Santa flying by a big yellow full moon!

Kathyk said...

Simply GLORIOUS Darnell


jkaymac said...

What a wonderful card. I predict this will be cased all over the web!

Sue said...

Wonderful Darnell. A really inspiring design and I love the colours.
Sue xx

jimlynn said...

Actually, yellow looks pretty fab on a Santa card. Cute, cute, CUTE!

Karen P said...

Quite simply loads of fun and loads of gorgeousness too. Very cleveer! Love it! it's a perfect CAS card and seriously clever! Darnell thank you for sharing your beautiful card art with us and I will remember that phrase and say it with pride - I am a card artist! Have a fab day Karen x

Canonbury creations said...

Unusual but effective Darnell! Definitely a trendsetting card:) I just saw your comment on my blog and got very excited, don't you just love to win things:)
Val x
ps enjoy your rock sightseeing!

Carol L said...

Way to work in all those challenges with one great mellow yellow card! Santa rocks!!

Loll said...

Hi Dolly. I love how your mind works ... so entertaining! :)

Non-traditional colors for Christmas - great idea ... LOVE the yellow, black and white card. Great layout and design - especially love the candy cane yellow stripe. I'm with you, I couldn't last long without my Stamp-a-ma-jig ... I use it almost every day.

Lolly xx

Mrs A. said...

I think your yellow colouring is spot on. Got the deodorant but what the heck is a stampamajigs? I feel I'm missing out on life here!!!
Hugs Mrs A.

Bobby said...

Now this is what I call a unique card. Instead of a rumor, why not start the trend - non-traditional colors for Christmas it is. BTW, check out the CAS on Sunday rules again. You can only enter their challenge once, but you can combine with as many as you want/can.

Greta said...

Your creativity was in over-drive for this card! I totally love it!

Bonnie said...

Look at you with all those challenges! I love yellow for any kind of year! I'm impressed with your stripe. I can't get it straight with a SAMJ or a ruler for that matter.

stampwithsandy said...

Haha, I love the way your brain works, Darnell! Sounds like the mental journey I make sometimes before making a card. Yes, Santa has a need for speed and uses his reindeer for transportation. Perfect take on your combination of challenges, love it! Hugs :) Sandy

Tracey McNeely said...

Super fun card Darnell, love the non-tradish colour of yellow and Santa flying by the moon. You rocked the sketch too! Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas cheer with us this week at CASology!

Deepti said...

This indeed is a jackpot :) hmmmm sigh, I wish the reindeer flew over my sky too. Isn't it incredible how ideas just pop up :) looks like we crafters have our mind working over the challenges 24x7 :)
Love ur card and love to read your post, it's always interesting :)

Loly Borda said...

Awesome card! As usual I was smiling all the time I was reading your post :) I like your line of thinking and I'm in awe as how you master 4 challenges. Way to go girl!

Kara Lynne said...

Four challenges! I remember when you were woozy entering more than one. Way to be ultra creative! Your card is just that and more. Perfect stamps! I love the yellow and congrats on the candy cane stamping! And to think it all started with Anne Murray. She's is a great driving companion.

Joyce said...

4 challenges--one card--check. And, it's a doozy. How fun is that moonlit scene.

Vicki Dutcher said...

You go girl 4 challenges! Didn't that work out for you :) - fun card also!

ps thanks for the CASE congrats - I appreciate you popping over!

Di said...

Totally brilliant Darnell! LOVE the yellow - really inspired and it works so well.

Now, you say your candy cane stripe is one and a half inches long? Coo, that really is a teeny, tiny card (we actually say teeny, weeny in the UK but I think that has a different meaning in the USA?). Do you get reduced postal rates for miniature cards then? It's just perfect!

And thank you so much for your lovely card which arrived here - I love it! Mwah!!

Hugs, Di xx

Jessi Fogan said...

Yellow for Christmas? Yep.
NBUS? New Best Useful Stamping (abbreviation). Indeed!
Such a clever take on transport - and you aren't kidding! Need for speed is right :)

roffeycreations said...

Fantastic card and to have covered off so many challenges in one swoop - Yippee!! Oh and I would have thought NUBS sounded good - or SNUB - LOL... but it all means the same thing - stash which struck us with inspiration which fizzled as soon as we walked in the door so stacked it away for another day... LOL Mxx

Sarn said...

