Welcome to this stop on the WOYWW blog hop! You have come here from an amazingly creative desk and the one you hop to next will be well worth your snoop d'boop. For details on this hop, please check with our wonderful hostess Julia over at What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday and join in the fun!
Before I move on to my desk, I just want to take a moment to condole with all the folks in the world and particularly in the Midwest states who should be welcoming Spring by now, but instead are experiencing flooding from excessive rains, or continuing to be otherwise blustered, frozen, or snowed on. I can only send you cyber Spring from here and hope you get the real thing soon!
Here is my desk.
Of note this week is the beautiful floral card in lush hues that I received from a lovely lady who doesn't follow and doesn't blog, but who is a loyal reader and supporter! Thank you, Pam, and thank you, too, Tracy, Mamie, Laura, and all you other silent cheerleaders. I appreciate you very much!
But what is happening to me?! I'm Messy Bessy again! I'm sure it's not that tall vodka since that's nothing new. And another thing, it's getting to the point where my focus button is useless. I got distracted by some noise or critter out the window and, then, as I shifted my attention back to my card, my elbow knocked over my little container of blue brads,
Before I move on to my desk, I just want to take a moment to condole with all the folks in the world and particularly in the Midwest states who should be welcoming Spring by now, but instead are experiencing flooding from excessive rains, or continuing to be otherwise blustered, frozen, or snowed on. I can only send you cyber Spring from here and hope you get the real thing soon!
Here is my desk.
Of note this week is the beautiful floral card in lush hues that I received from a lovely lady who doesn't follow and doesn't blog, but who is a loyal reader and supporter! Thank you, Pam, and thank you, too, Tracy, Mamie, Laura, and all you other silent cheerleaders. I appreciate you very much!
But what is happening to me?! I'm Messy Bessy again! I'm sure it's not that tall vodka since that's nothing new. And another thing, it's getting to the point where my focus button is useless. I got distracted by some noise or critter out the window and, then, as I shifted my attention back to my card, my elbow knocked over my little container of blue brads,
which all had to be immediately picked up because SAS I would step on one in my bare feet, wince, bleep, grasp my knee, lose my balance, hit the back of my pin head on something, lose my conscience, leading me to do something illegal or immoral . . . well, you get the idea.
Doesn't it make you snigger when a well-meaning young person looks at you with a bit of pity and says, "And what do you do all day?" Like it's boring, for heaven's sake! If they only knew the adventures we have just trying to stay upright!
For those of you who might only visit on WOYWW days and have asked, I am reposting a picture of the button shanker tool I mentioned in last week's WOYWW.
I'm delighted to introduce you all to my latest friend, someone many of you know well already! Please welcome Valerie from Canonbury Creations! Valerie is a seasoned card artist and blogger, so you'll be happy you made the time to stop in for a visit with her. Thank you, Val!
I'm trying not to think about the fact that this is the last Wednesday in April already and the next time some of us will meet will be on May Day! Aacckk! May! Time to finish up those baskets and those ATCs!
Here's a little cyber Spring to cheer you on!
Doesn't it make you snigger when a well-meaning young person looks at you with a bit of pity and says, "And what do you do all day?" Like it's boring, for heaven's sake! If they only knew the adventures we have just trying to stay upright!
For those of you who might only visit on WOYWW days and have asked, I am reposting a picture of the button shanker tool I mentioned in last week's WOYWW.
I have no idea where I purchased it, but you can find options when you ask the ever-amazing Mr. Google. Or you can check with Lunch Lady Jan who tells me there is a cream for removing shanks. I'm still chuckling about that a week later! You may find wire snips work just fine for you. All I know is I had a whole container of buttons to deshank, so I found it was worth the few bucksters.
I'm delighted to introduce you all to my latest friend, someone many of you know well already! Please welcome Valerie from Canonbury Creations! Valerie is a seasoned card artist and blogger, so you'll be happy you made the time to stop in for a visit with her. Thank you, Val!
I'm trying not to think about the fact that this is the last Wednesday in April already and the next time some of us will meet will be on May Day! Aacckk! May! Time to finish up those baskets and those ATCs!
Here's a little cyber Spring to cheer you on!
Enjoy your day! No, seriously, enjoy. LITS*!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to leave a comment or join as a follower! Please let me know if you stopped on the WOYWW hop, so I can make sure and return the flavor!

*Life Is Too Short!
As always you do make me chuckle hope you've picked up all those brads by now !!!and having a fab day and even better week.That's a pretty floral card I spy and thanks for your pretty spring flower pic too,until next time hugs Andrea x#55
Hi Darnell, you're my next door neighbour this week so I've hopped in to see you first. And you've made me giggle too - no bad thing in my post viral state :) The button shank remover would be a very handy acquisition. Love the pansy - it's beautiful. We've been getting a few sunny periods here in my Scottish patch but today it's raining - good for the garden :) Have a great WOYWW and an enjoyable week. Elizabeth x #53
We are heading into winter but still have a few pansies in the garden. Darn those little brads really scattered pretty color they are though.
