Time again, ladies and germs, for the Julia Dunnit show: WHAT'S ON YOUR WORKDESK? WEDNESDAY!! Put the kids out in the yard, send hubby off, period, put the pets on the schoolbus, and gather round with a cuppa or a mug or tall cool one. Hop along the WOWYER link, peek along the doorway, window, or porthole ~ gwon, step in. That's the whole idea, sister!
Here's mine!
That's my BFF, Cheryl Ann, but, of course, I call her Mrytha Sue. We've known each other for 39 years when she came to work at the law firm where I worked! Although I've stayed put over the years, she's been back and forth from the western U.S. to the eastern U.S. and vice and versa and versa and vice. Now she's settled back in Denver, closer again to me, woo-hoho!!
Now we didn't really drink up all those libatitations (yet), but we thought it would be funnier than anything to bring the bar out and put it on the desk for today's WOYWW! What's on my workdesk with Mrytha here? Par Tay!
Enjoy your hopping along the WOYWWny Trail! As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

How sweet to have your BFF so close. Looks like a fun Par tay! #138
Brilliant post Darnell, what fun, I hope you both have a wonderful par tay!!!
Oh I see! Now we know the real reason behind your crazy sense of humour and whacky posts!! Save me some of that Irish Cream will ya?? I pity your poor husband, I really do!
Brenda 5
So funny...we use my desk as the bar on partay nights too, And I just know you and that Mrytha Sue will be having some big fun! What a lovely photo and also, how fab fab fab to have your BFF back!
So funny...we use my desk as the bar on partay nights too, And I just know you and that Mrytha Sue will be having some big fun! What a lovely photo and also, how fab fab fab to have your BFF back!
Where are you?? I'll be right over!!
Hi Darnell, I have often wondered what it was that powered that great sense of humour you have and now - cough, cough - I know! Your friend looks like a lovely happy smiley person too - lovely pics. Crafty hugs, Anne x #32
Ah your secret is out now! Hope ewe have a grate thyme at yore Par Tay! Hap pea WOYWW! Victoria no.87
Yay! Mine's a margarita!!
Hello to BFF and wow I love your desk awesome but where is my Chivas Regal? and the ice? ok so I will settle for G&T or a Vodka & Lemonade either, either. LOL
Your desk is as good as mine and so more inviting. I will be there soon.
Eliza #24
Well, your friend is a most lovely looking lady. Seems like a person I'd want to know. Now after seeing all these bot-tls, I will be looking for my long tall cool one if I got on the playground. Oh yeah, I love that Irish creme! The golden margarita has never touched my lips, but I'd probably LIKE it! TFS! Enjoy your friend!
Elaine #31
Great picture of a working desk...hmmm...I hope you guys have made a dent in the dent in the volume available for consumption. Have fun and party hardy! Vickie #68
Exactly where I'd be - outside avoiding all those bottles - LOL BJ#6
Have fun there Darrnell with Mrytha Sue. Hope you had fun with your desk goodies today. Sandy :)
FUN! Thanks for the giggles!
ok...do you drink before, after or during your crafting sessions??? How fun to have your friend pop in to see you too, hope you have a fabulous time together.
Oh Darnell you are too funny ! When I saw the thumbnail on my sidebar to your blog post I thought "it sure looks like 'beverages' on her workdesk" and sure enough it is ! Great photo of your friend peeking in. You ladies seem to be having a blast. Enjoy ! Shirleyx
LOL! How fun!!! Enjoy your visit!
have fun visiting with your BFF! Lindsay #46
You are al2ays such a hoot and you didn't let me down today...oh no, indeed!
Good on you girl! Psr tay!!!
Sounds like that was one big party! Hope you have recovered by now. LOL
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #52
Gin is my the one true crafting essential and is always to be found on my desk ( only in the evenings you understand ) So I really appreciated this photo and your friend peeping through the window made me laugh ! Have fun !
Darnell I'm loving the look of your desk this week, hick, great fun! It must be really great to have your friend moving back close to you...I've lost count of good friends I've lost contact with over the years with hubby in the forces. Always great to catch up. Sorry this is late but playing catch up this week. Thanks for sharing and hoping you are having a great weekend.
Thanks for popping by my space, hugs Erika.
Sorry to be so late returning your comment Darnell, but it’s been one of those weeks.
How lovely that your ‘crafty’ friend has moved back close to you so you can spend time being creative together. Sadly my friend has just moved away from the area but I’ve already had an invite to go and stay…and she’s by the sea, so you bet, I’ll be going very soon.
Happy Crafting!
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