Way to go Darnell. A YELLOW Christmas Card in JUNE . . . it doesn't come much more untraditional than that! You're a GENIUS.

Enjoy YOUR day . . . xxxx

Kim Heggins said...

Oh my goodness...this is simply amazing Darnell. I love your sweet Santa riding on past the bright yellow moon. So sweet. And I thought I was the only one who listened to Christmas music year round...nice to know I am in good company. I love TransSiberian Orchestra.

Kim M said...

LOVE your take on the sketch, Darnell. I love non-traditional colours for Christmas cards. I've wanted to try and do a yellow card but have yet to come up with anything. You rocked it!

Redanne said...

I am definitely with you on the non traditional colour for Christmas and the yellow is fabulous! Great job lining up the candy cane border too. Love Anne Murray too... Hugs, Annie xx

G Peplow said...

Well done with all the challenges met Darnell, clever you :D Great card too, hats off to you, have a great weekend, Hugs Gay x

Lin said...

Well done, Darnell - fantastic take on our challenge! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp challenge this week!

MaryH said...

Love it! Fabulous design on this sketch, and I LOVE NBUS. May I borrow the term? Got lotsa use for it. Enjoyed - as always - your delightful post. Feast for the eyes (card), feast for the mind (reading). Enjoy your rocks. Stay cool. Have a great wkend. Hugs & TFS

wienerhoneymooners said...

4 challenges, wheeeeew! Love your enthusiasm and the card is great! I love Ali Edwards designs too!

You are rockin' it lady!


shirley-bee said...

I'm with you!

This card is fabulous! I love non-traditional Christmas colours. Well done on a fourfer!

Gillian R said...

So great Darnell. Love how non traditional it is. Perfect for summer Xmas crafting

janelle said...

I love reading your posts! Your cards are great and your words make me smile. Have a great weekend!
p.s. I'm a challenge → supplies designer... Your supplies → challenge is intriguing!

Nan G said...

You cracked me up today Darnell! Yellow...Christmas...go figure! Shazamabam woot woot....non traditional colors, okay, heh don't think I'm ready to try the yellow, tho. :) Have a fab weekend! Hugs Nan

JD/ Jill said...

Wow! What a creative card! Congrats on 4 challenges. My record is three! You have the most creative mind. ((I mean that in a good way...LOL) Hope you have a great weekend!

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Now what could be faster than Santa speeding around the world in one night????? I think he's the perfect choice for the challenge! And your yellow Santa card is beautiful!!! Great job!

Harriet Skelly said...

Brilliant I tell ya - oh that must be the yellow reflecting off of this non traditional and awesome card!! Perfect card for all of those challenges!

G Peplow said...

HI Darnell, Just popping by to let you know that wasn't a banana flower at all, clever Di spotted it was a Strelitzia, totally fabulous anyway!!
As for the expression 'Running around loosing your eggs' LOL I think you had better stick to 'Running around like a headless chicken', but it makes me giggle either way :D x

Ardyth said...

Only you could make Santa and yellow work together! This is so fun! Great combination of the challenges! Thanks for playing along with us at CASology this week!

Geri said...

Hey, who ever said Santa schtuff can't be yellow! Seriously, someone pretty darn boring likely made up that rule....but it took a clever & creative rebel to shoot that theory all to ... bits!

Fabulously creative, incredibly fun and perfectly stamped! I suspect you were likely light headed from holding your breath by the time you got to the end of the candy cane lane...I mean line!

Barb King said...

The reindeer looks great against the yellow, very clever take on the need for speed!

SandeeNC said...

LOve the Christmas in June card, it's good to keep up with Christmas so you are slammed at the last minute making them. LOVE your card, it's so cute! Go Rudolph, GO! Thank you for visiting my blog, you are appreciated! Waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Angie Tieman said...

What an awesome card! Don't you love how inspiration strikes?!

Linda said...

Darnell, your card is just fabulous. Love it. So cute.

anja curvers said...

Wow how clever is this I really love your card this has to be a winner I'm sure. And I agree with you about those non traditional christmascolors but somehow I always seem to fetch them anyway. Good luck with all the challenges.

