I'm sure all of you in America have gone, or are going, to the polls or mailed in your ballot and I thank you for doing that. I went out to dinner recently with a group of friends and a few, quite a few actually, came from the Undecided family over on East 4th Street. We had Amby Q. Etty, twins Dissap Ointment and Dissal Ution, and taking up an entire booth in the back, Hope and her third husband, Point Less.
Cousin Gottie B. Kidding stood up and quietly blasted everyone there, reminding them how meaningful our constitutional right to vote has been in this country from the very first presidential election in 1789. She also reminded everyone that if they don't vote, they can NOT ever, no matter what, or when, or however things unfold in this country, bitch about it.
Well, that certainly got everyone to sit up straight. There are a lot of highbrow reasons for voting, but let's face it, being able to subsequently complain about the next four years is as good as any!
I tried to make a card last night unrelated to the election. I worked on it for 2 1/2 hours and binned it. It happens. Today is a new day. I love that about days. For your viewing pleasure, I give you a card I made in 2010.
Go Red, White, and Blue!
Enjoy your day! I must dash off to work. As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Great card. Canadians are apathetic voters...we get such low numbers at the polls...I think i will take the American cardmakers leads and make a Canadian card next election day here!!!
Go red white and blue! You are so right about the don't bitch if you don't vote!!
All the best for the result!
Was A.P Thetic there, too?
I voted. It was one of the longest lines I've seen in a while but I think it's the computer scanning of driver's licenses that held things up. We don't want to let old Dee Fraud in.
Was that me yelling about if you don't vote you can't bitch? I thought I'd been taking my meds!
Reminds me of being at school - you get a sticker for doing good work! xx
Hope you all get the result that you wanted! They say it is so close it may take weeks to decide. Well that's politics for you! Crafty hugs, Anne x
My husband was a Can't b bothered to vote man until we got married now I drag him there !!only way to change/agree with the policies is to use your vote (Can see I am a bit of a sufferagette!)x
Love your card and your story and that you guys seem to be getting stickers or buttons for voting today (which I agree is important). Two thoughts on that 1) isn't that how we motivate kindergarten kids? 2) it appears to be working! lol! What does this say about the (American) voting public? And would it work as well in other countries? PS - last night I heard that the US election costs $18 per person, the Canadian one cost $8 and the UK one cost $0.80 (I bet they don't get nice stickers! lol!)
Couldn't believe the queues I was seeing on TV today - it's brilliant the number of voters waiting in line. After all our suffrogettes went through you'd think our lot would be queueing up as well when the time comes but oh no......think we should take a leaf out of Australia's book and make it mandatory to vote - that way we can all have a legitimate moan! Will be watching with great interest the outcome......
Karen xxx
A. P. Thetic is alive and well and residing in the UK. I'm not surprised it only costs $0.80 per person here. Somehow I don't think a sticker would entice the slackers out, especially if it's raining - and definitely not if there's a hurricane! And you've no chance if Coronation Street's on the telly (yes it is still going, unfortunately). In the old days (!) the Labour Party candidates used to drive voters round to the polling stations to ensure they got their vote.
Maybe Australia's got it right - you get fined if you don't vote. Now, that's a democracy for you!
Yay for voting! We in Australia have a mandatory voting system, and we get fined if we don't vote. Still, there are people who enter a "donkey" vote where they make no choice. I'm with you, Darnell, if you don't vote, you can't complain!
I love this card. The texture and patterns are awesome...and I like the sentiment's font too :)
As for binning cards...I do it...a lot! Frustrating but part of the creative process I guess :)
We are watching your election results unfold as I type this - it is a close one! Here in Canada, demographics are a huge factor in voter turnout. Generally, employment status seems to be key. Love your 2010 card - especially the navy fabric/paper/cord...please do tell what this awesome piece of decorativeness is!
Fun card ~ Expecting long lines I went and voted early.
Love your red white and blue card ! You bet I voted… may I complain now!!!
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