Good Morning Kids! Happy Friday!
Don't tell my boss, but I was a very bad girl and stayed up too late last night making an UBERCAS card and writing my product review below. I'm wearing two heads now, working and carding, and I'll be honest, it feels funny on my neck.
My "need" to play led me to this week's ColourQ Challenge:
What perfect Halloween colors for more Halloween card fun with Halloween still down the road apiece, but I went in a different directory with the colors to hook up with the theme cue card this week at another fave: CASology. This is week #15 and the cue word is NIGHT.
Besides the stars and the moon, which are the very best artistic things about the night, what popped in my head was a lone wolf howling at the moon:
I waited until this morning to post this so I could take a quick picture of the card in the sun, but it's time I trundled off to work and Mr. Sun hasn't yet come out from behind the clouds, so this will just have to do.
I hope you get a chance to join in the challenges and satisfy your need to play!
That's the end of card talk, but before we get to today's story, please do celebrate with me the addition of two new followers! Everyone please welcome Suzanne of Tales From My Craft Room and Zeffy of I Am Zeffy and I Love 2 Scrap! Please give these talented crafters a visit when you can and thank you, ladies, for joining the party!!
So, okay, speaking of the night.
I've been a side sleeper my whole long life, and only on my right side. We all have our "way" of falling off to sleep and that's my way. The last couple of years, however, my knee points are wearing down, and I've developed the very annoying habit of turning onto my stomach at some point around dawn o'clock.
So now when I wake up I find myself face down in my pillow, with my arms under me, crossed at the wrist. Think of a body in coffin. Turn it over. How dopey is that? Both of my hands and my fourarms are completely numb. My face is bloated and wrinkled. (How I manage to breath in that position is a good question and I've been asked to be part of a Stanford study on Involuntarily Smothering Oneself.)
Don't tell my boss, but I was a very bad girl and stayed up too late last night making an UBERCAS card and writing my product review below. I'm wearing two heads now, working and carding, and I'll be honest, it feels funny on my neck.
My "need" to play led me to this week's ColourQ Challenge:
That is one tipsy-lookin' owl!
What perfect Halloween colors for more Halloween card fun with Halloween still down the road apiece, but I went in a different directory with the colors to hook up with the theme cue card this week at another fave: CASology. This is week #15 and the cue word is NIGHT.
Besides the stars and the moon, which are the very best artistic things about the night, what popped in my head was a lone wolf howling at the moon:
I waited until this morning to post this so I could take a quick picture of the card in the sun, but it's time I trundled off to work and Mr. Sun hasn't yet come out from behind the clouds, so this will just have to do.
I hope you get a chance to join in the challenges and satisfy your need to play!
That's the end of card talk, but before we get to today's story, please do celebrate with me the addition of two new followers! Everyone please welcome Suzanne of Tales From My Craft Room and Zeffy of I Am Zeffy and I Love 2 Scrap! Please give these talented crafters a visit when you can and thank you, ladies, for joining the party!!
So, okay, speaking of the night.
I've been a side sleeper my whole long life, and only on my right side. We all have our "way" of falling off to sleep and that's my way. The last couple of years, however, my knee points are wearing down, and I've developed the very annoying habit of turning onto my stomach at some point around dawn o'clock.
So now when I wake up I find myself face down in my pillow, with my arms under me, crossed at the wrist. Think of a body in coffin. Turn it over. How dopey is that? Both of my hands and my fourarms are completely numb. My face is bloated and wrinkled. (How I manage to breath in that position is a good question and I've been asked to be part of a Stanford study on Involuntarily Smothering Oneself.)
I keep throwing my back out and it keeps coming home, but each time it seems to stay out longer and longer. And I seem to be getting klutzier and klutzier. No sooner did I get over a recent bad spell, but I missed the step going down to the garage and wrenched the shebang all over again. The same damn step that's been there, in the same damn spot, for the last 36 years! And, no, your Honors, I had not been drinking.
I have Fibromyagony. It's a silent killer of sunny dispositions, but if you fall down often enough and throw your back out, it takes your mind off it.
Put them all together and one day you discover online that some genius has designed a Total Body Pillow (TBP)!! What??!!
Put them all together and one day you discover online that some genius has designed a Total Body Pillow (TBP)!! What??!!
(I used the company website picture, because of obvious issues I would have from being stalked by handsome men day in and day out if I used a picture of meself in my jams and jellies.)
