I am racing in here today, screeching to a halt in front of the Dynamic Duos color challenge which is Always Artichoke and Certainly Celery (DD#21). I think that makes me Flushed Fig.
Just to make it more challenging for myself, I molded my card around this week's Less Is More challenge, which is "Recipe." The delightful duo of Mandi and Chrissie are cutting us loose this week and allowing us to make whatever treat we want with a whole kitchen's worth of inspirational challenge ideas! Go there.
After yesterday's creation, which truly was fun, I crawled firmly back into my zone of comfort and made this:
#13 ~ Congrats or Thank You
#32 ~ Seeing Double
#55 ~ Punches or Die Cuts
I want to thank all the mighty fine and talented ladies at these two challenge sites! They work very hard to keep us interested and inspired and we should all take a minute to give them a round of applause. Oh gosh, that was quite resounding and I'm positive they heard us!
End of card. TFL!
It was past time to clean the area rug in the Heart of the Home, so with my dicey back, I asked Mister to move the chairs out of the way and into another room. You know how sometimes, even with a dicey back, in hindsight you wish you'd taken the risk and done it yourself?
Being a guy, apparently Mister thought I was asking him to ward off the approaching Enemies of the State. He grabbed hold and hoisted that easy chair chest-high and marched straight forward for all he was worth. Straight into the door frame. He bounced off the offending door frame with a plumb, but he took out a big chunk of it in the process. Not the plumb, the door frame. Right there in the Heart of the Home where it was as noticeable as a ho in church. By gum, that door frame surrendered.
"Tut, tut," Mister soothed, dropping the chair and backing up with his hands in front of him as I advanced with widened eyes and gaping mouth. "I'll get the paint," I heard, as he flew through the door to the garage. Wise man knoweth I sometimes still take a drag off the menopause pipe when I'm greatly alarmed. It's not pretty.
Wise man also knoweth to stay out in the garage way longer than necessary in order for wifey to cool off.
That's not even the point of the story.
Of course, there was no way I was going to let Mister get anywhere near anything with white paint and a brush. My gracious gophers, no. I'm quick to fire, but quick to forgive when it's not worth an onion. So Mister was demoted to support personnel as I set about turning this fiasco into an opportunity to dab paint on all the little chinks and chisels that inevitably appear on cupboard doors and baseboards and door frames.
Like, for instance, here's part of the hallway.
Looks fine from up here, right?
Well, after a few dabs in this room and that room, for some dumb reason my eyes decided to focus on this baseboard. Big mistake. I mean, who LIVES here? It is filthy, filthy dirty!
Like a wolverine, I dropped low and retraced my steps. This one, too. And, yup, that cupboard there. And, ew, look at this! Even though I have enough practical sense to realize only a visiting toddler would be close enough to the ground to notice all this pfuey pfilth, as a homemaker I still ashamed myself.
I can't believe I've become a costumed to not seeing these things! You would think I made cards and played with my online friends 16 hours a day.
I can't believe I've become a costumed to not seeing these things! You would think I made cards and played with my online friends 16 hours a day.
Enjoy your Thursday! Remember, don't focus unless it's on your art! As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Paper: PTI kraft, SU alway
artichoke and certainly celery
Stamps: PTI Signature Greetings
Die: Memory Box Prim Poppy
Hi Darnell, I am still clapping, once for those lovely ladies, once for your gorgeous card (love that Memory Box die too) and once for your funny story, it really tickled me today. I do think you should venture into journalling and keep a note of these lovely stories.....just saying....glad someone else spends as much time in cyberspace as I do....Crafty hugs, Anne xx
Thank you again for the big cheer up this week...A x
Lovely card - as always, and fun story - love the image of the menopause pipe! lol! Now I'm looking around at my baseboards......
Hi Darnell, gorgeous & elegant card ! So different from yesterday but love it too ! You are too funny posting a photo of your baseboards. I'm always looking at mine wishing I had more desire to clean them :) Have a great day ! Shirleyx
Making cards is a much more worthy pursuit!! (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it).
Great use of the colors - I love the simple shadow creating an elegant flower! So glad to see you at Dynamic Duos!
Beautiful card Darnell-and your posts do make me laugh !!
You call them "baseboards" ,here in England we call them "skirting boards"-well,whatever you choose to call them i don't know anyone who cleans them until they do look dirty-so you are not alone my dear !! :) x
Fabulous card Darnell, and I love your tall story - what are men like eh!!
