One of the gals at work has had an emergency to do with her mom, so I'm off to help out. I couldn't leave without linking a picture of my desk to share at the famous and fab Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW).
It's prolly too far away to see much, but I had to take a long shot or you wouldn't believe it. In the long shot forefront you can see a card that you'll never see in a short shot because it looks like something I might have found in a cardboard box of keepsakes my mother saved from when I was five years old, cept I didn't never have that kind of mother and even if I had had, we certainly never had room for any cardboard boxes full of keepsakes from seven children. Whaddayou, nuts?
Sorry I digested. The truth is, I was making a card for a challenge using a new embossing technique and that went okay until I tried getting jiggy with washi tape, which I am new at using, and which turned my perfectly good card into a disaster.
Turns out, no one told me some washi tapes don't pull right off. Turns out, they sometimes take part of your card stock with them, so then you put the washi tape back where it was, which is stupid because if you liked it there, you never would have lifted it off and wrecked your card. Then, after that, you put on more washi tape because everyone knows that if you don't like something on your card, putting on more of it will make it better. Then, after that, you start taping up the sides of your card and by now it turns out, it's thirsty work.
Even after all that, you're still not sure this is my desk, are you? Some of you who have been regularly stopping by the Playhouse for the better part of a year might be cocking your ear down to your shoulder, wondering if I photoshopped this picture. That can't possibly be neatfreak Darnell's desk, you cry! Wait. Look there. Yes, it looks ... yes, there's the large vodka ... yes, there's the large dish of chocolates ... yes, and yes, but the mess, oh my word, has she gone insane-er?
(BTW, did you know that you cock your ear over your right or left shoulder depending on whether or not you are right- or left-handed? Uh-huh. Unless you're a cocker spaniel. Hence the name!)
So, yeah, that's my desk. And just so you know it's really me, Mister took my pister:

As much as I love making cards for VD Valentine's Day, I will be cleaning off my desk after work so these hives can go away. I have new admiration for those of you who can master creativity in the midst of chaos. And you also have excellent eyesight. I found that I couldn't, quite litterly, find things that were smack in front of my nose! Nothing to do with the vodka.
Enjoy your day and your WOYWW tour! No, seriously, enjoy your
day. LITS*!
As usual, I'll visit as many WOYWWers as I can, even if it takes me all week, and if you visit me first, I'll be sure and return the flavor! Thank you so much for stopping by to visit the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!
As usual, I'll visit as many WOYWWers as I can, even if it takes me all week, and if you visit me first, I'll be sure and return the flavor! Thank you so much for stopping by to visit the Playhouse. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!
*Life Is Too Short!
No source given for the picture; Mrs. Google had it in her image folder.
I find that the vodka ALWAYS makes MY desk LOOK tidy!
Happy Wednesday - love the desk!
Hi there,
your workdesk is super,
you are fine,
and don't be sad about the washi tape-you learn something new-this is good,
thanks for sharing all things with us.
Be positive!
Enjoy your day too,
Tamara :)
Ah you made me smile!!!
I LOVE your desk and I have LOL'd at your post (and being 52 years old I rarely, if ever, LOL!!!) Vodka in a tumbler is a new one but who am I to judge ... whilst "feeding" the cake on my workdesk this week I was known to swig the sherry straight from the bottle ... just the last drop, you understand ... too much for the cake, too little to go back in the cupboard. At least that's my excuse. Happy WOYWW'ing Darnell ... I do enjoy my visits to your playhouse. D #69 xXx
I recognise that desk. I kinda looks like mine sometimes but only sometimes! Keep drinking the vodka and it will be ok! Me am into Ginger Wine - very bright green but very warming on cold snowy days like today!! Hic!
Love your 'washi tales'. Have a great day Darnell.
Well, if the vodka is in that large blue tumbler then I think it probably is the vodka!! If you think yours is a disaster wait until you see mine and I don't drink alcohol (but I have been known to eat the odd chocolate.......). Thanks for the smile. Hugs, Annie xx #57
PS - hope things worked out OK for your friend.
