Howdy Crafters,
It's time for What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday where you post a picture of your desk or other craft area and share it with the world on a hop run by our beloved leader, Julia Dunnit. Ms. Julia has a link for you to click on over at her place which splains the whole enchilada. I hope you check it out and join in the fun!
I missed you last week and am happy to be able to join in again. Today I'm playing a new card game on my desk! Get it? "Card" game?
As I was rearranging some things in the nether cup boards, I came across all these card inserts that I'd forgotten about. Apparently a few years back I sat out in the garage and rubbed on a million rub-ons to use as inside-the-card greetings. I was even more heavily medicated back in those days. Or, wait. Was I?
And that's about it. There may or may not be some new stamp sets I'm trying to hide because otherwise you'll think I'm a greedy pig.
I thought you goofy gals and guys might also get a kick out of this set of earrings I couldn't resist because they karack me up:
They are stuck in a lemon for display porpoises because that way you a) don't have to look at two photos, and b) don't have to look at any jowls. You're welcome.
Sadly, when I wear them, most people don't even bother reading the words. I think I will craft a matching button to wear on my grandmotherly chest that says, "Hey, yo, didja notice my earrings?!"
Here's the link to where I got them, but I just noticed there are other places you can find them on the planetarium web. In fact, I won't be surprised to learn that some of you may already own a pair, knowing we share a fondness for this sort of thing.
Before you hop to the next WOYWWer, please allow me to introduce a new friend: Chrissy Larson of Three In The Nest Creations. (Another fab blog banner name!) I know you'll find her to be creative, inspiring, and humorous! Thank you, Chrissy, and welcome!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower! Please let me know if you stopped on the WOYWW hop, so I can make sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
Love these earrings! :) Cathy x
LOL you are funny I spied the stamp haul hiding at the back but cant say anything as I have my own new little stash myself waiting to get used. that's a lot of inserts like the colours though not the usual boring white or cream .( im boring !) the earnings are fab and a unique display item !,not so sure about the badge idea LOL have fab week and thanks for bringing a cheery smile to a wet and windy morning hugs Andrea#33
I agree your funny you make me laugh ..... I feel I may steel your line about medication !!!
You may have an idea there using rub ins for inserts in cards I spend hours making the card and don't bother with the inside
Jackie 6
The earrings are fab..I can think of a few people that would LOVE them! Can't criticise buying new new ones came this morning! Happy WOYWW. Pam#14
Is that sunshine I can see outside your window ??? Forgot what it looks like.
Lynn /50
I love the earrings, just the sort of thing I would wear lol......I have inserts just like yours lol, same meds???
enjoy your day
Not a fan of the earrings - but I'd like one of those badges - just so I can play with people's minds... LOL - I was laughing out loud reading this one - I think my neighbours are scared... very scared... Happy WOYWW Darnell - Mxx #65
I know what you mean about the ear rings - or people not reading things anyway! your post made me smile today, so thank you for a fun few minutes. Helen, 16
Super earrings and display idea! I think we all spend ages doing things that we think will help save time only for it to remain unused. I have a basket full of envelopes which contain decoupage I've already cut up, do I use it? No!! Take care Zo xx 75
Your inserts look very organised. I do mine when I need to use the card! Earrings are fun but I couldn't wear them - dangly earrings do nothing for me! Think it has something to do with wearing glasses well that's what I think!
Love your desk area, and those earrings just made me burst out them!!! Happy WOYWW.
Janene #18
Hi Darnell . . . well you look very organised today I must say!
LOVE those earrings!
Happy WOYWW.
Sarn #80
Hahahaha !! COZZZZMIC earrings - they rock ! :-)
Happy WOYWW206.
Ike xx #101
You so need to make that badge to go with your earrings. You have lots of cards to make by the look of it, with all those sentiments all ready to go..
Sandy :) #73
Hi Darnell
so what are you going to do with all these inserts you found? Isn't funny to look back on things we did ages ago, we move forward so fast with crafting.
Love the earrings and I think a matching button is a must
Have a great WOYWW today and a fabby week
Ria #21
LOL! Best laugh of the day....
Happy WOYWW!
MA (3)
Haahahahaha...your post has me started on a happy note today! The earrings are a blast, and those new stamps, 'hiding' on your desk are doing precisely what my new ones are...hiding, but on the kitchen counter (no craftroom...pining for one...). Have an excellent day, Darnell - and thank you again for all your comments on my cards! You are a gem!!
Love the ear-rings - fabulous. Yes, a badge might be the best way to get folk to read them.
You are about to be one busy lady making cards for all those inserts!
Have a great week.
Margaret #64
Enjoy your card game! Solitaire is it?
Love those earrings. Fancy a pair myself and my former boss would agree with them....if he actually read them!
OMG Darnell - I almost choked with laughter when I saw your post!! I have never seen earrings like these before, and the choice of a lemon to display them just adds to the joy!!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful sense of humour!!
Big hugs, Sylvia xxx
Hi there I'm not able to join in this week but am popping by some of you to see what you're up to and I hate missing out on anything. Great earrings!!! Love em. So are you going to use the inserts? See you next week! Anne x
That is a lot of inserts, seem to recall doing the same thing a few years back, never got around to using them all though!
love the ear rings, guess they might be hard to read unless someone comes right up to you, I would certainly need my reading specs on!
Deb #118xx
I like the idea of making a button to draw attention to the amusing earrings.So funny. The card inserts-forgotten then found is familiar to me and it's fun to discover previous ideas.
