A site for my handmade cards, accompanied by my photos and written meanderings which are occasionally witty, often tongue-in-cheek, and rarely profound. Beginning in June 2013, you'll also see lots of NBUS, which is an acronym I coined for Never-Before-Used-Schtuff. Note: my Privacy Policy can be found at a tab below and you can find my NBUS Challenge online. I hope you'll join in the fun there! Thanks for coming by! Have a beverage and enjoy!

June 6, 2013

CQ #192, FMS #89 ~ You're My Whole World Daddy

Hey!  How's it going?

I've been having lots of fun in the garden and playing with Dukerson, the granddog, and I've lots of pictures below if you're inner rested.
But first.  I saw my friends playing in the currect ColourQ challenge and since I lurve these colors, I had to play along.  Check this amazing bed set in the inspirational photo:

I know, right?  I don't know if I'd start seeing spots (squares? can you see squares instead of spots?) which would lead to my grains, but I just want to dive in there!
For my sketch, I went to play with Freshly Made Sketches, where there is a super cute sketch by Rita:
I used one of the sheets from the BoBunny "Key Lime" collection:

Since yellows, reds, and oranges weren't in the scheme of colors, I cut the paper into strips and just used the colors that were in the scheme, and I flipped the sketch and made this:

The flippy flags are all the rage and I'd love to have hooked this up with Nicole's Make It Monday challenge, too, but I didn't use any PTI goodies on this card.  Still, the video on her blog was great and it's a fun look. 
I have been dying to use that little "daddy" charm that's been in my stash for over a year, so this was a perfect operatunity.  I'm pretty sure it's from Doodlebug Designs.  The rest of the ingredients are waaaay down at the end of this post.  And that's the end of card talk if you want to scoot.  Thanks, though, for stopping by!
Oh, hold up.  Before we get to Miss Elaine E. Us, I'd like you to meet Ros, otherwise known on her blog as Mikey's Mom.  Ros has been sharing her astounding creations for a few years now, so you are definitely in for inspiration and astonishment when you go and visit her!  Welcome, Ros, and thank you for joining our friendly group!
The Garden
First, what is that sweet flower from?  Why a radish gone to flower.  I found this old pack of radish seeds a few weeks ago and decided to sow them to see what would happen.  Turns out that twenty-year-old radish seeds make some pretty disgusting radishes, according to Mister, who we all know will eat anything, so if he said they were bad, well, ew. 
There are three more of them still in the vegie box and I've decided to leave them and see how big they get to show the twins.  I'll keep you posted.
On a more pleasant note we have these awesome returning flowers:
and our butterfly bushes coming into bloom: 


The Granddog
You see, kids, I really do play with Duke until he works himself into a lather and flops out that big ol' tongue to sweat it off!  Genetically, the beloved Duke is a mixture of a lot of breeds and like a lot of dogs, he is also part Somekina cat.  If you've never seen a small pony use its paws, you're in for a treat!

I'll be back in a few with a card for a challenge that is closing fast.  Eek!
Enjoy your day!   No, seriously, enjoy.  LITS*! 
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse.  Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower!

*Life Is Too Short! 
Paper:  PTI white; BoBunny DSP
Stamp:  The Alley Way Stamps, "Words
  to Live By"
Ink:  SU! Island Indigo
Doodle Twine and Doodlebug Designs charm
Bling by My Mind's Eye and Heidi Grace
Corner Chomper Angle


Loll said...

Hi Dolly. Glad to be back in blogland ... and happy to stop by and see your latest, fabulous creations. Kudos to you for being patient enough to cut out those banners from your designer paper. Love your design, those colors are fun ... might have to join in. And that "daddy" charm is so sweet!

Love the pictures of your flowers and even more, the pictures of your little pony! :) He looks like a character and fits right in with the family! :) Loll xx

Sherrie M. said...

What a fun, happy card! Gotta love those enamel dots huh?

Carol L said...

Way to use that great dsp to your advantage! Cute card, cute dog, and gorgeous flowers! I'll pass on the ancient radishes :)

Kara Lynne said...

whoa! I love that card, how you used those colors with the sketch is brilliant! That looks like one fun loving dog!

Bev Gomez said...

Hey Darnell,
Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog for this sketch. I love the card you did. Love your flowers and your craft room or little craft house that I would die for. Following you now. :-) Hugs, Bev

Karen P said...

Gorgeous card Danell - love the colours and yep would love to bounce into that bed - the bedding is so gorgeous! Very beautiful gran dog! Have a great day Karen x

Colleen said...

Fabulous card, Darnell...darn that you couldn't use it for the MIM, but still this is great and now you can maybe make your own chevrons using PTI colors and come up with a PTI card! Love your flower pics and the pooch is so adorable!

alexandra s.m. said...

Love your card! and thank you for sharing a bit about your gardening experiments! I was laughing hard about the old radishes!!

Lisa Elton said...

LOVE the way you used the paper, clever girl! And that little charm is the sweetest. I think Max and Duke would be great buds ;)

Tracey McNeely said...

Gorgeous Bo Bunny paper Darnell. Love this card, every detail from your creative paper placement to that fabby sentiment. Your garden is looking good, if it warmed up a bit here our might look good too. Winter seems to want to come back. :(

Anonymous said...

