
January 17, 2012

Card Blogs and Contests and Whiskers on Mittens

Kraft paper cards tied up with twine,
Stamps with cute bunnies, even a swine!
Cream-colored cardstock and crisp linen strings,
These are a few of my favorite things!

But blogs are so many, contests are more.
There's no time for seeing all I adore!
These talented women surely have wings -
Their "hives" and their cards are my favorite things!

I'm lamenting today about "so many crafters, so little time!"  I started my website/blog because I had already uploaded years of my cards onto Smugmug and I wanted a way to simply showcase my work there by a link from this venue.  Okay, that was good, that worked, but since then I have become hooked on this whole community I've found of card-makers who blog to showcase their creations, or who otherwise showcase them through other means.  There's a ton of fabulous blogs and beautiful stuff out there, people! 

Do most of you have secretaries?  Seriously.  I am amazed at how you are able to run a home, often have jobs outside of the home, have blogs, create challenges and sketches, design stamps, and still have time to make cards to share and enter into contests.  Phew! 

I am begining to feel inadequate trying to write a blog and make cards and enter contests - and, yes, I understand that if there are whiskers on the mittens, it's time to put them in the wash.  I'm writing this note as a stern talking-to, to myself.  I must not become obsessed with all this computer stuff related to cards.  I must not sit here for so many hours that I no longer have any time to make cards of my own.  I may enter contests, but I may not become overly competitive, as such.  I may admire someone else's creativity, but I must not be envious. 

Okay, good.  I feel better.  I'm in control now.  I'm going to unbuckle my computer chair belt, step away from the abundant, enchanting, and encouraging stamping community, make my way to my Playhouse, and create something that makes me smile.  But wait, where do I start?  I now have hundreds of design inspirations to choose from!  One step at a time, pick one, and create.

And then, tongue-in-cheek, I'll blog about it, post it, enter it into a contest or two, see if anyone looked at it, better yet commented about it, then wonder if ...

Hooked on the intertube,


  1. Darnell: I feel your pain! Blogging and blog following is not only time consuming, but addictive! Yet, one kind comment is always enough to put a smile on my face and keep me going. Don't get discouraged, you will find balance. Focus on the joy of creating. Your work is beautiful! Hugs :)

    1. Thank you so much, Sandy! It's funny you should say "focus on the joy of creating." Susan Raihala, on her "questioning my intelligence" blog, asked recently what word we would choose for 2012 and I chose "focus!" Hopefully, by the end of the year, the result will be your words of encouragement that I "will find balance." Thanks for reading and commenting!


Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I read and appreciate every one! Mwah! (Sorry I've had to set comments to moderate because of excessive spam.) Darnell