Silvia said...

Just popping by to thank you for your visit and to oggle your blog a bit!!! I do like the Christmas Card and it reminds me that I should at least start thinking about my Christmas Cards!!
And thank you for following my Blog as well :)

Karen M said...

Love your fun santa card - christmas will woosh around before we know it:) I also love the term Nbus - just perfect for us crafters! Hugs xx

cm said...

Another hearty laugh with your post; good for the spirit! Great card with your Mellow Yellow Santa - clever, fantastic use of you NBUS, and, of course, 'delighfully rebellious." Fitting into 4 challenges - gotta love it!

maria f. said...

Santa as ´"Transport" - you rock girl! Hope all those ideas rolling around in your head didn't hurt too much! Happy rock selecting.

Amy Sheffer said...

So fun, creative, and unique!

Anonymous said...

So clever and creative, Darnell, such a fun santa silhouette against your wonderful moon! Way to go on four challenges! Anita :)

Maureen Merritt said...

Very unique/nontraditional combo for a holiday card! Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!

Sian Ridley said...

I am totally feeling the yellow christmas card! I'm not sure I could pull it off myself, but I'll be sure to give it a go! :)

Congratulations on the multiple challenge entries - not as easy as people make it seem :) I hope you and Mister had a nice time with the rocks...and that you popped into a craft shop on the way home!! :)

Rosemary said...

I think only you could make a Christmas card using yellow and make it totally work! super clever idea! thanks for playing along with CASology!! (and thank you for the sweet comment about my Take Ten feature... it made my day!)

Jean said...

Fantastic ~ only you could make this work for a Christmas card! Love your take on the "need for speed" and transport. I think Santa needs to make it to 5 houses per second on Christmas Eve to make all of his stops!

Lyndal said...

Perfect launching pad & love your rumour!!!

Michelle said...

Darnell, you are amazing! This is an AWESOME card, great concept, beautiful design, and FUN! Keep in mind that some of us do have HOT and SUNNY Christmases, and I DO love this card. *wink wink* :-) On that note, I forgot to say thank-you for the last card I received from you. I was excited enough to show my entire family and my Mum, and to tell them how much I love being your friend, but forgot to tell the most important person I was excited. So THANK YOU!

Jo Nevill said...

Fantastic card, I love your theme

Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Challenge this week

Jo x

Chrissy Larson said...

This is super cool! I love how you used the sketch and you have put me in the mood to make Christmas cards!

Kim S said...

Only you would think of Santa for a yellow challenge - yet it is absolutely wonderful! Maybe we all need to start thinking like you!! (That's a scary thought, isn't it?)

Joni Andaya said...

Awesome card Darnell...so love how you put it together. Oh I want to thank you for the lovely note you left for me in my blog :)

N@ Ali said...

oh how fun Darnell! perfect!

Claire said...

Yay! Congrats on being a CTS honourable mention Darnell - fabulous card. That little Santa is gorgeous!

Shannon J said...

Um, it's sorta growing on me too, LIKE A LOT!!! I love, love this card (and deoderant too - ha!). And, hey, why not get an early start on your Christmas cards rather than leaving them to two weeks before with EVERYTHING else going on at that time...like I do! HUGE CONGRATS TOO on the honourable mention at CTS!! Have fun with the rocks :)

maria f. said...

Geesh...had to scroll to China to get to the comment box... Yippie, yippie, yippie for the mella yella old fella - he knocked their socks off at CAS(E).

Anonymous said...

I just checked out CTS for this week and found your name in lights with your mellow yellow santa, Darnell ... no surprise there, then ... he was yummy on my first visit and he's still yummy! Congratulations! Anita :)

Barb Ghig said...

Congrats to you on your shout out at CTS! I love that you chose non-traditional colors for your Christmas card...so fun!

donna mikasa said...

Yes!! Congrats on your HM shout out at CAS(E) this Sketch! Love a yellow Christmas!

wienerhoneymooners said...

Happy Dancing for the Woooot Woooot Case this Sketch HM for you!!! SUPER eriiiffic Darnell, I can almost see you smiling from here!

This was brilliant and I knew it was a winner!

Bobby said...

Looks like a yellow Christmas in June is good for an honorable mention. Way to go!!