I think everyone is familiar with the "boyfriend pillow," which is a long bolster pillow you hug to help with back issues. This TBP pillow was originally designed to help Fibro sufferers and you might could say it is a "Siamese boyfriend pillow" what with a bolster to hug and a bolster to spoon. It covers all the bases. Oh, hahaha, I didn't even realize for a second what I said. Remember "bases" from school days? But I digress.
I ordered one. It seamingly was made just for me and I thought it would improve the quality of my life in more ways than one. Not to mention my face. It's puffy and wrinkled enough from the wear and tear of life (and Snickers), thank you very much. It certainly doesn't need to be regularly smooshed into a pillow. I'm thinking with this new contramption, I can break that offensive and life-threatening habit.
The Mister was very encouraging and pleased that something might help me sleep better, even though it seemed designed to have the opposite affect on the quality of his life. What a sweetie.
Still, it was a bit larger than we expected! When the box was cut open and the TBP popped out like a jack-in-the-box, Mister raised an eyebrow and said, sardonically:
"Are the four of us going to be able to fit in the bed?"
He forgot about Mr. Froggie. Here are Froggie, Fric, and Frac:
The first night was no fun, I won't lie. I woke up with a headache. I may be too old for this sort of thing. Mister said I was flailing around a lot and at one point I said out loud, in my sleep, "Did you keep the box?!"
We both agreed I should give it a week to be fair. The second night was no problem at all. The third night was so-so, the fourth night was a total wrestling nightmare. I woke up to find Mister on the floor with his little pillow. Oops.
Just kidding about the Mister, but not about the sleep experience with the Siamese Boyfriend Pillow. That sucker is ridiculously huge and I can't give it a week! It's going back. I am going to see if there is a smaller one made in this style 'cause I do like the concept. Even though we fought a lot, I never once tried to smoother myself!
Smoother myself? Ladies, I'd be a bazillionnaire if I designed a pillow that would smoother us, wouldn't I?

Paper: SU! white, pear pizzaz
Stamp: Nature Silhouettes
Ink: SU! black, tangerine tango,
and only orange
Nesties circle, cotton balls
Nesties circle, cotton balls
SU! Simply Scored
Corner Chomper
First: LOVED the card! I'm likin' these backgrounds with the silhouette superimposed on them. Saw a western motif, must try this technique. Second: I laughed, I cried, I felt your pain, reading your nightly adventures. I sure hope you can find something to help you get a good night's sleep. Can't be fun (although YOU kept your sense of humor and ability to share the situation with amusing tales about it). Not getting a good night's rest can't help but affect the disposition. I have a friend who suffers from Fibro...and it is not a fun thing. So good luck in searching..who knows...perhaps YOU can develop something that would help others with the same problem. THEN you can just sit back, craft all day, sleep all night. Many hugs, and TFS ..both a lovely card and your night's adventures! Sympathy to the Mr. We deal with same things at our house too. Is why I stay up long hrs at night, and my Mr. goes to bed early!!! LOL
Thanks for putting that reminder pic of your card at the end of your post - I was so busy snorting into my G&T I had forgotten about it (as you had suspected I would).
I don't think I could cope with a Siamese Boyfriend Pillow, I'd feel trapped!
Love the card (very CAS), and Mr Froggie!
Oh, you are too funny...but you hit a nerve here. Before surgery adn when i could still sleeep in a bed, I had been sleeping with a zillion pillows.
A special one that my neck was used to and I daren't change for fear of never being comfortable again. It went with me everytwhere!
A firm one for between my knees (to help my back pain. A really soft one to fit under my left armpit to help with a torn rotator cuff problem that would flare up the moment you forgot that pillow! Aform one to wort of cradle my left arm to take pressure off the rotator cuff and lastly a soft illow to place under my right shoulder so i didn't roll onto my back and snore.
Couple that with poor DH and his reflux problems. He needs about 4 form and 4 soft to prop himsleg up in bed...
hahahahaha We were a pair! It would always amaze us when people came to stay at the lake and arrive with ionly their toiletries and special pillow, no extra pillows. Zipolla!!!
We have about 4 good pillows on the double bed in the bunkie and 3 on the top twin bunk. Add in a couple of down throw pillow for when it is folded up into a futon. I would chuckle when I saw all the pillow but 2 thrown up onto the top bunk...cast asideor cast atop...and 2 of the thinnestpillows on the double bed!
I always thought we were the only pillow addicts!
I really enjoyed your post.
I think you need a king sized bed! Then you can have your pillows and still get errr, emmm, friendly!
