Hey Hoe Dearies!
Lots of rakes seeing action this time of year, not so many hoes. I'm still slaving at the gin mill (oh, would that that were true), so for today's WOYWW, I have a simple Show and Tell.
First, appropopo, is my desk,
where love has been received of late.
My sister, Diana, who (hoom?) you have previously met through that window, wrote a little book called "Darnellisms." It should have been called "Dianaisms" because it contains her own very clever way with words! How about that; it must runneth in the family! Diana is also an accomplished photo grapher,
and put together, she's made an adorable little book! Thank you, Sis!
After I admired it, my online friend, Virginia, sent me that beautiful pink butterfly card she made for Breast Cancer Awareness month, along with the lovely tag! She sent me loads of stickers, too, which were off to the side and which will be put to good use! Thank you, Virginia!
My online friend, Annie, sent me (in delightful British tissue paper) the gorgeous blue butterfly card and mouth-gaping wall hanging (below) after I admired it. Remember I gave Jerry my dried flower framed art and then I was left with an empty space on the wall? Well, Annie's Art has filled it stunningly! You see how that worked out?
I wish you could feel it. It is so tactile and so lushable in person! Thank you, Annie!
I sent out some love, too, by way of a surprise card to my online friend Di. She's received it, so I can post it. I think she's amazing and she loves pink! (I love the silver embossed elephant with that embossing folder background that looks so perfect with it.)
I sent out some love, too, by way of a surprise card to my online friend Di. She's received it, so I can post it. I think she's amazing and she loves pink! (I love the silver embossed elephant with that embossing folder background that looks so perfect with it.)
I think we all appreciate how the World Wide Cobweb provides us with the opportunity to befriend each other and show off our work, but we still haven't forgotten how much fun it is to use the old-fashioned postal service, have we? There's nothing like email in your Inbox and there's nothing like touchable mail in your mailbox!
We've had a flurry of activity at the front door of the Playhouse this week! My goodness, I am so smack-walloped!! Please make room and help me welcome Michelle from My Passion for Crafting, Mara from Love Your Mother, Jenny from Crafting in the Country, and Claire from My Life on the Scrap Heap. Thank you so much ladies! You all have such great talent and it's wonderful to have you along for the journey!
Since my brain cells are beingdestroyed deployed in the service of my employer, I thought you might enjoy this amusing excerpt which I did not write, but which I can relate to ~ and I'll bet a lot of you can relate to it as well!!
Since my brain cells are being
Eyes Wide Open
Marriage changes passion. . . .
This is not 1973, I remind myself . . . this is not my sister lying next to me in the same bed, hogging all the blankets, breathing on me and periodically slamming her leg against the mattress so hard the entire bed shakes. No, this is my husband. The man that I love, the man that I voluntarily chose to spend the next one hundred years sleeping beside, which right now, at three in the morning, seems like a very bad choice, but what did I know? Who can predict these things? He slept like a dead person (and so did I) until our early thirties, at which point I stopped sleeping and he started driving his pigs to market in the middle of the night.
This is not 1973, I remind myself . . . this is not my sister lying next to me in the same bed, hogging all the blankets, breathing on me and periodically slamming her leg against the mattress so hard the entire bed shakes. No, this is my husband. The man that I love, the man that I voluntarily chose to spend the next one hundred years sleeping beside, which right now, at three in the morning, seems like a very bad choice, but what did I know? Who can predict these things? He slept like a dead person (and so did I) until our early thirties, at which point I stopped sleeping and he started driving his pigs to market in the middle of the night.
~Paraphrased from The Slippery Year: A Meditation on Happily Ever After by Melanie Gideon
Okay, I'll be honest. In all fairness to the Mister, I have also driven my share of pigs to market in the middle of the night. But only during a blue moon, you understand.
Enjoy the days and nights of your life, snoring and all, and enjoy the WOYWW train ride through Blogland! I hope you'll click HERE to join our delightful hostess Ms. Julia and her What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday hit parade!
As always, thank you for stopping by and leaving me some love. You know I'll return the flavor, even if it takes me all week!
Enjoy the days and nights of your life, snoring and all, and enjoy the WOYWW train ride through Blogland! I hope you'll click HERE to join our delightful hostess Ms. Julia and her What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday hit parade!
As always, thank you for stopping by and leaving me some love. You know I'll return the flavor, even if it takes me all week!

Some great happy mail and a light and airy space , happy woyww trace x 46
Another wonderful post from you Darnell, you are so funny, in a very nice way! Love the book from your friend, so glad you have been immortalised....... Wow, I am honoured to be on your wall - how very cool is that - thank you!! I am not joining in today, going away and will not be able to 'to do the rounds'. Will catch up when I return. Have fun! Crafty hugs, Anne x
You always write such a tale that makes me smile! Take care Zo xx 71
lol ... you have made my day just about to go to work but had a little hop first that brought me here to you.. thanks for sharing your week with us,your sisters photos look fab ad such a tidy workspace too. I too am related to the night time a pig so can sympathise..my husband has tried all sorts in search of a cure for my aliment !!!..I end up on the sofa AKA the pig pen have a good week ...x #99
Enjoy your gifts
Firstly I am so jealous of your wonderfully tidy and clear desk!!! With much nagging from you I have now posted a photo of mine with WOYWW......... not a pretty site for neat freaks!!! lol Talent must run in your family - love the look of the Darnalisms book that your sister has made. Don't you think crafters are the nicest people? So generous and willing to share - what lovely gifts you've received this week. Makes you glad to be a crafter. I've also got problems with my snoring hubby.......he's also 6'4" and likes to sleep diagonally!!!!