Sandy :) #36
oh dear... but at least you have a floor you can see them on - I have carpet and it's patterned (well it's old is my excuse!) so I'd have no chance... have a creative day, thanks for the smile! Helen, 2
Hee hee you've made me chuckle!!! I am forever knocking, dropping stuff - must be my age - blame everything onto that!!! Have a great day. Anne x #62
It's dropsy week we are all dropping stuff and taking a photo same sort of thing happened to me this week that I had to clear up!!!!
Jackie 15
I always love to look at your desk Darnell, it always looks like there is so much creativity going on - well I guess that's because there is! Shame about the scatter but the colours are pretty for us looking in. The pansy is gorgeous, we are enjoying a host of golden daffodils in our garden today..... Happy Woyww, Big hugs, Annie xx #37
Darnell-I do love to stop by on Wednesdays for a little peep to see what delights you have on your desk :)
Hope you found all those pesky little brads in the end,i had a nasty chalk incident yesterday when the whole caboodle fell off the back of my table...carnage !! Not sure what sort of smushed together coloured cards i shall be making in the near future tee hee !!
Hugs,Nessa xx
If you've got a bad case of the Dropsies, may I suggest stronger elastic??............. :)
Hugs, LLJ 22 xx
Hope you found all those dropped brads, definitely not good to stand on! Pretty flower! Take care Zo xx 82
Drat those pesky brads! deshanker looks good. BJ#31
So much space I love it!
Val x
Oh Darnell you always have a way of cheering me up with your fun posts!
I am still laughing over here at your comment on just concentrating on staying upright all day!! You're the best, Darnell, seriously! I hope you never stop blogging.
oh you do make me smile each time I come over to your blog, you are an amazing person and so funny, love you to bits.
Thought you might like this:
I'm not clumsy, it's just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies and the wall gets in the way!
Happy WOYWW #203 and thank you for sharing your desk with us today
Ria #60
The compassion you expressed is a reminder of your wide open heart. Followed by Giggles and chuckles another humorous post.Your desk looks like your workin' it! You sure do get around. I see your comments every where I go.
Yes I am still laughing over the cream for that too... sometimes small things amuse small minds, mine is small that's for sure.
I did have a giggle over your daily antics, if people only knew sometimes the efforts we go to.
Eliza & Yoda 102
Pam's card is gorgeous! So is the one I received from you, thank you - I have emailed too! May next week! - oh my goodness! I have a 'boy' card to make! They are so hard! I hadn't realised how late in the month it was, thank you xx
Great fun as always when I visit your blog. I hope you managed to find all those little blighters without inflicting too much pain upon yourself. Maybe a few more vodkas and you wouldn't have noticed any pain anyway LOL!
Love the post, still smiling at it. Nothing worse than going into accident prone mode, is there? Everything is out to get you then. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #114
You have brought a smile to my face and a giggle or two today Darnell!
Your post made me laugh so much I had to read it to my 16 year old son - his comment - "I'm guessing you can associate with that?" You're so right - they have NO IDEA!!!!! Have a great week MMx #44
I did the same with some tiny little gems, still picking them up weeks later from deep in the carpet! Love your beautiful flower, so spring like. Thanks! Karen x
Hi Dippy - still giggling at the thought of you on the floor with blue brads in your BTM! The blue ones are the worst you know.....hehe. Must go on a hunt for Lady Jan's cream.........sounds fascinating! BTW your latest follower, Val of Canonbury Creations, is actually my sister........my much OLDER sister you understand!
Karendipity xxx
Had to chuckle at your post - hope you've managed to find all those brads!
"And what do you do all day?"
... honestly, some days I can't remember...sad, but true!
'get anything done today?' is what I usually get. Well, yes. loads but I can't remember what!
Karen #64
Oh, hun, your posts always make me smile! I HAVE to add some advice: when crafting, DO NOT wear a cardigan with loose floppy sleeves or you will knock over your pot of brads/your glitter/your embossing-powder... Frankly, my dear, you'll knock over anything that results in disaster!
I speak from dire experience!!
love, Mags B x
You crack me up! I can so relate - the older I get the clumsier I become. April #119
Hi Darnell, just popping in to check out your blog after visiting Crafty Chris, where she showed us your beautiful Hummingbird card and suggested we pay you a visit. Well
I'm here and have just spent a happy hour perusing your delightful blog.I think I too would be distracted looking out of that window lol.
