
May 13, 2024

Awash in Washi Die-Cuts!

Hello Stamplings!

Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed the weekend! We had a wonderful lunch yesterday with both grandtwins home! We couldn't stop smiling!

The Mister and I also had a wonderful last-minute getaway to the coast during the week, so time in the Playhouse has been limited. Not to worry, it gave me the perfect opportunity to finally put to use all the pretty Washi tape die-cuts my friend Bev generously gave me last fall.😙 And they were perfect for this second week of May for my I.D.E.A.S. schedule (D=die cuts. See side bar). 

Enjoy whooshing through the photos! I'm off to pick up Hammy and Stanley from the neighbor kids ... if they'll let me!
R & R
We enjoyed the pounding waves, empty beach, and perfect weather ~ crisp and cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon.
A beach guard bird?! This solitary pelican was enjoying the sun out of the wind. (Don't worry that it was injured. It wasn't happy that we interrupted its nap, but it flew away just fine.)
The sunsets were magical!


Enjoy your week! No, seriously, enjoy! LITS!* 

Lucky you, if you are seeing a rare display of Northern Lights from the solar storm! As always, thank you for coming by to visit the Playhouse and special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower and leave some love! 

*Life is too short!


  1. Beautiful cards Darnell, and great use of the washi die-cuts. Do hope Hammy and Stanley behaved them selves while you were away, and that they were happy to come home.
    You holiday looks marvelous!!
    We were able to see a wee bit of the Aurora Australis on Saturday night - a first for me, as it's normally only seen waaay down the bottom of the South Island, but it was visible all over the country!

  2. Great cards !!!! And your trip sounds also very good !!!
    groeten Ineke

  3. Well who knew that washi tape could be die cut to make such beautiful cards as these - fabulous selection. Washi has always left me rather 'cold' and I've never been able to rouse any enthusiasm for using it. Thanks also for sharing those lovely photographs taken during your short break.

  4. What a fab array of cards Darnell, you were certainly on a roll with these.
    Oh to be near the sea and feel the sand between your toes, well not so much afterwards! I missed the Northern Lights but my daughter caught some fab images. :)

  5. WOW! The collection of cards is just beautiful and so are the photos of your coastal getaway! NJ on everything - you've really been hard at work and play and I'm loving the beautiful sunset too! Life is good, eh?

  6. Fabulous inspiration, Darnell! Although it's hard to pick, my fave is the Sending Hugs card with the blue leaves. I don't remember seeing that washi tape, but expect some cards from me based on this inspiration! I've got several sets that could use some love. And the beach . . . one of my favorite places to go. Glad you had such wonderful weather.

  7. WOWser! What a beautiful collection of cards and some super photos of your recent break too, the guard pelican is so funny! Glad you got to enjoy quality time with the grandtwins for Mothers Day too, Darnell

    Happy Monday


  8. Amazing collection of cards and fabulous picture!

  9. What stunning cards these are made with washi die cuts. Each design is beautiful and every card is so different from the others. Your choice of get a way is magical. Those sunsets are lovely and such a great place to relax. I'm glad you got to do that. I'm sure it was wonderful to see the twins too.

  10. LOVE your array of beautiful cards, and totally intrigued by that blue washi! So many pretties here, just waiting to plant a smile on the recipient's face but it already had that effect on me!
    Your beach time is well-deserved and cherished, I'm sure. I hope you two really enjoyed yourself. As for the beach guard bird, I believe he was using the walkway to soak in the work sand yet have a windbreak between the taller mounds of grass -- so relaxing!

  11. WOW!! What a wonderful selection of beautiful cards Darnell, such lovely colours too.
    Your photos are stunning, looks like you had a wonderful time, Kate x

  12. I love your cards, such elegant and beautiful designs. Your break sounds just perfect. Fabulous photos of everything, including the sunsets. As for the Northern lights? We have been told we should be able to see them, but nuffin appears around here! :(

  13. FANTASTIC cards Darnell and even more fantastic holiday snaps xx

  14. Your R and R looks beautiful. Glad you enjoyed.

  15. A day with your grand-twins, and a getaway with your best guy? What more could a girl ask for?? Good for you, D!
    Every card is a treat - looks like a fun day of playing cards, to me!

  16. What a wonderful getaway, Darnell. It didn't interfere with you card-making in the least. You put together a beautiful array of washi tape adorned cards.