Darnell, when you left a comment on my blog earlier you didn't mention that you were playing along??? Aren't this week's colors the absolute best!!! (My whole house & blog are designed around them!!) -- I love the way you worked the paper to your advantage!!! :)) :))
Your grand dog looks like he was enjoying himself !

Tracey McNeely said...

oh and Ms Darnell. Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at the colourQ! ;)

Robin said...

Hi Darnell! Thank you for visiting me and leaving me that darling comment. I needed a good laugh and I am sure you were totally correct about operating equipment in my condition :)

I am so glad to see someone else that has granddogs. I have two and I guess it would be good to include them into a post one day. Your pup is precious! He looks like so much fun.

I love the card with the ribbon/flag edges. Great job!I will be checking in often, your blog is great! Rasz

Teresa Zuehls said...

Thanks, Darnell for the kind comment you left on my blog! I hope you enjoyed your visit and come back soon. I love your your cool card. Awesome job with the sketch and the colors. Your radish story sounds a lot like my carrots that didn't quite make it last summer for one reason or another but some came back this spring with tops that are two feet tall but the carrots at the bottom are a little weird. We didn't even attempt to try one.

Kim Heggins said...

Darnell, this is just so sweet! What a wonderful Father's Day card and your new patterned paper, so fun. Love your garden photo's too, you are a busy bee! Duke looks like he is have some fun too.

shirley-bee said...

Wow, gorgeous card, Darnell! I love how you've done the flags (you could also enter it into CAS-ual Fridays banners and flags). Isn't that colour scheme fab?

Your flowers look fab, too. Can't say the same for the radish ;) and Dukey boy looks like he's having fun.

Gillian R said...

What a fab card Darnell, the colours this week were amazing. . Love the pics of Duke. So cute! Thank u for the lovely comment on blog, put a big smile on my face this morning. I was going to say u could enter this card at cas-ual Fridays but I see I have been beaten to the punch

Sue said...

A real treat on here today! Your card is wonderful, I love those papers and brilliant sentiment.
Fabulous photos. I think Duke likes having his picture taken!

Anonymous said...

Great card Darnell-and what a great sentiment-its perfect !
Loving the piccies of the Dukester-he is a darling "pony" boy isn't he ?
And i loved looking at all your beautiful flowers-funny i have posted a walk in my garden today on my Blog too(as been too manic here to have made anything crafty to share !)
Have a fabby weekend-hope you get in that lovely garden of yours with a glass of something cold !
Hugs,Nessa xxx

Hannelie said...

We almost had the same idea about using the sketch Darnell!
Great minds... :)

Jessi Fogan said...

That card is perfect! Love the angled edges.
Mister sounds like my youngest...you definitely don't want it if he says it's bad. On the other hand, he just had lobster for the first time & said it tastes like chicken, so who knows?
I love your flowers! Makes me want to go out & take a few pictures in the yard too :)
And Duke! It honestly amazes me how dexterous dogs can be with their paws.

Redanne said...

Hi Darnell, the sketch is brilliant and your card is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! Love it, love the chevrons (they should be your trademark you do them so well).

As for the radish - hmmm, maybe that is too long to keep seeds but I do love the flowers. Love butterfly bushes, the more the better, we need to protect our butterflies here in the UK, they are dying out.....bad weather and all that.

Duke is gorgeous and he looks so agile and playful, I can see why you love dog sitting him. Great post today Darnell (as ever). Hugs, Annie xxx

Craftychris said...

Love the cards, the colours are gorgeous! Its a really cool layout too. Your photo's are all fabulous. I wonder how big the radishes will grow?? xx

Kim S said...

I like your flippy flags too! And they are just perfect in this celebration of "daddy"!!

Bobby said...

Flags and banners are abundant in the blog challenges this week. How clever of you to use paper with banner like objects on it to further emphasize the banneriness. . .uh flagness. . . you know what I mean.

Joyce said...

Super card, and i love your idea of cutting the patterned paper. I have that paper, and never even thought about using it! And, what? A card with NO PTI? Never heard of such a thing.

JD/ Jill said...

Great card! very creative! (actually, All your cards are...smile) enjoyed the pics of Duke!

Shannon J said...

Such a sweet, sweet card Darnell. Daddy is going to love it! That sentiment steals the show - I love when a sentiment can hold it's own like that! And those papers have me drooling just a little (lot)! Funny thing - you and I are on the same wave length - I just finished up a card combining the same challenges! I'll post it in the morning (better light for a photo!)

Karen M said...

Gorgeous card - I love the colours and what a great design! I also love duke the dog - he really looks full of character and fun - hugs xx

Linda Suarez said...

Love your take on the sketch! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

Bonnie said...

Fun flags and colors on the card! Ugly radishes! Beautiful flowers! Unique granddog! I've never seen a dog do that. He's got to have some cat in him!

Cindy Hall said...

Another great card, Darnell! I love the colors and papers! Thanks for sharing with us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

Allisa said...

Fabulous card! The granddog seems to be living it up! Thanks for playing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

Sylvia said...

Fabulous card, Darnell, love all the pieces you cut to make this card, baker's twine is a nice touch! Thanks for sharing your card with us at the colourQ, nice to see your blog again, love all the photo's!