Ah,trying to hide you new delivery eh Darnell:)(nosey parkers arn't we LOL going back for a second look!)
I love those earings-but,seriously no one notices them ? how could you miss them!
I think we have all spent many a happy hour making trillions of something that we then only used a couple times !(i made sentiment tags using peel offs if i remember correctly !)prolly still got a bucket full somewhere LOL!!
Have a great day Darnell
Hugs,Nessa xxx
Hi Darnell - Happy WOYWW, I love the earrings. I love the fact that you found something totally random in your stash and lots of it...I swear when the boxes arrive from London, I will be like 'why did I bring that?' Cx #126
I just LOVE those earrings. My ears are similar, it's just that there's nothing in the middle to stop it!! Happy WOYWW! Karen 127 x
The earrings are hilarious Darnell, I do think you should make the button too. Nice card game on your desk top today.....not joined in today but wanted to pop by and say hello! Hugs, Annie x
Now that is going too far, getting all that card out just to hide some stamps from us!!!
LOVE the earrings, what a hoot. The lemon looks very fetching in them.
Hugs Lisax #136
Sooo funny Darnell! I love those earrings, only you, only you :)
And as for all those inserts, I have about forty cards here waiting for inserts - shall I send you them: :)
Happy WOYWW my friend!
Hugs, Di xx
Okay, I have stopped laughing now. Love, love, love the earrings!!! I might have to make me a pair just to see if anybody reads them. I used to do inerts ahead, but they never seemed to fit any of my cards. Guess the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand wants. LOL
Krisha #113
Hi Darnell - I always have a smile when I read your posts! Love your earrings and your button idea is great! have a fun week MMx #114
Great fun earrings and desk. Never been that sucessful with rub ons, especially when trying to do them in a straight line. Happy WOYWW Gill x #117
Love those earring. They are hilarious. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting. #4
I love them!! Go and be a rebel and discombobulate people's perceptions of you... I do that all the time :) My husband bought me earrings which were a long slender silver strip with lettering down the length... On closer inspection, it reads Wild Woman........grin :-)
Have fun with your cards!
Hugs, LLJ 29 xxxx
Those earrings are a hoot but I must confess, I rarely look at other women's earrings, even thought I expect them to look at mine. ;) Do you plan to go ahead and use your inserts? I often find things I did before I got wise(r) and found a better way.
What a giggle I got from the earrings, what a lemon I am - LOL Thanks for popping by today BJ#1
Those earrings are totally AWESOME!!
So is your idea for a matching badge!
love Mags B x
Oh my goodness Dippydoo how organised are you? What wonderfully colourful'd think mine terribly boring as I use either white or cream pearl paper..... I'm so envious of your earrings so am going to have to find a way to CASe them......and the badge to boot - no not for my boo, for my chest! lol As ever thanks for ending my day on such a happy note.
Karendipity x
Cool earrings! I'm glad you put them in the lemon. I would never be able to focus on the words when they're in your ears! What a fun idea though!
Too funny Darnell! Nice try at hiding the new stash but we see it, dearie. :) And we're all smiling cuz we are hiding our own...each and everyone one of us WOYWW ers! Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW. Nan G #17
LOL! Love the earrings!!
What a great view out your window. I don't have a window at my art desk, but I do at work and I love seeing the green outside my window.
Now you have a great stash of insides ready to go for cards. I hate to think what I'd find if I started cleaning out my cupboards!
Anna Leisa #155
What great earrings...and another great post from you...
LOVE the earrings. That just cracks me up. :-) I want to see the new stamps, too. April #157
Cool earrings! And I must say, that little cottage is AMAZING! I want one!
Those earrings are fab, the sort I would wear - such fun.
Enjoy the rest of the week. Susi #137
Haha, I really need those earrings for work, especially when my boss is standing in front of me telling me how to go about things!!! Struggling to get back into the swing of things this week, way too much to do at home and at work, England seems like a distant memory!
Too funny ~ I'll be waiting to see the badge you create!
How are we supposed to vicariously enjoy the fruits of your shopping if you attempt to camouflage them? Huh? ;-) Hope you have fun using all the card inserts. The earrings are great. I'd definitely LOL if I saw someone wearing them in real life. Happiest of WOYWWs to you! ~ Laura #154
Darnell, those earings are just too cute! I love what you said about no one ever reading them too. I have a blouse with disney character buttons and next to each button is what they say, like Minnie - Oh Boy and it makes me laugh when people get right in my face to read each one of them so maybe it is not a bad thing that people don't read your ears.
I love your desk and that you even saved all these card insides, so smart and clever of you!
What funny earrings, super idea!
Gabriele #61
Flaunt those new stamps proudly girl! LOVE those earrings! Pretty darned cute! Happy belated WOYWW!
You karack me up too - LOL. Yes, definitely make that button badge, those earrings are too good to not be noticed!
Hope you're having a good week!
Morti #57
Those earrings are precious! You should totally make a pin telling people to read them...and then another pin telling people to read your first pin! lol Isn't it neat to look back and see how we used to craft? I have some of my first cards made and now I am like, they are so yesterday! lol But your inserts look like they could still be used and look nice, not too old school at all! :) Glad you're back this week, I missed last week, too, though. Finals and all. Anyhoo, thanks for popping by my desk already and leaving me such a sweetie comment...and at least you weren't running as late as I am! :) Deeyll #72
Greedy pig! lol I totally showed my snout, huh?! lol :)
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