Happy Art Making
Hugs Lottie #130
Pansies! My fave flower! I'm going to save that pic. ;) aack I've done that ..dumped all the brads on the floor! The girls think it's good fun to swat them around! Isn't that the coolest tool?! It works great at snipping off button shanks. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #98
I am now a follower after my sister Cathy [cathyscardspot.blogspot.com.au] told me how you arent on any DT's but all the DT's follow you cos you are brilliant!! Well I havent delved in too far yet - but I am gonna... Mxx
Thanks for the smile this morning and the peak at your desk.
LOL! I had when I knock over a bin of tiny findings!! Especially brads! OUCH!! That would be a nasty find late if you missed one.
It should be a wonderful Spring day here in Florida...in fact most people would say we are already into summer as it is supposed to be a high of 89...but we know that even hotter temperatures are a coming!
Have a great day!
Anna #97
Wow...love your desk today and what a mess with those brads too. How fun to crawl on the floor looking for those little guys. My brads are named Brad Pitt, makes it easier and a bit more fun to search for them.
Hi there Darnell, nice to visit once more and what a gorgeous flower you finished your posting off with. Thanks for the info on Bloglovin - now I can stop listening to all those folks who tried to convince me I was going to lose everything about my follower friends. Raspberries to them all.
Take care - Hugs, Neet (can't remember about 6) xx
My email addie is on the right hand side of my blog - a pretty little old fashioned girl is there.
Hugs, neet x
OK, now I have a sore stomach, laughing at you lot of deshankers. Cream, all sorts of weird looking and sounding tools? and all that just for a poor defenseless button? The mind boggles, and wanders in all sorts of funny places.
Those brads are a potential death trap, only problem is, once I am on the floor to pick them up, how in heavens name am I going to get up again?
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #17
Oh boy Darnell, that is a pain to have to pick up all those little brads. I once dropped my COLLECTION all in a cropper hopper all over the floor. Hundreds of them, but thankfully my hubby is patient and sat there and put them all in order again..UGH. I am loving your blog and that playhouse of yours! I wouldn't want to leave! Thanks for the kind visit! Winnie
Oh boy Darnell, that is a pain to have to pick up all those little brads. I once dropped my COLLECTION all in a cropper hopper all over the floor. Hundreds of them, but thankfully my hubby is patient and sat there and put them all in order again..UGH. I am loving your blog and that playhouse of yours! I wouldn't want to leave! Thanks for the kind visit! Winnie
This is my first time to your desk, and all I can say is OH MY MY MY. I am so loving your playhouse, it is gorgeous. I just had to snoop around for a minute. You have to be one of the most organized crafters I have ever seen. Thank you for stopping by my desk and becoming a follower. Happy crafting #6
Great post ...fun read ...oh how I hate knocking tiny things on the floor ...I am always promising myself one of those mini hand hoovers they use for picking up nails etc.Thanks for dropping by xx58
Hi Darnell, sorry I am late visiting the playhouse this week. It seems to take me forever to get round the desks just lately. You tickle me with your comments, always a joy to read. I bet you find at least one little critter of a brad under something in a few months time its amazing where things get to when you knock them off a desk. last thing dropped like that was a full tub of small gems - not impressed I needed a vodka by the time I had them all back in the tub. Hugs Mo x
Thank you Darnell for stopping by and visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment :-)! I am relatively new to art journaling, but used to paint and draw a lot when I was in my late teens and very early 20's. I am sorry that I gave it up for marriage and children, thinking that it would take up too much time...silly me!! I am now 52 and finding soooo much satisfaction and it has been a wonderful form of art therapy. I wish that I had been doing art all through the years as I think I would have been a better wife and mother as it is a wonderful way of distressing lol!! You have very handsome grandsons and how wonderful that they love to craft with you! What a wonderful desk/craft area you have, I just love the window over the desk such great view and light! I hope you have a great week too!!
Janene #47
Oooooh lovely pansy pic, and what a nice card to receive!
I am always knocking bits onto the floor, and picking them up epends on
a) how's the back feeling today
b) do I need it right now
c) will it hurt/break if I (or the cat!) step on it
Such decisions can take time, and often need a libation to accompany the decision making process, so your reaction to brad spillage (does't that sound like a good movie star name???) was, IMHO, lightning fast and super organised loL!!
Debs x
Hi Darnell, thanks for stopping by and I have had such a snigger reading your post.
Happy Sunday as it is here now,
Rosie x
Hi Darnell, thanks for stopping by your post was a hoot. Your cyber spring cheer is glorious.
Hi Darnell, Thanks for your visit and also for becoming my fortieth follower! I love what's on your desk and I did laugh at your little accident! Hubby just said "Hmmmm, you'd get on well!" I often send things flying but hope you got all those up - OUCH!!!
I'm signing up as a follower as I can't believe what I've been missing(Been nosying further than your desk!) That hawk looks scary and I love your work especially the ribbon card, Chris136
Our life IS an adventure! I laughed hysterically. My husband laughed hysterically. My teenagers didn't get it.
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