Karen xxx
Smack-walloped...I'll have to remember that one. Another delightful post, giggles and chuckles are effervescent. bubbling up with amusement. You're reeling in admiring members with your wit and humor. "Darnellisms" is a beautiful work of art and a sister's proud offering. Enjoy.
I knew you should write a book and you have ! Sort of ! The gifts are great, it is nice to receive 'real' cards/tag in the mail and especially hand-crafted ones ! Love the elephant card ! Have a great day, Shirleyx
I've read your post twice and I've figured out the "pigs" but not the "pinochle"!! I love pinochle but haven't played in 20 years. It was a family game but I married a man and into a family that does not enjoy cards. (Bad choices!)
Oh Darnell you make me laugh, of course is a good way. Enjoyed your post thoroughly as usual. Thanks for sharing a a peek into your week!
I think the book should have been called Darnellisms Volume 1. Surely there are more to come! lol!
Intimately acquainted with the pigs! Love him anyways. Lovely cards and projects from you friends. I still love to send out cards. I have challenged myself to send out at least one thing to someone each week. I am holding to it! It is so nice to brighten someone's day.
PS: Your Stamping Pad is amazing!!!
Karen 129
What a lot of lovely love and talent amassed on your desk - a very happy WOYWW by the look of things!
Alison x
What a lot of lovely love and talent amassed on your desk - a very happy WOYWW by the look of things!
Alison x
As entertaining as ever Darnell. Di will love that ellie card I'm sure.
Well that was a fine post, Darnell, what a lot of fun things! Some good advice, too!
#137 this week
Enjoyed your post so much. My DH has some wierd mid-night movements too. I've been kicked,and even had an elbow land on my nose!!!
But I still have him!
Krisha #40
What fabulous gifts you have! the wall hanging is gorgeous and what a talented sister you have too. I like proper post, except when its a bill! Your elephant cards is fab! xx
Darnell ... thank you so much for your lovely comments! I've so enjoyed seeing your creations and gifts, and reading through your life's musings ... the smile just stays put and the laughing out loud keeps sneaking up on me without notice :) Now some techie q's about blog following ... I've done a follow on your blog via mine ... do you get notified or do I need to do it on yours too? I've put a 'follow' widget on my blog (after I read your last comment - thank you, so generous :) ... at least I followed the guide on how to do it so I hope so! There's already a follower ... I think it's me but I haven't figured out how to find out yet! Happy Crafting! Anita in France
We play a lot of cards in my family but I've never played Pinochle! That's a gap in my life that needs to be filled.
You delight in the English language - I love words too, like to play with them...and why is it considered uppity if you prefer to use interesting words??
Hugs, LLJ #66 xx
That fall tag is so lovely, and I saw that card that Virginia posted on her blog, what nice treats you got. Have a great week! barb
Oh I can so relate to your little story Darnell. It describes me and hubby to a tee;-)
Love your wall hanging and Di is bound to love her card.
Lynne xxx
...lots of rakes, not so many hoes...you crack me up! Odd thing, that little flappy thingy at the back of our throats...makes us sing like a canary...or porcine...
lovely gifts to treasure
have a super woyww
kay #57
What a fun blog post! Had to laugh at the last part, I'm sure I drive the pigs to market all the time, luckily I sleep alone so I can toss and turn all I want and "hog" the whole bed! Would love to know some of the Darnell-isms from your book! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
great post with the Darnellisms and the look at all the awesome gifts etc. Interesting about the hog in the bed and the snoring. I have problems sleeping when Chuck isn't here but worse when he is...what's up with that! Hope you have a crafty week! Vickie #91
Love your space and all your lovely gifts - so funny the hog in bed have a great week thanks for sharing ~ Nicky ~53
As always a fun filled post! Yes we all love our real
“ happy mail” The books from your sister is a great gift! I love the way you think. I also knew you would find it a bit funny when I said I had to take the photo of my card on the diving board. I say it's a true blessing to sleep through the night, and even a bigger blessing to have the man we chose to love, next to us.
Hi Darnell
What a wonderful post.
I had to laugh at your "taking pigs to market" comment.
I always tell my "better half" that he does farmyard impressions too (and he has the cheek to say that I do them too sometimes LOL!!).
Hope you are having a good week.
Love Jules xx
I definitely agree with the love out, love in statement, it's amazing to get such happy mail from people all over the world, incredible random acts of kindness really. That tag from Annie is amazing and I bet Di was so thrilled to receive that lovely card. Pigs to market eh? Perhaps that's why I've slept so well this last month, no one in bed beside me doing farmyard animal impressions!!
Brenda 3
So tidy today and so many wonderful gifts!
I think you also have a wonderful way with words, book looks good from here. Love the mail you have received, it is amazing how things move in and out of our lives, changes happen for a reason, gifts given and received with love, kindness is always returned.
Have a great week crafting
Hugs Eliza 88
Love the wall hanging you received so pretty. What a great cook love the turtle pic. Your elephant card is so pretty. I am late I know but I am only just getting around been out hunting down wood for our fire for next year so busy stacking and cutting. Sandy :)
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