
April 24, 2012

Mojo Monday 238 - Mother's Day

A terrific Tuesday hello!

I made a card for this week's Mojo Monday challenge, which is this sketch:

The talented Mary Fish always comes up with clever challenges.  I decided to use lots of sunshine and daisies and make a Mother's Day card:

That was on the brink of too much diddling for me, but I knew what I wanted and I severed through all nine, wait, twelve bits and pieces.  Isn't that white daisy on the SU background paper just the happiest?  It makes me grin.

I've another new follower who also makes me happy with her talent and her blog.  She is Sarah of Sarah's Little Snippets.  Thank you, Sarah!  Give her a visit when you get a chance.

I may be back later on today to post for tomorrow's WOYWW, but then there may be radio silence for a couple of days.  I'm having a routine colonoscopy tomorrow and afterwards, I'll no doubt be more interested in napping then in crafting.  I can already feel myself getting weak as a baby from being on liquids for three hours today.  I'm just a shadow, I'm so thin.  Hahahahahahahaha!  What a joke!  I could go thirty hours on liquids and my shadow would still block out the sun.

Mister very kindly went to the store to get me some popsicles and jello, which I can have today.  I joke about him, but since I was diagnosed 30 years ago with Crohn's Disease, he has ridden by my side through all the ups and downs over the years.  I've been through this procedure dozens of times and I'm so grateful for the technology.  Still, merciful heavens, I do wish they could figure out a kinder preparatory.  Nevermind, it's all good.

Well, that was just too serious if you ask me.  In keeping with what was supposed to be a sunshiny post, here's a favorite pun to uplift you:
I stayed up all night to see where the sun went.
Then it dawned on me.
Please enjoy ~ and, as always, thank you for stopping by to visit.   Special thanks to you if you take the time to join as a follower or leave a comment!

Paper:  SU So Saffron; BP
Stamps:  SU, Happy Mother's Day (I
  masked it, to put happy on top);
  Mom from Hampton Art Stamps;
  Sun from WishPrints
Ink:  SU Close to Cocoa
Daisy:  K and Company
Eyelet:  SU; brad unknown
Ribbon:  Richard's sheer ivory


  1. Your card is lovely Darnell and that quote at the end is so funny. Sorry to hear that you are having a procedure tomorrow, just come home, put the feet up and let your wonderful Mister pamper you, I have no doubt that you deserve it.

  2. I couldn't stop laughing at your end quote!! A lovely bright and uplifting card. Hope tomorrow goes ok and trust you will be well looked after when you get home. I hated not eating anything before my general anaesthetic a few weeks ago... normally I have one big meal that starts when I get up and ends when I go to bed so it was a big shock not eating anything! Will be thinking of you tomorrow :)

  3. Lovely card & thanks for the comments too ! my brother just had a colonoscopy and now has to have another as they found a 'blockage'.Not his week I think as he also has a clot on his lungs too!...good luck for tomorrow too :) Viv xx

  4. I hope everything goes well tomorrow, and you can just sleep the rest of the day away. Just don't stay up looking for the sun. Your card is gorgeous I just love that buttery yellow.( I also love butter) This turned out beautiful, I might give this one a try.

  5. Gorgeous sunshiney card Darnell. ;) Crohn's is very difficult (I have a friend who has it)...I pray your colonoscopy goes without a hitch. Thank you for your sweet visit.

  6. This is such a beautiful sunflower and since it's cloudy and drizzly here this morning, it was much appreciated. Good luck on the prep and test tomorrow. I agree, the prep is worse than the procedure.

  7. Hi Darnell, Hope you are back on your feet and great! I just had to come for a visit since it's been awhile. Adorable card...very sunny!

  8. Love your cheery card and it was definitely worth all the diddling! Hope all went well for you today with the colonoscopy and that you made ti through your day of liquids! I'm like you - just knowing I'm not supposed to eat makes me feel like I'm wasting away! (A few days of it would probably do me good though!) ;)

  9. Sooooo pretty. Of course I love daisys. Sweet dreams after your colonoscopy, prayers all is good.


  10. This card is so bright and sunny cant help but make you smile :)

  11. Fabulous card! Hope you are recovering too.

  12. Beautiful, sunny card!!! Love the big sunflower! Thanks for playing Mojo Monday :)


Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I read and appreciate every one! Mwah! (Sorry I've had to set comments to moderate because of excessive spam.) Darnell