Who needs the Vodka, just to read post makes me smile and feel happy. Guess you and washi tape have fallen out then. Hugs Mox
Aww come on. Show us the card. ;)
Thank you so much for the heads up on the washi tape I have some but have not used much of it. Oh and I didn't realise we needed a bottle of vodka on our desk to help us work so off to get some now
Ria #92
Great space as always, love to read your post. I'm going to be late visiting people but I'll get round slowly. Take care Zo xx 139
Was it the Washi tape or the Vodka I wonder!!!!! Pesky tape if it doesn't come off and play nicely when it jumps onto your card in the wrong place. A crafter would never put it in the wrong place, it's all the tape's fault!!!!!
Hugs Lisax #60
Oh isn't it annoying when something goes disastrously wrong! But then I save them and stop myself doing it again:) Thanks for the very entertaining post. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #150
Your post made my day! My desk looks a whole lot like yours. :) Thanks for making me smile today!!!
LOL you are fun what a fab post and crafting and vodka sounds likely a deadly combination probably the reason for the poor choice with washi tape I have some it look so pretty and only used the teeniest bit once on a christmas tag ! so braver than me to give it a good go im sure you will crack it ! have fab week and cant wait for your next instalment you've made my night and made me smile. happy WOYWW Andrea #6
Like the washi tape story
Have some but not used it yet so pleased I read your story!!!!!!
Jackie 16
Hope all is ok with your friend
Oh Dippy you've had me dancing in the aisles to find out that our lovely Darnell is NOT such a neat freak .........hehe. I never thought to see your desk looking like that unless you'd been burgled, but then, as you say, we spy the glass of vodka - so it must be hers we cry! I always wondered why I could never find anything in my old craft room but now I know and shall endeavour to follow your lead. Haven't posted a photo for WOYWW as my desk is still looking as pristine as it did last week!!! lol
Karen xxx
I loved your Playhouse before. Now that I know it comes with vodka and chocolates, I ADORE it!!
And I've never figured out how to make washi tape look good on a project. I have a roll that will likely turn into gift-wrapping tape if I don't get the hang of it soon!
Hi Darnell, I love the playhouse, it's my dream come true. Your desk is a hive of creativity and I love the drawer of reddy / orangey ribbons. Happy WOYWW. Cx #84
I think the only thing left to say is CHEERS!
Great post -- i love that your desk is a bit untidy -- mine usually is
I think vodka is a cure-all for nearly everything! And especially when you're in the mood for gittin jiggy wit it! LOL Better luck next time with the washi washi tape! I hear the 3rd time's the charm :)
Hi Darnell, I agree with you regarding admiration for chaos workers, ain't me I'm afraid.
Not playing Woyww this week.
That my friend is a picture of a very loved space..that's all. But, I'm with you. I don't know how people can create in a space that looks like this all the time. Granted, I too sometimes get going and pull out just about everything I have..totally covering my work space. But it doesn't stay that way for very long.
Oh ho! I felt so much more at home (but I know it won't stay this way!) You're right, I nearly couldn't b'lieve that was Darnell's desk. But ...ah, it's wonderful. You're busy, you're creative, and yes, you're funny too! Thanks for joining the rest of us messy folks. I bet you have it all neated up by next Wednesday too! HUGS! also enjoyed the venture into correcting mistakes. Glad I'm not the only one who gets into this kind of fix.
Say it isn't so - that messy desk is actually in the Playhouse. I cannot believe my eyes! But I know what you mean about not being able to find something that is right in front of your face. ;-)
April #110
Yup!! My workspace looks close to that sometimes. Bailey's on ice helps me with 'creativity'. Then I wonder what the heck I was thinking the next day as my oh so beautiful project really doesn't look so wonderful in the bright light of day. Haven't tried washi tape yet, thanks for the heads up on its less than sterling qualities. :)
Hi Darnell
Yep .. .. mine gets like that .. . but usually piled a little higher!! LOL!!!
I also have stuff stored "under" the desk too.