  17. How many fabulous cards with those washi-die cuts! Wow! Amazing works!
    You have had a wonderful vacation, such beautiful places! Amazing photos and I'm relieved that the pelican was fine! :)

  18. Monday already...and you have outdone yourself Dolly! What a bevy of beautiful cards! Your beach pictures are awesome (sigh). I'm so glad you could get together with the kids and the grandkids! A special time for sure.

  19. Wowee, you've been a busy bee! Terrific cards, Darnell. Looks like a perfect getaway with The Mister! Glad you got to spend some time with the boys too!

  20. Your cards AND your getaway photos are gorgeous! I've heaerd of Washi tape with coordinating dies but have not had a chance to play with it. I can see from your cards that the results can be outstanding. I hope the remaining days of May are as lovely and productive as what you shared wit us today.

  21. Wow that was a feast for the eyes! Beautiful cards, and fabulous photos xxx

  22. All the cards and your mini vacation pix are beautiful, Darnell xoxo

  23. WOW! These cards are absolutely gorgeous! And your get away looked very calm and relaxing! Glad you had a good Mother's Day!

  24. Me too, love all your cards and holiday pictures of the beach, and just everything. Thanks for the washi tape idea, I just found a roll bought ages ago. Hugs to you.

  25. Well I thoroughly enjoyed checking out your gorgeous cards... wow they're all fabulous Darnell... got to finish off a couple so I can join in this week. ALSO love that you enjoyed a lovely little escape... I love the sea too, and peaceful walks... they're great photos, hugs Robyn

  26. Wowie, you did all this and still had a Mother's Day lunch and a fabulous coastal getaway? I'm super impressed! The gorgeous washi tape helps speed things up, but the card designs take time. They're all just so beautiful! I've gone out every night to look for the lights, but there have been too many factors preventing them being visible.

  27. Wow - what a fabulous batch of cards using the washi die cuts, Darnell - lucky you to get some and you've used them so creatively!! Beautiful photos from your trip too - lucky you to live so close to the ocean!!

  28. wow, you were busy with the die cuts. Such pretty cards ♥
    Nice to see you and the Mister getting away for a romantic weekend at the beach :)

  29. An amazing array of cards! Love all those washi tape die cuts and the wonderful variety of card designs you created. Looks like it was a wonderful little getaway - beautiful sunsets and a pelican to boot!

  30. Getaways are such fun especially when you have in between seasons weather...the good kind.

    Your cards are all lovely and a great add to your stash pile.

  31. That looks like the perfect getaway, Dolly! Sun, sand, and sunsets on the beach. And gotta love the solitude! Hope you are feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

    Amazing cards using all those fabulous washi die-cuts, Dolly. WOW! Each one is so special and beautiful. Love, Lolly

  32. Wow, Darnell, I love this beautiful collection of cards! All the backgrounds are perfect for the die cuts and show them off beautifully. Way to add lots of cards to your stash!!.

    Your holiday photos are lovely and I hope you feel rested after a break away in such beautiful surroundings.

    Hope you are well,
    Carol x

  33. What a LOT of beautiful cards, Darnell - they just went on and on! And you beach day looks magnificent!

  34. Wow looks like you had a fabulous time the photos are stunning and the place looks gorgeous too, beautiful cards Darnell as always your so inspiring x

  35. Hi Darnell. What a treat to visit and see your holiday snaps! Such glorious colours and you and the Mister looking well and happy by the sea! a veritable abundance of beautiful cards too. What inspirational ways to use your die cut washi gift! Vicky x

  36. So many amazing cards Darnell. And those sunsets are gorgeous. Great pictures.

  37. wow, Darnell! Absolutely stunning array of gorgeous inspiration! Those washi die cuts are just fabulous. And to put together so many cards with them, all just lovely, is super impressive. Looks like you had a beautiful break too. Thanks for sharing all the cards and mini break photos xx

  38. Wow Darnell, what a lot of wonderful cards..I suddenly realised that I had not remarked on all these beauties, and the washi die cuts have been transformed into fabulous cards using lots of wonderful die cut backgrounds and frames, and even some masked inking in that pretty pink to go with these oh so pretty flowers, and I do love all the blue tones of the leaves on the first five. Your break away looks fabulous and great to have that huge beach to yourselves, and love the lone pelican and also the terrific sunset photos. x


Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I read and appreciate every one! Mwah! (Sorry I've had to set comments to moderate because of excessive spam.) Darnell