OMG Darnell I have been laughing my but off for about 20 minutes after reading this post! You are such a a funny funny lady and I so sympathize with your back, numbness and sleeping issues. I am also a side sleeper and I have MS. Due to neuropathic pain and pain meds that wear off during the night when I wake, whenever it is, I can't sleep anywhere but on my back until my 'extra' pain meds kick in (usually an hour). The excruciating pain when I curl on my side I have to wait and I am unable to sleep on my back. I so so get you, please ask Mister to check on you when sleeping on your face to make sure you are ok. :)
Back to your card. This is such a fantastic CAS card. Love the moon you created. Thank you so much for joining us this week at the colourQ!
You know, I don't come here anymore to see the cards, as beautiful as they are they're definitely secondary to your hilarious life!! What I like is how you make a joke out of a bad situation (your back, Fibromylgia etc), and turn your pain into laughter. I was born with an almost straight spine, I can throw my back out just by sneezing, so I know how much that hurts. I can also throw my back out by laughing too much, especially those big belly laffs! So you've got to stop this torment!! And I'd rather see a piccy of you in your jimjams cuddling that pillow than that model, oh go please, before you send it back!!
You've got a lot of reading to do Darnell, so I'll be brief..You're a hoot and the card is a howl.
Love the card and your nightly adventures sound a lot like ours! I have sleep apnea, so I sleep with a machine blowing air up my nose so that I don't quit breathing at night and forget to start back up again....and hubby is on oxygen...We are quite the pair around here! It's not unusual for us each to get up 2 or 3 times ever night....and it can be really exhausting!
LOVE your card...Think I'll head on out back and howl at those darn squirrels that are making havoc of my backyard!
OMG Dippy - can you please stop as I'm in serious danger of making a complete fool of myself and may just get locked up! Firstly just loved your wolf howlung at the moon......well it's better than howling at you eh? Now to the matter in point......we have body pillows over here but I suppose you being in the USA had to go one better and have a double body pillow! Did you and mister not think of sharing? My mind is in awe at the picture that conjures up! lol Think your pillow has been fed steroids to get to that size.......but you need to send it back before mister divorces you and your double legged body pillow. Just love your description of Fibromyagony.......and I'm going to steal that for my own personal use........can you think up another for Lupus as well please (at least I know you know what I'm talking about..........people here in the UK don't as it's not at all well known).Think mister deserves a medal.....or perhaps you could get him his own TBP....he might just get to love it!
Karendipity xxx
LOL, if the four of you are going to continue sleeping together...I think you need a bigger bed! (Or is that five of you with Froggie?) Hope you are able to get a decent night's sleep soon! Love the silhouette on your card! Have a great weekend.
Oh Darnell, you do make me smile (well laugh actually!). I love your story (but not your pain, with which I truly sympathise), I still think you do write a book, or a column at least, you are so good. Now, being serious, my Mum used to sew a little compartment in my Brother's PJ's, front and back and stuff them with a couple of tennis balls. He snored terribly on his back and had trouble breathing on his front. To this day he still sleeps only on his side (it could be because he was a sailor for 35 years though) but might be worth a try - a lot cheaper alternative too. Sleep well tonight....Crafty hugs, Anne x
Sorry, forgot to say, I love that card, tis fabulous! A x
Love the dramatic moon on your wolf card - very clever take on the night! Hope you can get some good sleep soon - it's so important!
Your wolf card is fab. Can sympathise with your sleeping. I don't sleep good so don't generally try going to bed until at least 4.30am.That pillow looks a good idea but I think hubby would divorce me If I tried putting it in the bed with us. We only have a small double. Hubby also sufers from Rems sleep disorder so when I do manage to sleep I get wacked awake by him having vivid dreams of attacking people. The fun and games we all have just to get a good nights rest. Hugs Mrs A.
Who needs books when I can come here and entertain myself by reading your hilarious stories! LOL Girl, you're too funny, and I always leave here chuckling and grinning :)
Great card too! I love the interpretation of the challenge!
I love your card Darnell and your story had me laughing and sympathising with you - I do hope you find something that helps - hugs x x
OH my gosh Darnell ! You are SO funny ! I have tears rolling down my face I'm laughing so hard. Your story kept getting funnier. All the photos give it a great visual, especially with the little froggy included :) My husband asked what I'm laughing at ! That pillow is honking huge!
Thanks for reminding us that you posted a card at the start.. it's great ! Love the idea of the wolf howling at the moon.... maybe he would like the pillow ?