One day I will be super and impeccably organised .. .. ooops .. .. mind that pig!!
Loved your washi tape story.
Have a great day.
Love Jules xx
p.s. Hope your colleagues Mum is OK
Thanks for the tip..I am about to use washi tape for the very first time on some Christmas cards.
I will make sure the vodka stays upstairs...teehee
I might be temped to add a little shot of baileys to my coffee though. It is darned cold here and the basement is of couse a wee bit draftier than the upstairs.
I can't click to enlarge the picture so I can't enjoy the mess in all it's glory...drat!
Is the Cocking ear story true?? I only ask because half the time you seriously make things up!!! LOL I hope it is true cos that made me hoot. I shall never cock an ear again without you popping into my thoughts :)
I had a fabric version of your jiggly washi disaster...had sewn down the binding all along one side of the quilt and was mighty pleased with myself. Turned it over and all the fabric on the reverse side had puckered. Doh!!!!! Curse, mutter...the air was blue...swearing in Welsh (which sounds like battle cries, let me tell you) and sat down and unpicked the whole lot. Ah well, the threads of existence get tangled sometimes.... Grin!!
Hugs, LLJ 37 xxxx
Nooo Darnell-that can't possibly be YOUR desk !!(did you get robbed!)tee hee !!
You made me laugh with your description of the poor failed card-Washi tape is something i have yet to try(might just give it a wide berth now though !)hugs,Nessa :) xx
Your post made me laugh Darnell! Glad to see I am not the only messy crafter!
Happy Belated WOYWW. Thanks for making me chuckle this morning. I was shocked when I saw your desk, but I bet it is neat and tidy again already. My medication makes me crazy anyway, so vodka would not be a good idea, but the chocolates would! Ali x #93
Well just look at that desk, goes to show that you are human after all! Well, sometimes, tee hee! Or perhaps it's the vodka and chocolates making your room messy, bet you can't remember it anyway. Hope you colleagues mum is ok and you don't have to work again. I love the look of home made sweaters but I knit small projects for a reason!
Well it looks like you been very busy at your desk Darnell.
Not sure if the Vodka would help or hinder me while I’m crafting, I’m more a Hot Chocolate or Coffee girl myself.
Hope your friends mum is ok.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 111
It's good to see that you can hide things from yourself in plain sight too!
Ha ~ love your desk today ~ if it were a little messier, it would look just like mine ;) (which is why I don't post mine ever)!
Darnell, your desk, even like this, just doesn't look messy to me!!!
Happy WOYWW!
:)trisha #164 this week
and a little late!
Your desk looks great! I can work in a bit of a mess maybe quite a mess. But I am never happy until it is all cleaned up, then I make a new mess. You know the routine.
Nothing wrong with that desk. I do tend to leave the vodka downstairs until I have finished crafting, but each to their own! Couldn't spot any chocolates, but you have to keep yourself going. Hope your friend's mum is ok. Sorry it is Friday, I hope to get round to everyone today.
Aw, I can't get the picture to blow up large enough to see your cocked up card! And I really wanted to see it too! lol Mostly because I can't imagine you messing up a card but also because I'm guessing a good bit of that mess came from making that card, which makes it histrionic in my book! Well, it is nice to see you are human(never truly doubted it, I mean a machine could never be as funny as you are!) and can make a mess, though I know what you mean about losing things right in front of you! That's when I know the mess has left creative in the dust and gone straight for all-out apocalyptic. lol :) Thanks for sharing that and I hope you've found a way to salvage your card. Deeyll #161
Do you hear me ROFL? Still? First, glad YOU busted the washi myth. Nuff said. Then, the vodka. Of course that's what I figured was in the super sized cup. And my explosive laughter at the cocker spaniel, brought DD running in to see what was the matter with me. Hope your hives have gone away. FYI, DON'T come visit me...least not my craft room.
Oh my goodness, that could be my desk! The corner, the window ledge, even the phone! And that's what my desk looks like after making one card. BTW, you are hilarious! Adding you to my Google Reader right now!
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