Sylvia x
Love that die ..in fact think I've got it, but thanks for reminding my pretty it can be!x
LOL! This card making love has sure takes our time away, from cleaning….. !
Your card is gorgeous! I love the simplicity of it Darnell.
Flushed fig… too funny!
And yes my husband still ate the pie . First he put his brief case down and got out the vacuum. I love that guy!
Pretty flowers, Darnell! Actually toddlers are pretty good at keeping the dust off the baseboards. Jack thinks it's great fun to take a rag and wipe things down. Hmm. I think I go get out a rag and put him to work.
Giggles and chuckles, Darnell I agree with Redanne you should journal these pops of wisdom and delightful stories then sent it to an editor to be published. My gracious gophers? where do you come up with them? Is that like down home talkin"
Oh by the way Your card is gorgeous and I so want that die that I did a hand cut one. Pinned on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/carole_sweeney1/recreated-cards/
Be well my friend
Dippy, I love you in your comfort zone.......but I can't comment on the rest as my sides are aching way too much!
Karen x
Hi Darnell, I don't usually comment on all the blogs I read but I have to comment on yours! First off, thank you for all of your lovely comments - I so appreciate them. I have been reading your blog and loving all of your creations and I especially love reading your stories. You are so creative on paper as you are with paper! Have a great day! Hugs, Harriet
Well, I love your simple, beautiful card. But I enjoyed your story of household excitement just as much! ;-) Reminds me of my own life... LOL! Glad you could join Dynamic Duos this week. ;-)
Beautiful card...that's one of my favorite dies!
As for baseboards...I refuse to look at mine! I too many other things that are WAY more important...LOL! no, really!
So, with that said, when you get through with your baseboards, how about hopping over to my place and give my baseboards a quick spit shine!
LOVE this CAS card ~ great use of the colors and I LOVE the die (you must have figured out a good way to cut the Memory Box dies). If my grave stone says she made pretty good cards and was a lousy housekeeper, I'm fine with that!
Gorgeous CAS card....though I really did love those butterfly tags! As for the baseboards, not true friend is going to inspect them when they come over! I say stamp on! Thanks for playing with us at Dynamic Duos!
You are cracking me up LOL!!! I can so relate to your whole scenario! Good to know I am not alone! Your CAS card is lovely!
To think Wise man was trying to be so gallant carrying that chair for you...LOL! You had me shedding tears of laughter on this one, Darnell! LOVE your stories and this card is absolutely, positively a beautiful CAS card! I dare not go browse the Memory Box dies for fear I may get myself into a tad bit of trouble...
Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos this week! :)
Love the card so elegant. Round of applause agreed they do work so hard to get us all inspired. Poor mister I can see his poor face :(... Your stories always make me chuckle.. sandy :)
I have *needed* this die for a while now, and you've just proven to me that I really do *need* it. LoVe your amazing card! Thanks for the fun story too!
Hi Darnelle, so glad you stopped by my blog! Your card is so elegant! Funny story!!! LOL!
Thanks for your visit and advice. carolea.sweeney@comcast.net
I love reading your posts! :):) Your card is so pretty! Love the CAS layout! Hugs!!
I do enjoy reading your Blog posts, they always make me smile.
Love this card it's so elegant. Such a pretty die. Perfect for LIM. xx
Superb card Darnel
Terrifically CAS
I just don't look at my baseboards with my glasses on lol
Thank you
mandi LIM
Gorgeous card. I had to laugh at your story.....I have been "pickey" over the last week or two even writing a list of jobbies for our week off. The only thing is we need a month off to do all the jobbies!! This pipe....is it the same one that gives ladies "tropical moments" as my friend calls them!! Me? Not ready for those yet!!
Super card. It's so elegant.
Your card is beautiful! Thanks for always making me laugh when I come to visit your blog....I never know what I may see and read here but its always fun:) Hugs x x
Just so classy and elegant...love that poppy die! Enjoy your weekend!
Love your post and your card. Still chuckling . . . :) ann
Lovely CAS card, you gave me a giggle with your hubbies moving capers, it never pays too look too closely as you create way too many jobs for yourself. Hope hubbie and door frame have now recovered!
Love your card Darnell! It's so elegant - and then I got engrossed in the tale and all thoughts of elegance disappeared. I squeaked and giggled - just so true here as well! I sometimes defend myself by saying that if folks notice certain things then they had no business being down or up there looking in the first place so it serves them right!
It doesn't cut any ice though:(
Hugs, Di xx
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