Have a great weekend ! Shirley xx ps...I keep saying this... you should write a book ! I promise to be first in line to buy it.
first off.. your card is fab darnell! the stamping and the sponging are A-MA-ZING!! second... i'm so sorry that you are having problems sleeping and sorry that the pillow thingy didn't work out for you. i hope that you can find something that does!
I about put my back out of whack laughing about your sleep escapades, Darnell! I have the fibro too. I'll be waiting to hear if you find a smaller version. It does look like a good idea in theory! Obviously the inventor sleeps alone! I love that orange moon with the wolf silhouetted. He's howling with laughter. Good medicine!
Fun card, Darnell, love the thinking out of the box! You know I love your stories, but I really want to go to bed, so I will have to come back to read all about the sleeping habits, but I love the frog! Thanks for sharing your card with us this week at the colourQ.
Oh my goodness Darnell, you've gone and opened up a can of sleeping worms here. I too have a sleeping problem - restless leg syndrome - I do take medication which works but it gives me very vivid dreams - last night it was lions, fish and death! Thank you for creating such a wonderful blog - and you're card's a howler! xx
great card! i hope your back is feeling better!! thanks so much for joining us at the ColourQ!!!
OMG ~ first, I LOVE this card. What a very creative take on the two challenges. The sponging is fantastic!!! I also have fibromyagony and what seems to work for me is three pillows. I also sleep on my side and use one for my head, one for my arm to hug, and one for my leg to keep a good angle for my lower back. This should give you enough room for Mister and froggie (and maybe even one more). My three pillows are probably like half of the TBP, but you have more control over them. I also find that if I do turn in my sleep, the shift in the pillows wakes me up, and then I can position myself more ergonomically correct. (I can just hear your mind working on this word :) Ha!) Just a suggestion ~ wishing you some better days and nights.
Oh goodness I am laughing so much I am crying! You are so good with words you should get published! I sympathise though - sleep and pain are not a good combo! I hope the smaller pillow thingyjingy helps. I love the card - that wolf stamp is fabulous. You take care and thank you for bringing laughter to my day! xx
Totally snorted my drink out of my nose. I have got to remember to keep beverages at a distance when I'm reading your posts. Mr. Froggie looks pretty happy with Pillow Kong so maybe you should keep it for him...
As for the card - it's gorgeous! Love the sponged moon, the touch of green and anything with a member of the canis family immediately has my heart!
YOU CRACK ME UP!!! LOL--I can relate to the sleeping issues. I don't know how my DH would deal with a body pillow...interesting idea! ;) This card is fabulous--I LOVE the CAS layout and the colors are so vibrant and stunning--well done! :)
As soon as I saw your pillow (with the model in there to save you from stalkers) I thought, "I must have one!" Hubby nixed it straight off because, yeah, no room for him. It looks too tall, I don't mean from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed, I mean too tall off the bed (too high?). I'm a side sleeper too as a car accident/neck injury ruined my neck rotation ability so I can stomach sleep and turn my head to the side (but I admit I haven't tried the self smothering method) and I can't sleep on my back because my tongue slides back and cuts off my breathing. I suspect the body is poorly designed. Oh, an my sides, I've worn them out. I have a bum hip on the right side and the left side just gets tired of it all. Love the crisp clean card!
Brilliant card Darnell, using a wolf image is so original for Halloween.
Sorry to hear your pillow was no good and hope you find something soon that works for you.
Great card and perfect for upcoming holiday. I don't have sleep issues (yet) but I am definately interested in the smoothing pillow. I think when you are not sleeping it would be wise of you to work on that design. Could you possibly include a lift device into it as well for my sagging lady parts. Please let me know when it is available. I would be happy to test it for you.
oh my, I had to chuckle about your pillow experience! I always wondered what they were I know! Hope you find something else that can help you out! I am a side sleeper too and we have a sleep number bed, but I am still having back issues. Sigh. Well, anyway, your card is super CAS and super terrific! So glad you were able to play with the CQC colors this week!
That's a splendid 'night' card and something I never thought of doing. But, by reading your post, I can tell you are very quick on your feet and have great ideas.
I loved reading your post and getting my laugh for the day. Now, don't smother yourself, o.k.? And, thanks for the sympathy concerning my seasonal allergies. Doctor visited, medicine brought home, and now wait and see what happens.
Catching up on your blog, Darnell, and this post had me laughing out loud. Love it, and the card, too! :) ann
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